TANK Weezing: My new specialty

TANK WEEZING: My new specialty

One day, I wanted to build a stall team but, since normally every stall team I see is super standard with the pokemon they used with it, I decided to change it a little bit. When looking for something unconventional and bizarre but that could work on a stall team I found TANK Weezing. Now this might seem like a stupid idea but I personally think Weezing has the necessary tools to work in Ubers as I'm going to explain later on in this RMT. This team is the one I've been using to ladder on Pokemon Showdown and also, I used it in a Hispanic Premier League match and succesfully won using Weezing stall. My opponents normally would not expect anything coming from a Weezing but oh goodie, it can get really annoying. Anyways, I decided to make a Toxic Spikes stall team with Weezing and therefor had to base the team around it. This team relies on a lot of residual damage, this coming from Sandstorm damage and of course, Toxic Spikes' poison. Now I'll move on to the individual analysis for each pokemon.


Tyranitar (F) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 64 Atk / 192 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock
- Roar

To start it off, Tyranitar has three characteristics that make it so good on this team: Access to Stealth Rock, Sand Stream as an ability and it checks Ho-Oh (which is important on every stall team in my opinion). I decided to run the standard 5th gen EV Spread since I don't really see the point of making a new one when this one still does what it's meant to do, set up rocks and sand. I put a Lum Berry on it so it can switch in into Ho-Oh with no reprecussions (not risking Sacred Fire burn) and easily take it out with Stone Edge, Lum Berry also allows me to check the Stall-two set that Mewtwo carries, I eat up the Will-O-Wisp and retialiate back with a Crunch of course, we have to scout for stalltwo first since it can easily knock Tyranitar out with Focus Blast/Aura Sphere. Crunch and Stone Edge are standard moves on Tyranitar. Roar is for phazing pokemon like Calm Mind Arceus and other setup sweepers.


Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Trait: Scrappy
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Fake Out / Crunch
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch

Mega Kangaskhan is another pokemon that easily fits on this team, as I said before, this team takes advantage of sandstorm and poison damage, this not only helps Kangaskhan to get a lot more of KOs but, when you take into a count the Sandstorm + Toxic Spikes + Fake Out damage it ends up hurting anything that is willing to come in and take a hit. Kangaskhan is also a very nice pokemon to have against Hyper Offense as most offensive teams get overwhelmed by Mega Kangaskhan's powerful Return and Sucker Punch. About my EV spread, I just gave it enough speed to outspeed neutral nature base 95s such as Rayquaza, Kyurem etc... Fake Out can also be swapped with Crunch if you have trouble dealing with Arceus-Ghost and Lugia, I think Fake Out is better in general because of the reasone listed above. Earthquake and Sucker Punch on it are mandatory as you already know. Mega Kangaskhan just helps me keep a lot of offensive pressure in general.


TANK Weezing (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Clear Smog
- Will-O-Wisp
- Toxic Spikes
- Pain Split

Weezing is the main pokemon on the team. Having access to Levitate and Will-O-Wisp is huge in the ubers metagame in my opinion, being able to switch in on pokemon like Groudon, Landorus-T and Arceus-Ground, completely shutting them down. The poison typing it has also amazing defensively because it can also switch in on Grasseus which turns Arceus in Toxic Spikes set up fodder. As you may know, Weezing got Toxic Spikes as an egg move in Pokemon X and Y which is great. All the previous pokemon that were used to set up Toxic Spikes were threatened by those pokemon listed above (Tentacruel and Forretress are good examples as they just lose to them). Weezing cannot only set up hazards, it can also check one of the biggest threats in the ubers metagame: Extremekiller Arceus, Weezing has access to Clear Smog which erase the stat changes of any pokemon on the field. How well does Weezing take the +2 Extremespeed you ask? I'll live calcs below. Toxic Spikes have always been big in ubers as they make a lot of pokemon struggle with the residual damage, even with Defog being a thing, they are still annoying as hell. Pain Split is what Weezing uses as a recovery move, it generally doesn't do much damage itself so it can easily recover health from a Clear Smog'd Arceus and such.

