Ubers Rayquaza [GP 2/2]

Additions / Corrections


Rayquaza finally (imo, this makes it sound like Rayquaza has returned to Ubers after a stay in a different tier; consider revising) returns to Ubers from a well-deserved vacation in the ozone layer, (remove comma) and is ready to show off its power once again. In terms of power, base 150 offenses in both stats is definitely something to be feared, and Rayquaza has high BP powerful moves to back it up, like such as V-create, Outrage, and the coveted Extremespeed. Also, its decent base 95 Speed and rare access to boosting moves like Dragon Dance and Swords Dance lets Rayquaza differentiate itself from most of the Dragons in the tier. And, As for the cherry on top, Defoggers can remove hazards easier than before, giving Rayquaza some much-needed switch-in opportunities. However, most Dragon-types now have to deal with Fairy-types like Xerneas and Fairy Arceus, and Rayquaza's primary cleaning move Outrage practically gives them a free turn. Also, Its typing isn't that great either, limiting the number of attacks it can switch into possible switch-ins into attacks. In addition, its useful ability in Air Lock was heavily nerfed due to the lack of perma-weather, but Rayquaza is probably the sole Pokemon able to defeat Steel-types regardless of weather conditions, in addition to being able to switch in or set up on a Kyogre's Water Spout. Finally, Rayquaza is now facing very stiff competition for a sweeping spot with stuff like from threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Blaziken. Despite the new generation shifting away from Rayquaza's favor, do not disregard it at all when teambuilding, unless you wish to have it rip a hole bigger than the Antartic ozone depletion in your team.

Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: V-create
move 3: Dragon Claw
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly


With Swords Dance and Life Orb in tow, Rayquaza essentially becomes a physical wallbreaker who that pretty much takes no prisoners with a whopping 876 Attack after a boost and an Adamant nature. V-create is basically Rayquaza's ultimate nuke, (remove comma) and will desolate anything and everything that does not resist it after a boost; even physically defensive Groudon is at risk of being OHKOed, especially after Stealth Rock. Dragon Claw is Rayquaza's STAB move of choice, and as it hits the things that resist V-create like Water- and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Water Arceus, (add comma) and Rock Arceus that resist V-create. Extremespeed is a major joint piece of the Swords Dance set, as not only can it revenge kill weakened sweepers, it can also finish off Pokemon that aren't immediately OHKOed by a +2 V-create or +2 Dragon Claw.

Set Details

The main draw of Swords Dance Rayquaza is its sheer power with V-create and massive base 150 Attack, and because of this, Adamant is the recommended nature to deal the most damage. However, Jolly is still a very viable alternative, as you can defeat positive base 90 Speed Pokemon without resorting to Extremespeed, but the power drop is noticeable. Also, maximum EVs in Attack and Speed can let Rayquaza hit extremely hard and relatively fast, and you should not deviate from these two stats in any case.

Usage Tips

First and foremost, Swords Dance Rayquaza not a sweeper by any means, and it should be treated as a wallbreaker first, as it has no sweeping moves whatsoever, and the ability to smash almost any physical wall in the game with a +2 V-create can pave the way for another sweeper instead. Also, unless the opposing team is severely weakened, refrain from using Extremespeed as a cleaning tool; use it and more as a revenge killing tool or a finishing move on a target that does not immediately vaporize from a +2 V-create, even though a +2 Extremespeed can deal heavy damage but a +2 Extremespeed will sting regardless. Finally, even though V-create is your primary nuke button, be extremely careful when using it, as it will force you Rayquaza out through its secondary effects of lowering your own its defenses and Speed.

Team Options

Volt Switch users like Thundurus and Zekrom, or and U-turn users like Genesect can bring in Rayquaza on predicted switches for free and can give it an opportunity to wreak havoc on the nearest wall with ease. Mega Gengar is also Rayquaza's primary ally as it can defeat the Fairy-types that make Rayquaza angry, (add comma) like such as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus. Also, Steel-types like Bronzong, Klefki, Aegislash, and Mega Scizor can also deal with Fairy-types if needed, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon, leaving them vulnerable to V-create. Stealth Rock removal is important for Rayquaza's success. Defog users like Arceus and Giratina, or Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Forretress can remove these easily. Anything that likes having Steel-types utterly annihilated is definitely a friend of Rayquaza. Lugia and even Geomancy Xerneas and Calm Mind Fairy Arceus enjoy Rayquaza's company and Steel-type-destroying ability. Last but not least, Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can help Rayquaza pull off some neat KOs, like such as a 56.3% chance to OHKO physically defensive Groudon with a +2 Adamant V-create, and Darkrai with a +2 Extremespeed.

name: MixQuaza
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: V-create
move 3: Extremespeed
move 4: Dragon Claw / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Hasty / Naive


When one sees MixQuaza, one immediately thinks Draco Meteor, which lets Rayquaza bypass physically bulky Ground-types and support Arceus formes. This also makes this set a lure for the above, letting it act as a supporter for sweepers that are checked or countered by these. V-create is also very useful, as it can get past opposing Steel-types, and can still do good damage in general with Life Orb. Extremespeed is still a very important joint piece for Draco Meteor and V-create, as it can finish off opponents that are not KOed by the above mentioned two moves. Dragon Claw is a very useful STAB move to spam in situations where using if Draco Meteor is not ideal not the wisest decision to make. However, Earthquake can cover more things threats that can effectively wall Mixquaza, like such as Heatran, Dialga, and Tyranitar, but it leaves you Rayquaza vulnerable to Ho-Oh.

Set Details

Despite the fact that three of the four moves in this set are physical, the EVs are diverted into Special Attack for Draco Meteor, as without it, there is no reason to run MixQuaza. The above natures are based on team composition and personal preference. Hasty lets you Rayquaza take special attacks better and give a Download boost in Attack, while Naive lets you it take less damage from priority.

Usage Tips

MixQuaza's number 1 priority is to lure defensive Pokemon like the support Arceus formes, Groudon, and Lugia provided Multiscale is broken, and it should thus feign a different set in order to succeed at this. As an extra reminder, be particularly careful with V-create's usage, but don't be too scared if Draco Meteor is used, as Rayquaza has three other physical moves at his its disposal. Speaking of V-create, try catching Fairy-types that are immune to Draco Meteor on the switch, so you can do some conceivable significant damage to them before switching out.

Team Options

Volt Switch and U-turn can still assist Rayquaza when coming onto the battlefield, and can as they catch switches to things threats like Groudon (U-turn only) and Lugia, giving Rayquaza the edge. Mega Gengar can still once again help in removing Fairy-types and Taunting support Arceus formes that would otherwise burn or paralyze Rayquaza. Defoggers like Arceus and Giratina in addition to Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Forretress can remove Stealth Rock that can annoy Rayquaza and support the rest of the team. Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon will also help in breaking Lugia's Multiscale and help letting Rayquaza KO foes with Draco Meteor. Also, the important thing when making a team with MixQuaza is to have things attackers that like having the Pokemon Rayquaza's Draco Meteor can defeat gone. Blaziken likes having Giratina, Lugia, and some support Arceus formes out of the picture, while Zekrom loves having Groudon out of the way, all of which MixQuaza can take down if played correctly. Heatran however is a large problem for MixQuaza if it does not run Earthquake, so having a Ground-type coverage move or Ground-types like Garchomp and Ground Arceus should remedy this if you choose Dragon Claw.

Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage
move 3: V-create
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


With Dragon Dance, Rayquaza can become a fearsome late-game sweeper, and that sweeping power is provided by Outrage. With Fairy-types and Steel-types out of the picture, Rayquaza will quite literally go on a rampage with Outrage, cleaning up weakened teams with ease, especially with Life Orb backing it up. However, the other two moves are to make sure a sweep with Outrage is a conceivable reality. Though it may seem weird on a setup sweeper, V-create can be used for immediate power, and as it can help Rayquaza get past Steel-types and most support Arceus formes before initiating a sweep. Extremespeed can also help Rayquaza defeat weakened Choice Scarf users and sweepers, giving it an opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance. If you are legitimately scared of being locked into Outrage to the point it becomes a phobia, (add comma) however, Dragon Claw is an alternative, but it hits like a pansy compared to Outrage.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are practically required in order for Rayquaza to hit like a truck before and after a Dragon Dance, and is crucial to Rayquaza's sweeping capabilities. As an alternative nature, Adamant, can be viable in terms of power is a viable alternative nature and can ensure sweeps, but a Jolly nature lets Rayquaza get the jump on base 90 Choice Scarf users such as like Kyogre and Zekrom. Lum Berry can ensure Rayquaza is not crippled by status and can thus let it defeat support Arceus formes without any repercussions, but the power drop compared to Life Orb is very noticable.

Usage Tips

There are many things to remember when using Dragon Dance Rayquaza; they are unparalleled in importance. Firstly, do not attempt to sweep early-game, especially if there is a Fairy-type, Steel-type, or unknown Arceus forme lurking around. This is because Rayquaza's only sweeping tool is Outrage, so unless you can take all of the above mentioned Pokemon down with V-create without trouble, or if the opponent has none of the above team members, do not attempt an early-game sweep without Outrage (I think you mean 'with Outrage' here). In terms of V-create however, this However, V-create and Dragon Dance can let Rayquaza function as a sweeper or a wallbreaker, giving it extra utility to the team. Also, it is particularly difficult for Rayquaza to get a Dragon Dance off safely, but the set closely mimics the Swords Dance set, so try to imitate its playstyles until you find an opportunity to set up. Also, if revenge killers are on the prowl, try to predict switches and hit them hard with V-create or Extremespeed, and then switch out. This is a particularly safe style if you Rayquaza has not received to much residual damage from Life Orb or Stealth Rock, increasing the probability of a sweep.

Team Options

Users of VoltTurn like VoltTurn users such as Genesect, Thundurus, and Zekrom, (remove comma) and Fairy-type removers like Mega Gengar are imperative to having for Rayquaza to come in safely and set up Dragon Dance, (add comma) as their ability to gain momentum and remove threats respectively help Rayquaza greatly. Defensively oriented Steel-types like Aegislash, Bronzong, Klefki, and Mega Scizor can help remove Fairy-types from the game easier than most, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon with Thunder Wave, easing Rayquaza's sweep. Rapid Spin is preferred over Defog as entry hazard removal as Rayquaza likes having weakened teams with Stealth Rock and Spikes under their feet. Excadrill and Forretress will remove entry hazards on your side only, and can set up their own Stealth Rock and Spikes respectively. Other Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can also get them up when needed. In terms of weakening teams, entry hazard shufflers like Giratina, Lugia, and Groudon can rack up residual damage to the point where Rayquaza can sweep with a +1 Outrage. Wobbuffet is also a very helpful partner to Rayquaza, as not only can it trap and remove support Arceus formes and Choice Scarf revenge killers like Xerneas, it can also provide Rayquaza a setup opportunity with Encore.

