RU Qwilfish


Defeat me if you can... Survive if I let you!


Qwilfish has proves its worth as one of the best Spikers in the RU tier by checking thanks to its solid defensive typing and an excellent ability in the form of Intimidate that lets it check several common Pokemon such as Hitmonlee, Escavalier, and Emboar by virtue of its solid defensive typing and an excellent ability in Intimidate. Qwilfish also has access to disruptive options such as Taunt, which stops opponents from setting up on Qwilfish, and Thunder Wave, which cripples faster, Speed-reliant opponents. Qwilfish also has semi-reliable recovery in Pain Split. While Qwilfish’s typing gives it unique resistances, its downside is that it leaves Qwilfish vulnerable towards the somewhat common Electric-, Ground-, and Psychic-type moves. Rhyperior, Jolteon and Meloetta should be avoided as they’ll OHKO Qwilfish.

name: Lead
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Pain Split
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Taunt / Thunder Wave
ability: Intimidate
item:Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish

Spikes is the most important move on Qwilfish because it racks up residual damage on the opponent's side of the team as the match goes on, and thanks to Qwilfish's typing and ability, it gets plenty of chances to set up layers. Waterfall prevents Qwilfish from becoming setup bait due to its solid neutral coverage, backed by a solid base 95 Attack stat. Pain Split is Qwilfish's best method of recovery. Taunt denies the opposing Pokemon the opportunity to set hazards or boost itself. Alternatively, Qwilfish can Thunder Wave to paralyze foes, heavily crippling faster, Speed-reliant, offensive Pokemon that might try to switch into Qwilfish, making them much easier to deal with later on in the match.

Set Details
The given EV spread allows Qwilfish to last as long as possible, maximizing its physical bulk with an Impish nature. However it can also run a EV spread of 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe which allows it to outspeed and prevent Golbat and Gligar from using Defog with Taunt. Additionally, you can use Destiny Bond with these EV's to take out slower Pokemon such as Escavalier. Black Sludge is the only item that should be used, giving Qwilfish passive recovery, and discouraging opponents from swapping a Choice item to you by dealing damage to any non-Poison-type holder. As well if an opponent were to Trick or Switcheroo you and receive the item.

Usage Tips
Lead with Qwilfish, and start setting up Spikes. Switch Qwilfish in to trigger Intimidate for an Attack drop, and switch it out when you anticipate you will need an Attack drop later on. However, this needs to be done carefully to avoid getting it worn down too quickly through free damage from opposing hazards and enemy attacks. Switching Qwilfish in also absorbs Toxic Spikes. Use Taunt on opponents often to shut down opposing walls. I personally think this was covered in the earlier sentences, but if you want to keep this last sentence, "Knowing when to switch Qwilfish in is important to using Qwiflish properly." Something along those lines will work.

Team Options
Qwilfish is playing a supportive role, so it's going to need teammates that can help it survive out in the battle. Gligar, Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and Dugtrio make great partners to switch into because of their immunity to Electric-type attacks. Gligar, in particular, has excellent type synergy with Qwilfish by taking Electric- and Ground-type moves aimed at Qwilfish, and Qwilfish reciprocates by taking Ice- and Water-type moves directed at Gligar. excellent partner for Qwilfish, as it has great type synergy, being able to take on the Electric- and Ground-type moves aimed at it, and in return, Qwilfish can take the Ice- and Water-type moves directed at it. Sharpedo, Drapion, and Pangoro also make great partners because of their immunity to Psychic-type moves.

Focus Sash
name: Focus Sash
move 1:Spikes
move 2:Taunt
move 3:Waterfall / Toxic Spikes
move 4:Destiny Bond / Explosion
ability: Intimidate
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Spikes is a great entry hazard that provides residual damage, making opponents think twice about switching in and out. It's also great for getting rid of opposing Focus Sashes. Taunt prevents an opponent from laying entry hazards down or inflicting Qwilfish with status. Waterfall gives Qwilfish coverage against Ground-types and Rock-types; it also allows Qwilfish to fend off attackers and not be setup bait. Destiny Bond is available for Qwilfish to take out leads, hazard setters, spinners, or even defoggers. Alternatively, Explosion can be used to prevent Rapid Spin users from spinning hazards away. Qwilfish can also utilize Toxic Spikes for Poison or Toxic damage.