Damage Calcs:​
+2 252+ Atk Life Orb Arceus Extreme Speed vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Weezing: 224-265 (67 - 79.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery (Life Orb normally runs Jolly iirc)
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Arceus Extreme Speed vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Weezing: 204-242 (61 - 72.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery
+2 252+ Atk Silk Scarf Arceus Extreme Speed vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Weezing: 207-244 (61.9 - 73%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Black Sludge recovery


Aegislash (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Stance Change
EVs: 248 HP / 88 Atk / 172 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Gyro Ball
- Pursuit
- Toxic / Shadow Ball
- King's Shield​

Aegislash is as you know, the most reliable of all the Xerneas "checks" that exist, so it was necessary to use it on this team. Nothing really much to say about this pokemon, a lot of people think it is complete garbage since its only purpose is to check Xerneas so arguibly, if your opponent doesn't have a Xerneas you're playing with 5 pokemon and a death fodder, which I agree completely in most of the cases. Aegislash's purpose on this team is not only checking Xerneas though, my friend PROBLEMS came up with the idea of running Pursuit on Aegislash so we can trap Mega Gengar which is in my opinion, the biggest threat to stall. I myself made the spread so you have a 100% chance of KO Gengar with Pursuit when they switch out and they come back with Stealth Rock up and one turn of Sandstorm damage. Gyro Ball is needed to check Xerneas after it uses Geomancy and Toxic takes care of pokemon such as Lugia and other flying types, which are immune to poison. Shadow Ball can be useful against Skarmory (which can be painful to deal with on this team) but it is more situational than Toxic in my opinion.


Arceus-Grass @ Meadow Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 248 HP / 148 Def / 112 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Grass Knot
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp
- Defog

Arceus-Grass is not exactly the greates pokemon to run on stall nowadays since it makes you a lot weaker to Mega Gengar but, if you manage to run enough checks to the point where it is easier to use it on your team it is such a great pokemon. Decided to run Arceus-Grass because that would make a lot less weaker to Choice Specs Kyogre, which is another pokemon that can tear stall apart. I gave it enough speed so I can outspeed max speed Palkia. I chose Grass Knot over Judgment because the damage output to a lot of Pokemon that could survive 3 Judgments, such as Max HP Xeerneas, get 3HKOd by Grass Knot. Will-o-Wisp is a common move on Arceus, allows me to burn pokemon that would normally beat Arceus Grass with it, such as Scizor and Aegislash. Defog is just to remove hazards if I really need to but normally my opponent is the one that does that.


Xerneas @ Leftovers
Trait: Fairy Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Moonblast
- Aromatherapy
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

Last but no way in hell least, Xerneas. The pokemon that changed the ubers metagame forever. I frankly don't know where to start, where to begin explaining how good this pokemon is. Even if it's not being used for offensive purposes, good god.... Xerneas' defensive as well as offensive stats and speed are just something that you would dream having in ubers, combined with the faiy typing, Xerneas became the face of what people call "XY Ubers Stall". Being able to cover Fighting, Dark, Bug and of course, Dragon attacks on just a single pokemon makes it perfect for stall already. Xerneas also has the right movepool to support any stall team, since it has Aromatherapy, makes it possible to run a cleric set on it. The only thing I wish Xerneas had gotten is well....WISH but, it's a perfect tank nontheless. Its ability Fairy Aura makes it possible to get a lot of 2HKOs with Moonblast even without any investment in Special Attack. About the moveset and EVs, I decided to go with Max Def and HP since it would help me take care of (Mega) Mewtwo and Zekrom better. Rest and Sleep Talk are mandatory since it's the only "reliable" recovery it gets, Moonblast is a beast attacking move as I already said and Aromatherapy helps me cure any status that my pokemon may have.

Biggest Threats:

Dialga @ Life Orb
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 200 HP / 252 SAtk / 56 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Stealth Rock
- Flash Cannon
- Draco Meteor
- Fire Blast

This can potentially 6-0 this team, nothing is really capable of switching to every move that this pokemon can carry.