Other Options

Focus Sash can let Rayquaza take a hit and live regardless of damage outside of multi-hit moves, but Rayquaza really likes having Life Orb on its side. Rayquaza also can use Choice Band and Choice Scarf, which can hurt with its powerful Outrage and V-create. However, locking yourself itself into a specific move is something Rayquaza does not like this generation, and it thus prefers the flexibility of Life Orb. Leftovers is a passable option for recovery, but Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to utilize it and really likes Life Orb instead. A Tailwind support set is a neat option for assisting slower teams, but as mentioned before, Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to take on a supporting role. However, leading with Rayquaza—commonly called "LeadQuaza"—(remove comma, add em-dash) can disrupt many teams with a surprising Rayquaza lead, letting it wreak havoc on dedicated leads and rip teams up turn 1.

Overheat, Flamethrower, and Fire Blast are safer alternatives to V-create when it comes to hitting Steel-types, but the sheer power of V-create overshadows all of these options. Iron Tail is a powerful option to hit Fairy-types, but is inaccurate and offers little coverage. Dragon Tail can phaze sweepers that want to set up alongside Rayquaza, but takes up a slot that can be used to run other Dragon-type moves, as the combination of V-create and Extremespeed together is a niche Rayquaza calls its own. On the other hand, Substitute is a solid option for Rayquaza to gain boosts behind or and shield itself from damage or status.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: The biggest thorn in Rayquaza's side as of now, Fairy-types like Fairy Arceus and Xerneas prevent Rayquaza from using Outrage and can threaten to KO with Fairy-type attacks. But However, basically every Fairy-type bar Clefable gets destroyed by either a boosted Iron Tail or V-create.

**Heatran**: Now that most Rayquaza variants do not run Earthquake, Heatran can out tank Rayquaza's hits, threaten to burn with Lava Plume and can nullify boosts with Roar. However, Heatran gets 2HKOed by a +2 Dragon Claw, and if Rayquaza runs Earthquake, Heatran is history.

**Bulky support Arceus formes**: Water Arceus and Rock Arceus can take a V-create and threaten to burn with Will-O-Wisp. These are probably the closest things to a tangible counter to Rayquaza.

**Lugia**: Provided Multiscale is intact, Lugia can take a hit from Rayquaza, can cripple it with Thunder Wave, and phaze it out with Whirlwind.

**Groudon**: As Rayquaza does not get benefit from the sun, Groudon can take a hit including V-create, threaten to paralyze with Thunder Wave, severely damage Rayquaza with Stone Edge, or phaze it out with Roar. But However, Groudon cannot take a +2 V-create if it has taken a bit of damage.

**Revenge Killers**: Probably the safest answers to Rayquaza, priority users such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Yveltal, and Mega Lucario, and Scizor, in addition to Choice Scarf users like such as Kyogre, Genesect, and Zekrom, (add comma) can dispose of Rayquaza with their respective moves. However, they will not appreciate taking either a Dragon Claw, Outrage, or V-create, (remove comma) and may be KOed if the attack is boosted.

**Status**: Burn makes Rayquaza deadweight, as it cannot use its powerful attacks to great effect anymore, and paralysis cripples its once above-average base 95 Speed, leaving it vulnerable to being revenge killed. Rayquaza does not appreciate being hit with Toxic either, as the residual damage of Life Orb and Toxic can end Rayquaza's sweep early.

However, none of the above sets can truly counter Rayquaza entirely if it is hit with the right coverage move or is hit by a boosted coverage move. This is because Rayquaza is extremely powerful with V-create, Outrage, and boosting moves in Swords Dance and Dragon Dance. (Split this last paragraph and include the sentences under the relevant sub-headings in C&C.)

A few points:
  • Do not get confused between 'like' and 'such as'. You use 'like' when providing examples instead of 'such as' in this analysis, which isn't advisable. For more information on the difference between the two, do check out this link.
  • If you're using 'OHKO' as a verb, then the correct form is 'OHKOed', not 'OHKOd'.
  • Keep in mind that 'you' refers to the user, not the Pokemon.

GP 1 / 2
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Additions / Corrections


Rayquaza finally (imo, this makes it sound like Rayquaza has returned to Ubers after a stay in a different tier; consider revising) returns to Ubers from a well-deserved vacation in the ozone layer, (remove comma) and is ready to show off its power once again. In terms of power, base 150 offenses in both stats is definitely something to be feared, and Rayquaza has high BP powerful moves to back it up, like such as V-create, Outrage, and the coveted Extremespeed. Also, its decent base 95 Speed and rare access to boosting moves like Dragon Dance and Swords Dance lets Rayquaza differentiate itself from most of the Dragons in the tier. And, As for the cherry on top, Defoggers can remove hazards easier than before, giving Rayquaza some much-needed switch-in opportunities. However, most Dragon-types now have to deal with Fairy-types like Xerneas and Fairy Arceus, and Rayquaza's primary cleaning move Outrage practically gives them a free turn. Also, Its typing isn't that great either, limiting the number of attacks it can switch into possible switch-ins into attacks. In addition, its useful ability in Air Lock was heavily nerfed due to the lack of perma-weather, but Rayquaza is probably the sole Pokemon able to defeat Steel-types regardless of weather conditions, in addition to being able to switch in or set up on a Kyogre's Water Spout. Finally, Rayquaza is now facing very stiff competition for a sweeping spot with stuff like from threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Blaziken. Despite the new generation shifting away from Rayquaza's favor, do not disregard it at all when teambuilding, unless you wish to have it rip a hole bigger than the Antartic ozone depletion in your team.

Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: V-create
move 3: Dragon Claw
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly


With Swords Dance and Life Orb in tow, Rayquaza essentially becomes a physical wallbreaker who that pretty much takes no prisoners with a whopping 876 Attack after a boost and an Adamant nature. V-create is basically Rayquaza's ultimate nuke, (remove comma) and will desolate anything and everything that does not resist it after a boost; even physically defensive Groudon is at risk of being OHKOed, especially after Stealth Rock. Dragon Claw is Rayquaza's STAB move of choice, and as it hits the things that resist V-create like Water- and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Water Arceus, (add comma) and Rock Arceus that resist V-create. Extremespeed is a major joint piece of the Swords Dance set, as not only can it revenge kill weakened sweepers, it can also finish off Pokemon that aren't immediately OHKOed by a +2 V-create or +2 Dragon Claw.

Set Details

The main draw of Swords Dance Rayquaza is its sheer power with V-create and massive base 150 Attack, and because of this, Adamant is the recommended nature to deal the most damage. However, Jolly is still a very viable alternative, as you can defeat positive base 90 Speed Pokemon without resorting to Extremespeed, but the power drop is noticeable. Also, maximum EVs in Attack and Speed can let Rayquaza hit extremely hard and relatively fast, and you should not deviate from these two stats in any case.

Usage Tips

First and foremost, Swords Dance Rayquaza not a sweeper by any means, and it should be treated as a wallbreaker first, as it has no sweeping moves whatsoever, and the ability to smash almost any physical wall in the game with a +2 V-create can pave the way for another sweeper instead. Also, unless the opposing team is severely weakened, refrain from using Extremespeed as a cleaning tool; use it and more as a revenge killing tool or a finishing move on a target that does not immediately vaporize from a +2 V-create, even though a +2 Extremespeed can deal heavy damage but a +2 Extremespeed will sting regardless. Finally, even though V-create is your primary nuke button, be extremely careful when using it, as it will force you Rayquaza out through its secondary effects of lowering your own its defenses and Speed.

Team Options

Volt Switch users like Thundurus and Zekrom, or and U-turn users like Genesect can bring in Rayquaza on predicted switches for free and can give it an opportunity to wreak havoc on the nearest wall with ease. Mega Gengar is also Rayquaza's primary ally as it can defeat the Fairy-types that make Rayquaza angry, (add comma) like such as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus. Also, Steel-types like Bronzong, Klefki, Aegislash, and Mega Scizor can also deal with Fairy-types if needed, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon, leaving them vulnerable to V-create. Stealth Rock removal is important for Rayquaza's success. Defog users like Arceus and Giratina, or Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Forretress can remove these easily. Anything that likes having Steel-types utterly annihilated is definitely a friend of Rayquaza. Lugia and even Geomancy Xerneas and Calm Mind Fairy Arceus enjoy Rayquaza's company and Steel-type-destroying ability. Last but not least, Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can help Rayquaza pull off some neat KOs, like such as a 56.3% chance to OHKO physically defensive Groudon with a +2 Adamant V-create, and Darkrai with a +2 Extremespeed.

name: MixQuaza
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: V-create
move 3: Extremespeed
move 4: Dragon Claw / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Hasty / Naive


When one sees MixQuaza, one immediately thinks Draco Meteor, which lets Rayquaza bypass physically bulky Ground-types and support Arceus formes. This also makes this set a lure for the above, letting it act as a supporter for sweepers that are checked or countered by these. V-create is also very useful, as it can get past opposing Steel-types, and can still do good damage in general with Life Orb. Extremespeed is still a very important joint piece for Draco Meteor and V-create, as it can finish off opponents that are not KOed by the above mentioned two moves. Dragon Claw is a very useful STAB move to spam in situations where using if Draco Meteor is not ideal not the wisest decision to make. However, Earthquake can cover more things threats that can effectively wall Mixquaza, like such as Heatran, Dialga, and Tyranitar, but it leaves you Rayquaza vulnerable to Ho-Oh.

Set Details

Despite the fact that three of the four moves in this set are physical, the EVs are diverted into Special Attack for Draco Meteor, as without it, there is no reason to run MixQuaza. The above natures are based on team composition and personal preference. Hasty lets you Rayquaza take special attacks better and give a Download boost in Attack, while Naive lets you it take less damage from priority.

Usage Tips

MixQuaza's number 1 priority is to lure defensive Pokemon like the support Arceus formes, Groudon, and Lugia provided Multiscale is broken, and it should thus feign a different set in order to succeed at this. As an extra reminder, be particularly careful with V-create's usage, but don't be too scared if Draco Meteor is used, as Rayquaza has three other physical moves at his its disposal. Speaking of V-create, try catching Fairy-types that are immune to Draco Meteor on the switch, so you can do some conceivable significant damage to them before switching out.

Team Options

Volt Switch and U-turn can still assist Rayquaza when coming onto the battlefield, and can as they catch switches to things threats like Groudon (U-turn only) and Lugia, giving Rayquaza the edge. Mega Gengar can still once again help in removing Fairy-types and Taunting support Arceus formes that would otherwise burn or paralyze Rayquaza. Defoggers like Arceus and Giratina in addition to Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Forretress can remove Stealth Rock that can annoy Rayquaza and support the rest of the team. Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon will also help in breaking Lugia's Multiscale and help letting Rayquaza KO foes with Draco Meteor. Also, the important thing when making a team with MixQuaza is to have things attackers that like having the Pokemon Rayquaza's Draco Meteor can defeat gone. Blaziken likes having Giratina, Lugia, and some support Arceus formes out of the picture, while Zekrom loves having Groudon out of the way, all of which MixQuaza can take down if played correctly. Heatran however is a large problem for MixQuaza if it does not run Earthquake, so having a Ground-type coverage move or Ground-types like Garchomp and Ground Arceus should remedy this if you choose Dragon Claw.

Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage
move 3: V-create
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


With Dragon Dance, Rayquaza can become a fearsome late-game sweeper, and that sweeping power is provided by Outrage. With Fairy-types and Steel-types out of the picture, Rayquaza will quite literally go on a rampage with Outrage, cleaning up weakened teams with ease, especially with Life Orb backing it up. However, the other two moves are to make sure a sweep with Outrage is a conceivable reality. Though it may seem weird on a setup sweeper, V-create can be used for immediate power, and as it can help Rayquaza get past Steel-types and most support Arceus formes before initiating a sweep. Extremespeed can also help Rayquaza defeat weakened Choice Scarf users and sweepers, giving it an opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance. If you are legitimately scared of being locked into Outrage to the point it becomes a phobia, (add comma) however, Dragon Claw is an alternative, but it hits like a pansy compared to Outrage.

Set Details

Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are practically required in order for Rayquaza to hit like a truck before and after a Dragon Dance, and is crucial to Rayquaza's sweeping capabilities. As an alternative nature, Adamant, can be viable in terms of power is a viable alternative nature and can ensure sweeps, but a Jolly nature lets Rayquaza get the jump on base 90 Choice Scarf users such as like Kyogre and Zekrom. Lum Berry can ensure Rayquaza is not crippled by status and can thus let it defeat support Arceus formes without any repercussions, but the power drop compared to Life Orb is very noticable.

Usage Tips

There are many things to remember when using Dragon Dance Rayquaza; they are unparalleled in importance. Firstly, do not attempt to sweep early-game, especially if there is a Fairy-type, Steel-type, or unknown Arceus forme lurking around. This is because Rayquaza's only sweeping tool is Outrage, so unless you can take all of the above mentioned Pokemon down with V-create without trouble, or if the opponent has none of the above team members, do not attempt an early-game sweep without Outrage (I think you mean 'with Outrage' here). In terms of V-create however, this However, V-create and Dragon Dance can let Rayquaza function as a sweeper or a wallbreaker, giving it extra utility to the team. Also, it is particularly difficult for Rayquaza to get a Dragon Dance off safely, but the set closely mimics the Swords Dance set, so try to imitate its playstyles until you find an opportunity to set up. Also, if revenge killers are on the prowl, try to predict switches and hit them hard with V-create or Extremespeed, and then switch out. This is a particularly safe style if you Rayquaza has not received to much residual damage from Life Orb or Stealth Rock, increasing the probability of a sweep.

Team Options

Users of VoltTurn like VoltTurn users such as Genesect, Thundurus, and Zekrom, (remove comma) and Fairy-type removers like Mega Gengar are imperative to having for Rayquaza to come in safely and set up Dragon Dance, (add comma) as their ability to gain momentum and remove threats respectively help Rayquaza greatly. Defensively oriented Steel-types like Aegislash, Bronzong, Klefki, and Mega Scizor can help remove Fairy-types from the game easier than most, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon with Thunder Wave, easing Rayquaza's sweep. Rapid Spin is preferred over Defog as entry hazard removal as Rayquaza likes having weakened teams with Stealth Rock and Spikes under their feet. Excadrill and Forretress will remove entry hazards on your side only, and can set up their own Stealth Rock and Spikes respectively. Other Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can also get them up when needed. In terms of weakening teams, entry hazard shufflers like Giratina, Lugia, and Groudon can rack up residual damage to the point where Rayquaza can sweep with a +1 Outrage. Wobbuffet is also a very helpful partner to Rayquaza, as not only can it trap and remove support Arceus formes and Choice Scarf revenge killers like Xerneas, it can also provide Rayquaza a setup opportunity with Encore.

Other Options

Focus Sash can let Rayquaza take a hit and live regardless of damage outside of multi-hit moves, but Rayquaza really likes having Life Orb on its side. Rayquaza also can use Choice Band and Choice Scarf, which can hurt with its powerful Outrage and V-create. However, locking yourself itself into a specific move is something Rayquaza does not like this generation, and it thus prefers the flexibility of Life Orb. Leftovers is a passable option for recovery, but Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to utilize it and really likes Life Orb instead. A Tailwind support set is a neat option for assisting slower teams, but as mentioned before, Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to take on a supporting role. However, leading with Rayquaza—commonly called "LeadQuaza"—(remove comma, add em-dash) can disrupt many teams with a surprising Rayquaza lead, letting it wreak havoc on dedicated leads and rip teams up turn 1.

Overheat, Flamethrower, and Fire Blast are safer alternatives to V-create when it comes to hitting Steel-types, but the sheer power of V-create overshadows all of these options. Iron Tail is a powerful option to hit Fairy-types, but is inaccurate and offers little coverage. Dragon Tail can phaze sweepers that want to set up alongside Rayquaza, but takes up a slot that can be used to run other Dragon-type moves, as the combination of V-create and Extremespeed together is a niche Rayquaza calls its own. On the other hand, Substitute is a solid option for Rayquaza to gain boosts behind or and shield itself from damage or status.

Checks and Counters

**Fairy-types**: The biggest thorn in Rayquaza's side as of now, Fairy-types like Fairy Arceus and Xerneas prevent Rayquaza from using Outrage and can threaten to KO with Fairy-type attacks. But However, basically every Fairy-type bar Clefable gets destroyed by either a boosted Iron Tail or V-create.

**Heatran**: Now that most Rayquaza variants do not run Earthquake, Heatran can out tank Rayquaza's hits, threaten to burn with Lava Plume and can nullify boosts with Roar. However, Heatran gets 2HKOed by a +2 Dragon Claw, and if Rayquaza runs Earthquake, Heatran is history.

**Bulky support Arceus formes**: Water Arceus and Rock Arceus can take a V-create and threaten to burn with Will-O-Wisp. These are probably the closest things to a tangible counter to Rayquaza.

**Lugia**: Provided Multiscale is intact, Lugia can take a hit from Rayquaza, can cripple it with Thunder Wave, and phaze it out with Whirlwind.

**Groudon**: As Rayquaza does not get benefit from the sun, Groudon can take a hit including V-create, threaten to paralyze with Thunder Wave, severely damage Rayquaza with Stone Edge, or phaze it out with Roar. But However, Groudon cannot take a +2 V-create if it has taken a bit of damage.

**Revenge Killers**: Probably the safest answers to Rayquaza, priority users such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Yveltal, and Mega Lucario, and Scizor, in addition to Choice Scarf users like such as Kyogre, Genesect, and Zekrom, (add comma) can dispose of Rayquaza with their respective moves. However, they will not appreciate taking either a Dragon Claw, Outrage, or V-create, (remove comma) and may be KOed if the attack is boosted.

**Status**: Burn makes Rayquaza deadweight, as it cannot use its powerful attacks to great effect anymore, and paralysis cripples its once above-average base 95 Speed, leaving it vulnerable to being revenge killed. Rayquaza does not appreciate being hit with Toxic either, as the residual damage of Life Orb and Toxic can end Rayquaza's sweep early.

However, none of the above sets can truly counter Rayquaza entirely if it is hit with the right coverage move or is hit by a boosted coverage move. This is because Rayquaza is extremely powerful with V-create, Outrage, and boosting moves in Swords Dance and Dragon Dance. (Split this last paragraph and include the sentences under the relevant sub-headings in C&C.)

A few points:
  • Do not get confused between 'like' and 'such as'. You use 'like' when providing examples instead of 'such as' in this analysis, which isn't advisable. For more information on the difference between the two, do check out this link.
  • If you're using 'OHKO' as a verb, then the correct form is 'OHKOed', not 'OHKOd'.
  • Keep in mind that 'you' refers to the user, not the Pokemon.

GP 1 / 2

I've implemented everything except the last comment about the additional paragraph in checks/counters, because since I am a generic American kid, I cannot decipher this commentary based on the different the C&C sub-headings.

Also, sorry about the "you" referring to Rayquaza, old habits die hard I guess.
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I've implemented everything except the last comment about the additional paragraph in checks/counters, because since I am a generic American kid, I cannot decipher this commentary based on the different the C&C sub-headings.

Also, sorry about the "you" referring to Rayquaza, old habits die hard I guess.

What I meant was that you can't have that last paragraph as a stand-alone section in C&C. You need to put it under another sub-heading, but that isn't possible since it isn't about a check or counter per se; it is instead about what said checks and counters need to be wary of when facing Rayquaza. That's why I suggested you split it up and include them where relevant. For instance, look at the last line of the 'Revenge Killers' section: you have mentioned that they can't take a boosted V-create to the face. Do something similar with the sentences in the last paragraph, or just remove it if you think it is superfluous.
What I meant was that you can't have that last paragraph as a stand-alone section in C&C. You need to put it under another sub-heading, but that isn't possible since it isn't about a check or counter per se; it is instead about what said checks and counters need to be wary of when facing Rayquaza. That's why I suggested you split it up and include them where relevant. For instance, look at the last line of the 'Revenge Killers' section: you have mentioned that they can't take a boosted V-create to the face. Do something similar with the sentences in the last paragraph, or just remove it if you think it is superfluous.

Ya, I just removed it since it's so general and can't fit under a specific tab. I mentioned that bc there are like 3-4 things that can fully counter Ray, and if it carries EQ, about 2 things can counter all Ray sets, so I wanted to stress how important it is to play carefully against a good Ray player. Thanks for the clarification tho, I appreciate it.
However, basically every Fairy-type bar Clefable gets destroyed by either a boosted Iron Tail or V-create.

lol, Clefable gets wrecked too, it take more than 80% from LO V-Create even if fully invested, like Nayrz said.

