Sticky Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

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Man, how terrible is Mega Swamp ability? Why don't give him Drizzle? I'm not saying it will be a terrible mega, but almost always he's got no ability.
Yeah, how often do people use water types on rain teams? Or encounter natural rain in Sapphire?
I mean it's not like Swampert gets a move that would increase the power of its Water attacks and now boost its speed for 5 turns.

It's not the best ability they could have given it, but it's far from useless *looks at Light Metal Metagross*
Remember that list of trademarked names? Almost all of the new Mega-Evo's and the Kyogre / Groundon "de-evolution" still matchup with the list. Diance is missing from that list. However, I believe Diance is missing from the list because it is the only "new" Pokemon (5th gen / 6th gen) to receive a mega-evolution, so it didn't need to have its trademark renewed, unlike all the other pokemon. Interestingly, Swampert is missing from the list. I can't explain its absence

Red for pokemon that are still missing
Bold for pokemon confirmed after XY's release (hacking and today's reveals)


Mawile *registered by a different company
So what is going to happen with the red pokemon??? All the red pokemon are from generation 3, except for jynx. Conincidence? I think not. Especially since one of them is Rayquaza, the pokemon who broke up the fight between the ancient kyogre and groudon.

Rayquaza and Kecleon I could definitely see getting Megas (please please give Mega Kecleon Protean and not Color Change) but Pluse and Minun would just be...weird. So far there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who gets a Mega Evo so who knows.
Yeah, how often do people use water types on rain teams? Or encounter natural rain in Sapphire?
I mean it's not like Swampert gets a move that would increase the power of its Water attacks and now boost its speed for 5 turns.

It's not the best ability they could have given it, but it's far from useless *looks at Light Metal Metagross*
Having to rely on Rain Dance to activate Swift Swim isn't nearly as good as having Drizzle, especially when T-tar/Hippowdown and especially Char Y can just switch in and make you waste one turn, and one PP, nontheles.
Rayquaza and Kecleon I could definitely see getting Megas (please please give Mega Kecleon Protean and not Color Change) but Pluse and Minun would just be...weird. So far there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who gets a Mega Evo so who knows.
I don't see why it would be weird. They were first created for marketing purposes (the gen's Pikachu) so I think it would work. I'm just surprised that they weren't announced with the rest of them lol.
Because all of those will be real eager to switch into a Pokemon that can easily beat them one on one.
Hippo is a great physical wall, and Char not only removes rain but is immune to one stab and halves the power of the other (still weak, ok).
But besides this, you're telling me that nowadays relying on Rain Dance is considered viable? The fact that weather has become rare after the nerf of inducing abilities on itself prooves how shaky the indicing moves are.
Having to rely on Rain Dance to activate Swift Swim isn't nearly as good as having Drizzle, especially when T-tar/Hippowdown and especially Char Y can just switch in and make you waste one turn, and one PP, nontheles.
From a design standpoint, Swift Swim makes sense though, which is great, because it makes people who originally thought "omg sluggish" to look at the design closer. The fins are more stream-lined now, and he is much wider, which gives him more lift as he swims. He also has stronger arm muscles, and all of those put together completely outranks the little bit of weight he gained.

Also all of those examples lose to Mega-Swampert one on one, as Agonist said, so those examples actually means that using Rain Dance in those situations, and possibly forcing the switch would be a good thing...
I understand Hoenn is supposed to have a tropical climate, but the tan on literally almost every character is somewhat overkill. Kinda surprised Maxie is white as all hell, though.
Ironically the entire Team Aqua is made of tanned people, while the opposite is true for Team Magma. At least both of them now have a more believable excuse for wanting to unleash eternal rain/sun on Hoenn.
Hippo is a great physical wall, and Char not only removes rain but is immune to one stab and halves the power of the other (still weak, ok).
But besides this, you're telling me that nowadays relying on Rain Dance is considered viable? The fact that weather has become rare after the nerf of inducing abilities on itself prooves how shaky the indicing moves are.
No. It shows how incredibly overpowered Drizzle was in B2/W2 OU when it was permanent. Manual Rain would naturally be worse. However, rain teams are still extremely effective if used right, and Mega-Swampert would only contribute to this.
No. It shows how incredibly overpowered Drizzle was in B2/W2 OU when it was permanent. Manual Rain would naturally be worse. However, rain teams are still extremely effective if used right, and Mega-Swampert would only contribute to this.
Even Gravity is devastating if used correctly, but there are reasons why it's barely seen. Not saying that Rain is AS gimmicky, but personally I wouldn't abuse Mega Swamp's ability without Politoed, I think he needs all the possible coverage instead of wasting a moveslot for Rain Dance.
Hippo is a great physical wall, and Char not only removes rain but is immune to one stab and halves the power of the other (still weak, ok).
But besides this, you're telling me that nowadays relying on Rain Dance is considered viable? The fact that weather has become rare after the nerf of inducing abilities on itself prooves how shaky the indicing moves are.

... lots of Pokemon still use Rain Dance and Sunny Day. I really have no idea what you're trying to argue by saying that the inducing moves are shaky when they're both still perfectly viable.