Aceus-Ghost can be pretty annoying if you can't get status on it, specially if it has Focus Blast. It is not as common as last gen though.
Other Pokemon I've considered:

Blissey is one of the pokemon I've considered the most, Arceus-Grass wouldn't have a lot of pressure on taking hits and Blissey is also capable of fully checking the 2 pokemon that I listed as biggest threats. The only downside on running Blissey is that I would have to take out one of the pokemon that I based the team around, Mega Kangaskhan. I would not only lose a universal lead but I would also lose all the offensive pressure that Kangaskhan offers, I'm still deciding on that. But yeah, Blissey over Kangaskhan is an option.

Kyogre is another pokemon I've considered, being more specific, Specially Defensive Kyogre, being able to take hits from both Dialga and Arceus for days. The only downside I see on running Sp.Def Kyogre is that it makes me more Arceus-Electric and Ferrothorn weak.

Conclusion: This team is cool.



No one in this list helped or anything but they're cool individuals.
Melee Mewtwo
Hack He Must
Blue Jay


#IDM: (CTC Problems Blim aim gr8astard Sinclair Toxzn Marth SOMALIA BKC ThunderBlunder chimpact CrashinBoomBang dragonuser Lord Elyis SnowCristal! HSA ♥ Oh Captain Funkasaurus skulltula LuckOverSkill MikeDecIsHere Stone_Cold SoulWind BLINGAS ♥ Tokyo Tom undisputed Ripamon Liked davidness ßasedVictory Afro Smash Bryce Blueprint High Impulse Mizuhime New Breed Artemisa PDC Hot N Cold Valentine )

Tyranitar (F) @ Lum Berry
Trait: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 64 Atk / 192 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Stealth Rock
- Roar

Kangaskhan (F) @ Kangaskhanite
Trait: Scrappy
EVs: 40 HP / 252 Atk / 216 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Fake Out
- Return
- Earthquake
- Sucker Punch

Weezing (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SDef
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Clear Smog
- Will-O-Wisp
- Toxic Spikes
- Pain Split

Aegislash (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Stance Change
EVs: 248 HP / 88 Atk / 172 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Gyro Ball
- Pursuit
- Shadow Sneak
- King's Shield

Arceus-Grass @ Meadow Plate
Trait: Multitype
EVs: 248 HP / 148 Def / 112 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Grass Knot
- Recover
- Will-O-Wisp
- Defog

Xerneas @ Leftovers
Trait: Fairy Aura
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 Spd
Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Moonblast
- Aromatherapy
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

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I definitely feel that Kyogre is by far the biggest threat to this team, as most of your members are threatened out by it (Aegislash, Weezing, Tyranitar are all important to keep safe too, for different reasons and your switch becomes forced). Consequently, having only Arceus-Grass to switch into will put big pressure on your to make the right plays, although I trust you as a player makes them. Blissey is definitely an option on the team, as it alleviates the pressure put on your sole Kyogre check. An especially troublesome combination is Zekrom and Kyogre, as the lack of a Ground type makes Volt Switch momentum really deadly. Of course your core is very well prepared for momentum Gengar trapping combos (fucking love that based Aegislash btw), but the team can still be overloaded by strong wallbreakers if they are given too much momentum. CM+Focus Blast+Fire Blast MMY stands out as one of these wallbreakers, and is probably the reason you kinda need Kanga after all. I'd probably run Chople Berry on TTar just to try checking MMY a bit better (pursuit might be good too, but is quite redundant with pursuit aegi). If you don't want to use Chople you could probably afford leftovers if you want more longevity against Yveltal too, it's up to you.

This team is fun, creative and well through-out. For the sake of quality among Ubers players, I hope that you will stay and play UPL and open etc. Good luck!

