Zangoose [QC: 0/3]


for sure
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Seviper can go suck an egg

In the treacherous war zone known as UU, Zangoose struggles to find a niche among the infamous powerhouses present, such as Metagross, Azelf, and Meinshao.

  • Excellent wallbreaking power
  • Decent physical movepool
  • Good setup options
  • Frail
  • Relatively low stats for a UU Pokemon
All-Out Attacker
name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Facade
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Close Combat / Swords Dance
ability: Toxic Boost
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

  • Facade as a main STAB move + power doubled by Toxic Orb
  • Quick Attack to damage faster opponents
  • Close Combat for coverage
  • Knock Off to damage Ghost types immune to Facade and Close Combat
  • Swords Dance to make Zangoose more powerful with Quick Attack
Set Details
  • With Toxic Boost and the Toxic Orb taken into account, Facade reaches an insane base power of 210, doing a hefty number to most of the tier's physical walls, 2HKOing many walls of the tier including Chesnaught, Snorlax, and Donphan.
  • Adamant nature can be used instead in conjunction with Swords Dance + Quick Attack to make Zangoose a powerful priority sweeper.

Usage Tips

  • You should try to switch Zangoose in on a Ghost type move to activate the Toxic Orb. However, be wary as most ghosts carry Will-o-Wisp.
  • This is done best by pairing Zangoose with a Psychic type like Slowbro that baits people into using Ghost moves.
  • Also remember that Zangoose has 60/60 defenses and can be taken out by almost anything that's faster (or using priority).
  • Using a slow pokemon with Volt Switch or U-Turn is another great way to activate the Toxic Orb.

Team Options
  • Psychic types like Slowbro that bait in Ghost attacks to provide a free switch for Zangoose to activate the Toxic Orb
  • Defensive pokemon like Chesnaught or Donphan to take hits by faster pokemon or priority moves
  • Florges to get rid of Spiritomb and Sableye, Zangoose's main counters
  • Empoleon, Blastoise, Chandelure, etc are all good options for taking out pokemon that wall Zangoose such as Shuckle and Mega Aggron
  • Xatu to discourage ghosts from using Will-o-Wisp and bait in Ghost type moves
  • Mega Ampharos for a slow Volt Switch to switch Zangoose in, activating Toxic Orb
  • Fast Dark types like Honchcrow and Houndoom to get rid of ghosts

Other Options
  • Protect is a common option for activating the Toxic Orb, but sometimes is not worth losing a move slot.
  • While Zangoose has access to the elemental punches, it doesn't really need to use them for coverage because of Toxic Boost Facade's astronomical power.
  • Pursuit is also a useful Dark type move since it can trap ghosts.
  • You can also try a Choice Band set and try to switch in on a Toxic, but that is unlikely and very difficult.
  • Zangoose also possesses a very colorful specially offensive movepool, but is unable to make good use of it thanks to its puny base 60 Special Attack stat.

Checks and Counters
  • Spiritomb and Sableye: usually the best answers to Zangoose, as they are immune to every one of Zangoose's common attacks except Dark type moves, which they take only neutral damage from.
  • Scarf Chandelure: Fast ghosts like Scarf Chandelure can get rid of Zangoose, since theyre immune to its only priority move, Quick Attack
  • Shuckle, Mega Aggron, and Foretress: are all defensive walls that can wall Zangoose
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Get rid of the "relatively low stats for a UU Pokemon" in the Overview - just because a Pokemon has low stats doesn't mean it's not viable. For example, Azumarill has low stats in OU yet it's incredibly viable.

EDIT: Also, Snorlax isn't a physical wall ?.? Probably change it to Donphan instead
Get rid of the "relatively low stats for a UU Pokemon" in the Overview - just because a Pokemon has low stats doesn't mean it's not viable. For example, Azumarill has low stats in OU yet it's incredibly viable.

