The UU Role Comparison Project


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The UU Role Comparison Project

Approved by kokoloko
Credit to Theorymon for the OP and idea and ScraftyIsTheBest for making this thread last gen.

Have you ever pinpointed a Pokémon on one of your teams, where you find it's role to be extremely useful for your team, but wonder "man, if only there was a similar Pokémon that had more manageable flaws for my team"? If so, this is the thread for you! Believe it or not, there tend to be a lot more Pokémon that can achieve a certain role than you think, but often times, these Pokémon are obscure, or they may be common Pokémon using an unusual set, so the people who are looking for such a "role replacement" may end up never finding it!

This thread aims to fix that problem! The main goal of this thread is to highlight certain underrated Pokémon sets, by comparing them to more common Pokémon who fulfill similar roles, both the advantages and the disadvantages! This way, people who feel like their team could use with some changes can get some tips from this thread, or if they are just making a team with certain roles in mind, they can be exposed to some Pokémon that deserve more usage! Also, don't worry if you can't think of any good examples, commenting on examples already mentioned to incite discussion is fine too!

Here's an example to get you guys started. Feel free to use the same format, since it gets right to the point, but if you feel the need to deviate a bit, that's fine too!
Heracross as a Choice Scarf user vs. Mienshao


Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Regenerator/Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- U-Turn
- Knock Off
- Stone Edge (filler)


Heracross @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Moxie
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Megahorn
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake / Night Slash

Heracross's Advantages:

1. Moxie Heracross can gain power as he revenge kills a certain Pokemon. With the Attack boosts gained per every kill, Heracross can also blow through the team with its power to be a sweeper

2. Megahorn This means Heracross can also legitimately deal some serious damage to Mew and Azelf, which Mienshao cannot do (and has to resort to U-turn to do so). This also means Heracross can deal some more damage to Shaymin than what Mienshao can do.

3. Better bulk Not that big of an advantage, but this means Heracross is capable of taking a hit or two, while Mienshao folds to even the lightest of Attacks, Heracross can sometimes take at least one neutral hit

Heracross's Disadvantages:

1. Lower Speed While Mienshao has the luxury of outpacing every Choice Scarf user in UU with its cookie-cutter Scarf set, Heracross often finds itself outpaced by Scarf Raikou, Scarf Flygon, and some other revenge killers. Mienshao, on the other hand, is faster than everything in UU bar the rare Acrotile and thus is a more useful revenge killer in general

2. Weaker STAB move Heracross's Close Combat still isn't quite as powerful as Mienshao's Reckless boosted Hi Jump Kick, meaning Heracross doesn't always hit as hard

3. Lack of U-turn Mienshao can switch right out of predicted switches to Nidoqueen and Cofagrigus, which means it can then immediately resort to a teammate to remove its counters. Heracross can't do this, and is forced to switch out if it mispredicts a Queen/Cofag switch-in.

Role Comparison Archive:
Starmie vs Blastoise as a Water-type Rapid Spinner


Starmie's Advantages:

1. Recover:
This gives Starmie the ability to come in multiple times throughout the battle and regain health after Spinning.

2. No Mega Stone: This is huge, as not only can Starmie hold an item such as Life Orb or Leftovers, but you are able to use another Mega Evolution on your team.

3. Speed: Starmie is extremely fast, and can outpace opponents such as Entei and non-scarfed Victini, which Blastoise has no hope of doing.

Starmie's Disadvantages:

1. Less Bulk: Blastoise is much bulkier than Starmie, allowing it to take hits from stuff like Sharpedo.

2. Less Power: After the mega evolving, Blastoise has a great 135 Special Attack that allows it to beat every Spinblocker there is with a Mega-Launcher boosted Dark Pulse, whereas Starmie has trouble with Gourgeist and Jellicent.
editing atm

Victini vs Darmanitan as Scarf users(although Victini is generally better with cb, but scarf is still popular)

Pros for
Victini @ choice scarf
252 atk/ 252 spd
Nature: Jolly
-Bolt strike
-Zen Headbutt/ Brick Break
A lot better bulk: can easily take most neutral hits, and switch in a lot more easily.

Better speed: its only five points, but those matter (especially if Haxorus, Hydreigon and salamence drop back).

Electric and psychic type moves, to hit water types and fighting types.

STAB-move has no recoil Makes it easier to revenge kill targets multiple times in the match, especially if there are stealth rock on the field.

Pros for
Darmanitan Choice Scarf
252 atk/252 spd
Nature: Jolly/ Adamant
-Flare Blitz
-Superpower/Earthquake/Rock Slide
-Superpower/Earthquake/Rock Slide


A lot More power in its moves outside of V-create, thanks to base 140 attack (vs 100) and sheer force.

Rock, Ground and Fighting type moves to hit fire and rock types.
Qwilfish vs Tentacruel as a Water-type Toxic Spiker


Qwilfish @ Black Sludge
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 52 Spe
Impish Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Destiny Bond/Pain Split/Explosion
- Poison Jab/Watefall
- Thunder Wave/Haze

Qwilfish's Advantages:

1. Intimidate (Better Physical Bulk):
With Intimidate, it can talk on some Psyhical attackers in the tier such as Darmanitan and Victini (To an extent) fairly nicely. Tentacruel isn't taking Physical blows any time soon (Unless you run an EV spread that's like that).