Set Details
This spread is used to maximize Qwilfish's speed and damage with a Jolly nature. This is necessary for Qwilfish to be an offensive threat. Focus Sash is used to make sure it can survive a crippling blow and manage to get an extra layer of Spikes, use Destiny Bond, or get in an extra attack.

Usage Tips
Qwilfish can be used as a suicide lead or a hazard setter, being able to offer support or take out a threatening lead. Switch Qwilfish out to bulkier teammates to preserve it to lay down entry hazards again in case they get removed. Qwilfish can also be used to clear the field of any Toxic Spikes, leaving your team free of instant poison and toxic damage. You can also take advantage of Destiny Bond by using it the turn your Focus Sash activates. Destiny Bond may cause the opponent to second guess whether he wants to sacrifice his Pokemon or make a switch towards another Pokemon. If the opponent attempts to switch, you can throw an extra layer of Spikes down, attack them, or even Taunt him to prevent him from using any status moves.

Team Options
Qwilfish works well with offensive teammates such as Rhyperior and Hitmonlee, because it provides them hazards, allowing them to have less of a problem getting rid of opponents. Qwilfish also relies on teammates that are immune to its weaknesses. Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and Dugtrio are great partners for Qwilfish to switch into because of their immunity to Electric-type attacks. Dark-types like Sharpedo and Drapion are immune to Psychic Types that take out Qwilfish with ease. Pangoro is also very reliable as it is immune to Psychic-type moves. Pangoro can also use Parting Shot, which, when coupled with Intimidate from Qwilfish, causes the opponent's Attack and Special Attack to drop significantly.

Other Options
Qwilfish can also run Rain Dance and a Damp Rock to give itself Speed with Swift Swim and provide other Swift Swim or Hydration Pokemon weather for support. Additionally, with Rain Dance, Qwilfish can also use Swords Dance to increase its Attack. It can use moves such as Bounce to paralyze and counter Fighting-types, Poison Jab for a great STAB attack to get rid of Fairies such as Aromatisse and Slurpuff, and Aqua Jet for priority STAB-boosted damage. Qwilfish can also catch opponents by surprise by running Scald to burn opponents while having Intimidate to cripple the opposing Pokemon's Attack significantly. Scald can cause problems for Escavalier as well, as the burn damage and Intimidate can cripple its Attack. Scald works more effectively against Rhyperior and Dugtrio, though they can still take a hit. Additionally, Hydro Pump can be used damage Rhyperior and Dugtrio, leaving them at significantly low health.

Checks & Counters

**Ground Types**: Rhyperior can tank Qwilfish’s hits and can take out Qwilfish or damage it significantly. Dugtrio is also deadly as it can trap Qwilfish and outspeed it to KO. Gastrodon can also wall Qwilfish because of Storm Drain and its immunity to Thunder Wave.

**Strong Special Electric-types**: Heliolisk can counter and wall Qwilfish with its strong special attacks and Dry Skin. Jolteon can also counter it with its Speed, immunity to Thunder Wave, and STAB Thunderbolt or Volt Switch from its high Special Attack.

**Psychic-types**: Slowking and Meloetta both have some merit because Slowking's defenses can wall Qwilfish, while Meloetta is fast and can take Qwilfish out with its Speed and deadly Special Attack. Xatu can also cause Qwilfish problems with Magic Bounce as Qwilfish can't set entry hazards down nor can it inflict it with status.
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Swords dance poison jab on a rain dance w/ spikes or tspikes. Dont have full support on a rain sweeper. Atk > SpA so waterfall > scald.
T-wave --> Thunder Wave
Spell it out.

Team options

Dark types: qwil takes care of fairies for them, they take care of psychic for qwil.
Pokemon that like hazard support
Ground to deal with electric. Qwil beats grass + water for it.

Checks + Counters

Ground moves
Psychic moves
Electric types- jolteon heliolisk etc
Xatu- psychic type magic bounce
Residual damage (hazards)
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Okay Explosion needs a slash with Destiny Bond on the focus sash set as it actually prevents a spin from any amount health instead of preventing when low, I also think Tspikes deserve a slash with Waterfall too as it's really effective in RU atm. Personally I had a lot of good feedback from using Spikes/Toxic Spikes/Taunt/Explosion. Taunt definitely deserves a mention on the defensive set as well as 44 speed ev's so that you outspeed and prevent defog from Golbat/Gligar and can also let you pseudo stall break to an extent :]

edit: taunt slash with twave on set 1 pls thx

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Mention Hydro Pump in OO.