As for Hippowdon being a good physical wall, I'm not denying that, however, keeping it on a Water type is really stupid, especially when Swampert outspeeds it. As for Char-Y:

252+ Atk Swampert Waterfall vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Mega Charizard Y in Sun: 156-186 (52.3 - 62.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

That's assuming there aren't any Rocks up, or that Swampert doesn't decide to run Rock Slide/Stone Edge.
Having to rely on Rain Dance to activate Swift Swim isn't nearly as good as having Drizzle, especially when T-tar/Hippowdown and especially Char Y can just switch in and make you waste one turn, and one PP, nontheles.

If Charizard hasn't mega evolved yet then it can't switch on Mega Swampert unless it's on a predicted EQ.
If it's already mega evolved then Mega Swampert can outpredict the switch-in and use Rain Dance on that turn (which will go after Drought, resetting the rain counter), leaving Megazard Y completely helpless. Oh and if SR it's OHKO'd by Waterfall regardless.
Either way attempting to counter Mega Swampert with Mega Charizard Y is not a great idea.
You also have to realize that Mega-Swampert was never going to get both Swift Swim and Drizzle. What would Swampert do with Drizzle? Halve the power of already quad-resisted Fire-Type attacks and power up his own Water-Type attacks slightly... Compare this to Swift Swim, which lets him set up fast SR and other utility moves such as Knock Off, as well as possibly pull off a sweep or clean.
I'm not that dumb to think that Char Y would win always on Swampert. What I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't rely on Rain Dance Swampert when other weather inducers are some of the most common mons in the meta. Yeah, you can predict the switch, but you can even predict wrong, and then? Rain is much easier than before to remove, so forcing Swampert out with a check/counter just screws this strategy imho. And surely it won't switch in Char Y, it would be a death sentence.
Personally I would abuse the coverage moves, having Politoed to support.

You also have to realize that Mega-Swampert was never going to get both Swift Swim and Drizzle. What would Swampert do with Drizzle? Halve the power of already quad-resisted Fire-Type attacks and power up his own Water-Type attacks slightly... Compare this to Swift Swim, which lets him set up fast SR and other utility moves such as Knock Off, as well as possibly pull off a sweep or clean.
A weather ability is always good, unless it's hail. And is of great support for the team (a VERY bulky rain setter might help a lot the likes of Kingdra and Kabutops).
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Obviously you wouldn't switch a Swampert into Charizard, the point was that none of the weather inducers (besides of Abomasnow... lol) can switch into Swampert safely, which gives it the ability to run Rain Dance to support itself without being threatened by other weather inducers. Sure, they can switch in after it kills something, but Char-Y is the only one that actually directly threatens Swampert even in that scenario.
I don't see why it would be weird. They were first created for marketing purposes (the gen's Pikachu) so I think it would work. I'm just surprised that they weren't announced with the rest of them lol.
Since Minun and Plusle rely on each other to work (Plus and Minus abilities), I doubt they'll get a Mega. Although I guess they could get the Lati@s treatment and mega-evolve into the same thing with some sort of Electric Aura ability.
but Pluse and Minun would just be...weird. So far there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to who gets a Mega Evo so who knows.
Since Minun and Plusle rely on each other to work (Plus and Minus abilities), I doubt they'll get a Mega. Although I guess they could get the Lati@s treatment and mega-evolve into the same thing with some sort of Electric Aura ability.
I don't see why Plusle and Minun can't get mevos, if Gamefreak wants to, and they think that it is a good idea for business, they will. "But--- but-- Plusle and Minun are meant to be used together! They can't both get mega evolutions because then what's the point?!"


I still stand by my original post. Even if they're still not useful, I'll definitely have fun with my friends using them.
We'll just have to see how it fares in the tier (he will be surely OU, imho), but I still think he could get something better to work with.
Hell, actually I like worst Mega Sceptile. I understand how good is being immune to T-Wave (gotta go fast), but even here I would prefer something alse. And that type is terrible.
Personally, I think the stat boosts will look a little like this:-
Atk. +20
Sp. Atk. +50
Spd. +30

Atk. +40
Dfc. +30
Sp. Dfc. +30

No idea for Diancie
Also Mega Diancie so fuckin pretty love <3
I'd rather have Sceptile get its boosts in Attack; its Special movepool is shit compared to its Physical.
Despite its bulky design it's not entirely out of the question that Mega Swampert might actually gain a boost in speed since the shape of its body happens to be much more fluidynamic now.
We do have stuff like Slaking (a lazy fatass, literally) having 100 base speed after all.
That, and the fact Swampert doesn't really need boosts in any stats besides speed.
Lightning Rod on Sceptile seems super useless. Already quad resists Electric type attacks...Should've just gave it Contrary + Draco Meteor + Leaf Storm.
Despite its bulky design it's not entirely out of the question that Mega Swampert might actually gain a boost in speed since the shape of its body happens to be much more fluidynamic now.
We do have stuff like Slaking (a lazy fatass, literally) having 100 base speed after all.
That, and the fact Swampert doesn't really need boosts in any stats besides speed.

It's definitely getting an Attack boost.

Lightning Rod on Sceptile seems super useless. Already quad resists Electric type attacks...Should've just gave it Contrary + Draco Meteor + Leaf Storm.

It seems useless, but its not. Now it finally has a way to boost its SpA, and at the same time, give it an immunity to Thunder Wave.

And Contrary Draco Meteor/Leaf Storm would be broken as fuck on Sceptile.
I don't mind Lightningrod all that much, I mean a Sp.A booster is kinda nice, plus an immunity to Thunder Wave. But what I don't understand is... how does that work flavour-wise? Perhaps the red-tip of its tail is made of metal?
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