Wi-fi Room Staff Interviews: antto

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This week, everyone's favorite person ever in the world gets to be interviewed, the Wifi Room Moderator, antto!

This interview was conducted by the sexiest Wifi Room Voices, xzern and Kezza Bolt.

This interview took place on Skype, I replaced the skype names with our Showdown names so you cant stalk us. o3o

protip: if you know that antto is a girl, this whole interview makes a lot more sense.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------xzern: So antto, how did you hear about showdown?
antto: okay, I used to be in another site where I chatted a lot, met a few friends, and this particular friend played pokemon, but he lives in a different country, so, we always dreamt about playing pokemon against each other, but there was no way for us to do that. one day he says to me, "anto, I found this site where we can battle", and I start laddering in random battles and playing against my friend, pretty much
xzern: And who was this friend?
xzern: Are they somebody playing showdown right now?
antto: his name is Erick, I met him on a site called neopets. and yeah, we random battle sometimes when he has free time
xzern: How about your showdown name, antto? How did you concieve of such a name?
antto: well, I needed a name where he could recognize me, so I wanted to chose anto, since my real name is antonella and my nickname is anto, but the name was already taken, so I had to add an extra t to it.
xzern: Quite.
xzern: What do you do when you arent playing pokemon?
antto: mmm, well, whenever I'm not hanging out with my friends or modding in showdown, I go to college, listen to music, I'm a huge fan of music, so I listen to it like, 24/7. I also like taking care of my garden, I love plants and also I love walking my dog, and watch series online.
Kezza Bolt: What music genres/bands do you listen to?
antto: classic rock, indie, modern rock, rock pop and somewhat metal. my favorite bands are The Killers, Arctic Monkeys, All time low, Linkin Park, so yeah, I listen to most of genres, I just enjoy the pleasure of listening to music
Kezza Bolt: What kinds of series do you watch?
antto: I don't have a defined genre for series. I like The Mentalist, The Vampire Diaries, and I have to admit, I watch glee. so yeah, I go for pretty much everything
xzern: glee. e.e

xzern: Back to showdown, what kind of advice would you give to users that would aspire to get promoted?
antto: that they should keep the hard working. I know some of them think that they are not noticed for what they do, but I have a pretty good memory and I write down what the regs do, such as answering questions, being nice to other people. being nice and respectful are not easy-to-find qualities
xzern: quite.
antto: o3o
xzern: What's your favorite pokemon? o3o
antto: totally not umbreon
Kezza Bolt: dumbreon
xzern: and why is it dumbreon?
xzern: even when espeon is better, I might add.
antto: I love its design, and I got pretty attached to it, it was like, the first pokemon I cared about training really well
xzern: What generation did you start playing pokemon?
antto: 1st one
antto: I'm so old
xzern: too old for us, kezza
xzern: -flees-
Kezza Bolt: LOL
antto: WAOW
antto: I started playing the emulator at home
antto: but, pokemon started to get under my skin in gen 3
xzern: How delightful.
xzern: Why gen 3?
antto: because I was like, 5 years when I started playing gen 1, and I was much older when gen 3 first came out
antto: like, 10 years or something (so old)
xzern: What made you want to play pokemon competitively?
antto: well, pretty much a curse umbreon. that made me realize that a pokemon strategy wasn't based only in damaging moves
xzern: Was it that one curse payback umbreon from that one dark type trainer in the gen 2 elite four?
xzern: it was probably that one umbreon
antto: I think so, I don't remember well. but I think it was
xzern: quite.
xzern: kezza, you take it from here
Kezza Bolt: mkay
xzern: I'm going to go shove a hot pocket down my throat
Kezza Bolt: -sweats nervously-
Kezza Bolt: Ok anto bby, what other video games do you play?
antto: oi, a lot, I've had the whole Playstation family (1, 2, 3, 4). so I like games like Batman, infamous, tomb raider, max payne and that
Kezza Bolt: so you like action games
Kezza Bolt: I see
antto: I do, I do

xzern: so antto
xzern: To conclude, which rank should the next interview be?
xzern: voice, driver, mod, or room owner?
antto: RO! interview the deceiver imo
Kezza Bolt: ;-;
xzern: have any final words for all your fans out there?
antto: I thought you were going to ask my age or something I was waiting for that
Kezza Bolt: 18
Kezza Bolt: rite
xzern: we all know youre 18
antto: I LOVE YOU BBIES <33 thanks for choosing me first, I will try to keep the hard work for you

What the hell did I just read?
Oh gods, this is so cool. But I just can't decide whether I wanna vote for Offler, Hawk or Sop >.<
Maybe I won't vote at all...

SopS4nd said:
Vacate and Nix Hex should be
Interviewed here o3o.
Nah, I wanna hear from wingg, Emp or Darnell xD
Lol skitty, do it I think it's important to know more about all staff users of each room :]

We will in fact be doing this at some point :P I think it would be cool however to someday include RO's on the main interview list (after Nani gets his of course...)