Sports Pro Wrestling Discussion Thread


That selling!
So I watched that episode of RAW on Friday, and it was definitely the best RAW of the 3-hour era. It was the first RAW I've watched in a long time that didn't feel like it took an eternity to finish.

I hope WWE learned their lesson with the WWE Active stuff though. The reason that crowd basically started ignoring the show was that they had people vote on whether Sheamus or Orton were to face Big Show, and then when they got the results, they completely ignored them and made Sheamus and Orton face each other. Not to mention the match itself was terrible, mostly consisting of restholds. I don't blame the crowd for rebelling after that. They were reacting to everything very heavily before that happened, but after their opinion pretty much got completely ignored, they did their own thing.

Ziggler's cash-in had one of the most amazing reactions I've ever seen a wrestler get. Hell, he got a bigger pop than The Rock usually gets when he makes his entrance. That's definitely going to be a career highlight for him.

Also, after the crowd started rebelling, the best thing to come out of that was singing Fandango's theme song. It's pretty comparable to the YES chants that went viral for Daniel Bryan after last year's WrestleMania. WWE has a golden opportunity with Fandango, especially since it looks like the crowds are loving his music (and seem to be enjoying him too, since they were saying his name along with him). If he can keep his character interesting and keep his matches interesting, the craze for his music may wear off eventually, but his character will be a mainstay. I personally loved how he corrected Justin Roberts on his name, despite the fact that he just got the ass-kicking of a lifetime from Chris Jericho, and was still selling the beating.
I agree, Summerslam was awesome. That's the first time in a very, very long time that Cena's gotten pinned clean in the middle of the ring by someone other than The Rock. It's been an even longer time since Cena got pinned clean in the middle of the ring with the WWE Championship on the line. Even CM Punk wasn't allowed to ever beat him clean.

As for the cash-in, even though Randy Orton is currently the champion, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that Daniel Bryan is going to be the WWE Champion again, and have a really long reign with it after this story concludes (and knowing that is pretty much the reason I didn't hate the cash-in). The fact that Daniel Bryan beat Cena clean tells me that Bryan is pretty much locked in as a permanent main-eventer, since WWE's extremely careful about who they have Cena lose to cleanly. Plus, since Cena's gonna be out for 4-6 months with his triceps injury, Daniel Bryan is currently WWE's #1 as far as faces go. (I'd personally say he's ahead of CM Punk right now, since Bryan is the one chasing the championship).

Personally, I think I'm actually going to try and enjoy this story with Bryan vs. The McMahon Family/Randy Orton/The Shield. Even though the cash-in gave a lot of people a bitter taste in their mouths, both Orton and Triple H desperately needed heel turns, since they're both ridiculously boring as faces, but great heels. And in the end, Bryan's going to be even more over than he currently is, if that's even possible.

In case you can't tell, Daniel Bryan is my favourite. :] I'm just glad they saved the shenanigans for AFTER Cena vs. Bryan was over, so they could count it as a clean fight, instead of their match having controversy.
I agree, Summerslam was awesome. That's the first time in a very, very long time that Cena's gotten pinned clean in the middle of the ring by someone other than The Rock. It's been an even longer time since Cena got pinned clean in the middle of the ring with the WWE Championship on the line. Even CM Punk wasn't allowed to ever beat him clean.

Except that's kind of irrelevant when they ended up shitting on Bryan 2 minutes later. But yeah it was a great ppv. I cant remember the last time I said that.
if that's gonna be bryan's new finisher im pumped, it looks just wicked altho it was helped by cena selling it like a champ
mitb needs to be gotten rid of though, the noveltys worn off but idk how anyone could dislike an evolution heel reunion or the fact that bryans now going to be feuding vs the boss
Except that's kind of irrelevant when they ended up shitting on Bryan 2 minutes later. But yeah it was a great ppv. I cant remember the last time I said that.

If anything, once Daniel Bryan inevitably wins the championship back, the moment when he wins it will be even bigger than the first time he won it. Plus, it could've been much worse. They could've just had Cena win and be the one to get cashed in on, and Daniel Bryan wouldn't even be in the main event storyline anymore. If that happened, it would've completely killed the PPV.

With the way this storyline looks, I wouldn't be surprised to see Daniel Bryan win the belt back at WrestleMania, since the McMahon storyline is supposedly building up to whatever the WrestleMania main event is supposed to be.
So...biggest match in history tomorrow then???