2. Ability to also set up Spikes if needed: Qwilfish can set up both Spikes and Toxic Spikes, so it's nice to have if you want both in one package.

3. Neat options for suiciding: With Explosion or Destiny Bond, Qwilfish can either eliminate a major threat on the opponent's team, or safely bring in another Pokemon (Though this can lead to wasting a turn).

Qwilfish's Disadvantages:

1. Lack of Rapid Spin:
Tentacruel can spin away unwanted Spikes or Stealth Rocks if the opportunity comes. Qwilfish has no real way of getting rid of hazards bar Toxic Spikes.

2. Worse Special Bulk: Tentacruel takes Special hits a lot better then Qwilfish. Not like you would want to send Qwilfish into Special attackers anyway.

3. Slower: While Tentacruel can easily set up Toxic Spikes due to 100 base speed, while Qwilfish has an only moderate base 85 speed.

Nidoqueen versus Nidoking
as an offensive Stealth Rock setter
Pros for using Nidoqueen:
  • Nidoqueen has more natural bulkthan Nidoking (90/87/85 versus 81/77/75) and is commonly known to run significant HP investment. This allows Nidoqueen to survive more hits, even those of higher power, and provide any offensive team with an immediate defensive backbone.
  • Because of this bulk and its typing (which they both share), Nidoqueen can act as a one-(wo)man core as kokoloko pointed out in his article for The Smog. It provides an excellent switch-in to the likes of Heracross, Florges, and most Electric-type threats while still providing offensive prowess.
  • None of the coverage in switching to Nidoqueen from Nidoqueen is lost; their movepools are essentially the same.
Cons for using Nidoqueen:
  • Nidoqueen is unfortunately slowerand rarely runs any major speed investment (128 EVs is usually its maximum), meaning it's commonly outsped by a vast number of threats, including opposing Nidoking.
  • Nidoqueen isn't as strong as Nidoking. Both may run a Sheer Force + Life Orb set, but Nidoking has a higher base Special Attack (75 versus 85), and will commonly be out-damaged by Nidoking.
  • Predictability. I use this loosely, but most, if not every Nidoqueen runs a form of hazards (Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, or both), whereas Nidoking doesn't. Nidoqueen is far more likely to eat a Taunt than Nidoking is.
  • Niodoqueen's back model is ugly as sin, whereas Nidoking looks like a badass from all angles.

At the end of the day, this match-up is really about your teams needs, but Nidoqueen is typically the better user thanks to its ability to take hits when needed. Most teams on the ladder are more likely to take advantage of said bulk and opt for Nidoqueen when using Stealth Rock, and simply use Nidoking as an offensive wallbreaker. Both are great Pokemon in today's metagame however.
M-Ampharos vs M-Manetric

As Bulky Pivot roles

Two Sets

Mega Physically Defensive
Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static --> Mold Breaker
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Nature: Bold
- Volt Switch
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Dragon Pulse


Mega Special Sweeper
Manectric @ Manectite
Ability: Lightningrod --> Intimidate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
- Hidden Power grass/Ice

I'll be comparing, M-Ampharos to M-Manetric

Pros for using M-Ampharos

-Better physical bulk even after Manectric's intimidate.
252+ Atk Heracross Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Ampharos: 145-172 (37.7 - 44.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

-1 252+ Atk Heracross Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Manectric: 169-199 (60.1 - 70.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-Better Special Bulk univested than M-Manetric.

-Great defensive and offensive typing. Along with STAB Dragon Pulse. Dragon typing gives it huge resistances in this metagame, though it gains a nasty Ice and fair weakness. The former is pretty rare and easy to play around with, and the latter is only used by 2 pokemon in this metagame(Florges and Gardevoir) Both of which neither ampharos nor Manectric has any business being in on.

-Can utilize Rest/talk with Electric and dragon being great coverage moves, giving it some form of recovery.

-About the same SpAtk if M-manectric opts to go Timid. (Only 3 pts higher.)

Cons for using M-Ampharos-SPEED!!Not only is it much much slower than M-Manectric even after an agility (if one were to run that set.) Its speed is slower than most walls, leaving it very vulnerable to be revenge killed by anything if it is in a critical state. While M-Manectric speed outspeeds the entire tier bar M-Aerodactyl and choice scarf users.
-Coverage, M-Ampharos is able to hit the entire metagame for neutral damage, but M-Manectric can hit majority of things for supereffective, with Overheat and HP coverage. Primarily Swampert and Quagsire, who love to switch into the two.

- Ability Intimidate, While I explained that M-Ampharos has better bulk even after an intimidate. Intimidate can allow a pokemon to set up or in certain situations stop a pokemon from sweeping. And M-Ampharos's ability can sometimes seem useless or helpful, but most of the time you are wishing it had a better ability.Pre-Megaevolving abilities, Manectric also shines in that as well. It can grab a lightningrod boost and prepare to hit harder than it did before. While regular ampharos isnt as bulky as its mega form.


Both are great electric types that are added to the tier. Both have similar roles in terms of being a bulky pivot for teams. The good/bad news is that they both take up a Mega Evo slot, so thats not a pro and con for either of them. If you said you needed a bulky pivot, take a look at your team and say which one of these electric types fits best.
Slowbro vs. Suicune as a bulky Water-type Booster.

Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Psyshock / Ice Beam
- Slack Off


Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Pros to using Slowbro:

1. Access to Slack Off: While Suicune is forced to rely on the unreliable RestTalk for recovery, Slowbro has access to quick and reliable recovery in Slack Off so it can heal up and still be in complete control of its actions the next turn. In addition, Slack Off also allows Slowbro to squeeze an extra coverage move onto its moveset, granting it more utility. also Admittedly, RestTalk does have a few small advantages which I'll cover later, but Slack Off is still definitely a huge plus for Slowbro over Suicune.

2. Ability to win CM wars: As mentioned before, Slowbro's access to Slack Off allows it to fit in extra coverage moves on its moveset, with a top option being Psyshock. With Psyshock, Slowbro has the ability to boost alongside opposing Calm Mind boosters and beat them, thanks to Psyshock hitting their unboosted Defense stats. This is a huge advantage when compared to Suicune, who actually has one of the worst overall performances in CM wars due to its lack of the above factors.

3: Regenerator: Regenerator allows Slowbro to stay in tip-top shape throughout the match, as even when it's low on health and too slow to Slack Off before the opponent takes it out, it can simply switch out, Regenerate, and get back up to green in no time. Regenerator also means it loses much less momentum even when it can't sweep, since it can stay in and burn a few things early-game and come back later to sweep, unlike Suicune who often has to play much more conservatively.

Cons to using Slowbro:

1. Worse overall bulk: Particularly on the special side, Slowbro's lesser bulk makes it more reliant on CM boosts to tank hits from certain attackers, with an example being Nidoking. On the other hand, Suicune's greater natural bulk allows it to boost more freely against special attackers even when unboosted, and makes it a better mixed wall.

2. Weaknesses to Ghost, Bug, and Dark: Slowbro's Psychic typing gives it several crippling weaknesses to common attacking types, and makes it unable to check several threats that Suicune can. For example, Slowbro can't go near things like Mega Houndoom, Chandelure, and Weavile, all of which Suicune can switch directly into. It also leaves it weak to Knock Off and U-turn, making it unable to check Pokémon like Mienshao as well it theoretically could.

3: Vulnerability to status: Like I said before, there are some small advantages for RestTalk over Slack Off, and this is one of them. Slowbro is much more vulnerable to random Toxics and such than Suicune, who can just Rest them off. Because of this, Suicune is able to serve as a status absorber of sorts, unlike Slowbro who has to stay away from status at all costs. I mean, I guess you could just use Rest on Slowbro, but you really shouldn't.
Hitmontop vs. Donphan as an AV Spinner :

Hitmontop @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Close Combat / High Jump Kick
- Mach Punch
- Sucker Punch / Stone Edge

Donphan @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Knock Off

Pros to using Hitmontop :

- Superior special bulk.
- More powerful Priority thanks to STAB.
- His main STAB is slightly more powerful than Donphan's.
- A better defensive typing with more uncommon weaknesses in UU.

Pros to using Donphan :

- Slightly better physical bulk even after taking Hitmontop's Intimidate into account.
- Ice Shard gets excellent coverage alongside Earthquake.
- Access to Knock Off gives him great utility, which is something Hitmontop sorely lacks.
- His main STAB doesn't decrease his defenses or risk him missing and receiving massive recoil, letting him stay in longer.

Conclusion :
Essentially, Hitmontop's advantages lie in its typing and ability, while Donphan's come from his stats and movepool. Personally, I prefer Donphan, but I heard someone make a good case for Hitmontop over Donphan, so I won't argue that Hitmontop is a solid option too. Both are decent defensive spinners, and they are very similar both in their offensive and defensive capabilities, so the choice between the two probably boils down to what typing your team needs most, and whether it prefers countering Manectric or Weavile.
Krookodile vs. Honchkrow as Physical LO Dark Type Attacker


Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Pursuit/Crunch
- Outrage/Stone Edge

Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Moxie
EVs 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def
- Brave Bird
- Sucker Punch
- Superpower/Heat Wave
- Pursuit

Krookodile Pros:
- Both of its STABs can be used effectively
- Well rounded stats, with Attack being the best
- Decent Speed
- Resistance to SR

Honchkrow Pros:
- Offensively oriented
- Despite bad defenses, high HP
- Higher Attack than Krookodile
- Bigger variety of move


If you want a harder hitting pokemon, Honchkrow can OHKO neutrallly resistant pokemon with brave bird + LO. However, due to its frailness, and despite its high HP, Honchkrow won't last on the field too long. Krookodile can be relied on to stay on the field longer, and cause decent damage. One advantage that Honchkrow has over Krook is the fact that it has access to priority - sucker punch. Overall, I like both 'mons the same.
Vaporeon and Alomomola

Leftovers (Water Absorb)
EVs: 252 HP 252 Def 4 SpA (can be tweaked)
Bold Nature

Leftovers (Regenerator)
EVs: 252 Def 252 SpD 4 Att (can be tweaked)
Impish Nature
-Knock Off / Toxic
-Waterfall / Toxic

Pros for Vaporeon include
  • Very rarely set up fodder because access to Roar
  • Noticeably higher special bulk than Alomomola even when uninvested in SpD
  • Noticeably stronger moves because higher SpA and Scald being a better option than Waterfall
  • Water Absorb to be immune to Scald and beat Suicune except last Pokemon scenarios
  • A little scarier if you do not reveal the set because can use a Specs or otherwise very offensive set
Pros for Alomomola include
  • Not extremely often set up fodder because access to Knock Off and Toxic
  • Much higher physical bulk than Vaporeon
  • Wishes are a little bigger
  • Regenerator (probably the biggest pro) makes Alomomola a fantastic Wish passer and increases her overall bulk
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On phone so no pics for now

Starmie vs Blastoise as a Water-type rapid spinner:

Pros for Starmie:

Recover: this gives Starmie the ability to come in multiple times throughout the battle and regain health after Spinning.