I'm gonna get murdered for this, but Roseli berry is actually a good option in my opinion. more on this later
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Rayquaza returns to Ubers from a well-deserved vacation in the ozone layer and is ready to show off its power once again. In terms of power, base 150 offenses in both stats is definitely something to be feared, and Rayquaza has powerful moves to back it up, such as V-create, Outrage, and the coveted Extremes Speed. Also, its decent base 95 Speed and access to boosting moves likesuch as Dragon Dance and Swords Dance lets Rayquaza differentiates itselfRayquaza from most of the Dragons in the tier. As for the cherry on top, Defoggers can remove hazards easier than before, giving Rayquaza some much-needed switch-in opportunities. However, most Dragon-types now have to deal with Fairy-types likesuch as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus, and Rayquaza's primary cleaning move Outrage practically gives them a free turn. Its typing isn't that great either, limiting the number of attacks it can switch into. In addition, its useful ability in Air Lock was heavily nerfed due to the lack of perma-weather, but Rayquaza is probably the sole Pokemon able to defeat Steel-types regardless of weather conditions, in addition to being able to switch in or set up on a Kyogre's Water Spout. Finally, Rayquaza is now facing very stiff competition for a sweeping spot from threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Blaziken. Despite the new generation shifting away from Rayquaza's favor, do not disregard it at all when teambuilding, unless you wish to have it rip a hole bigger than the Antarctic ozone depletion in your team.
Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: V-create
move 3: Dragon Claw
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly
With Swords Dance and Life Orb in tow, Rayquaza essentially becomes a physical wallbreaker that pretty much takes no prisoners with a whopping 876 Attack after a boost and an Adamant nature. V-create is basically Rayquaza's ultimate nuke and will desolate anything and everything that does not resist it after a boost; even physically defensive Groudon is at risk of being OHKOed, especially after Stealth Rock. Dragon Claw is Rayquaza's STAB move of choice, as it hits Water- and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Water Arceus, and Rock Arceus that resist V-create. Extremes Speed is an imajpor joitant pieceart of the Swords Dance set, as not only can it revenge kill weakened sweepers, it can also finish off Pokemon that aren't immediately OHKOed by a +2 V-create or +2 Dragon Claw.

Set Details
The main draw of Swords Dance Rayquaza is its sheer power with V-create and massive base 150 Attack, and because of this, Adamant is the recommended nature to deal the most damage. However, Jolly is still a very viable alternative, as you can defeat positive base 90 Speed Pokemon without resorting to Extremes Speed, but the power drop is noticeable. Also, maximum EVs in Attack and Speed can let Rayquaza hit extremely hard and relatively fast, and you should not deviate from these two stats in any case.

Usage Tips
First and foremost, Swords Dance Rayquaza is not a sweeper by any means, and should be treated as a wallbreaker first, as it has no sweeping moves whatsoever, and the ability to smash almost any physical wall in the game with a +2 V-create can pave the way for another sweeper instead. Also, unless the opposing team is severely weakened, refrain from using Extremes Speed as a cleaning tool; use it more as a revenge killing tool or a finishing move on a target that does not immediately vaporize from a +2 V-create, even though a +2 Extremes Speed can deal heavy damage. Finally, even though V-create is your primary nuke button, be extremely careful when using it, as it will force Rayquaza out throbecaughse of its secondary effects of lowering its own defenses and Speed.

Team Options
Volt Switch users likesuch as Thundurus and Zekrom and U-turn users like Genesect can bring in Rayquaza on predicted switches for free and can give it an opportunity to wreak havoc on the nearest wall with ease. Mega Gengar is also Rayquaza's primary ally as it can defeat the Fairy-types that make Rayquaza angry, such as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus. Steel-types like Bronzong, Klefki, Aegislash, and Mega Scizor can also deal with Fairy-types if needed, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon, leaving them vulnerable to V-create. Stealth Rock removal is important for Rayquaza's success. Defog users like Arceus and Giratina, and Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Forretress can remove these easily. Anything that likes having Steel-types utterly annihilated is definitely a friend of Rayquaza. Lugia and even Geomancy Xerneas and Calm Mind Fairy Arceus enjoy Rayquaza's company and Steel-type-destroying ability. Last but not least, Stealth Rock setters likesuch as Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can help Rayquaza pull off some neat KOs, such as a 56.3% chance to OHKO physically defensive Groudon with a +2 Adamant V-create, and Darkrai with a +2 Extremes Speed.

name: MixQuaza
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: V-create
move 3: Extremespeed
move 4: Dragon Claw / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Hasty / Naive
When one sees MixQuaza, one immediately thinks Draco Meteor, which lets Rayquaza bypass physically bulky Ground-types and support Arceus formes. This also makes this set a lure for the above, letting it act as a supporter for sweepers that are checked or countered by these. V-create is also very useful, as it can get past opposing Steel-types and still do good damage in general with Life Orb. Extremes Speed is still a very important joint piece for Draco Meteor and V-create, as it can finish off opponents that are not KOed by the two abfovre mentioned two moves. Dragon Claw is a very useful STAB move to spam in situations where Draco Meteor is not ideal. Earthquake can cover more threats that can effectively wall MixqQuaza, such as Heatran, Dialga, and Tyranitar, but it leaves Rayquaza vulnerable to Ho-Oh.

Set Details
Despite the fact that three of the four moves in this set are physical, the EVs are diverted into Special Attack for Draco Meteor, as without it, there is no reason to run MixQuaza. The above natures are based on team composition and personal preference. Hasty lets Rayquaza take special attacks better and give a Download boost in Attack, while Naive lets it take less damage from priority.
Usage Tips
MixQuaza's number 1 priority is to lure defensive Pokemon like the support Arceus formes, Groudon, and Lugia provided Multiscale is broken, and it should thus feign a different set in order to succeed at this. As an extra reminder, be particularly careful with V-create's usage, but don't be too scared if Draco Meteor is used, as Rayquaza has three other physical moves at its disposal. Speaking of V-create, try catching Fairy-types that are immune to Draco Meteor on the switch, so you can do some significant damage to them before switching out.
Team Options
Volt Switch and U-turn can still can assist Rayquaza when coming onto the battlefield, as they catch switches to threats like Groudon (U-turn only) and Lugia, giving Rayquaza the edge. Mega Gengar can once again help in removing Fairy-types and Taunting support Arceus formes that would otherwise burn or paralyze Rayquaza, crippling it. Defoggers like Arceus and Giratina, in addition to Rapid Spinner users like Excadrill and Forretress can remove Stealth Rock twhat icanh annoys Rayquaza and support the rest of the team. Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon will also help in breaking Lugia's Multiscale and letting Rayquaza KO foes with Draco Meteor. Also, the important thing when making a team with MixQuaza is to have attackers that like having the Pokemon that Rayquaza's Draco Meteor can defeat gone. Blaziken likes having Giratina, Lugia, and some support Arceus formes out of the picture, while Zekrom loves having Groudon out of the way, all of which MixQuaza can take down if played correctly. Heatran however is a large problem for MixQuaza if it does not run Earthquake, so having a Ground-type coverage move or Ground-types like Garchomp and Ground Arceus should remedy this if you choose Dragon Claw.

Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage
move 3: V-create
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly
With Dragon Dance, Rayquaza can become a fearsome late-game sweeper, and that sweeping power is provided by Outrage. With Fairy-types and Steel-types out of the picture, Rayquaza will quite literally go on a rampage with Outrage, cleaning up weakened teams with ease, especially with Life Orb backing it up. However, the other two moves are to make sure a sweep with Outrage is a reality. Though it may seem weird on a setup sweeper, V-create can be used for immediate power, as it can help Rayquaza get past Steel-types and most support Arceus formes before initiating a sweep. Extremes Speed can also help Rayquaza defeat weakened Choice Scarf users and sweepers, giving it an opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance. IHowever, if you are legitimately scared of being locked into Outrage to the point it becomes a phobia, thowever,n Dragon Claw is an alternative, but it hits like a pansy compared to Outrage.

Set Details
Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are practically required in order for Rayquaza to hit like a truck before and after a Dragon Dance. Adamant is a viable alternate nature and can ensure sweeps, but a Jolly nature lets Rayquaza get the jump on base 90 Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Lum Berry can ensure Rayquaza is not crippled by status and thus let it defeat support Arceus formes without any repercussions, but the power drop compared to Life Orb is very noticeable.

Usage Tips
There are many things to remember when using Dragon Dance Rayquaza; they are unparalleled in importance. Firstly, do not attempt to sweep early-game, especially if there is a Fairy-type, Steel-type, or unknown Arceus forme lurking around. This is because Rayquaza's only sweeping tool is Outrage, so unless you can take all of the above mentioned Pokemon down with V-create without trouble, or if the opponent has none of the above team members, do not attempt an early-game sweep with Outrage. However, V-create and Dragon Dance can lets Rayquaza function as a sweeper or a wallbreaker, giving it extra utility to the team. Also, it is particularly difficult for Rayquaza to get a Dragon Dance off safely, but the set closely mimics the Swords Dance set, so try to imitate its playstyles until you find an opportunity to set up. Also, if revenge killers are on the prowl, try to predict switches and hit them hard with V-create or Extremes Speed, and then switch out. This is a particularly safe style if Rayquaza has not received too much residual damage from Life Orb or Stealth Rock, increasing the probability of a sweep.

Team Options
VoltTurn users such as Genenect, Thundurus, and Zekrom and Fairy-type removers like Mega Gengar are imperative for Rayquaza to come in safely and set up Dragon Dance as their ability to gain momentum and remove threats respectively help Rayquaza greatly. Defensively oriented Steel-types like Aegislash, Bronzong, Klefki, and Mega Scizor can help remove Fairy-types from the game easier than most, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon with Thunder Wave, easing Rayquaza's sweep. Rapid Spin is preferred over Defog as entry hazard removal as Rayquaza likes having weakened teams with Stealth Rock and Spikes under their feet. Excadrill and Forretress will remove entry hazards on your side only, and can set up their own Stealth Rock and Spikes, respectively. Other Stealth Rock setters likesuch as Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can also get them up when needed. In terms of weakening teams, entry hazard shufflers like Giratina, Lugia, and Groudon can rack up residual damage to the point where Rayquaza can sweep with a +1 Outrage. Wobbuffet is also a very helpful partner to Rayquaza, as not only can it trap and remove support Arceus formes and Choice Scarf revenge killers like Xerneas, it can also provide Rayquaza a setup opportunity with Encore.

Other Options
Focus Sash can let Rayquaza take a hit and live regardless of damage outside of multi-hit moves, but Rayquaza really likes having Life Orb on its side. Rayquaza also can use Choice Band and Choice Scarf, which can hurt with its powerful Outrage and V-create. However, locking itself into a specific move is something Rayquaza does not like this generation, and it thuserefore prefers the flexibility of Life Orb. Leftovers is a passable option for recovery, but Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to utilize it and really likes Life Orb instead. A Tailwind support set is a nuseatful option for assisting slower teams, but as mentioned before, Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to take on a supporting role. However, leading with Rayquaza— commonly called "LeadQuaza"— can disrupt many teams, letting it wreak havoc on dedicated leads and rip teams up turn 1.

