Skandu's Trading Thread (SPA Region) 70+ NEW Poochyena in Dream Ball with 4EM

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CMT for females of:

Bold Infiltrator 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Assist, Barrier, Trick and Yawn

Mareep Modest Static 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Electric Terrain, Agility, Eerie Impulse and Charge

Shuppet Adamant Cursed Body 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Egg Moves: Destiny Bond, Shadow Sneak, Phantom Force and Gunk Shot

Houndour Timid Flash Fire 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Nasty Plot, Sucker Punch, Pursuit and Destiny Bond

and a male
Sandile Adamant Moxie 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Egg Moves: Pursuit, Counter, Thunder Fang and Fire Fang

Oh and btw, a spitback trade is fine by me ;)

I have a Klefki with all breeding moves, (Switcheroo, Iron Defense, and I figured why not throw in the other two, Lock-On, and Thief) he/she is Bold, Prankster, 31/x/31/31/31/31 if interested.


Roselia Timid Natural Cure 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Giga Drain, Leaf Storm, Spikes and Sleep Powder
Stock: 4 males 4 Females

Barboach Adamant Hydration 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Spark, Flail and Thrash
Stock: 1 Male 5 Females

Magikarp Adamant Swift Swim 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Stock: 3 Males 3 Females


Kangaskhan Jolly Scrappy 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Egg Move: Double Edge
Stock: 3​
It just so happens I am still interested, save for the houndour, so how about a Female Swift Swim Magikarp instead?
And what would you like from my thread :)?
i liked females chinchou volt absorb, skorupi sniper, HA petillil
and don't have chansey BOLD? or onix relaxed 0 speed?
i liked females chinchou volt absorb, skorupi sniper, HA petillil
and don't have chansey BOLD? or onix relaxed 0 speed?

No 0 speed, but I can breed a bold nature onto Chansey (Now that you mention it, why is it Calm to begin with >_<??).
I'll PM you when they are ready ;)

Ninja EDIT: Oh wait, that's only 4 pokes *facepalm*
No 0 speed, but I can breed a bold nature onto Chansey (Now that you mention it, why is it Calm to begin with >_<??).
I'll PM you when they are ready ;)

Ninja EDIT: Oh wait, that's only 4 pokes *facepalm*
ok espurr, shuppet, marrep and magikarp (Females) for chinchou, skorupi, petillil and chansey bold natural cure (females) ok?

Shellder Jolly Skill Link 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Egg Moves: Rapid Spin, Rock Blast and Icicle Spear
Stock: I'm breeding now.


Marril Adamant Hugh Power 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Egg Moves: Superpower, Aqua Jet and Belly Drum
Stock: 3 Females 2 Males​
Hi! please CMT for this female!

Hydration 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Spark, Flail and Thrash
Stock: 1 Male 5 Females
Hi! please CMT for this female!

Hydration 31/31/31/XX/31/31
Egg Moves: Dragon Dance, Spark, Flail and Thrash
Stock: 1 Male 5 Females
i liked this female:

#605 Elgyem | Modest | Analytic(HA)
31 / X / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31
EM : Skill Swap, Nasty Plot, Barrier, Ally Switch
There are a few Pokémon on here I'm interested. Some more than others. CMT see if your interested in anything I have in stock? I'll let you know what I'm interested in then. But I usually just like to know what people are interested in first.
i have one Elgyem in stock, i can trade now :)
i'm on now!
There are a few Pokémon on here I'm interested. Some more than others. CMT see if your interested in anything I have in stock? I'll let you know what I'm interested in then. But I usually just like to know what people are interested in first.
i liked females Kricketot HA (Dream Ball), Wurmple (friend ball)
and don't have flawless yanma and seedot females in rare balls?
Would you like a timid flawless IV sceptile fully EV trained and has dragon pulse, shiny empoleon modest flawless IVs could breed one with agility, shiny latios/ or a keldeo timid HP Dark x/31/31/31/31/31 all fully ev trained. For a protean froakie or huge power bunnelby( preferbly froakie really want one so badly.)
i'm on now!

i liked females Kricketot HA (Dream Ball), Wurmple (friend ball)
and don't have flawless yanma and seedot females in rare balls?

Yanmas I have plenty of, Seedot that last female is for someone else, forgot to remove it >.< Wurmple I can rebreed it but for now the female I do have is only useful for breeding as it evolves to Beautifly. Regardless of what the parent evolves into the egg always has a 50:50 chance of what it'll evolve into set once you get the egg. Kricketot only got a male but may be able to do female as well or a male+imperfect female pair if interested. Might be able to redo Seedot. I have a 6IV Male HP Ice parent, is there a specific spread you would prefer on a female?