No Mega Stone: this is huge, as not only can Starmie hold an item such as Life Orb or Leftovers, but you are able to use another Mega Evolution on your team.

Speed: Starmie is extremely fast, and can outpace opponents such as Entei and non-scarfed Victini, which Blastoise has no hope of doing.

Pros for Blastoise:

Bulk: Blastoise is much bulkier than Starmie, allowing it to take hits from stuff like Sharpedo.

Hits a lot harder: after the mega evolution, Blastoise has a great 135 Special Attack that allows it to beat every Spinblocker there is with a Mega-Launcher boosted Dark Pulse, whereas Starmie has trouble with Gourgeist and Jellicent.

Blastoise looks cooler
Victini vs Darmanitan as Scarf users (although Victini is generally better with cb, but scarf is still popular)

Pros for
Victini @ choice scarf
252 atk/ 252 spd
Nature: Jolly
-Bolt strike
-Zen Headbutt/ Brick Break

A lot better bulk: can easily take most neutral hits, and switch in a lot more easily.

Better speed: its only five points, but those matter (especially if Haxorus, Hydreigon and salamence drop back).

Electric and psychic type moves, to hit water types and fighting types.

STAB-move has no recoil Makes it easier to revenge kill targets multiple times in the match, especially if there are stealth rock on the field.

Pros for
Darmanitan @choice scarf
252 atk/252 spd
Nature: Jolly/ Adamant
-Flare Blitz
-Superpower/Earthquake/Rock Slide
-Superpower/Earthquake/Rock Slide


A lot More power in its moves outside of V-create, thanks to base 140 attack (vs 100) and sheer force.

Rock, Ground and Fighting type moves to hit fire and rock types.
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You should bring up how Victini's spam move isn't suicidal. Victini is better for KOing isolated targets (slightly faster), while Darmanitan is better for late-game cleaning (no speed drops from Flare Blitz).
I'll have a shot at this:

Qwilfish vs Tentacruel as a Water-type Toxic Spiker

(Will edit post for image later)

Qwilfish @ Black Sludge
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 204 Def / 52 Spe
Impish Nature
- Toxic Spikes
- Destiny Bond/Pain Split/Explosion
- Poison Jab/Waterfall
- Thunder Wave/Haze

Qwilfish's Advantages:

1. Intimidate (Better Physical Bulk)
With Intimidate, it can take on some Physical attackers in the tier such as Darmanitan and Victini (To an extent) fairly nicely. Tentacruel isn't taking Physical blows any time soon (Unless you run an EV spread that's like that).

2. Ability to also set up Spikes if needed Qwilfish can set up both Spikes and Toxic Spikes, so it's nice to have if you want both in one package.

3. Neat options for suiciding With Explosion or Destiny Bond, Qwilfish can either eliminate a major threat on the opponent's team, or safely bring in another Pokemon (Though this can lead to wasting a turn).

Qwilfish's Disadvantages:

1. Lack of Rapid Spin
Tentacruel can spin away unwanted Spikes or Stealth Rocks if the opportunity comes. Qwilfish has no real way of getting rid of hazards bar Toxic Spikes.

2. Worse Special Bulk Tentacruel takes Special hits a lot better then Qwilfish. Not like you would want to send Qwilfish into Special attackers anyway.

3. Slower While Tentacruel can easily set up Toxic Spikes due to 100 base speed, Qwilfish has an only moderate base 85 speed.
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You should probably put the mienshao set in the OP too.

Mienshao @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Regenerator/Reckless
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- High Jump Kick
- U-Turn
- Knock Off
- Stone Edge (filler)

has stronger STAB even before reckless

No second STAB
No moxie
Less bulk

I know you had this but I just thought you might want the set.
putting the other Pokemon's set in the OP is a good idea, but the Pros/Cons for it are kinda the opposite of the other Pokemon's Pros/Cons. Idk if that made sense, but IMO, it's easier and more concise to do what's in the OP (except for the set, adding that).
I like this Idea

Hitmontop vs Machamp as a Choice band user


Hitmontop@Choice Band
Ability: Technician
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 172 HP/252 Atk/ 84 Spd
-Mach punch
-High jump kick
-Aerial Ace


Machamp@Choice Band
Ability: No guard
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 52 HP/252 Atk/ 204 Spd
-Knock off
-Dynampic punch
-Stone edge
-Ice punch

Pros for Hitmontop

With this ability Hitmontop can use the before gimmicky low power moves to great effect. Aswell as gaining STAB technician Boosted Priority (Mach punch)

Higher speed: Base 70 speed allows you to run less investment to outspeed common walls (base 80s used here)

Bulk: Suprised? Hitmontop is with that investment barely bulker on both sides than Machamp (ca 3-4% total difference)

Main STAB: High jump kick from Hitmontop hits about 9% stronger than Machamps Dynamic punch. It also has twice the PP.