Give a better explanation to Scald in OO, like Scald help against Perior and does better vs Escavalier because the chance burn.

Mention somewhere Destiny Bond on defensive utility Qwilfish since is the best way to handle Escavalier, just setupp Spikes and die both, usually surprise the opponent.

Also mention Defiant on Checks & Counters which is rly annoying for Qwilfish like Braviary.
Scald works more effectively against Rhyperior and to an extent Dugtrio, Rhyperiors low Special Defense doesn't allow it to tank a Scald

This isn't true, Rhyperior can easily tank a Scald (58.7 - 70.5%). Hydro Pump never OHKOs either (81.5 - 96%). This is assuming only 252 HP of course, and not the specially defensive set. You should correct that mistake and mention that imo.

edit: i'm assuming 0 SpA qwilfish btw.

And Scald doesn't OHKO dug either (67.9 - 80.1%)
This isn't true, Rhyperior can easily tank a Scald (58.7 - 70.5%). Hydro Pump never OHKOs either (81.5 - 96%). This is assuming only 252 HP of course, and not the specially defensive set. You should correct that mistake and mention that imo.

edit: i'm assuming 0 SpA qwilfish btw.

And Scald doesn't OHKO dug either (67.9 - 80.1%)
I accidently wrote doesnt tank, they can tank a shot. Sorry n_n
yeah i agree with arikado, hydro pump is only better than scald if you need the extra power but scald is more consistent because accuracy and 30% chance to burn which helps against a lot of stuff like Escavalier, Xatu, Cobalion etc which otherwise you should lose to them or cripples like in the Xatu case (you'll lose vs xatu anyways)

CrushinDefeat, I'm so sorry, but after discussing this with #grammar, namely SuperJOCKE and Spirit, this analysis might need to be reassigned, but we are pending a response from Worldtour. Therefore, I cannot GP check this. AM CHECKERS, DO NOT CHECK THIS ANALYSES
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Why would it need to be reassigned? Thats so stupid. CrushinDefeat worked really hard on this and deserves to have the analysis.
Why would it need to be reassigned? Thats so stupid. CrushinDefeat worked really hard on this and deserves to have the analysis.
If he can't improve the quality, someone else needs to do it. It's just that simple. No disrespect to Crushin, I know he tried his best, but we can't have analyses like this onsite.
I wouldnt say defiant because its only one pokemon. Also, qwilfish is faster and can twave it and cripple it for the match.