EDIT: Also, Snorlax isn't a physical wall ?.? Probably change it to Donphan instead
I'm just giving a general idea of damage to a variety of pokemon.
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Not QC, but I'll try to help, because I have a lot of experience with Zangoose.
  • Honestly, Knock Off >> Night Slash this generation. The higher crit chance of Night Slash is not enough to justify giving it a slash.
  • Quick Attack is completely essential, because Zangoose isn't that fast and the priority is necessary. Unslash Protect and maybe add it to OO or something.
  • The statement "switch Zangoose in on a Ghost-type" is not correct, because Will-O-Wisp makes Zangoose a nonfactor and most Ghosts carry it.
  • If in your description you mention Quick Attack as being an important part of the set, why does it have a slash next to it? Quick Attack is too important to this set, especially because it runs Adamant.
  • Once again, Knock Off >> Night Slash. Night Slash shouldn't be a slash.
  • So, make this set just Swords Dance / Facade / Quick Attack / Coverage, with Knock Off as first slash and Close Combat as second slash.
  • Also calcs for Checks and Counters:
  • +2 252 Atk Toxic Boost Zangoose Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Sableye: 368-433 (121 - 142.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  • +2 252 Atk Toxic Boost Zangoose Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Spiritomb: 273-322 (89.8 - 105.9%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
Just my two cents.
Not QC, but I'll try to help, because I have a lot of experience with Zangoose.
  • Honestly, Knock Off >> Night Slash this generation. The higher crit chance of Night Slash is not enough to justify giving it a slash.
  • Quick Attack is completely essential, because Zangoose isn't that fast and the priority is necessary. Unslash Protect and maybe add it to OO or something.
  • The statement "switch Zangoose in on a Ghost-type" is not correct, because Will-O-Wisp makes Zangoose a nonfactor and most Ghosts carry it.
  • If in your description you mention Quick Attack as being an important part of the set, why does it have a slash next to it? Quick Attack is too important to this set, especially because it runs Adamant.
  • Once again, Knock Off >> Night Slash. Night Slash shouldn't be a slash.
  • So, make this set just Swords Dance / Facade / Quick Attack / Coverage, with Knock Off as first slash and Close Combat as second slash.
  • Also calcs for Checks and Counters:
  • +2 252 Atk Toxic Boost Zangoose Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Sableye: 368-433 (121 - 142.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
  • +2 252 Atk Toxic Boost Zangoose Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Spiritomb: 273-322 (89.8 - 105.9%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO
Just my two cents.
Thanks for all that ^ ouo

I'll edit my thingy tommorow after school.
I think both sets should have Jolly and to be honest, I don't think Adamant should be slashed at all. Outspeeding Pokemon like Heracross and Nidoking seems way too important. Most things that can outspeed will OHKO Zangoose, so outspeeding threats should be the most important goal to reach (maybe slash Adamant in the wallbreaker set). Zangoose can't really switch into anything as it fears being hit by just about anything, so I'd say you need a Pokemon that can get it in safely. Mega Ampharos can do this with a slow Volt Switch. Spiritomb isn't relevant enough to give much of a mention, so I'd just say Sableye. Shuckle can be bulky, but it can't really do anything back to Zangoose. I would put Forretress as a bulky Pokemon that can take a hit, but at +2, Close Combat 2HKO's. To be fair, the Wallbreaker set and the Swords Dance set seem pretty much the same, except... Swords Dance. That's my input on this.
Yeah. The SD and Wallbreaker sets are far too similar to justify them being split. I would just call it "All-Out Attacker" and make it look like this:

All-Out Attacker
name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Facade
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Close Combat / Swords Dance
ability: Toxic Boost
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Mention Adamant in set details. Feel free to copy and paste this in.

Learn these things that I am about to tell you for future analyses you decide to do:
  • The formatting for the stats is HP (HP) / Atk (Attack) / Def (Defense) / SpA (Special Attack) / SpD (Special Defense) / Spe (Speed) [don't type in the bracketed areas] and they MUST be slashed in THAT ORDER.
  • Make sure to put spaces between text and slashes.
  • Never capitalise "name:", "move 1/2/3/4:", "ability:", "item:", "evs:", "ivs:" and "nature:" to meet formatting requirements for analyses at QC stage-level.
  • Leave the tabs (stuff underlined with "########" or "========") with NO FORMATTING (i.e. bold, italic, underline, strike-through)
Yeah. The SD and Wallbreaker sets are far too similar to justify them being split. I would just call it "All-Out Attacker" and make it look like this:

All-Out Attacker
name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Facade
move 2: Quick Attack
move 3: Knock Off
move 4: Close Combat / Swords Dance
ability: Toxic Boost
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Mention Adamant in set details. Feel free to copy and paste this in.

Learn these things that I am about to tell you for future analyses you decide to do:
  • The formatting for the stats is HP (HP) / Atk (Attack) / Def (Defense) / SpA (Special Attack) / SpD (Special Defense) / Spe (Speed) [don't type in the bracketed areas] and they MUST be slashed in THAT ORDER.
  • Make sure to put spaces between text and slashes.
  • Never capitalise "name:", "move 1/2/3/4:", "ability:", "item:", "evs:", "ivs:" and "nature:" to meet formatting requirements for analyses at QC stage-level.
  • Leave the tabs (stuff underlined with "########" or "========") with NO FORMATTING (i.e. bold, italic, underline, strike-through)
thanks ouo

i'll add that in
Also, the entire thing needs to be in bullet point form until QC 2/3, which is when you write it up.

And for god sake remove adamant. Leave that for set comments