Overheat, Flamethrower, and Fire Blast are safer alternatives to V-create when it comes to hitting Steel-types, but the sheer power of V-create overshadows all of these options. Iron Tail is a powerful option to hit Fairy-types, but is inaccurate and offers little coverage. Dragon Tail can phaze sweepers that want to set up alongside Rayquaza, but takes up a slot that can be used to run other Dragon-type moves, as the combination of V-create and Extremes Speed is a niche Rayquaza calls its own. On the other hand, Substitute is a solid option for Rayquaza to gain boosts behind a Substitute and shield itself from chip damage orand status.
Checks and Counters
**Fairy-types**: The biggest thorn in Rayquaza's side as of now,re Fairy-types like Fairy Arceus and Xerneas, as they prevent Rayquaza from using Outrage and can threaten to KO it with Fairy-type attacks. However, basically every Fairy-type bar Clefable gets destroyed by either a boosted Iron Tail or V-create.

**Heatran**: Now that most Rayquaza variants do not run Earthquake, Heatran can out tank Rayquaza's hits, threaten to burn it with Lava Plume and nullify boosts with Roar. However, Heatran gets 2HKOed by a +2 Dragon Claw, and if Rayquaza runs Earthquake, Heatran is history.
**Bulky support Arceus formes**: Water Arceus and Rock Arceus can take a V-create and threaten to burn with Will-O-Wisp. These are probably the closest things to a tangible counter to Rayquaza.
**Lugia**: Provided Multiscale is intact, Lugia can take a hit from Rayquaza, cripple it with Thunder Wave, and phaze it out with Whirlwind.
**Groudon**: As Rayquaza does not benefit from the sun, Groudon can take a hit inclfrom Rayquding V-creazate, threaten to paralyze with Thunder Wave, and severely damage Rayquaza with Stone Edge, or phaze it out with Roar. However, Groudon cannot take a +2 V-create if it has taken a bit of damage.

**Revenge Killers**: Probably the safest answers to Rayquaza, priority users such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Yveltal, Mega Lucario, and Scizor, in addition to Choice Scarf users like Kyogre, Genesect, and Zekrom, can dispose of Rayquaza with their respective moves. However, they will not appreciate taking either a Dragon Claw, Outrage, or V-create and may be KOed if the attack is boosted.
**Status**: Burn makes Rayquaza deadweight, as it cannot use its powerful attacks to great effect anymore, and paralysis cripples its once above-average base 95 Speed, leaving it vulnerable to being revenge killed. Rayquaza does not appreciate being hit with Toxic either, as the residual damage of Life Orb and Toxic can end Rayquaza's sweep early.
Rayquaza returns to Ubers from a well-deserved vacation in the ozone layer and is ready to show off its power once again. In terms of power, base 150 offenses in both stats is definitely something to be feared, and Rayquaza has powerful moves to back it up, such as V-create, Outrage, and the coveted Extreme Speed. Also, its decent base 95 Speed and access to boosting moves such as Dragon Dance and Swords Dance differentiates Rayquaza from most of the Dragons in the tier. As for the cherry on top, Defoggers can remove hazards easier than before, giving Rayquaza some much-needed switch-in opportunities. However, most Dragon-types now have to deal with Fairy-types such as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus, and Rayquaza's primary cleaning move Outrage practically gives them a free turn. Its typing isn't that great either, limiting the number of attacks it can switch into. In addition, its useful ability in Air Lock was heavily nerfed due to the lack of perma-weather, but Rayquaza is probably the sole Pokemon able to defeat Steel-types regardless of weather conditions, in addition to being able to switch in or set up on a Kyogre's Water Spout. Finally, Rayquaza is now facing very stiff competition for a sweeping spot from threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Blaziken. Despite the new generation shifting away from Rayquaza's favor, do not disregard it at all when teambuilding, unless you wish to have it rip a hole bigger than the Antarctic ozone depletion in your team.
Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: V-create
move 3: Dragon Claw
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly
With Swords Dance and Life Orb in tow, Rayquaza essentially becomes a physical wallbreaker that pretty much takes no prisoners with a whopping 876 Attack after a boost and an Adamant nature. V-create is basically Rayquaza's ultimate nuke and will desolate anything and everything that does not resist it after a boost; even physically defensive Groudon is at risk of being OHKOed, especially after Stealth Rock. Dragon Claw is Rayquaza's STAB move of choice, as it hits Water- and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Water Arceus, and Rock Arceus that resist V-create. Extreme Speed is an important part of the Swords Dance set, as not only can it revenge kill weakened sweepers, it can also finish off Pokemon that aren't immediately OHKOed by a +2 V-create or +2 Dragon Claw.
Set Details
The main draw of Swords Dance Rayquaza is its sheer power with V-create and massive base 150 Attack, and because of this, Adamant is the recommended nature to deal the most damage. However, Jolly is still a very viable alternative, as you can defeat positive base 90 Speed Pokemon without resorting to Extreme Speed, but the power drop is noticeable. Also, maximum EVs in Attack and Speed can let Rayquaza hit extremely hard and relatively fast, and you should not deviate from these two stats in any case.
Usage Tips
First and foremost, Swords Dance Rayquaza is not a sweeper by any means, and should be treated as a wallbreaker first, as it has no sweeping moves whatsoever, and the ability to smash almost any physical wall in the game with a +2 V-create can pave the way for another sweeper instead. Also, unless the opposing team is severely weakened, refrain from using Extreme Speed as a cleaning tool; use it more as a revenge killing tool or a finishing move on a target that does not immediately vaporize from a +2 V-create, even though a +2 Extreme Speed can deal heavy damage. Finally, even though V-create is your primary nuke button, be extremely careful when using it, as it will force Rayquaza out because of its secondary effects of lowering its own defenses and Speed.
Team Options
Volt Switch users such as Thundurus and Zekrom and U-turn users like Genesect can bring in Rayquaza on predicted switches for free and can give it an opportunity to wreak havoc on the nearest wall with ease. Mega Gengar is also Rayquaza's primary ally as it can defeat the Fairy-types that make Rayquaza angry, such as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus. Steel-types like Bronzong, Klefki, Aegislash, and Mega Scizor can also deal with Fairy-types if needed, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon, leaving them vulnerable to V-create. Stealth Rock removal is important for Rayquaza's success. Defog users like Arceus and Giratina and Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Forretress can remove these easily. Anything that likes having Steel-types utterly annihilated is definitely a friend of Rayquaza. Lugia and even Geomancy Xerneas and Calm Mind Fairy Arceus enjoy Rayquaza's company and Steel-type-destroying ability. Last but not least, Stealth Rock setters such as Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can help Rayquaza pull off some neat KOs, such as a 56.3% chance to OHKO physically defensive Groudon with a +2 Adamant V-create, and Darkrai with a +2 Extreme Speed.
name: MixQuaza
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: V-create
move 3: Extremespeed
move 4: Dragon Claw / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Hasty / Naive
When one sees MixQuaza, one immediately thinks Draco Meteor, which lets Rayquaza bypass physically bulky Ground-types and support Arceus formes. This also makes this set a lure for the above, letting it act as a supporter for sweepers that are checked or countered by these. V-create is also very useful, as it can get past opposing Steel-types and still do good damage in general with Life Orb. Extreme Speed is still a very important joint piece for Draco Meteor and V-create, as it can finish off opponents that are not KOed by the two aforementioned moves. Dragon Claw is a very useful STAB move to spam in situations where Draco Meteor is not ideal. Earthquake can cover more threats that can effectively wall MixQuaza, such as Heatran, Dialga, and Tyranitar, but it leaves Rayquaza vulnerable to Ho-Oh.
Set Details
Despite the fact that three of the four moves in this set are physical, the EVs are diverted into Special Attack for Draco Meteor, as without it, there is no reason to run MixQuaza. The above natures are based on team composition and personal preference. Hasty lets Rayquaza take special attacks better and give a Download boost in Attack, while Naive lets it take less damage from priority.
Usage Tips
MixQuaza's number 1 priority is to lure defensive Pokemon like the support Arceus formes, Groudon, and Lugia provided Multiscale is broken, and it should thus feign a different set in order to succeed at this. As an extra reminder, be particularly careful with V-create's usage, but don't be too scared if Draco Meteor is used, as Rayquaza has three other physical moves at its disposal. Speaking of V-create, try catching Fairy-types that are immune to Draco Meteor on the switch, so you can do some significant damage to them before switching out.
Team Options
Volt Switch and U-turn still can assist Rayquaza when coming onto the battlefield, as they catch switches to threats like Groudon (U-turn only) and Lugia, giving Rayquaza the edge. Mega Gengar can once again help in removing Fairy-types and Taunting support Arceus formes that would otherwise burn or paralyze Rayquaza, crippling it. Defoggers like Arceus and Giratina, in addition to Rapid Spinner users like Excadrill and Forretress can remove Stealth Rock which annoys Rayquaza and support the rest of the team. Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon will also help in breaking Lugia's Multiscale and letting Rayquaza KO foes with Draco Meteor. Also, the important thing when making a team with MixQuaza is to have attackers that like having the Pokemon that Rayquaza's Draco Meteor can defeat gone. Blaziken likes having Giratina, Lugia, and some support Arceus formes out of the picture, while Zekrom loves having Groudon out of the way, all of which MixQuaza can take down if played correctly. Heatran however is a large problem for MixQuaza if it does not run Earthquake, so having a Ground-type coverage move or Ground-types like Garchomp and Ground Arceus should remedy this if you choose Dragon Claw.
Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage
move 3: V-create
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly
With Dragon Dance, Rayquaza can become a fearsome late-game sweeper, and that sweeping power is provided by Outrage. With Fairy-types and Steel-types out of the picture, Rayquaza will quite literally go on a rampage with Outrage, cleaning up weakened teams with ease, especially with Life Orb backing it up. However, the other two moves are to make sure a sweep with Outrage is a reality. Though it may seem weird on a setup sweeper, V-create can be used for immediate power, as it can help Rayquaza get past Steel-types and most support Arceus formes before initiating a sweep. Extreme Speed can also help Rayquaza defeat weakened Choice Scarf users and sweepers, giving it an opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance. However, if you are legitimately scared of being locked into Outrage to the point it becomes a phobia, then Dragon Claw is an alternative, but it hits like a pansy compared to Outrage.
Set Details
Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are practically required in order for Rayquaza to hit like a truck before and after a Dragon Dance. Adamant is a viable alternate nature and can ensure sweeps, but a Jolly nature lets Rayquaza get the jump on base 90 Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Lum Berry can ensure Rayquaza is not crippled by status and thus let it defeat support Arceus formes without any repercussions, but the power drop compared to Life Orb is very noticeable.
Usage Tips
There are many things to remember when using Dragon Dance Rayquaza; they are unparalleled in importance. Firstly, do not attempt to sweep early-game, especially if there is a Fairy-type, Steel-type, or unknown Arceus forme lurking around. This is because Rayquaza's only sweeping tool is Outrage, so unless you can take all of the above mentioned Pokemon down with V-create without trouble, or if the opponent has none of the above team members, do not attempt an early-game sweep with Outrage. However, V-create and Dragon Dance lets Rayquaza function as a sweeper or a wallbreaker, giving it extra utility to the team. Also, it is particularly difficult for Rayquaza to get a Dragon Dance off safely, but the set closely mimics the Swords Dance set, so try to imitate its playstyles until you find an opportunity to set up. Also, if revenge killers are on the prowl, try to predict switches and hit them hard with V-create or Extreme Speed, and then switch out. This is a particularly safe style if Rayquaza has not received too much residual damage from Life Orb or Stealth Rock, increasing the probability of a sweep.
Team Options
VoltTurn users such as Genenect, Thundurus, and Zekrom and Fairy-type removers like Mega Gengar are imperative for Rayquaza to come in safely and set up Dragon Dance as their ability to gain momentum and remove threats respectively help Rayquaza greatly. Defensively oriented Steel-types like Aegislash, Bronzong, Klefki, and Mega Scizor can help remove Fairy-types from the game easier than most, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon with Thunder Wave, easing Rayquaza's sweep. Rapid Spin is preferred over Defog as entry hazard removal as Rayquaza likes having weakened teams with Stealth Rock and Spikes under their feet. Excadrill and Forretress will remove entry hazards on your side only, and can set up their own Stealth Rock and Spikes, respectively. Other Stealth Rock setters such as Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can also get them up when needed. In terms of weakening teams, entry hazard shufflers like Giratina, Lugia, and Groudon can rack up residual damage to the point where Rayquaza can sweep with a +1 Outrage. Wobbuffet is also a very helpful partner to Rayquaza, as not only can it trap and remove support Arceus formes and Choice Scarf revenge killers like Xerneas, it can also provide Rayquaza a setup opportunity with Encore.
Other Options
Focus Sash can let Rayquaza take a hit and live regardless of damage outside of multi-hit moves, but Rayquaza really likes having Life Orb on its side. Rayquaza also can use Choice Band and Choice Scarf, which can hurt with its powerful Outrage and V-create. However, locking itself into a specific move is something Rayquaza does not like this generation, and it therefore prefers the flexibility of Life Orb. Leftovers is a passable option for recovery, but Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to utilize it and really likes Life Orb instead. A Tailwind support set is a useful option for assisting slower teams, but as mentioned before, Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to take on a supporting role. However, leading with Rayquaza— commonly called "LeadQuaza"— can disrupt many teams, letting it wreak havoc on dedicated leads and rip teams up turn 1.
Overheat, Flamethrower, and Fire Blast are safer alternatives to V-create when it comes to hitting Steel-types, but the sheer power of V-create overshadows all of these options. Iron Tail is a powerful option to hit Fairy-types, but is inaccurate and offers little coverage. Dragon Tail can phaze sweepers that want to set up alongside Rayquaza, but takes up a slot that can be used to run other Dragon-type moves, as the combination of V-create and Extreme Speed is a niche Rayquaza calls its own. On the other hand, Substitute is a solid option for Rayquaza to gain boosts behind a Substitute and shield itself from chip damage and status.
Checks and Counters
**Fairy-types**: The biggest thorn in Rayquaza's side are Fairy-types like Fairy Arceus and Xerneas, as they prevent Rayquaza from using Outrage and threaten to KO it with Fairy-type attacks. However, basically every Fairy-type bar Clefable gets destroyed by either a boosted Iron Tail or V-create.
**Heatran**: Now that most Rayquaza variants do not run Earthquake, Heatran can outtank Rayquaza's hits, threaten to burn it with Lava Plume and nullify boosts with Roar. However, Heatran gets 2HKOed by a +2 Dragon Claw, and if Rayquaza runs Earthquake, Heatran is history.
**Bulky support Arceus formes**: Water Arceus and Rock Arceus can take a V-create and threaten to burn with Will-O-Wisp. These are probably the closest things to a tangible counter to Rayquaza.
**Lugia**: Provided Multiscale is intact, Lugia can take a hit from Rayquaza, cripple it with Thunder Wave, and phaze it out with Whirlwind.
**Groudon**: As Rayquaza does not benefit from the sun, Groudon can take a hit from Rayquaza, threaten to paralyze with Thunder Wave, and severely damage Rayquaza with Stone Edge, or phaze it out with Roar. However, Groudon cannot take a +2 V-create if it has taken a bit of damage.
**Revenge Killers**: Probably the safest answers to Rayquaza, priority users such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Yveltal, Mega Lucario, and Scizor, in addition to Choice Scarf users like Kyogre, Genesect, and Zekrom, can dispose of Rayquaza with their respective moves. However, they will not appreciate taking either a Dragon Claw, Outrage, or V-create and may be KOed if the attack is boosted.
**Status**: Burn makes Rayquaza deadweight, as it cannot use its powerful attacks to great effect anymore, and paralysis cripples its once above-average base 95 Speed, leaving it vulnerable to being revenge killed. Rayquaza does not appreciate being hit with Toxic either, as the residual damage of Life Orb and Toxic can end Rayquaza's sweep early.