Qwilfish has proven its worth by being one of the best Spikers in the RU tier, thanks to its solid defensive typing and an excellent ability in the form of Intimidate that lets it check several common Pokemon such as Hitmonlee, Escavalier, and Emboar. Not only can Qwilfish set Spikes for its team, but it also has access to other distruptive options such as Taunt, which stops opponents from setting up on Qwilfish, and Thunder Wave, which heavily cripples faster opponents. Qwilfish also has a semi-reliable recovery in Pain Split. While Qwilfish’s typing gives it unique resistances, its down side is that it leaves Qwilfish vulnerable towards Electric-, Ground-, and Psychic-type moves which are somewhat common in RU. Pokemon such as Rhyperior, Jolteon, and Meloetta should be avoided as they’ll OHKO Qwilfish.
name: Lead
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Pain Split
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Taunt / Thunder Wave
ability: Intimidate
item:Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish
Spikes are by far the most important move on Qwilfish, as they rack up residual damage on the opponent's side of the team as the match goes on, and becthaunkse tof Qwilfish's typing and ability, it gets plenty of chances to set them up. Waterfall prevents Qwilfish from becoming set up bait, having solid neutral coverage and coming off of a solid base 95 Attack stat. Pain Split is Qwilfish's best method of recovery, and allows Qwitlfish to stay alive as long as possible. Taunt allows Qwilfish to prevent hazards and also shuts down Pokemon that might try to set up on Qwilfish. Alternatively, Qwilfish use Thunder Wave to paralyze foes, heavily crippling faster offensive Pokemon that might try to switch into Qwilfish, making them much easier to deal with later on in the match.
Set Details
The given EV spread allows Qwilfish to last as long as possible, and maximizes its physical bulk. However it can also run a EV spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 44 Spe which allows it to outspeed Pokemon such as Golbat and Gligar and prevent them from using Defog with Taunt. Additionally, you can use Destiny Bond with these EV's to take out slower Pokemon such as Escavalier. Black Sludge is the only item that should be used, as it provides Qwilfish with passive recovery, and it can be detrimental to the opponent as well if an opponenit were to use Trick or Switcheroo against you and receive the item. Lastly, an Impish nature is used to further increase Qwilfish's physical bulk.
Usage Tips
Use Qwilfish as a lead, and start setting up Spikes. Qwilfish can also switch in and out to use its awesome ability, Intimidate, to lower its opponents's Attack. However, this needs to be done carefully to avoid it getting worn down quickly. In addition, Qwilfish can also be sent out to absorb Toxic Spikes. Use Taunt on opponents often to shut down opposing walls. Also, knowing when to switch in and out of a battle is important if you want to Intimidate them. opponent.
Team Options
Qwilfish is playing a supportive role, so it's going to need teammates that can help it survive out in the battle. Gligar, Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and Dugtrio make great partners to switch into because of their immunity to Electric-type attacks. Gligar, in particular, is an excellent partner for Qwilfish, as it has great type synergy, being able to take on the Electric- and Ground-type moves aimed at it, and in return, Qwilfish can take the Ice- and Water-type moves directed at it. Sharpedo, Drapion and Pangoro also make great partners because of their immunity to Psychic-type moves.
Focus Sash
name: Focus Sash
move 1:Spikes
move 2:Taunt
move 3:Waterfall / Toxic Spikes
move 4:Destiny Bond / Explosion
ability: Intimidate
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly
Spikes is a great entry hazard that provides residual damage, making opponent think twice about switching in and out. It's also great for getting rid of opposing Focus Sashes. Taunt is used to prevent an opponent from laying entry hazards down or inflicting Qwilfish with status. Waterfall gives Qwilfish coverage against Ground-types and Rock-types; it also allows Qwilfish to fend off attackers and not be set up bait. Destiny Bond is available for Qwilfish to take out leads, hazard setters, spinners, or even defogger users. Alternatively, Explosion can be used to prevent Rapid Spin users from spinning hazards away. Qwilfish can also utilize Toxic Spikes for Poison or Toxic damage.
Set Details
QwilfisTh wills nesoread tois uspread in order for Qwitlfish to maximize its damage and speed. This is necessary for Qwilfish to be an offensive threat. Focus Sash is used to make sure Qwilfisht can survive a crippling blow and manage to get a layer of Spikes, use Destiny Bond, or get in an extra attack. Use Destiny Bond to psych out the opponent or killKO them if they don't have attacks, or hit them with one final attack while its Focus Sash is intact. ItQwilfish should run a Jolly nature to maximize Speed.
Usage Tips
Qwilfish can be used as a suicide lead or a hazard setter, being able to offer support or takinge out a threatening lead. Switch Qwilfish out to bulkier teammates to pereserve its longevity and allow it to lay down entry hazards again in case they get removed. Qwilfish can also be used to clear the field of any Toxic Spikes, leaving your team free of Ppoison and Ttoxic damage.