Element of suprise: This might sound like a bad point, but Holding the element of suprise is difficult in the current meta, and not many people expects offensive Hitmontop or prepares for it. While just about eveyone knows what Machamps does.

Cons for Hitmontop

: Hitmontop lacks the Coverage from moves like Knock off and Stone Edge, which makes it easier for Machamp to break through walls like Slowbro.

STAB Secondary Effects: Hitmontops HKJ might miss, which makes it loose 50% HP without doing anything to the enemy, while Machamps Dynamic punch causing Confusion without fail is going to force alot of switches.

No No Guard: Machamps cant ever miss, hitmontop can. (Watchout for never missing W-o-W and toxic on machamp)
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Nidoqueen versus Nidoking
as an offensive Stealth Rock setter​
Pros for using Nidoqueen:
  • Nidoqueen has more natural bulk than Nidoking (90/87/85 versus 81/77/75) and is commonly known to run significant HP investment. This allows Nidoqueen to survive more hits, even those of higher power, and provide any offensive team with an immediate defensive backbone.
  • Because of this bulk and its typing (which they both share), Nidoqueen can act as a one-(wo)man core as kokoloko pointed out in his article for The Smog. It provides an excellent switch-in to the likes of Heracross, Florges, and most Electric-type threats while still providing offensive prowess.
  • None of the coverage in switching to Nidoqueen from Nidoqueen is lost; their movepools are essentially the same.
Cons for using Nidoqueen:
  • Nidoqueen is unfortunately slower and rarely runs any major speed investment (128 EVs is usually its maximum), meaning it's commonly outsped by a vast number of threats, including opposing Nidoking.
  • Nidoqueen isn't as strong as Nidoking. Both may run a Sheer Force + Life Orb set, but Nidoking has a higher base Special Attack (75 versus 85), and will commonly be out-damaged by Nidoking.
  • Predictability. I use this loosely, but most, if not every Nidoqueen runs a form of hazards (Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, or both), whereas Nidoking doesn't. Nidoqueen is far more likely to eat a Taunt than Nidoking is.
  • Niodoqueen's back model is ugly as sin, whereas Nidoking looks like a badass from all angles.

At the end of the day, this match-up is really about your teams needs, but Nidoqueen is typically the better user thanks to its ability to take hits when needed. Most teams on the ladder are more likely to take advantage of said bulk and opt for Nidoqueen when using Stealth Rock, and simply use Nidoking as an offensive wallbreaker. Both are great Pokemon in today's metagame however.

Nidoqueen versus Nidoking
as an offensive Stealth Rock setter​
Pros for using Nidoqueen:
  • Nidoqueen has more natural bulk than Nidoking (90/87/85 versus 81/77/75) and is commonly known to run significant HP investment. This allows Nidoqueen to survive more hits, even those of higher power, and provide any offensive team with an immediate defensive backbone.
  • Because of this bulk and its typing (which they both share), Nidoqueen can act as a one-(wo)man core as kokoloko pointed out in his article for The Smog. It provides an excellent switch-in to the likes of Heracross, Florges, and most Electric-type threats while still providing offensive prowess.
  • None of the coverage in switching to Nidoqueen from Nidoqueen is lost; their movepools are essentially the same.
Cons for using Nidoqueen:
  • Nidoqueen is unfortunately slower and rarely runs any major speed investment (128 EVs is usually its maximum), meaning it's commonly outsped by a vast number of threats, including opposing Nidoking.
  • Nidoqueen isn't as strong as Nidoking. Both may run a Sheer Force + Life Orb set, but Nidoking has a higher base Special Attack (75 versus 85), and will commonly be out-damaged by Nidoking.
  • Predictability. I use this loosely, but most, if not every Nidoqueen runs a form of hazards (Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, or both), whereas Nidoking doesn't. Nidoqueen is far more likely to eat a Taunt than Nidoking is.
  • Niodoqueen's back model is ugly as sin, whereas Nidoking looks like a badass from all angles.

At the end of the day, this match-up is really about your teams needs, but Nidoqueen is typically the better user thanks to its ability to take hits when needed. Most teams on the ladder are more likely to take advantage of said bulk and opt for Nidoqueen when using Stealth Rock, and simply use Nidoking as an offensive wallbreaker. Both are great Pokemon in today's metagame however.

Unless I'm mistaken, Nidoqueen runs Modest while Nidoking usually runs Timid, because of that they are pretty equal in terms of power. Actually, Queen is slightly stronger but it's not a significant difference (273 vs 269). Calc:
252+ SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoqueen Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 200-238 (58.6 - 69.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Nidoking Sludge Wave vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mew: 199-234 (58.3 - 68.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
Practically the same damage output.
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M-Ampharos vs M-Manetric

As Bulky Pivot roles

Two Sets

Mega Physically Defensive
Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static --> Mold Breaker
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Nature: Bold
- Volt Switch
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Dragon Pulse


Mega Special Sweeper
Manectric @ Manectite
Ability: Lightningrod --> Intimidate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spe
Nature: Timid
- Volt Switch
- Thunderbolt
- Overheat
- Hidden Power grass/Ice

I'll be comparing, M-Ampharos to M-Manetric

Pros for using M-Ampharos

-Better physical bulk even after Manectric's intimidate.
252+ Atk Heracross Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Mega Ampharos: 145-172 (37.7 - 44.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO

-1 252+ Atk Heracross Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Manectric: 169-199 (60.1 - 70.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

-Better Special Bulk univested than M-Manetric.

