Blastoise QC: (1/3)

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Could you guys seen maybe modest special attacker with assault vest? I haven't given it a try but maybe some food for thought
Could you guys seen maybe modest special attacker with assault vest? I haven't given it a try but maybe some food for thought

I wouldn't really recommend it, even for OO. You lose out on a ton of extra power for the ability to survive some extra special hits, maybe hit back. It sounds better on paper than it does in practice, since Blastoise loses Mega Launcher (significantly weakening Dark Pulse/Aura Sphere), and has no recovery of any sort to work with
You kinda should've waited for my approval since this one was on the unreservable list because it was an important one, so I'll have to lock for now. I'll reopen it if no one on QC can get to it, though, but I'd rather have it done by someone I know I can trust at first, I apologize.

Edit: Well OK, since you weren't doing a bad job anyway I'll reopen it. Add a Resttalk set with Water Spout in OO for Royalty o.O
Remove Swampert from C&C, Mega Blastoise easily beats it one on one.

If Crawdaunt manages to stay in the tier, Mega-Blastoise should be running 72 speed evs to outspeed max speed versions of the crab.
The ability should be what it has BEFORE mega evolving. Make it Rain Dish.

All Out Offense is very good. Make it a set:

All Out Attacker
name: All Out Attacker
move 1: Water Pulse
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Dark Pulse
move 4: Aura Sphere
ability: Rain Dish
item: Blastoisinite
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid

Timid is only slashed in there because I am not sure if it outpaces anything particular with it, so better safe than sorry!.
Implemented the changes above, except for the 72 speed EVS because I don't really know whether Crawdaunt will stay or not. If he does, I will immediately implement the changes.
The ability should be what it has BEFORE mega evolving. Make it Rain Dish.

All Out Offense is very good. Make it a set:

All Out Attacker
name: All Out Attacker
move 1: Water Pulse
move 2: Ice Beam
move 3: Dark Pulse
move 4: Aura Sphere
ability: Rain Dish
item: Blastoisinite
evs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Modest / Timid

Timid is only slashed in there because I am not sure if it outpaces anything particular with it, so better safe than sorry!.
Is there a particular reason you would choose Rain Dish over Torrent? Doesn't it not really matter because you're just going to Mega Evolve anyways? I will update this with the beginning ability but I really don't see how Rain Dish would be preferable to Torrent because though both are really situational, Rain Dish is especially situational as Rain is not a playstyle I have seen too commonly in the tier.
Implemented the changes above, except for the 72 speed EVS because I don't really know whether Crawdaunt will stay or not. If he does, I will immediately implement the changes.

Is there a particular reason you would choose Rain Dish over Torrent? Doesn't it not really matter because you're just going to Mega Evolve anyways? I will update this with the beginning ability but I really don't see how Rain Dish would be preferable to Torrent because though both are really situational, Rain Dish is especially situational as Rain is not a playstyle I have seen too commonly in the tier.
It is just to give you the chance to recover a little if there happens to be rain as nine times out of ten you will take damage upon switch-in, and there is also the chance that you will pivot switch when you haven't mega evolved yet.

Also, if you are going to mega evolve first turn Torrent won't be of ANY use at all, unlike the slither of niche that Rain Dish has.
Scald > Water Pulse simply because the burn chance allows it to act as a much better defensive Pokemon and it only loses out on a few BP anyways. Hydro Pump should be slashed too because it does more damage than Water Pulse after the Mega Launcher boost.

A regular Rapid Spin set from Gen 5 should be added here as well because it still works when it comes to defensive Rapid Spinning and doesn't take up a Mega slot, which could be used for another Pokemon.

OO should definitely be expanded. Phazing moves like Roar and Dragon Tail, status moves like Toxic, and even Foresight for the guaranteed Rapid Spin. And if you're going to put shit like RestTalk + Water Spout, you might as well also add Aqua Jet for the nifty priority, though Blastoise will almost never need to use it

C&C should also be expanded as you're missing out on a lot of great checks and counters. For example, Bulky Water-types like Suicune completely wall Blastoise, as well as bulky Grass-types like Chesnaught if Blastoise does not carry Ice Beam

EDIT: Don't know if it's customary to say this or something, but I'm not QC, so you can take my comments with a grain of salt if you choose to.
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uhh hydro pump > water pulse. you have "STAB" dark pulse for those occasions where you'll need a 100% accurate STAB and hydro pump hurts like a bitch.

you should have three sets imo.

1. the "standard" bulky offensive spinner. dunno if this needs speed but i'd at least look for some benchmark to hit.
2. a bulky defensive spinner
3. a max/max timid all out attacker which works as both a tank and as a ghost-lure for another, less reliable spinner to get off an easy spin (think forretress)

aura sphere in general is kinda useless tbh. dragon pulse hits almost everything aura sphere does and doesn't let shit like toxicroak set up on you.

this needs a lot of work. should really have stayed in the unreservable list imo Ernesto
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I know but no one was grabbing it and this had already received a check, which is why I reopened it. Also don't try putting this on me, I hadn't even approved it being written and it was in QC stage (and it was less than half a day, too, so it's not like I just didn't respond).

I'm not gonna go around making sure people can read or not. If I put an unreservable list and people not only take them, but also approve them, I figure it's easier to revise what's already done than wait for someone to magically come along and take care of it. Same goes for Victini and Aero, really.

Yea to Hydro over Scald/Water Pulse, Dragon Pulse is pretty cool if you're not using Ice Beam (especially if Crawfish stays), not really sure about the other sets really because there's an opportunity cost to take into account.

Also I'm gonna go ahead and assume you meant Chester, otherwise you come off pretty badly saying that Cacturne can set up on Aura Sphere o.O
ya i don't think you should have reopened it but wutevz too late

also i meant toxicroak actually i was sure i wrote that, you probably ninja edited you loser. but yes chester too.

LOL I didn't ninja edit it. I was too busy laughing at how you thought Cacturne could set up on a Fighting-type move o.O
I think Dragon Pulse should be in OO at least, as it gets the Mega Launcher boost and can OHKO most dragons in the tier

252+ SpA Mega Launcher Mega Blastoise Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Hydreigon: 340-402 (104.6 - 123.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

252+ SpA Mega Launcher Mega Blastoise Dragon Pulse vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Flygon: 374-442 (124.2 - 146.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO
I will continue editing this but if you really dont want me doing this analysis i would be more than glad to give it to someone you trust more. I made a mistake when i signed up for this but i realized it after the fact. I thought the problem was solved or at least pushed off when this was reopened and i already got one QC check but you guys are the leaders and i understand that this is a pretty important analysis. So if you dont want me to do it please give it to someone else.
I could take this off all of your hands and do this if QC wants to, as I do have a pretty decent amount of experience with (Mega) Blastoise myself, though I can understand if that isn't an option since I'm not QC or badged.

Also, I believe Leftovers should be slashed with Blastoisinite on the Defensive Rapid Spin set as it still is able to do its job if you wish to use your mega slot for something else
There is no reason to run Foresight on Blastoise anymore. While it worked well last gen, ghosts simply can't shut Blastoise down like they used to due to the introduction of Mega Launcher-boosted Dark Pulse. Furthermore, Foresight is f***ed over by double ghosts (be it though strategy or through simple coincidence).
There is no reason to run Foresight on Blastoise anymore. While it worked well last gen, ghosts simply can't shut Blastoise down like they used to due to the introduction of Mega Launcher-boosted Dark Pulse. Furthermore, Foresight is f***ed over by double ghosts (be it though strategy or through simple coincidence).
I agree. Foresight should be OO at most
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