Edit: of course dedicated mono cm stallbreakers like steelceus, poisonceus etc are big threats, but that is sadly a weakness inherent in most stall builds anyway.
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Quick question how do you plan to deal with Lugia? Maybe toxic on aegislash over something else (sneak?) would be useful. Also loses to random arceus forms (steel, poison) but those aren't as common.
Unless the 40 HP EVs do something specific, I think you should run Max Speed on Kanga to outrun Mild LO Yveltal so it doesn't beat you to the Sucker Punch.

Great team bud, I dig the Aegislash set. It's weak to stallbreakers such as CM Poison Arceus but there isn't much you can really do about that I'm afraid. Most stall teams without Heatran or Stall Mewtwo are weak to Poison Arceus anyway. :p
slash sneak over shadow/toxic? just in case gar stay in you dont have to lose aegi :]
I wonder, and this is probably a peculiar thought, but mightn't Koffig>Weezing work? I'm not totally sure which is bulkier (factoring eviolite vs lefties) but you'd definitely heal more via pain split.

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For Weezing, if you take 52 EVs out of Def and put them into sDef, then Modest +2 Xerneas can't OHKO you with Moonblast or Psyshock. Might be worth considering since you have Clear Smog o_O
Hmm... I in no way doubt your superior knowledge to mine own, but I'm just wondering since this is stall if it would be better to run Weezing as a second Xerneas check since I feel like it truly benefits stall teams to have networks of checks rather than only one to common ubers threats. For example, early game you might bring in Aegislash vs MGengar, then fall to a destiny bond, clearing a sweep for Geomancy Xerneas.

I don't know if that's better, just playing devil's advocate.
Hmm... I in no way doubt your superior knowledge to mine own, but I'm just wondering since this is stall if it would be better to run Weezing as a second Xerneas check since I feel like it truly benefits stall teams to have networks of checks rather than only one to common ubers threats. For example, early game you might bring in Aegislash vs MGengar, then fall to a destiny bond, clearing a sweep for Geomancy Xerneas.

I don't know if that's better, just playing devil's advocate.
Yes because Pursuit is so common on Aegislash.......... With that logic the same could be said about every Xerneas check or check for every pokemon by that matter


Meh, fair enough. I was just kind of trying to justify an EV change, if I were a stupid player, I might Shadow Ball turn 1 then Dbond turn two, but whatever.

Team's solid, don't see much problems at all. Maybe Sylveon is an option over Xerneas b/c Wish passing is nice, but Xerneas is an awesome mon.
Hmm... I in no way doubt your superior knowledge to mine own, but I'm just wondering since this is stall if it would be better to run Weezing as a second Xerneas check since I feel like it truly benefits stall teams to have networks of checks rather than only one to common ubers threats. For example, early game you might bring in Aegislash vs MGengar, then fall to a destiny bond, clearing a sweep for Geomancy Xerneas.

I don't know if that's better, just playing devil's advocate.

While this can be true for many stall builds, the difference is that Aegislash can never be trapped by Gengar. Aegislash doesn't OHKO Gengar with Pursuit if Gengar stays in, either, which makes Destiny Bond mindgames impossible as Aegislash can just switch out whenever.
I should probably be ending this half-relevant conversation soon, but one last thing.

There are really two options Aegislash has, given that turn one Aegislash pursuits and Gengar Shadow Balls. 1. It can Pursuit, or 2. it can switch.

1. Pursuit.

88 Atk Aegislash-Blade Pursuit vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Gengar: 106-126 (40.4 - 48%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and sandstorm damage

Okay. Gengar actually has three options. It can Dbond, Switch or Shadow Ball (your in Attack form btw, you fall even in shield though). Dbond+Pursuit=Xerneas sweep. Switch+Pursuit=Gengar loses. Shadow Ball+Pursuit=Xerneas sweep. So, you have a 2/3 chance of losing this, and a 1/3 of winning. So, should you engage in the Dbond/Pursuit mind game, you have a greater chance of losing than winning. Gengar doesn't have much a reason to Dbond, but its not like it would see no usage in this situation.