-Great defensive and offensive typing. Along with STAB Dragon Pulse. Dragon typing gives it huge resistances in this metagame, though it gains a nasty Ice and fair weakness. The former is pretty rare and easy to play around with, and the latter is only used by 2 pokemon in this metagame(Florges and Gardevoir) Both of which neither ampharos nor Manectric has any business being in on.

-Can utilize Rest/talk with Electric and dragon being great coverage moves, giving it some form of recovery.

-About the same SpAtk if M-manectric opts to go Timid. (Only 3 pts higher.)

Cons for using M-Ampharos-SPEED!! Not only is it much much slower than M-Manectric even after an agility (if one were to run that set.) Its speed is slower than most walls, leaving it very vulnerable to be revenge killed by anything if it is in a critical state. While M-Manectric speed outspeeds the entire tier bar M-Aerodactyl and choice scarf users.
-Coverage, M-Ampharos is able to hit the entire metagame for neutral damage, but M-Manectric can hit majority of things for supereffective, with Overheat and HP coverage. Primarily Swampert and Quagsire, who love to switch into the two.

- Ability Intimidate, While I explained that M-Ampharos has better bulk even after an intimidate. Intimidate can allow a pokemon to set up or in certain situations stop a pokemon from sweeping. And M-Ampharos's ability can sometimes seem useless or helpful, but most of the time you are wishing it had a better ability. Pre-Megaevolving abilities, Manectric also shines in that as well. It can grab a lightningrod boost and prepare to hit harder than it did before. While regular ampharos isnt as bulky as its mega form.


Both are great electric types that are added to the tier. Both have similar roles in terms of being a bulky pivot for teams. The good/bad news is that they both take up a Mega Evo slot, so thats not a pro and con for either of them. If you said you needed a bulky pivot, take a look at your team and say which one of these electric types fits best.
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Slowbro vs. Suicune as a bulky Water-type CM booster


Slowbro @ Leftovers
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Psyshock / Ice Beam
- Slack Off


Suicune @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Calm Mind
- Scald
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Pros to using Slowbro:

1. Access to Slack Off: While Suicune is forced to rely on the unreliable RestTalk for recovery, Slowbro has access to quick and reliable recovery in Slack Off so it can heal up and still be in complete control of its actions the next turn. In addition, Slack Off also allows Slowbro to squeeze an extra coverage move onto its moveset, granting it more utility. also Admittedly, RestTalk does have a few small advantages which I'll cover later, but Slack Off is still definitely a huge plus for Slowbro over Suicune.

2. Ability to win CM wars: As mentioned before, Slowbro's access to Slack Off allows it to fit in extra coverage moves on its moveset, with a top option being Psyshock. With Psyshock, Slowbro has the ability to boost alongside opposing Calm Mind boosters and beat them, thanks to Psyshock hitting their unboosted Defense stats. This is a huge advantage when compared to Suicune, who actually has one of the worst overall performances in CM wars due to its lack of the above factors.

3: Regenerator: Regenerator allows Slowbro to stay in tip-top shape throughout the match, as even when it's low on health and too slow to Slack Off before the opponent takes it out, it can simply switch out, Regenerate, and get back up to green in no time. Regenerator also means it loses much less momentum even when it can't sweep, since it can stay in and burn a few things early-game and come back later to sweep, unlike Suicune who often has to play much more conservatively.

Cons to using Slowbro:

1. Worse overall bulk: Particularly on the special side, Slowbro's lesser bulk makes it more reliant on CM boosts to tank hits from certain attackers, with an example being Nidoking. On the other hand, Suicune's greater natural bulk allows it to boost more freely against special attackers even when unboosted, and makes it a better mixed wall.

2. Weaknesses to Ghost, Bug, and Dark: Slowbro's Psychic typing gives it several crippling weaknesses to common attacking types, and makes it unable to check several threats that Suicune can. For example, Slowbro can't go near things like Mega Houndoom, Chandelure, and Weavile, all of which Suicune can switch directly into. It also leaves it weak to Knock Off and U-turn, making it unable to check Pokémon like Mienshao as well it theoretically could.

3: Vulnerability to status: Like I said before, there are some small advantages for RestTalk over Slack Off, and this is one of them. Slowbro is much more vulnerable to random Toxics and such than Suicune, who can just Rest them off. Because of this, Suicune is able to serve as a status absorber of sorts, unlike Slowbro who has to stay away from status at all costs. I mean, I guess you could just use Rest on Slowbro, but you really shouldn't.
Having done the same analysis last gen but focusing on Suicune, I'd probably mention a few things:

Pressure's actually really cool for stalling out low PP moves if necessary, something 'bro can't do.
Suicune's also faster than 'bro and can get the jump on pokes like Donphan, and can speed creep a bit to outspeed 88 speed Nidoqueen.

Bro's also got more general options like Trick Room, Fire Blast and TWave, but that's not terribly notable on a CM set.

