A HO team around Bisharp

So here comes my OU team!I have made a ton of teams but after reading the guide of dudeswynaut in the reddit.com(i don't need guides,just for fun)and noticed the truth of competitive battling,using your favourite mon.I decided to build a team around bisharp after figuring that out who is my favourite and also turns out to be one of the best pokemon in the tier.



Bisharp threatens so many pokemons and is also one of my favourite mons so why not go with him?

Deo-D set up hazards for bisharp to activate his defiant activately.Hazards are generally amazing too.

Gengar is also another of my favourite mon but he helps with ground and fighting weakness that bisharp helps while sharp can take care of psychic and ghosts.It also lets deoxy-d's hazards difficult to remove as there is now a defog abuser and spin blocker.

Azumarill helps gengar's dark weakness and bisharp's steel weakness while also being a powerful pokemon in hiself.Also grants water and fairy typing,both are amazing.

Mamoswine here to deal with electric types that azumarill hates.It also has amazing dual STABs and a nice movepool.

I need a mega but not quite sure about what to use.Deciding the i need a special attacking mega,mega gardevoir enters the team to deal with physical attackers more effectively.Feeling that i am skarmory weak,gardevoir has thunderbolt to threaten it.


Mamowsine isn't that good for the team.The new thundurus-t can deal with scizor,chansey and tyranitar as well as numerous other pokemons.It's even harder to remove hazards with this mon.

First glance of the team
BW Version


XY Version


Bisharp @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Sucker Punch
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Swords Dance
Bisharp threatens so many mons after a defiant boost coming from a defog,sticky web or other kinds of stat loss.Knock Off is a staple on bisharp together with sucker punch as it has sheer power and has no safe switch ins.Sucker Punch for priorty and extremely useful when u got a defiant boost.It still is great before a defiant boost.Iron Head for fairies trying to threaten mega heracross for the team and SD is generally an amazing move.The idea is to switch in on a latios or some kind of defogger that bisharp can beat and set up swords dance,clean off the team.Clearing hazards is hard in this team cause it packs both spin blocker and defog abuser to stop clearing hazards


Deoxys-Defense @ Red Card
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Taunt
- Magic Coat
- Spikes
- Stealth Rock
Deos-D is the entry hazard setter of the team.Magic coat and taunt for not to be taunt bait and to use or bounce back taunt.Spikes and stealth rock are entry hazards for the team and deoxys-d often gets at least one layer of hazards before dying.Every HO team needs a hazard setter and hazards are also liked by bisharp,the main pokemon of the team.Red Card over mental herb now as red card is amazing.


Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Sludge Wave
- Will-O-Wisp
- Shadow Ball
- Substitute

Gengar is the partner for bisharp laughing ground and fighting tpye attacks while bisharp eats psychic,ghost and dark attacks like nothing.Gengar has WoW+Sub for physical attackers and two STAB moves for coverage and power.Not sure if first slot should be sludge bomb or wave though.


Azumarill @ Choice Band
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Waterfall
- Play Rough
- Aqua Jet
- Superpower

Azumarill is the special tank and sweeper of the team.It deals with fire types that bisharp hates and is also a very execellent pokemon.It has a huge attack,priorty,bulk and amazing typing.Waterfall and play rough for STAB moves and aqua jet for priorty,superpower for coverage.CB for instant power and it's also a good item.


Thundurus (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 Atk
Hasty Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Knock Off
- Hidden Power [Ice]
- Superpower

Thundus gets chosen as the replacement over mamo as it can take care of chansey and t-tar,it is strong itself and it can take out even mega scizor after a bit prior damage(after 1 spikes and stealth rock in details).Thunderbolt 2HKOes both kinds of scizor after prior damage but mega scizor can still stall out PP so it's a bit problem.Knock Off when i don't know the switch ins and HP ice for lando twins,dragons,gliscor and breloom.Superpower for t-tar and ferrothorn while also is a safer hit on bisharp than thunderbolt


Gardevoir @ Gardevoirite
Ability: Trace
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Psyshock
- Hyper Voice
- Hidden Power [Ground] / Focus Blast / Taunt / Memento
- Thunderbolt

OMG,m-gardevoir's so cute.Possiblt the cutest pokemon i have ever seenGardevoir is chosen as the mega of the team as it is the best special attacking mega after char y.Psyshock for not to be pink blobs bait and hyper voice for sheer power and fairy STAB.HP fire deals with ferrothorn and scizor switch ins while t-bolt finishes off skarmory.