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Rayquaza returns to Ubers from a well-deserved vacation in the ozone layer and is ready to show off its power once again. In terms of power, base 150 offenses in both stats is definitely something to be feared, and Rayquaza has powerful moves to back it up, such as V-create, Outrage, and the coveted Extremes Speed. Also, its decent base 95 Speed and access to boosting moves likesuch as Dragon Dance and Swords Dance lets Rayquaza differentiates itselfRayquaza from most of the Dragons in the tier. As for the cherry on top, Defoggers can remove hazards easier than before, giving Rayquaza some much-needed switch-in opportunities. However, most Dragon-types now have to deal with Fairy-types likesuch as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus, and Rayquaza's primary cleaning move Outrage practically gives them a free turn. Its typing isn't that great either, limiting the number of attacks it can switch into. In addition, its useful ability in Air Lock was heavily nerfed due to the lack of perma-weather, but Rayquaza is probably the sole Pokemon able to defeat Steel-types regardless of weather conditions, in addition to being able to switch in or set up on a Kyogre's Water Spout. Finally, Rayquaza is now facing very stiff competition for a sweeping spot from threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Blaziken. Despite the new generation shifting away from Rayquaza's favor, do not disregard it at all when teambuilding, unless you wish to have it rip a hole bigger than the Antarctic ozone depletion in your team.
Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: V-create
move 3: Dragon Claw
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly
With Swords Dance and Life Orb in tow, Rayquaza essentially becomes a physical wallbreaker that pretty much takes no prisoners with a whopping 876 Attack after a boost and an Adamant nature. V-create is basically Rayquaza's ultimate nuke and will desolate anything and everything that does not resist it after a boost; even physically defensive Groudon is at risk of being OHKOed, especially after Stealth Rock. Dragon Claw is Rayquaza's STAB move of choice, as it hits Water- and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Water Arceus, and Rock Arceus that resist V-create. Extremes Speed is an imajpor joitant pieceart of the Swords Dance set, as not only can it revenge kill weakened sweepers, it can also finish off Pokemon that aren't immediately OHKOed by a +2 V-create or +2 Dragon Claw.

Set Details
The main draw of Swords Dance Rayquaza is its sheer power with V-create and massive base 150 Attack, and because of this, Adamant is the recommended nature to deal the most damage. However, Jolly is still a very viable alternative, as you can defeat positive base 90 Speed Pokemon without resorting to Extremes Speed, but the power drop is noticeable. Also, maximum EVs in Attack and Speed can let Rayquaza hit extremely hard and relatively fast, and you should not deviate from these two stats in any case.

Usage Tips
First and foremost, Swords Dance Rayquaza is not a sweeper by any means, and should be treated as a wallbreaker first, as it has no sweeping moves whatsoever, and the ability to smash almost any physical wall in the game with a +2 V-create can pave the way for another sweeper instead. Also, unless the opposing team is severely weakened, refrain from using Extremes Speed as a cleaning tool; use it more as a revenge killing tool or a finishing move on a target that does not immediately vaporize from a +2 V-create, even though a +2 Extremes Speed can deal heavy damage. Finally, even though V-create is your primary nuke button, be extremely careful when using it, as it will force Rayquaza out throbecaughse of its secondary effects of lowering its own defenses and Speed.

Team Options
Volt Switch users likesuch as Thundurus and Zekrom and U-turn users like Genesect can bring in Rayquaza on predicted switches for free and can give it an opportunity to wreak havoc on the nearest wall with ease. Mega Gengar is also Rayquaza's primary ally as it can defeat the Fairy-types that make Rayquaza angry, such as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus. Steel-types like Bronzong, Klefki, Aegislash, and Mega Scizor can also deal with Fairy-types if needed, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon, leaving them vulnerable to V-create. Stealth Rock removal is important for Rayquaza's success. Defog users like Arceus and Giratina, and Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Forretress can remove these easily. Anything that likes having Steel-types utterly annihilated is definitely a friend of Rayquaza. Lugia and even Geomancy Xerneas and Calm Mind Fairy Arceus enjoy Rayquaza's company and Steel-type-destroying ability. Last but not least, Stealth Rock setters likesuch as Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can help Rayquaza pull off some neat KOs, such as a 56.3% chance to OHKO physically defensive Groudon with a +2 Adamant V-create, and Darkrai with a +2 Extremes Speed.

name: MixQuaza
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: V-create
move 3: Extremespeed
move 4: Dragon Claw / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Hasty / Naive
When one sees MixQuaza, one immediately thinks Draco Meteor, which lets Rayquaza bypass physically bulky Ground-types and support Arceus formes. This also makes this set a lure for the above, letting it act as a supporter for sweepers that are checked or countered by these. V-create is also very useful, as it can get past opposing Steel-types and still do good damage in general with Life Orb. Extremes Speed is still a very important joint piece for Draco Meteor and V-create, as it can finish off opponents that are not KOed by the two abfovre mentioned two moves. Dragon Claw is a very useful STAB move to spam in situations where Draco Meteor is not ideal. Earthquake can cover more threats that can effectively wall MixqQuaza, such as Heatran, Dialga, and Tyranitar, but it leaves Rayquaza vulnerable to Ho-Oh.

Set Details
Despite the fact that three of the four moves in this set are physical, the EVs are diverted into Special Attack for Draco Meteor, as without it, there is no reason to run MixQuaza. The above natures are based on team composition and personal preference. Hasty lets Rayquaza take special attacks better and give a Download boost in Attack, while Naive lets it take less damage from priority.
Usage Tips
MixQuaza's number 1 priority is to lure defensive Pokemon like the support Arceus formes, Groudon, and Lugia provided Multiscale is broken, and it should thus feign a different set in order to succeed at this. As an extra reminder, be particularly careful with V-create's usage, but don't be too scared if Draco Meteor is used, as Rayquaza has three other physical moves at its disposal. Speaking of V-create, try catching Fairy-types that are immune to Draco Meteor on the switch, so you can do some significant damage to them before switching out.
Team Options
Volt Switch and U-turn can still can assist Rayquaza when coming onto the battlefield, as they catch switches to threats like Groudon (U-turn only) and Lugia, giving Rayquaza the edge. Mega Gengar can once again help in removing Fairy-types and Taunting support Arceus formes that would otherwise burn or paralyze Rayquaza, crippling it. Defoggers like Arceus and Giratina, in addition to Rapid Spinner users like Excadrill and Forretress can remove Stealth Rock twhat icanh annoys Rayquaza and support the rest of the team. Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon will also help in breaking Lugia's Multiscale and letting Rayquaza KO foes with Draco Meteor. Also, the important thing when making a team with MixQuaza is to have attackers that like having the Pokemon that Rayquaza's Draco Meteor can defeat gone. Blaziken likes having Giratina, Lugia, and some support Arceus formes out of the picture, while Zekrom loves having Groudon out of the way, all of which MixQuaza can take down if played correctly. Heatran however is a large problem for MixQuaza if it does not run Earthquake, so having a Ground-type coverage move or Ground-types like Garchomp and Ground Arceus should remedy this if you choose Dragon Claw.

Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage
move 3: V-create
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly
With Dragon Dance, Rayquaza can become a fearsome late-game sweeper, and that sweeping power is provided by Outrage. With Fairy-types and Steel-types out of the picture, Rayquaza will quite literally go on a rampage with Outrage, cleaning up weakened teams with ease, especially with Life Orb backing it up. However, the other two moves are to make sure a sweep with Outrage is a reality. Though it may seem weird on a setup sweeper, V-create can be used for immediate power, as it can help Rayquaza get past Steel-types and most support Arceus formes before initiating a sweep. Extremes Speed can also help Rayquaza defeat weakened Choice Scarf users and sweepers, giving it an opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance. IHowever, if you are legitimately scared of being locked into Outrage to the point it becomes a phobia, thowever,n Dragon Claw is an alternative, but it hits like a pansy compared to Outrage.

Set Details
Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are practically required in order for Rayquaza to hit like a truck before and after a Dragon Dance. Adamant is a viable alternate nature and can ensure sweeps, but a Jolly nature lets Rayquaza get the jump on base 90 Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Lum Berry can ensure Rayquaza is not crippled by status and thus let it defeat support Arceus formes without any repercussions, but the power drop compared to Life Orb is very noticeable.

Usage Tips
There are many things to remember when using Dragon Dance Rayquaza; they are unparalleled in importance. Firstly, do not attempt to sweep early-game, especially if there is a Fairy-type, Steel-type, or unknown Arceus forme lurking around. This is because Rayquaza's only sweeping tool is Outrage, so unless you can take all of the above mentioned Pokemon down with V-create without trouble, or if the opponent has none of the above team members, do not attempt an early-game sweep with Outrage. However, V-create and Dragon Dance can lets Rayquaza function as a sweeper or a wallbreaker, giving it extra utility to the team. Also, it is particularly difficult for Rayquaza to get a Dragon Dance off safely, but the set closely mimics the Swords Dance set, so try to imitate its playstyles until you find an opportunity to set up. Also, if revenge killers are on the prowl, try to predict switches and hit them hard with V-create or Extremes Speed, and then switch out. This is a particularly safe style if Rayquaza has not received too much residual damage from Life Orb or Stealth Rock, increasing the probability of a sweep.

Team Options
VoltTurn users such as Genenect, Thundurus, and Zekrom and Fairy-type removers like Mega Gengar are imperative for Rayquaza to come in safely and set up Dragon Dance as their ability to gain momentum and remove threats respectively help Rayquaza greatly. Defensively oriented Steel-types like Aegislash, Bronzong, Klefki, and Mega Scizor can help remove Fairy-types from the game easier than most, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon with Thunder Wave, easing Rayquaza's sweep. Rapid Spin is preferred over Defog as entry hazard removal as Rayquaza likes having weakened teams with Stealth Rock and Spikes under their feet. Excadrill and Forretress will remove entry hazards on your side only, and can set up their own Stealth Rock and Spikes, respectively. Other Stealth Rock setters likesuch as Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can also get them up when needed. In terms of weakening teams, entry hazard shufflers like Giratina, Lugia, and Groudon can rack up residual damage to the point where Rayquaza can sweep with a +1 Outrage. Wobbuffet is also a very helpful partner to Rayquaza, as not only can it trap and remove support Arceus formes and Choice Scarf revenge killers like Xerneas, it can also provide Rayquaza a setup opportunity with Encore.

Other Options
Focus Sash can let Rayquaza take a hit and live regardless of damage outside of multi-hit moves, but Rayquaza really likes having Life Orb on its side. Rayquaza also can use Choice Band and Choice Scarf, which can hurt with its powerful Outrage and V-create. However, locking itself into a specific move is something Rayquaza does not like this generation, and it thuserefore prefers the flexibility of Life Orb. Leftovers is a passable option for recovery, but Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to utilize it and really likes Life Orb instead. A Tailwind support set is a nuseatful option for assisting slower teams, but as mentioned before, Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to take on a supporting role. However, leading with Rayquaza— commonly called "LeadQuaza"— can disrupt many teams, letting it wreak havoc on dedicated leads and rip teams up turn 1.

Overheat, Flamethrower, and Fire Blast are safer alternatives to V-create when it comes to hitting Steel-types, but the sheer power of V-create overshadows all of these options. Iron Tail is a powerful option to hit Fairy-types, but is inaccurate and offers little coverage. Dragon Tail can phaze sweepers that want to set up alongside Rayquaza, but takes up a slot that can be used to run other Dragon-type moves, as the combination of V-create and Extremes Speed is a niche Rayquaza calls its own. On the other hand, Substitute is a solid option for Rayquaza to gain boosts behind a Substitute and shield itself from chip damage orand status.
Checks and Counters
**Fairy-types**: The biggest thorn in Rayquaza's side as of now,re Fairy-types like Fairy Arceus and Xerneas, as they prevent Rayquaza from using Outrage and can threaten to KO it with Fairy-type attacks. However, basically every Fairy-type bar Clefable gets destroyed by either a boosted Iron Tail or V-create.

**Heatran**: Now that most Rayquaza variants do not run Earthquake, Heatran can out tank Rayquaza's hits, threaten to burn it with Lava Plume and nullify boosts with Roar. However, Heatran gets 2HKOed by a +2 Dragon Claw, and if Rayquaza runs Earthquake, Heatran is history.
**Bulky support Arceus formes**: Water Arceus and Rock Arceus can take a V-create and threaten to burn with Will-O-Wisp. These are probably the closest things to a tangible counter to Rayquaza.
**Lugia**: Provided Multiscale is intact, Lugia can take a hit from Rayquaza, cripple it with Thunder Wave, and phaze it out with Whirlwind.
**Groudon**: As Rayquaza does not benefit from the sun, Groudon can take a hit inclfrom Rayquding V-creazate, threaten to paralyze with Thunder Wave, and severely damage Rayquaza with Stone Edge, or phaze it out with Roar. However, Groudon cannot take a +2 V-create if it has taken a bit of damage.