Team Options
Qwilfish works well with offensive teammates, such as Rhyperior and Hitmonlee, because it provides them hazards, allowing the team members to have less of a problem getting rid of opponents. Qwilfish also relies on teammates that are immune to its weaknesses. Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and Dugtrio are great partners for Qwilfish to switch into because of their immunity to Electric-type attacks. Dark-types like Sharpedo and Drapion are immune to Psychic Types that take out Qwilfish with ease. Pangoro is also very reliable because ofit its immunitye to Psychic-type moves. Pangoro can also use Parting Shot, which, when coupled with Intimidate from Qwilfish, causes the opponent's Attack and Special Attack to drop significantly.
Other Options
Qwilfish can also run Rain Dance and a Damp Rock to progivide itself sSpeed with Swift Swim and provide other Swift Swim or Hydration Pokemon weather for support. Additionally, with Rain Dance, Qwilfish can also use Swords Dance to increase its attack power. It can acceusse moves such as Bounce, to paralyze and counter Fighting -types, Poison Jab for a great STAB attack to get rid of Fairies likesuch as Aromatisse and Slurpuff, and Aqua Jet for priority STAB -boosted damage. Qwilfish can also catch opponents by surprise by running Scald to Bburn opponents while having Intimidate to cripple the opposing Pokemon's Attack significantly. Scald can cause problems for Escavalier as well, asince the burn damage and Intimidate can cripple its Attack. Scald works more effectively against Rhyperior and Dugtrio, though they can still take a hit. Additionally, Hydrop Pump can be used damage Rhyperior and Dugtrio, leaving them at significantly low health.
Checks & Counters
**Ground Types**: Rhyperior can tank Qwilfish’s hits and can take out Qwilfish or damage it significantly. Dugtrio is also deadly because it can trap Qwilfish and outspeed it to the KO. Gastrodon can also wall Qwilfish because of Storm Drain and its immunity to Thunder- Wave.
**Strong Specially oriented Electric-types**: Heliolisk can counter and wall Qwilfish with its strong special attacks and Dry Skin. Jolteon can also counter it with its Speed and Special Attack.
**Psychic -Ttypes**: Slowking and Meloetta both have some merit because Slowking's defenses can wall Qwilfish, while Meloetta is fast and can take Qwilfish out with its Speed and deadly Special Attack. Xatu can also cause Qwilfish problems with Magic Bounce asince Qwilfish can't set entry hazards down nor can it use inflict it with status.
Qwilfish has proven its worth by being one of the best Spikers in RU, thanks to its solid defensive typing and an excellent ability in the form of Intimidate that lets it check several common Pokemon such as Hitmonlee, Escavalier, and Emboar. Not only can Qwilfish set Spikes for its team, but it also has access to other distruptive options such as Taunt, which stops opponents from setting up on Qwilfish, and Thunder Wave, which heavily cripples faster opponents. Qwilfish also has a semi-reliable recovery in Pain Split. While Qwilfish’s typing gives it unique resistances, its downside is that it leaves Qwilfish vulnerable to Electric-, Ground-, and Psychic-type moves which are somewhat common in RU. Pokemon such as Rhyperior, Jolteon, and Meloetta should be avoided as they’ll OHKO Qwilfish.
name: Lead
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Pain Split
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Taunt / Thunder Wave
ability: Intimidate
item:Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish
Spikes are by far the most important move on Qwilfish, as they rack up residual damage on the opponent's side of the team as the match goes on, and thanks to Qwilfish's typing and ability, it gets plenty of chances to set them up. Waterfall prevents Qwilfish from becoming setup bait, having solid neutral coverage and coming off of a solid base 95 Attack stat. Pain Split is Qwilfish's best method of recovery, and allows Qwilfish to stay alive as long as possible. Taunt allows Qwilfish to prevent hazards and also shuts down Pokemon that might try to set up on Qwilfish. Alternatively, Qwilfish use Thunder Wave to paralyze foes, heavily crippling faster offensive Pokemon that might try to switch into Qwilfish, making them much easier to deal with later on in the match.
Set Details
The given EV spread allows Qwilfish to last as long as possible, and maximizes its physical bulk. However it can also run a EV spread of 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe which allows it to outspeed Pokemon such as Golbat and Gligar and prevent them from using Defog with Taunt. Additionally, you can use Destiny Bond with these EVs to take out slower Pokemon such as Escavalier. Black Sludge is the only item that should be used, as it provides Qwilfish with passive recovery, and it can be detrimental to the opponent as well if it were to use Trick or Switcheroo against you and receive the item. Lastly, an Impish nature is used to further increase Qwilfish's physical bulk.
Usage Tips
