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Blizzardhail are you ever going to make any changes to this?

The sets should go like this:

Choice Scarf (Iron Head, U-turn, Fire Punch, Ice Punch / Thunder Punch)
SubCM (Sub, CM, Iron Head, Fire Punch)
Specially Defensive (Iron Head, Wish, Protect, Stealth Rock / U-turn)
Offensive CM (CM, Iron Head, Fire Punch, Ice Punch / Thunder Punch)
Mixed Attacker (Iron Head, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thunderbolt)
Paraflinch (it really isn't very good anymore as it is much easier to get around than last gen)
Sub Status
Sorry I have something IRL to do. However will start working on this today. I do know that due to its versatility, it has many sets. Thanks for the tips!
The spread for the SubCM set should be 108Hp/252SpA/148spd Timid to outspeed neutral base 100s and have a bit more bulk.
Mention how good healing wish is in the scarf set to give a new life to stuff like Offensive Mega Ampharos and even Swampert
The spread for the SubCM set should be 108Hp/252SpA/148spd Timid to outspeed neutral base 100s and have a bit more bulk.
Mention how good healing wish is in the scarf set to give a new life to stuff like Offensive Mega Ampharos and even Swampert
Ok thanks
On the SubCM set, you absolutely need Psyshock as it's the best way of getting around specially defensive walls. Psyshock hurts Specially Defensive Florges more than Flash Cannon. Also, Psyshock allows you to win a potential CM war.
I've been using a mixed set lately and to surprisingly successful results that I personally would list it as a main set.

Jirachi @ Expert Belt
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 154 Atk / 104 Spa / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Iron Head
- Energy Ball
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock*

*I personally used SR on my set because my team needed the support for my team. You can probably use Fire Punch, Dazzling Gleam, Shadow Ball, Thunder Wave, Ice Punch, whatever you want in the last slot for more coverage. Heck even Healing Wish can work.

The EVs are a custom spread I came up with, as this Jirachi is meant to break down the "Pink" core of Slowbro, Mew, and Florges. Slowbro is lured very easily (almost mindlessly) and is reliably 2HKOed by Energy Ball with these EVs, with max Speed and remaining invested in Attack. Energy Ball also takes out Swampert, Quagsire, and Gastrodon so it's got more use than Thunderbolt for bulky Waters. Iron Head flinches stuff and murders Florges and U-turn is for momentum. This set bluffs very hard and Is often assumed to be Scarf, which gives a nice advantage to you.

I definitely think this set needs to be somewhere outside of OO, it's way too viable
I tested it on Showdown and it appears that Doom Desire hits with Jirachi's SpA boosts factored in even if the boosts came between when you used it and when it hits. I think this may deserve a mention because it can catch people by surprise and make Doom Desire hit really hard. Not sure if this is the in-game mechanic or a bug in Showdown, however.
tbh doom desire is a pretty crappy move, even with the advent of fairies. a three turn wait when they could simply switch to something that resists it; why? just use flash cannon three times and you'd be doing better.
I tested it on Showdown and it appears that Doom Desire hits with Jirachi's SpA boosts factored in even if the boosts came between when you used it and when it hits. I think this may deserve a mention because it can catch people by surprise and make Doom Desire hit really hard. Not sure if this is the in-game mechanic or a bug in Showdown, however.
The only reason to run Doom Desire is mind games. Bottom end OO material at best.
Jirachi has too many sets that are very viable O.o
It has always been known for its versitility and unpredictability.

Also, I'd mention the Knock Off buff and steel nerf in cons. It is the main reason Jirachi now sucks in OU and struggles to paraflinch this gen (the other reason being the paralysis nerf). Also, mention that it faces stiff competition from Gardevoir and Metagross as offensive Psychic-types.
Sorry for double post here, but Specially Defensive, Offensive CM and Mixed Attacker should have sets tbh. The main reason to use Jirachi over Metagross - a pokemon which is better on paper - is for its versitility and unpredictability. You state that in the overview, but then list only 2 sets outside of OO. By doing this you are completely contradicting that fact, and it is a big thing that needs fixing.
Choice Scarf
name: Scarfrachi
move 1: Iron Head
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Trick / Healing Wish
move 4: Ice Punch / Trick / Healing Wish
ability: Serene Grace
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spd
nature: Jolly

Fire Punch might sound cool but imo you're better of flinching your way through most of the time. 4 spdef evs prevent downloaders from getting sptk boost.
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