That said, yours is pretty comprehensive, sweet job, cool 'mons.
I don't know if this is relevant or not, since I haven't played to much of Gen VI UU, but I've used both these Pokemon and they've played pretty much identically to me, so I think they're worth a comparison:

Hitmontop vs. Donphan as an AV Spinner :


Hitmontop @ Assault Vest
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Close Combat / High Jump Kick
- Mach Punch
- Sucker Punch / Stone Edge


Donphan @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard
- Knock Off

Pros to using Hitmontop :

- Superior special bulk.
- More powerful Priority thanks to STAB.
- His main STAB is slightly more powerful than Donphan's.
- A better defensive typing with more uncommon weaknesses in UU.

Pros to using Donphan :

- Slightly better physical bulk even after taking Hitmontop's Intimidate into account.
- Ice Shard gets excellent coverage alongside Earthquake.
- Access to Knock Off gives him great utility, which is something Hitmontop sorely lacks.
- His main STAB doesn't decrease his defenses or risk him missing and receiving massive recoil, letting him stay in longer.

Conclusion :

Essentially, Hitmontop's advantages lie in its typing and ability, while Donphan's come from his stats and movepool. Personally, I prefer Donphan, but I heard someone make a good case for Hitmontop over Donphan, so I won't argue that Hitmontop is a solid option too. Both are decent defensive spinners, and they are very similar both in their offensive and defensive capabilities, so the choice between the two probably boils down to what typing your team needs most, and whether it prefers countering Manectric or Weavile.
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I'll try, I don't know any requirements other than the fact it must be UU but I can raise a point.

Krookodile vs. Honchkrow as Physical LO Dark Type Attacker


Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Pursuit/Crunch
- Outrage/Stone Edge


Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Moxie
EVs 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def
- Brave Bird
- Sucker Punch
- Superpower/Heat Wave
- Pursuit

Krookodile Pros:

- Both of its STABs can be used effectively
- Well rounded stats, with Attack being the best
- Decent Speed
- Resistance to SR

Honchkrow Pros:
- Offensively oriented
- Despite bad defenses, high HP
- Higher Attack than Krookodile
- Bigger variety of move


If you want a harder hitting pokemon, Honchkrow can OHKO neutrallly resistant pokemon with brave bird + LO. However, due to its frailness, and despite its high HP, Honchkrow won't last on the field too long. Krookodile can be relied on to stay on the field longer, and cause decent damage. One advantage that Honchkrow has over Krook is the fact that it has access to priority - sucker punch. Overall, I like both 'mons the same.
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I'll try, I don't know any requirements other than the fact it must be UU but I can raise a point.

Krookodile vs. Honchkrow as Physical LO Dark Type Attacker


Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spd, 4 HP
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Pursuit/Crunch
- Outrage/Stone Edge


Item: Life Orb
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Moxie
EVs 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 Def
- Brave Bird
- Sucker Punch
- Superpower/Heat Wave
- Pursuit

Krookodile Pros:

- Faster than honchkrow
- Both of its STABs can be used effectively
- Well rounded stats, with Attack being the best
- Decent Speed

Honchkrow Pros:
- Offensively oriented
- Despite bad defenses, high HP
- Higher Attack than Krookodile
- Bigger variety of move


If you want a harder hitting pokemon, Honchkrow can OHKO neutrallly resistant pokemon with brave bird + LO. However, due to its frailness, and despite its high HP, Honchkrow won't last on the field too long. Krookodile can be relied on to stay on the field longer, and cause decent damage. Overall, I like both 'mons the same.
I don't think Honchcrow's HP is really relevant, however, I do think that one of the most important advantages Honchcrow has over Krookodile is access to Priority, which you should probably mention. Another slight mistake (I'm assuming it's a mistake) in your post is the fact that you mention Krookodile's superior speed speed twice. I would instead mention that Krookodile resists SR while Honchcrow is weak to it. That's a pretty important factor IMO.
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I don't think Honchcrow's HP is really relevant, however, I do think that one of the most important advantages Honchcrow has over Krookodile is access to Priority, which you should probably mention. Another slight mistake (I'm assuming it's a mistake) in your post is the fact that you mention Krookodile's superior speed speed twice. I would instead mention that Krookodile resists SR while Honchcrow resists it. That's a pretty important factor IMO.

Thanks, I will add. And it was a mistake :]
Vaporeon and Alomomola


Leftovers (Water Absorb)
EVs: 252 HP 252 Def 4 SpA (can be tweaked)
Bold Nature


Leftovers (Regenerator)
EVs: 252 Def 252 SpD 4 Att (can be tweaked)
Impish Nature
-Knock Off / Toxic
-Waterfall / Toxic

Pros for Vaporeon include
  • Very rarely set up fodder because access to Roar
  • Noticeably higher special bulk than Alomomola even when uninvested in SpD
  • Noticeably stronger moves because higher SpA and Scald being a better option than Waterfall
  • Water Absorb to be immune to Scald and beat Suicune except last Pokemon scenarios
  • A little scarier if you do not reveal the set because can use a Specs or otherwise very offensive set
Pros for Alomomola include
  • Not extremely often set up fodder because access to Knock Off and Toxic
  • Much higher physical bulk than Vaporeon
  • Wishes are a little bigger
  • Regenerator (probably the biggest pro) makes Alomomola a fantastic Wish passer and increases her overall bulk
Forretress as a Utility Rapid Spinner vs. Donphan


Forretress @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
IVs: 0 Spe
Relaxed Nature
- Gyro Ball / Volt Switch
- Rapid Spin
- Stealth Rock
- Spikes / Toxic Spikes


Donhpan @ Leftovers
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Ice Shard / Knock Off
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin

Forretress's Advantages:

1. Better Defense stat: Forretress is the bulkiest Rapid Spin user in all of UU on the physical side, it can easily take any non-SE physical hit from any 'mon.