Use Qwilfish as a lead, and start setting up Spikes. Qwilfish can also switch in and out to use its ability, Intimidate, to lower its opponents's Attack. However, this needs to be done carefully to avoid it getting worn down quickly. In addition, Qwilfish can also be sent out to absorb Toxic Spikes. Use Taunt on opponents often to shut down opposing walls. Also, knowing when to switch in and out of a battle is important if you want to Intimidate the opponent.
Team Options
Qwilfish is playing a supportive role, so it's going to need teammates that can help it survive in the battle. Gligar, Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and Dugtrio make great partners to switch into because of their immunity to Electric-type attacks. Gligar, in particular, is an excellent partner for Qwilfish, as it has great type synergy, being able to take on the Electric- and Ground-type moves aimed at it, and in return, Qwilfish can take the Ice- and Water-type moves directed at it. Sharpedo, Drapion and Pangoro also make great partners because of their immunity to Psychic-type moves.
Focus Sash
name: Focus Sash
move 1:Spikes
move 2:Taunt
move 3:Waterfall / Toxic Spikes
move 4:Destiny Bond / Explosion
ability: Intimidate
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly
Spikes is a great entry hazard that provides residual damage, making opponent think twice about switching in and out. It's also great for getting rid of opposing Focus Sashes. Taunt is used to prevent an opponent from laying entry hazards down or inflicting Qwilfish with status. Waterfall gives Qwilfish coverage against Ground-types and Rock-types; it also allows Qwilfish to fend off attackers and not be set up bait. Destiny Bond is available for Qwilfish to take out leads, hazard setters, spinners, or even defogger users. Alternatively, Explosion can be used to prevent Rapid Spin users from spinning hazards away. Qwilfish can also utilize Toxic Spikes for Poison or Toxic damage.
Set Details
This soread is used in order for Qwilfish to maximize its damage and speed. This is necessary for Qwilfish to be an offensive threat. Focus Sash is used to make sure it can survive a crippling blow and manage to get a layer of Spikes, use Destiny Bond, or get in an extra attack. Use Destiny Bond to psych out the opponent or KO them if they don't have attacks, or hit them with one final attack while its Focus Sash is intact. Qwilfish should run a Jolly nature to maximize Speed.
Usage Tips
Qwilfish can be used as a suicide lead or a hazard setter, being able to offer support or take out a threatening lead. Switch Qwilfish out to bulkier teammates to preserve its longevity and allow it to lay down entry hazards again in case they get removed. Qwilfish can also be used to clear the field of any Toxic Spikes, leaving your team free of poison and toxic damage.
Team Options
Qwilfish works well with offensive teammates such as Rhyperior and Hitmonlee, because it provides them hazards, allowing them to have less of a problem getting rid of opponents. Qwilfish also relies on teammates that are immune to its weaknesses. Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and Dugtrio are great partners for Qwilfish to switch into because of their immunity to Electric-type attacks. Dark-types like Sharpedo and Drapion are immune to Psychic Types that take out Qwilfish with ease. Pangoro is also very reliable as it is immune to Psychic-type moves. Pangoro can also use Parting Shot, which, when coupled with Intimidate from Qwilfish, causes the opponent's Attack and Special Attack to drop significantly.
Other Options
Qwilfish can also run Rain Dance and a Damp Rock to give itself Speed with Swift Swim and provide other Swift Swim or Hydration Pokemon weather for support. Additionally, with Rain Dance, Qwilfish can also use Swords Dance to increase its attack power. It can use moves such as Bounce to paralyze and counter Fighting-types, Poison Jab for a great STAB attack to get rid of Fairies such as Aromatisse and Slurpuff, and Aqua Jet for priority STAB-boosted damage. Qwilfish can also catch opponents by surprise by running Scald to burn opponents while having Intimidate to cripple the opposing Pokemon's Attack significantly. Scald can cause problems for Escavalier as well, as the burn damage and Intimidate can cripple its Attack. Scald works more effectively against Rhyperior and Dugtrio, though they can still take a hit. Additionally, Hydro Pump can be used damage Rhyperior and Dugtrio, leaving them at significantly low health.
Checks & Counters
**Ground Types**: Rhyperior can tank Qwilfish’s hits and can take out Qwilfish or damage it significantly. Dugtrio is also deadly as it can trap Qwilfish and outspeed it to the KO. Gastrodon can also wall Qwilfish because of Storm Drain and its immunity to Thunder Wave.
**Strong Special Electric-types**: Heliolisk can counter and wall Qwilfish with its strong special attacks and Dry Skin. Jolteon can also counter it with its Speed and Special Attack.
**Psychic-types**: Slowking and Meloetta both have some merit because Slowking's defenses can wall Qwilfish, while Meloetta is fast and can take Qwilfish out with its Speed and deadly Special Attack. Xatu can also cause Qwilfish problems with Magic Bounce as Qwilfish can't set entry hazards down nor can it inflict it with status.
gp 1/2
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I've gotten a ton of tags recently so I missed this.