Ok,so rate my team guys.Sorry if there are too many photos.
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Bump and team updated with a charizard Y
  • CHarizard Y is the best special mega which i needed and also has the sheer power to break things that gardevoir can't.I love this guy's power so much.I don't have defog or rapid spin so it sounds like a poor idea however,i can pretty much stop hazards with deo-d just as i expected.
I still have to think whether gardevoir,char y or either mega manec to take up the last slot so i want you guys to give me ideas here.If i run char y,the set will be

Charizard @ Charizardite Y
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 SAtk / 4 HP
Timid Nature
IVs: 30 Atk / 30 SAtk / 30 Spd
- Fire Blast
- Solar Beam
- Focus Blast
- Roost

I don't really need dragon pulse here cause every member of my team apart from deox-d and itself checks the lati twins.Charizard's electric type weakness are eaten by mamo and it resists mamo's steel weakness.Rock weakness is terrible and only bisharp resist it but it's more than enough.Fire Blast for a very powerful STAB move that 2HKOes standard mega venu without stealth rock.Solar beam beats waters that laugh fire blast like rotom-w hard.Focus blast for more covrage and roost for healing in certain situations.
Hi there! Looks like a solid DeoSharp team you've got here but it could be improved with a few tweaks.

First of all I'd recommend an Adamant nature over the Jolly nature you currently have on Bisharp. Bisharp has priority in the form of Sucker Punch to deal with faster threats at +2 anyway, so Adamant is the superior option here in order to not miss out important KOs on slower, bulkier threats. I'd also change Mental Herb on Deoxys-D to Red Card. This usually allows it to get at least Stealth Rock and a layer of Spikes down from the switch forced by Red Card. More players will try to outright attack Deoxys-D rather than Taunt it, and you have Magic Coat to bounce back the opponent's Taunt, making it a bit redundant. I'd also change the Azumarill set to a Choice Band set, as it hits considerably harder and applies more offensive pressure on your opponent, which your team needs. It is also better at revenge killing faster Pokémon with Aqua Jet. Another thing is that I'd run a set of 80 HP / 252 Atk / 176 Spe with an Adamant nature on Mamoswine to speed creep Adamant Bisharp. You also have Thick Fat on Azumarill instead of Huge Power but I'll assume that's a mistake.

Also, you might want to consider updating your descriptions with more information, as the minimum required by the rules is 3 lines per Pokémon.
I like your team, but the first thing that jumps out at me (other than a bit of Scizor weakness as experienced from our battle) is that a Mold Breaker Excadrill can really tear through your team, especially considering lots of them are jolly now and your mamo has no speed investment. In terms of adding CharY, it would be a good fit, however you really need a way to get rid of hazards you can't just rely on deoxys to block hazards, meaning you'd have to go with a spinner over a defogger due to your team's apparent dependence on hazards. Have you considered a Heatran for this position? Doesn't help the Exca weakness, but tweaking elsewhere would help with that.
This is an already amazing team especially with Mega Charizard Y added to the team. Charizard with Focus Blast and Fire Blast allows better coverage than M Gardevoir. I just have a few issues.
1. Like Trickzio said, why Assault Vest on Azumarill? Azumarill is indeed a bulky pokemon with it's brand new fairy typing this gen but an ability like huge power and it's good attack stat is too great to ignore. The moveset above would be better suited for a choice band. With the added attack power Azumarill can sweep everything in at least 1 or 2 hits.
2. Same issue with Mamoswine. Why AV? Mamoswine's defense is not much to rave about. Mamoswine is better suited to focus sash and Stealth Rock or with a Life orb.
Overall a great team! You have clearly thought about coverage and what the pokemon is best suited to and I wish you the best of luck!
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@Trickzio:For Bisharp,i am interested in adamant but jolly helps bisharp outspeed so many mons that adamant might not.I agree with red card for deox-d though so i will change it.Same with band azumarill.

@Johnno:I don't really want to choose heatran and exca isn't being a problem-azumarill checks it well.

@Thundershock:Thanks for azumarill band.I will consider it.

Two problems for me
Special attacking Mega:Zard Y and manectric mega are not good enough and i need a scizor counter.Gotta stick back with mega garde and change mamoswine to something.
Mamoswine=Not quite useful and don't know why.
Gengar=Half useful and half useless.I am sure it will be awesome with another moveset.
I recommend A sub 3 attacks on Gengar

Gengar @ Black Sludge
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Shadow Ball
- Dazzling Gleam
- Thunderbolt

That's what i use on my Bisharp team and it works well! Maybe you can change Dazzling Gleam for Sludge Wave
After I observed and tested your team. I think I have found two Pokémon who can perform Mamoswine's and Gengar's careers better.