Anybody else feel like they've overhyped this match mega-massively? Shield and Bryan have to be lurking somewhere, and I'm thinking Sheamus is due for a return soon...Anyway, someone has to get involved to get anywhere near their own hype
This week has been ... interesting.
The backlash from the Rumble
Matt Hardy getting arrested
Snuka's girlfriend's murder case being reopened

And to cap it all off, although this could be a work
Punk walks out on the WWE ala Stone Cold in 02
I think Punk's legit gone, which is seriously sad. And yeah, the Rumble was really not up to scratch for the most part. I know I'd just be repeating what a ton of people have already said/thought, but where in the blue hell was Daniel Bryan in the Rumble match!?!
I love Daniel Bryan and agree it was stupid he wasn't in the 2014 Royal Rumble match (even if I did expect he wasn't going to be in it), there's more reasons as to why the Royal Rumble PPV sucked than Bryan being absent form the Rumble. The PPV opened with a great match by Daniel Bryan and Bray Wyatt, then from there it just went into a downward spiral (No Edge finishing move pun intended). I honestly wasn't expecting Big Show v. Brock Lesnar in 2014 to be memorable match, but goodness, that filler of chair shots before and after the "match" was horrendous. The Rhodes Brothers v. The New Age Outlaws should've just been on the PPV itself and not the pre-show. Randy Orton v. John Cena was meh, the match started off boring (like most of their other matches) and finished okay. I get some people don't like "finisher spams", at that point in the match I at least appreciate Orton and Cena finally getting involved with the crowd (which the should've done in the whole match).

As far as the Royal Rumble match itself goes, I legitimately enjoyed the match...until Batista won. In addition to being on a part timer contract, his performance in the Royal Rumble was abysmal. Did anyone else notice how quick Batista gassed out in about two minutes of being in the Rumble? Just the thought of a Batista v. Randy Orton match as your WrestleMania closing match in 2014 would put even a Banette with Insomnia to sleep.
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As far as the Royal Rumble match itself goes, I legitimately enjoyed the match...until Batista won. In addition to being on a part timer contract, his performance in the Royal Rumble was abysmal. Did anyone else notice how quick Batista gassed out in about two minutes of being in the Rumble? Just the thought of a Batista v. Randy Orton match as your WrestleMania closing match in 2014 would put even a Banette with Insomnia to sleep.
He can't be under a part-timer contract, can he? Hasn't there been much speculation shortly after his return was confirmed that he'd have a full-time run (IIRC, it was F4WOnline)?

I'm actually surprised that Batista's heat was openly commented on last night on RAW. Can only assume they're going the Cena route with Dave.
Batista is on a 2 year contract and apparently cut a pretty clear heel promo on this week's Smackdown. WWE has sort of realized that there's no way he's going over as a face any time soon, but this leaves the title match at WM looking pretty confusing because we know from experience that Orton as face does not work in any convincing fashion.
There's apparently a rumor going around that Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H at WrestleMania will have a stipulation where if Daniel Bryan wins, he gets a title shot whenever he wants. That would result in him using it later in the night to be in the main event and thus, make the main event a triple threat match. I really hope it's true, because the fans are going to hate on that match so badly if he's not in it, and you couldn't blame them either, because Batista and Orton are both heels. Daniel Bryan would be the only face in the match.

If it's true though, I hope Daniel Bryan wins the title at WrestleMania. It would bring the authority storyline to a happy ending at least.
You can't be serious. Of all the people to end it, Brock Lesnar? I know Undertaker's old and needs to hang it up, but least give it to a full timer. Damn.
I'm going to chop my dick off because Lesnar won. Might even commit suicide.

JK, loved every moment of it, even got my pissbreak match! Best one since at least WM19 imo
WM20 was the best WM in like 10 yrs. Too many beast matches. This WM was wack lol. The BR was decent, the opening match was good. The Taker match was a buzzkill. It felt like they needed lesner to just help taker sell his moves physically, and even then though, you could tell Taker's just old now.
You can't be serious. Of all the people to end it, Brock Lesnar? I know Undertaker's old and needs to hang it up, but least give it to a full timer. Damn.

No give it to a young guy who will actually be a top guy for the next 5-10 years. Once again WWE is afraid to put young guys over.

I'm going to chop my dick off because Lesnar won. Might even commit suicide.

JK, loved every moment of it, even got my pissbreak match! Best one since at least WM19 imo

WM 22 was much beter.

WM20 was the best WM in like 10 yrs. Too many beast matches. This WM was wack lol. The BR was decent, the opening match was good. The Taker match was a buzzkill. It felt like they needed lesner to just help taker sell his moves physically, and even then though, you could tell Taker's just old now.

WM20 was solid, but the undercard was kind of crap and Goldberg/Lesnar was a black mark on the show imo.

And if Taker is going to finally lose at WM why not make it the fucking main event. Taker looked more gassed than Batista which I thought was an impossible feat. I watched it with 7 other people and we were stunned that Taker lost and more importantly after such a shitty match. If Taker had lost to Punk last year, I would have been happy since it was a phenomenal match.

Its hilarious that Taker jobbed to a guy who could easily walk out on the company again.
I genuinely can't believe people are calling this the best Wrestlemania. I thought it was underwhelming overall, and in my book it's definitely bottom 5. Not just because of the Underjobber (well, the bottom 5 part was because of that), but because I felt that the only exceptionally good matches were the ones with DB, not to mention the lack of title matches. It really was Yestlemania.
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So, Mania was interesting....