I'm interested in:


Though if you have any female rejects for Barboach and Shellder for my Pokebank it would be appreciated. Male is my gender preference as if what I get traded is good by my standards then I want to use those for teams and of course w/ my male preference I would still want to be able to rebreed the balls in the future if I ever had to. If Shellder is catcheable in HGSS I may not need it however I have no way to get that ball on Barboach myself.
I have a flawless bold ev trained chansey!
from kalos? 252 hp 252 def?
Yanmas I have plenty of, Seedot that last female is for someone else, forgot to remove it >.< Wurmple I can rebreed it but for now the female I do have is only useful for breeding as it evolves to Beautifly. Regardless of what the parent evolves into the egg always has a 50:50 chance of what it'll evolve into set once you get the egg. Kricketot only got a male but may be able to do female as well or a male+imperfect female pair if interested. Might be able to redo Seedot. I have a 6IV Male HP Ice parent, is there a specific spread you would prefer on a female?

I'm interested in:


Though if you have any female rejects for Barboach and Shellder for my Pokebank it would be appreciated. Male is my gender preference as if what I get traded is good by my standards then I want to use those for teams and of course w/ my male preference I would still want to be able to rebreed the balls in the future if I ever had to. If Shellder is catcheable in HGSS I may not need it however I have no way to get that ball on Barboach myself.
if you liked i can trade all females... i don't have rejects
any wurmple flawless female is fine (dustox or beautifly) (i only want for the ball)
kricketot female flawless please... (i can wait)
and seedot hmmm naive 5iv -SpD
from kalos? 252 hp 252 def?

if you liked i can trade all females... i don't have rejects
any wurmple flawless female is fine (dustox or beautifly) (i only want for the ball)
kricketot female flawless please... (i can wait)
and seedot hmmm naive 5iv -SpD

Alright, thanks for being lenient on Wurmple. Makes things far easier for me.

Your the 3rd person w/ a confirmed order so I need to get 2 others first. Yanma is ready and so is Wurmple. Kricketot and Seedot I will do after I get the other 2 orders done and I'll try to get the females you need.

I prefer my gender preferences due to wanting to use what I get from you in battle. I wouldn't want all my competitive pokes to be female.

So I would prefer:

Shellder(M) <-Lure Ball variant
Phanpy(F) <- You have the same variant listed twice in the first post for some reason, any difference?
Stantler(F) <-Sap Sipper

If you do happen to have one laying around all I really need is Barboach's Dream Ball I don't care how bad its IVs/EMs are just looking for a HA female one w/o any specific details but other than the rest I probably can reball myself if I ever need to.

I'll let you know the nicknames I want later.

I have Spring Break next week so if I cant get it done tis Thurs-Sun I can breed during next week anyways.
from kalos? 252 hp 252 def?

if you liked i can trade all females... i don't have rejects
any wurmple flawless female is fine (dustox or beautifly) (i only want for the ball)
kricketot female flawless please... (i can wait)
and seedot hmmm naive 5iv -SpD
no from B2! do you want me to breed you one?
Alright, thanks for being lenient on Wurmple. Makes things far easier for me.

Your the 3rd person w/ a confirmed order so I need to get 2 others first. Yanma is ready and so is Wurmple. Kricketot and Seedot I will do after I get the other 2 orders done and I'll try to get the females you need.

I prefer my gender preferences due to wanting to use what I get from you in battle. I wouldn't want all my competitive pokes to be female.

So I would prefer:

Shellder(M) <-Lure Ball variant
Phanpy(F) <- You have the same variant listed twice in the first post for some reason, any difference?
Stantler(F) <-Sap Sipper

If you do happen to have one laying around all I really need is Barboach's Dream Ball I don't care how bad its IVs/EMs are just looking for a HA female one w/o any specific details but other than the rest I probably can reball myself if I ever need to.

I'll let you know the nicknames I want later.

I have Spring Break next week so if I cant get it done tis Thurs-Sun I can breed during next week anyways.
ok phanpy are the same (fixed in my thread)
and i don't need nicknames and you?
please tell me when you are ready
i have stock :)

Chansey Bold Natural Cure 31/XX/31/31/31/31
Egg Moves: Counter, Seismic Toss, Helping Hand and Aromatherapy
Stock: 4​
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