Landorus-Therian (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- U-turn
Landorus-T performs similarly to how you claimed Mamoswine would. It takes Electric attacks for the team, but this also contains a much needed Ground immunity for your team. Excadrill, regardless of how you claim it doesn't harm the team. It can still brush Gengar aside, if you attempt to switch in with it, and then Rapid Spin your hazards you worked so hard to set up. Scarf Landorus-T takes care of Excadrill before it can try any tricks. The scarf also allows you to take care of Charizard (both forms) without the need of worrying about being shot down. The fact how it can surprise and out speed Talonflame and Greninja will also make life easier. However, you should mainly use it on slower opponents to start in order to make your opponent believe you are a standard defensive set, this will then lure in more threats for it to take down, as I mentioned above. It will also allow you to fend of Scizor for a bit due to Intimidate, and Knock Off it is the CB Scizor that is being troublesome.

And instead of Gengar.

Aegislash @ Air Balloon
Ability: Stance Change
EVs: 244 HP / 12 Def / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature
- King's Shield
- Shadow Sneak
- Shadow Ball
- Sacred Sword
Aegislash is superior to Gengar at spinblocking for one particular reason; the Air Balloon allows it to survive Excadrill enough to be rid of the fiend. It also has the ability to ward of Scizor that lack Knock Off. It will be strong enough to barge through Fairies without the use of a Steel attacks. Its Shadow Ball has a heavier damage output than Gengar due to the generous 150 special attack. These earlier factors alone, combined with the solid defensive typing, allow for it to compliment the Deo-Sharp core better than Gengar can. It can also assist Gardevoir, who is clearly the team's MVP. This is due to it being able to lure in Mandibuzz which Gardevoir can then switch in to, take the Foul Play, and start its dirty work.

Speaking of Gardevoir, it should be running Hidden Power Ground as opposed to Fire. This means it can get Heatran on the switch. Thunderbolt should stay though; it is an awesome way of luring in Skarmory which won't be suspecting anything.

Overall, this is a great team which only misses the boat in a few areas. Hopefully with these additions, you should be able to aim to higher goals. Maybe even peak the ladder.
@Mobivous:I am trying the sub WoW set and it goes well so i might go with it.

Master Lemon:Aegislash is amazing but i start to like gengar better as it suits to the team more and has a reliable ground immunity.I can burn excadrill anyway.

Choosing Lando-T sounds good,but it grants an amazing weakness to thundurus so i decided to ignore him.

Gardevoir will drop HP fire for HP ground,focus blast or memento.Not sure what to replace though.

The one i need in place of mamoswine is something that can take care thundurus,electric moves and scizor.

252 Atk Landorus-T Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mega Scizor: 133-157 (38.6 - 45.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
Mamo's replacement sounds quite specific. The only two that I think could help are Assault Vest Goodra and Specially Defensive Hippowdon.
Hey garchomp11111

This is a very cool hyper offense team. Gengar in particular is one of the coolest Pokemon to use right now thanks to its access to Wisp and luring in threats to Charizard Y, specifically Tyranitar. However, I don't like using Charizard Y without hazard control. Especially since wall breakers will have to be switching almost constantly, it puts way too much pressure on Charizard to use Roost every time it comes in. On top of that, your team doesn't have a practical way of beating Chansey stall teams (i.e. all stall teams), as I'm pretty sure Blissey can PP stall your Gengar set as it is. Lastly, there's a lot of pressure on Azumarill to take on setup sweepers like Charizard X and Mega Gyarados (both can set up on Bisharp or if Red Card sends them into Deoxys-D), and unfortunately it has no form of recovery available to it. There are some simple changes that can help fix these issues. First, change Mamoswine to Scarf Excadrill. Believe me, I love Mamoswine in the current metagame, but it just can't be justified on a Chrizard Y team with no hazard control. Excadrill gives your team a speedy Rapid Spin as well as a way of revenge killing Adamant Charizard X and Mega Pinsir, while also checking Thundurus, which was Mamaoswine's main use, imo. My last change is rather small, but I would use Taunt over Sludge Wave on Gengar. Sub Taunt and Wisp may seem like a lot of utility and not a lot of attacking, but trust me that it is useful. Taunt will ensure that Chansey will always lose to Gengar, as it cannot recover. It forces Chansey to switch out, meaning it'll take more damage from hazards switching in again. This should make things easier for Charizard-Y to wall break.