2. Spikes: As a utility 'mon, Forretress has better options in hazard laying thanks to its access to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, which will help its team sweep and clean.

3. Slow VoltSwitch: We all know the delicious taste of a slow VoltTurn and its advantages, well, Forretress is the slowest Volt Switch user in the game so having it on your team ensures that you will always keep the pressure on your opponent.

4. Only one weakness: Having only one weakness is always a good thing, 'cause even though it is x4 weak to fire, it will make it easier to play with Forretress as you only have to fear one thing; fire moves, and your foe will have to waste multiple turns to break you if he doesn't have one.

Donphan's Advantages:

1. Offense: With its 120Atk stat and access to STAB Eartquake, Donphan can actually put some holes in the foe's team after its job of laying hazards/spinning them away is done.

2. Priority: Ice Shard is Donphan's only Priority move and can be used to revenge kill weakened foes and to damage 'mons with Ice weakness.

3. NoSpinBlockin'Plz: Donphan got a really good buff this gen thanks to the Knock Off buff, with a combination of EQ + Knock Off it can beat any SpinBlocker in the tier as well as annoy the opponent and destroy his strategy like every Knock Off user does.
Shedinja vs. Dusclops as trash-tier Spin-Blocker

Vivillon vs. Venomoth as a Quiver Dance Sweeper


What They Both Have In Common

  • Sleep Powder: Both have moves that can easily disable their targets for free set-up
  • Base 90 Sp. Att.: Nothing overly special here. This means that both of their Bug Buzzes hit for about the same.
  • Quiver Dance: Obviously.

Vivillon's Advantages

  • Compoundeyes: Raises the accuracy on its biggest STAB, Hurricane, up to 91%.
  • Hurricane: After a Quiver Dance, Hurricane nukes hard late game, especially since it's its secondary STAB.This makes Vivillon's damage output higher than Venomoth's.
Venomoth's Advantages
  • Tinted Lens: This ability allows it to punch through the metagame with just Bug Buzz by turning 0.5x resistances into neutral hits.
  • Higher Speed: By 1 point. Although this point sounds overly ridiculous, Venomoth wins head-on against a Vivillon, which makes it slightly important since these two similar sweepers vie for a position on a team.
  • Baton Pass: Venomoth can also snag offensive momentum and support the team with Baton Pass. It can pivot out of checks or counters and not only stay safe on the switch in, but also donate its Quiver Dance buff to a teammate (Even if its an physical or defensive mon, free boosts to defenses or speed never hurts).
Entry #2 :]

Archeops vs Braviary as Choice Band flying type user


Item: Choice Band
Ability: Defeatist
Nature: Jolly/Naive
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 Def/4 SpA
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake/Earth Power
- U-Turn
- Aerial Ace/Crunch

Item: Choice Band
Ability: Sheer Force/Defiant
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 252 Atk/252 Spd/4 HP
- Brave Bird
- Superpower
- U-Turn
- Rock Slide/Return

Archeops Advantages:

- Has the higher Attack Stat between the two
- Has the higher Speed Stat between the two
- Can utilize special moves such as Earth Power to hurt physical walls.

Braviary Advantages:

- Has better bulk between the two, and a High HP stat while still maintaining a respectable 123 attack stat.
- Can use Sheer Force boosted Rock Slide
- Has a great spammable STAB move
- Two immunities

Archeops Disadvantages:

- Terrible defenses
- Is cursed with one of the worst abilities in the game
- Weak to SR
- Has no priority moves as well as being weak to them.

Braviary Disadvantages

- Weak to SR
- Has only a couple of effective Sheer Force boosted moves to use


Due to Braviary's more advantages than Archeops, and less Disadvantages, I feel like Braviary is superior toward Archeops as a Choice Band user. Archeops also suffers from Defeatist, which is terrible considering its weakness to SR. Braviary also has better bulk, which allows it to take more hits as a choice band user.
Florges vs. Aromatisse as team support

What they both have in common:

  • Exactly the same sets
  • Same typing
  • Very nice bulk
  • Basically have crap abilities, bar Aromatisse's Aroma Veil
  • Can heal and support their teams with Aromatherapy and Wish, as well as able to scout moves with Protect, even though Protect is mainly used to gain extra Leftovers recovery or stall while gaining HP back from Wish

Florges (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
EVs: 248 HP / 8 SDef / 252 Def
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Wish
- Aromatherapy
- Protect

Florges' advantages:
  • Has much more Special Defensive bulk then Aromatisse
  • Has slightly more Sp. Attack, which can come in useful in sticky situations
  • Faster then Aromatisse - by a lot

Aromatisse @ Leftovers
Ability: Aroma Veil
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Moonblast
- Wish
- Aromatherapy
- Protect

Aromatisse's advantages:
  • Actually has a useful ability - Aroma Veil - protecting it from Taunt, whereas Florges is crippled by Taunt
  • Higher HP, which increases Wish Passing health
  • Has slightly more physical bulk
All in all, Florges is considered more viable then Aromatisse, but Aromatisse does have its advantages and can be more viable then Florges in some aspects.