The pre-show match was pretty good. Usos have been impressing me a bunch. Probably should have on the PPV over the Divas match, but I digress. The first hour or so of this show, I'd say, went rather well. Bryan beats Hunter clean in a good match and gets his deserved spot in the main event. The Shield vs NAO + Kane match shouldn't have even happened. But, at least, the Shield squashed them. Fun Fact: The combined age of the heel tag team is 140 (44+ 46 + 50). Cesaro's win in the battle royal was predictable given who was in it, but I'm certainly fine with his victory. Hope they give him a solid face run this year.

This is when the show starts to go downhill for me. Cena vs Wyatt was fine, but had the wrong winner, in my opinion. Cena did not need the win more than Wyatt did and Wyatt was way more over with the crowd in New Orleans. Plus, it's not like Cena's in the main event picture right now. Let someone else shine. wutevz. Lesnar vs Taker, oh boy. This match dragged a TON, and the finish was absolutely unnecessary. First off, this match was really sloppy. Taker's "Last Ride" was absolutely pitiful. He couldn't even lift him up a little bit. Next, if you're gonna have someone break the streak, why would you have someone who has less than 8 TV dates a year do it? This was a terrible decision. The only thing that Taker had left is the streak and now that's gone. There's no point in having him continue to work Manias if it's broken. I guess Sting will have to get a new favorite number. Paul Heyman's reaction was the only redeeming quality of that match. After this, the crowd absolutely died due to death of the streak. It wasn't until halfway through the main event when the crowd became lively again. Divas match was a divas match. AJ should just hold the title forever. Bryan's win was expected and it was quite the moment. Also, Orton's landing on that RKO on the table looked nasty. The show was pretty good, but it was brought down hugely by the streak ending. Daniel Bryan absolutely carried this show.

LOL Heyman's reactions were the best part of the Taker match

Oh yeah I almost forgot about that match. It made no sense for Cena to beat Bray Wyatt. Another young guy buried.

If anything Bray Wyatt should have been the guy to end the streak.

not to mention the lack of title matches

Another Wrestlemania without an IC title match. Might as well get rid of every title but the WWE championship.
Wrestlemania 30 has been one of the most memorable Wrestlemanias I've watched. I feel like people are gonna call this a bad WM just because the Undertaker's streak has ended by Brock Lesnar of all people, but it's not a bad WM. If anything, this has been the best Wrestlemania from beginning to end in recent memory. Seeing Hogan/Austin/Rock all in the middle of the ring drinking a beer, Cesaro win the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal (Cesaro eliminating Big Show reminded me a little of Chris Benoit eliminating Big Show to with The Royal Rumble Match in 2004), the excellent storytelling of Bray Wyatt/John Cena (Wyatt needed the win way more than Cena or else the casual watcher may no longer believe the Bray Wyatt character), and Daniel Bryan beating HHH to go on to win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship to end this 8 month journey of suffering all outweigh the end of The Streak (and what I feel is truly the end of an Era unlike after HHH/Taker 3 @ WM 28). Yes I was in shock and feeling pretty down after Taker lost, but something in the back of my head was telling me that The Streak might be broken soon and that his last match may be tonight or next year, even though my heart was saying the Streak will forever remain undefeated. It's a shame we might never get to See Undertaker/John Cena or Undertaker/Sting at a Wretlemania.

I wonder how RAW will go down tomorrow after all the events of WM 30?
Brock was a great choice to choose to end the streak. Name one guy on the roster that would have worked with ending the streak? The only few I can really come up with are Bray and maybe Orton if he went back to his old Legend Killer gimmick. Lesnar also was the most threatening out of the whole roster. Plus, Heyman has the promo skills to use this massive nuclear heat better than anybody else. Now the actual match wasn't bad, but it wasn't good, it was ... meh, the finish was pretty dope though with countering the Tombstone into an F5.

Why do people say Bray needed the win? This was his first loss by pin/submission (all of his other loses was due to interference shenanigans) and by the looks of it, this feud isn't over. This match I absolutely loved just due to the storytelling with Cena's facial expressions and his move arsenal drifting to a more aggressive style for a while. The massive waving crowd along with Bray's awesome entrance also made the experience better.

Shield squash was nice, especially the DOUBLE TRIPLE POWERBAAAAAAAHMB. Didn't catch much of the battle royal due to the stream starting the get super choppy then, although that bodyslam was absolutely the best way to end that match due to the calback from WM III. Diva clusterfuck was better than expected with some neat spots, also Cameron's top almost popped off if you didn't catch it.

D-Bry matches were great, although his selling on his arm cut in and out, which bugged me a little bit. Orton took a pretty nasty bump on that monitor, thankfully it was mainly on his ass so he didn't jank his back like HBK did back in 1998. Trips' entrance was fucking dope.

All in all, the only dud match really was the Taker match, so I give this WM a good solid 9/10. Wasn't absolutely perfect, but really goddamn close to it with the nice amounts of ups and downs.