Anyway, I hope I was able to help. Good luck with the team!
@MasterLemon:Assault Vest goodra sounds good!It has to rival the spot for thundurus-t(another suggestion on a website).Scizor is the team's worst nightmare for the team now as it can get passed a lot of pokemons easily.I feel like thundurus can get passed scizor well.

252 SpA Thundurus Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Mega Scizor: 144-169 (41.8 - 49.1%) -- 83.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock

Not bad considering i have both spikes and stealth rock on the side.

@Halycon:Just rate the team from the preview.
Hey garchomp11111, pretty solid team you have here. To be quite honest for the amount of rates you are getting I'm not really sure the team is improving at all. When you change something you need to make sure other problems don't arise or at least try and contain all the problems you can. That being said I will try and accomplish what everyone should be aiming to accomplish and that is bettering the team, not just changing something for the sake of changing something. The first thing you need to worry about when making a team with Mega Gardevoir is Aegislash. You have 2 checks to it but it can hit and run quite easily making even more trouble for you. What I'd suggest is running Pursuit over Swords Dance on Bisharp to trap Aegislash and stop him from performing drive-byes on the team. Getting rid of Aegislash or hurting it so bad that when it swaps back in it is dead makes Mega Gardevoir that much more of a threat and that much less manageable. Assuming you do change to Pursuit you would now have three Dark moves and one Steel move. Try ditching the Life Orb for some Black Glasses in order to increase your longevity without having to sacrifice power (Dark type moves will do the same with either item). You need Bisharp around for quite a while to discourage Defog and to trap threats that would trouble your teammates so swapping the items only aids him in completing this.

Azumarill is pretty much a staple on a ton of Hyper Offense teams simply because his offensive presence is unmatched and his typing for an offensive Pokemon is amazing. Azumarill puts a ton of pressure on the opponent and hits like a truck but in order to fully maximize it on this team you should swap from a Choice Band set to a Belly Drum set. With the amount of residual damage that hazard stacking Deoxys-Defense is dishing out, there won't be many things outside of his counters that will live a +6 Aqua Jet as opposed to having to be choice locked and do less damage overall. The EVs are somewhat common so I will explain them: 160 speed is needed to out speed base 70s with no investment and a neutral nature, max attack and Adamant is pretty much standard, and 96 HP EVs were the leftovers. 96 EVs gave you an odd amount of HP and would not give you the Sitrus Berry when Belly Drumming so it was changed to 92 and the speed to 164.

Some minor changes include things like the amount of things you have slashed on Mega Gardevoir. Honestly this is a bit extreme and the fact that Thunderbolt is set in stone and Focus Blast is slashed is odd. IMO Focus Blast should be placed move slot and Taunt should be the move in the third move slot. Taunt allows you to double as a stall breaker and stops other Pokemon from boosting, inflicting status, etc. Focus Blast hits Heatran, Ferrothorn, and Skarmory mainly and provides solid damage to a number of other threats. Another thing is technically you are only allowed one bump per rate so try and stay within that rule and not just bump after four or five hours of you not getting any rates. In any case good luck with the team and hope I helped.
Azumarill @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 164 Spd / 252 Atk / 92 HP
Adamant Nature
- Aqua Jet
- Belly Drum
- Play Rough
- Waterfall

Bisharp @ Black Glasses
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Iron Head
- Knock Off
- Pursuit
- Sucker Punch
Ok so i guess Band Azumarill < Belly drum azumarill.I was already thinking to replace so no prob for me.

SD Bisharp < Pursuit Bisharp.I never used sd for about 30 battles so i think pursuit will be OK.
Life Orb < Black Glasses.Not sure about this but recoil often stop my sweeps so i guess it's ok too.

Gardevoir Focus Blast+Taunt.Interesting i was using HP ground to hit heatran and some other stuff but focus blast seems better.Too bad it has an awful accuracy so i have to stick with HP ground.
Hey where did you get those gen 6 sprites? They look solid as hell.

A lot of changes have already been suggested, but I think you really should fit twave somewhere on thundy. Other than that, I agree with aegi>gar.
Hey where did you get those gen 6 sprites? They look solid as hell.

A lot of changes have already been suggested, but I think you really should fit twave somewhere on thundy. Other than that, I agree with aegi>gar.
Probably Copy/pasted from a battle?
u're lucky,apple.I have to find like a day and got to figure out myself for those srpites.

Gengar is working very well(the third most after deoxys-d and bisharp)so i am not willing to replace with aegi.