Abomasnow QC (0/3)

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Banned deucer.
Some formatting issues to take care of first

  • Great offensive STABs
  • Only automatic setter of hail
  • Good mixed offensive stats
  • Terrible defensive typing
  • Very slow
Mixed Destroyer
name: Mixed Destroyer
move 1: Ice Shard
move 2: Blizzard
move 3: Wood Hammer / Giga Drain
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 252 Attack / 252 Sp. Attack / 4 HP should be "4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpA
nature: Brave/Quiet


Set Details

Usage Tips

Team Options

Bulky Mixed Attacker
name: Bulky Mixed Attacker
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Ice Shard
move 3: Giga Drain
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 200 HP / 56 Attack / 252 Sp. Attack should be "200 HP / 56 Atk / 252 SpA
nature: Quiet


Set Details

Usage Tips

Team Options

Other Options

Checks & Counters
  • Fire- and Fighting-types that rule the tier
  • Steel-types, especially Mega Aggron
  • Florges and Umbreon
Now that that's out of the way, here are some suggestions:

Mention in Team Options that Abomasnow appreciates teammates that can deal with Fire-types effectively, such as Slowking, Jellicent, and Lanturn. Also Trick Room Reuniclus, as Abomasnow performs well in Trick Room due to its low Speed
Mention Hydreigon because it is one of the safest switchins to Mega-Houndoom, one of the biggest threats to Mega-Abomasnow and it's team members.
Mention Hydreigon because it is one of the safest switchins to Mega-Houndoom, one of the biggest threats to Mega-Abomasnow and it's team members.

Added in Hydreigon. Are there anymore sets or moves that I should add? Abomasnow has a pretty decent movepool.
I'd think a good mention somewhere is that pre-mega Abomasnow should have Soundproof > Snow Warning, as hail isn't always beneficial to your team (unless like your entire team needs it lol). It turns to Snow Warning when it mega evolves.
I'd think a good mention somewhere is that pre-mega Abomasnow should have Soundproof > Snow Warning, as hail isn't always beneficial to your team (unless like your entire team needs it lol). It turns to Snow Warning when it mega evolves.
I agree. It also allows you to switch into stuff like Galvantula's Bug Buzz, Vivillon's Bug Buzz, and Exploud's Boomburst.
Implemented the Soundproof changes, makes a lot of sense, thanks guys!
I also added in Team Options that Abomasnow needs Defog/Rapid Spin support since it is weak to hazards; I also said that good partners are Mew and Starmie, but are there any Defoggers/Rapid Spinners that synergize particularly well with Abomasnow? I have used Tentacruel before, and it works ok.
Implemented the Soundproof changes, makes a lot of sense, thanks guys!
I also added in Team Options that Abomasnow needs Defog/Rapid Spin support since it is weak to hazards; I also said that good partners are Mew and Starmie, but are there any Defoggers/Rapid Spinners that synergize particularly well with Abomasnow? I have used Tentacruel before, and it works ok.
Blastoise and Starmie can take on Fire-types and Steel-types while Abomasnow covers Grass- and Electric-types in return
Blastoise and Starmie can take on Fire-types and Steel-types while Abomasnow covers Grass- and Electric-types in return
Blastoise is awful if you're not using it as a mega evolution, listing Tentacruel would be a lot better because it also takes fighting and poison moves and it sets up toxic spikes to help wear down the opponent(toxic damage+hail damage).

Mixed Destroyer
name: Mixed Destroyer
move 1: Ice Shard
move 2: Blizzard
move 3: Wood Hammer / Giga Drain
move 4: Earthquake
ability: Soundproof ----> Snow Warning
item: Abomasite
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpA
nature: Brave/Quiet

Small nitpick, move the 4HP evs to spdef
  • The ability shouldn't have -----> Snow Warning on it.
  • Put a space between the natures on the first set:
when it should be
Brave / Quiet
  • Also, Abomasnow's ability to disrupt before mega evolving us enough reason to slash in Snow Warning alongside Soundproof, but definitely agree with it being slashed after Soundproof.
  • Add a Choice Scarf set:
Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Blizzard
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Hidden Power Fire
ability: Snow Warning
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Timid / Modest

I'm not sure if Timid lets you outpace anything notable, but better safe than sorry cause I can't be bothered to check XD
Be a bit more specific on the fire and fighting types in the C&C section, if implemented QC 1/3
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