**Revenge Killers**: Probably the safest answers to Rayquaza, priority users such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Yveltal, Mega Lucario, and Scizor, in addition to Choice Scarf users like Kyogre, Genesect, and Zekrom, can dispose of Rayquaza with their respective moves. However, they will not appreciate taking either a Dragon Claw, Outrage, or V-create and may be KOed if the attack is boosted.
**Status**: Burn makes Rayquaza deadweight, as it cannot use its powerful attacks to great effect anymore, and paralysis cripples its once above-average base 95 Speed, leaving it vulnerable to being revenge killed. Rayquaza does not appreciate being hit with Toxic either, as the residual damage of Life Orb and Toxic can end Rayquaza's sweep early.
Rayquaza returns to Ubers from a well-deserved vacation in the ozone layer and is ready to show off its power once again. In terms of power, base 150 offenses in both stats is definitely something to be feared, and Rayquaza has powerful moves to back it up, such as V-create, Outrage, and the coveted Extreme Speed. Also, its decent base 95 Speed and access to boosting moves such as Dragon Dance and Swords Dance differentiates Rayquaza from most of the Dragons in the tier. As for the cherry on top, Defoggers can remove hazards easier than before, giving Rayquaza some much-needed switch-in opportunities. However, most Dragon-types now have to deal with Fairy-types such as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus, and Rayquaza's primary cleaning move Outrage practically gives them a free turn. Its typing isn't that great either, limiting the number of attacks it can switch into. In addition, its useful ability in Air Lock was heavily nerfed due to the lack of perma-weather, but Rayquaza is probably the sole Pokemon able to defeat Steel-types regardless of weather conditions, in addition to being able to switch in or set up on a Kyogre's Water Spout. Finally, Rayquaza is now facing very stiff competition for a sweeping spot from threats such as Extreme Killer Arceus and Mega Blaziken. Despite the new generation shifting away from Rayquaza's favor, do not disregard it at all when teambuilding, unless you wish to have it rip a hole bigger than the Antarctic ozone depletion in your team.
Swords Dance
name: Swords Dance
move 1: Swords Dance
move 2: V-create
move 3: Dragon Claw
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Adamant / Jolly
With Swords Dance and Life Orb in tow, Rayquaza essentially becomes a physical wallbreaker that pretty much takes no prisoners with a whopping 876 Attack after a boost and an Adamant nature. V-create is basically Rayquaza's ultimate nuke and will desolate anything and everything that does not resist it after a boost; even physically defensive Groudon is at risk of being OHKOed, especially after Stealth Rock. Dragon Claw is Rayquaza's STAB move of choice, as it hits Water- and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Water Arceus, and Rock Arceus that resist V-create. Extreme Speed is an important part of the Swords Dance set, as not only can it revenge kill weakened sweepers, it can also finish off Pokemon that aren't immediately OHKOed by a +2 V-create or +2 Dragon Claw.
Set Details
The main draw of Swords Dance Rayquaza is its sheer power with V-create and massive base 150 Attack, and because of this, Adamant is the recommended nature to deal the most damage. However, Jolly is still a very viable alternative, as you can defeat positive base 90 Speed Pokemon without resorting to Extreme Speed, but the power drop is noticeable. Also, maximum EVs in Attack and Speed can let Rayquaza hit extremely hard and relatively fast, and you should not deviate from these two stats in any case.
Usage Tips
First and foremost, Swords Dance Rayquaza is not a sweeper by any means, and should be treated as a wallbreaker first, as it has no sweeping moves whatsoever, and the ability to smash almost any physical wall in the game with a +2 V-create can pave the way for another sweeper instead. Also, unless the opposing team is severely weakened, refrain from using Extreme Speed as a cleaning tool; use it more as a revenge killing tool or a finishing move on a target that does not immediately vaporize from a +2 V-create, even though a +2 Extreme Speed can deal heavy damage. Finally, even though V-create is your primary nuke button, be extremely careful when using it, as it will force Rayquaza out because of its secondary effects of lowering its own defenses and Speed.
Team Options
Volt Switch users such as Thundurus and Zekrom and U-turn users like Genesect can bring in Rayquaza on predicted switches for free and can give it an opportunity to wreak havoc on the nearest wall with ease. Mega Gengar is also Rayquaza's primary ally as it can defeat the Fairy-types that make Rayquaza angry, such as Xerneas and Fairy Arceus. Steel-types like Bronzong, Klefki, Aegislash, and Mega Scizor can also deal with Fairy-types if needed, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon, leaving them vulnerable to V-create. Stealth Rock removal is important for Rayquaza's success. Defog users like Arceus and Giratina and Rapid Spinners like Excadrill and Forretress can remove these easily. Anything that likes having Steel-types utterly annihilated is definitely a friend of Rayquaza. Lugia and even Geomancy Xerneas and Calm Mind Fairy Arceus enjoy Rayquaza's company and Steel-type-destroying ability. Last but not least, Stealth Rock setters such as Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can help Rayquaza pull off some neat KOs, such as a 56.3% chance to OHKO physically defensive Groudon with a +2 Adamant V-create, and Darkrai with a +2 Extreme Speed.
name: MixQuaza
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: V-create
move 3: Extremespeed
move 4: Dragon Claw / Earthquake
item: Life Orb
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Hasty / Naive
When one sees MixQuaza, one immediately thinks Draco Meteor, which lets Rayquaza bypass physically bulky Ground-types and support Arceus formes. This also makes this set a lure for the above, letting it act as a supporter for sweepers that are checked or countered by these. V-create is also very useful, as it can get past opposing Steel-types and still do good damage in general with Life Orb. Extreme Speed is still a very important joint piece for Draco Meteor and V-create, as it can finish off opponents that are not KOed by the two aforementioned moves. Dragon Claw is a very useful STAB move to spam in situations where Draco Meteor is not ideal. Earthquake can cover more threats that can effectively wall MixQuaza, such as Heatran, Dialga, and Tyranitar, but it leaves Rayquaza vulnerable to Ho-Oh.
Set Details
Despite the fact that three of the four moves in this set are physical, the EVs are diverted into Special Attack for Draco Meteor, as without it, there is no reason to run MixQuaza. The above natures are based on team composition and personal preference. Hasty lets Rayquaza take special attacks better and give a Download boost in Attack, while Naive lets it take less damage from priority.
Usage Tips
MixQuaza's number 1 priority is to lure defensive Pokemon like the support Arceus formes, Groudon, and Lugia provided Multiscale is broken, and it should thus feign a different set in order to succeed at this. As an extra reminder, be particularly careful with V-create's usage, but don't be too scared if Draco Meteor is used, as Rayquaza has three other physical moves at its disposal. Speaking of V-create, try catching Fairy-types that are immune to Draco Meteor on the switch, so you can do some significant damage to them before switching out.
Team Options
Volt Switch and U-turn still can assist Rayquaza when coming onto the battlefield, as they catch switches to threats like Groudon (U-turn only) and Lugia, giving Rayquaza the edge. Mega Gengar can once again help in removing Fairy-types and Taunting support Arceus formes that would otherwise burn or paralyze Rayquaza, crippling it. Defoggers like Arceus and Giratina, in addition to Rapid Spinner users like Excadrill and Forretress can remove Stealth Rock which annoys Rayquaza and support the rest of the team. Stealth Rock setters like Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon will also help in breaking Lugia's Multiscale and letting Rayquaza KO foes with Draco Meteor. Also, the important thing when making a team with MixQuaza is to have attackers that like having the Pokemon that Rayquaza's Draco Meteor can defeat gone. Blaziken likes having Giratina, Lugia, and some support Arceus formes out of the picture, while Zekrom loves having Groudon out of the way, all of which MixQuaza can take down if played correctly. Heatran however is a large problem for MixQuaza if it does not run Earthquake, so having a Ground-type coverage move or Ground-types like Garchomp and Ground Arceus should remedy this if you choose Dragon Claw.
Dragon Dance
name: Dragon Dance
move 1: Dragon Dance
move 2: Outrage
move 3: V-create
move 4: Extremespeed
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly
With Dragon Dance, Rayquaza can become a fearsome late-game sweeper, and that sweeping power is provided by Outrage. With Fairy-types and Steel-types out of the picture, Rayquaza will quite literally go on a rampage with Outrage, cleaning up weakened teams with ease, especially with Life Orb backing it up. However, the other two moves are to make sure a sweep with Outrage is a reality. Though it may seem weird on a setup sweeper, V-create can be used for immediate power, as it can help Rayquaza get past Steel-types and most support Arceus formes before initiating a sweep. Extreme Speed can also help Rayquaza defeat weakened Choice Scarf users and sweepers, giving it an opportunity to set up a Dragon Dance. However, if you are legitimately scared of being locked into Outrage to the point it becomes a phobia, then Dragon Claw is an alternative, but it hits like a pansy compared to Outrage.
Set Details
Maximum Attack and Speed EVs are practically required in order for Rayquaza to hit like a truck before and after a Dragon Dance. Adamant is a viable alternate nature and can ensure sweeps, but a Jolly nature lets Rayquaza get the jump on base 90 Choice Scarf users such as Kyogre and Zekrom. Lum Berry can ensure Rayquaza is not crippled by status and thus let it defeat support Arceus formes without any repercussions, but the power drop compared to Life Orb is very noticeable.
Usage Tips
There are many things to remember when using Dragon Dance Rayquaza; they are unparalleled in importance. Firstly, do not attempt to sweep early-game, especially if there is a Fairy-type, Steel-type, or unknown Arceus forme lurking around. This is because Rayquaza's only sweeping tool is Outrage, so unless you can take all of the above mentioned Pokemon down with V-create without trouble, or if the opponent has none of the above team members, do not attempt an early-game sweep with Outrage. However, V-create and Dragon Dance lets Rayquaza function as a sweeper or a wallbreaker, giving it extra utility to the team. Also, it is particularly difficult for Rayquaza to get a Dragon Dance off safely, but the set closely mimics the Swords Dance set, so try to imitate its playstyles until you find an opportunity to set up. Also, if revenge killers are on the prowl, try to predict switches and hit them hard with V-create or Extreme Speed, and then switch out. This is a particularly safe style if Rayquaza has not received too much residual damage from Life Orb or Stealth Rock, increasing the probability of a sweep.
Team Options
VoltTurn users such as Genenect, Thundurus, and Zekrom and Fairy-type removers like Mega Gengar are imperative for Rayquaza to come in safely and set up Dragon Dance as their ability to gain momentum and remove threats respectively help Rayquaza greatly. Defensively oriented Steel-types like Aegislash, Bronzong, Klefki, and Mega Scizor can help remove Fairy-types from the game easier than most, and Klefki can paralyze faster Pokemon with Thunder Wave, easing Rayquaza's sweep. Rapid Spin is preferred over Defog as entry hazard removal as Rayquaza likes having weakened teams with Stealth Rock and Spikes under their feet. Excadrill and Forretress will remove entry hazards on your side only, and can set up their own Stealth Rock and Spikes, respectively. Other Stealth Rock setters such as Landorus-T, Dialga, and Groudon can also get them up when needed. In terms of weakening teams, entry hazard shufflers like Giratina, Lugia, and Groudon can rack up residual damage to the point where Rayquaza can sweep with a +1 Outrage. Wobbuffet is also a very helpful partner to Rayquaza, as not only can it trap and remove support Arceus formes and Choice Scarf revenge killers like Xerneas, it can also provide Rayquaza a setup opportunity with Encore.
Other Options
Focus Sash can let Rayquaza take a hit and live regardless of damage outside of multi-hit moves, but Rayquaza really likes having Life Orb on its side. Rayquaza also can use Choice Band and Choice Scarf, which can hurt with its powerful Outrage and V-create. However, locking itself into a specific move is something Rayquaza does not like this generation, and it therefore prefers the flexibility of Life Orb. Leftovers is a passable option for recovery, but Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to utilize it and really likes Life Orb instead. A Tailwind support set is a useful option for assisting slower teams, but as mentioned before, Rayquaza isn't bulky enough to take on a supporting role. However, leading with Rayquaza— commonly called "LeadQuaza"— can disrupt many teams, letting it wreak havoc on dedicated leads and rip teams up turn 1.
Overheat, Flamethrower, and Fire Blast are safer alternatives to V-create when it comes to hitting Steel-types, but the sheer power of V-create overshadows all of these options. Iron Tail is a powerful option to hit Fairy-types, but is inaccurate and offers little coverage. Dragon Tail can phaze sweepers that want to set up alongside Rayquaza, but takes up a slot that can be used to run other Dragon-type moves, as the combination of V-create and Extreme Speed is a niche Rayquaza calls its own. On the other hand, Substitute is a solid option for Rayquaza to gain boosts behind a Substitute and shield itself from chip damage and status.
Checks and Counters
**Fairy-types**: The biggest thorn in Rayquaza's side are Fairy-types like Fairy Arceus and Xerneas, as they prevent Rayquaza from using Outrage and threaten to KO it with Fairy-type attacks. However, basically every Fairy-type bar Clefable gets destroyed by either a boosted Iron Tail or V-create.
**Heatran**: Now that most Rayquaza variants do not run Earthquake, Heatran can outtank Rayquaza's hits, threaten to burn it with Lava Plume and nullify boosts with Roar. However, Heatran gets 2HKOed by a +2 Dragon Claw, and if Rayquaza runs Earthquake, Heatran is history.
**Bulky support Arceus formes**: Water Arceus and Rock Arceus can take a V-create and threaten to burn with Will-O-Wisp. These are probably the closest things to a tangible counter to Rayquaza.
**Lugia**: Provided Multiscale is intact, Lugia can take a hit from Rayquaza, cripple it with Thunder Wave, and phaze it out with Whirlwind.
**Groudon**: As Rayquaza does not benefit from the sun, Groudon can take a hit from Rayquaza, threaten to paralyze with Thunder Wave, and severely damage Rayquaza with Stone Edge, or phaze it out with Roar. However, Groudon cannot take a +2 V-create if it has taken a bit of damage.
**Revenge Killers**: Probably the safest answers to Rayquaza, priority users such as Extreme Killer Arceus, Yveltal, Mega Lucario, and Scizor, in addition to Choice Scarf users like Kyogre, Genesect, and Zekrom, can dispose of Rayquaza with their respective moves. However, they will not appreciate taking either a Dragon Claw, Outrage, or V-create and may be KOed if the attack is boosted.
**Status**: Burn makes Rayquaza deadweight, as it cannot use its powerful attacks to great effect anymore, and paralysis cripples its once above-average base 95 Speed, leaving it vulnerable to being revenge killed. Rayquaza does not appreciate being hit with Toxic either, as the residual damage of Life Orb and Toxic can end Rayquaza's sweep early.

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