2. Switch.

Anyways, It is unfavorable to pursuit. So that leaves switching. Aegislash's goal here as a pursuit trapper is to trap and kill Gengar. If it switches, it fails to complete its task. Aegislash can now never Pursuit trap Gengar for the remainder of the game, as it loses to a Shadow Ball, so Gengar is now free to break down the team, while you get to keep your Xerneas counter. Honestly, putting into the same format as the previous reasoning is not really applicable here, since it could be up to interpretation whether it is worth trading keeping Aegislash alive for Gengar still being alive though. Keep in mind that Gengar traps and kills 1/2 the team.

Well. idk if that made sense but that's my logic to prove a point that I half agree with. The teams p great anyways though :D
I should probably be ending this half-relevant conversation soon, but one last thing.

There are really two options Aegislash has, given that turn one Aegislash pursuits and Gengar Shadow Balls. 1. It can Pursuit, or 2. it can switch.

1. Pursuit.

88 Atk Aegislash-Blade Pursuit vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Gengar: 106-126 (40.4 - 48%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and sandstorm damage

Okay. Gengar actually has three options. It can Dbond, Switch or Shadow Ball (your in Attack form btw, you fall even in shield though). Dbond+Pursuit=Xerneas sweep. Switch+Pursuit=Gengar loses. Shadow Ball+Pursuit=Xerneas sweep. So, you have a 2/3 chance of losing this, and a 1/3 of winning. So, should you engage in the Dbond/Pursuit mind game, you have a greater chance of losing than winning. Gengar doesn't have much a reason to Dbond, but its not like it would see no usage in this situation.

2. Switch.

Anyways, It is unfavorable to pursuit. So that leaves switching. Aegislash's goal here as a pursuit trapper is to trap and kill Gengar. If it switches, it fails to complete its task. Aegislash can now never Pursuit trap Gengar for the remainder of the game, as it loses to a Shadow Ball, so Gengar is now free to break down the team, while you get to keep your Xerneas counter. Honestly, putting into the same format as the previous reasoning is not really applicable here, since it could be up to interpretation whether it is worth trading keeping Aegislash alive for Gengar still being alive though. Keep in mind that Gengar traps and kills 1/2 the team.

Well. idk if that made sense but that's my logic to prove a point that I half agree with. The teams p great anyways though :D


They still run taunt over shadow ball (to shut down stall, yknow) more often from what I have experienced, so both going down will happen most likely. Also pokeaim has already said what you said and gave a solution in the form of running shadow sneak so you could sneak after you pursuit on his shadow ball and kill. Buuuuut toxic is much more usefull so it can have a purpose outside of megagar+xerneas situations, like poisoning ho-oh, a big threat to stall. Edgar said it aint worth it, and I see why.

PS I defs understand your reasoning and you're right for the most part but in practice the current build is prolly best.
The tank koffing question still remains unanswered. The love for the team still totally remains tho :3
+2 252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Weezing: 303-357 (90.9 - 107.2%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO
+2 252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 36 HP / 236 SpD Eviolite Koffing: 2571-3026 (12242.8 - 14409.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
+2 252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Eviolite Koffing: 282-332 (99.6 - 117.3%) -- 93.8% chance to OHKO
Dawww :( That idea is cool af tho, so thats a thing at least :]
(+2 252+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 248 HP / 60 SpD Eviolite Koffing: 256-302 (90.4 - 106.7%) -- 43.8% chance to OHKO)
Yeah but tank koffing vs the threats it's supposed to face? [i.e. ekiller, groudon, etc?].. it would be less capable versus lando-T (because of the rare knock off) but grassceus can burn it which means it's still a threat the team can handle. However maybe versus the pokemon it might be better?
Yeah but tank koffing vs the threats it's supposed to face? [i.e. ekiller, groudon, etc?].. it would be less capable versus lando-T (because of the rare knock off) but grassceus can burn it which means it's still a threat the team can handle. However maybe versus the pokemon it might be better?
Reuben (person I revere as a god) said TANK Weezing and not Koffing, that's all that needs to be said. I'm just following his doctrine.