Regardless, this is a lot better than before so i think we can continue on normally!

Content wise I don't feel right about Rhyperior being the first Ground-type mentioned since its, you know, really weak to Waterfall. I'd switch it and Gastrodon's positions since Gastrodon also carries Earth Power.
add/replace with


Qwilfish has proves its worth by being as one of the best Spikers in the RU tier by checking thanks to its solid defensive typing and an excellent ability in the form of Intimidate that lets it check several common Pokemon such as Hitmonlee, Escavalier, and Emboar by virtue of its solid defensive typing and an excellent ability in Intimidate. Not only can Qwilfish set Spikes for its team but it Qwilfish also has access to other disruptive options such as Taunt, which stops opponents from setting up on Qwilfish, and Thunder Wave, which heavily cripples faster, Speed-reliant opponents. Qwilfish also has a semi-reliable recovery in Pain Split. While Qwilfish’s typing gives it unique resistances, its downside is that it leaves Qwilfish vulnerable towards the somewhat common Electric-, Ground-, and Psychic-type moves. which are somewhat common in RU. Pokemon such as Rhyperior, Jolteon and Meloetta should be avoided as they’ll OHKO Qwilfish.

name: Lead
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Pain Split
move 3: Waterfall
move 4: Taunt / Thunder Wave
ability: Intimidate
item:Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
nature: Impish

Spikes is by far the most important move on Qwilfish because it racks up residual damage on the opponent's side of the team as the match goes on, and thanks to Qwilfish's typing and ability, it gets plenty of chances to set up layers. Waterfall prevents Qwilfish from becoming setup bait due to its solid neutral coverage, backed by and coming off of a solid base 95 Attack stat. Pain Split is Qwilfish's best method of recovery. allowing it to stay alive as long as possible. Taunt denies the opposing Pokemon the opportunity to set hazards or boost itself.allows Qwilfish to prevent hazards and also shuts down Pokemon that might try to set up on Qwilfish. Alternatively, Qwilfish can Thunder Wave to paralyze foes, heavily crippling faster, Speed-reliant, offensive Pokemon that might try to switch into Qwilfish, making them much easier to deal with later on in the match.

Set Details
The given EV spread allows Qwilfish to last as long as possible, maximizing its physical bulk with an Impish nature. However it can also run a EV spread of 252 HP / 212 Def / 44 Spe which allows it to outspeed and prevent Pokemon such as Golbat and Gligar and prevent them from using Defog with Taunt. Additionally, you can use Destiny Bond with these EV's to take out slower Pokemon such as Escavalier. Black Sludge is the only item that should be used, giving Qwilfish with passive recovery, and discouraging opponents from swapping a Choice item to you by dealing damage to any non-Poison-type holder. it can be detrimental as well if an opponent were to Trick or Switcheroo you and receive the item. Lastly, an Impish nature is used to further increase Qwilfish's physical bulk.

Usage Tips
Lead with Qwilfish as a lead, and start setting up Spikes. Switch Qwilfish can also switch in to trigger Intimidate for an Attack drop, and switch it out when you anticipate you will need an Attack drop later on. use its awesome ability, Intimidate, to lower its opponents's Attack. However, this needs to be done carefully to avoid getting it worn down too quickly through free damage from opposing hazards and enemy attacks. Switching Qwilfish in also can also be sent out to absorbs Toxic Spikes. Use Taunt on opponents often to shut down opposing walls. Also knowing when to switch in and out of a battle is important if you want to Intimidate them. I personally think this was covered in the earlier sentences, but if you want to keep this last sentence, "Knowing when to switch Qwilfish in is important to using Qwiflish properly." Something along those lines will work.

Team Options
Qwilfish is playing a supportive role, so it's going to need teammates that can help it survive out in the battle. Gligar, Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and Dugtrio make great partners to switch into because of their immunity to Electric-type attacks. Gligar, in particular, has excellent type synergy with Qwilfish by taking Electric- and Ground-type moves aimed at Qwilfish, and Qwilfish reciprocates by taking Ice- and Water-type moves directed at Gligar. excellent partner for Qwilfish, as it has great type synergy, being able to take on the Electric- and Ground-type moves aimed at it, and in return, Qwilfish can take the Ice- and Water-type moves directed at it. Sharpedo, Drapion, and Pangoro also make great partners because of their immunity to Psychic-type moves.

GP Snype's notes: Hadn't noticed until now that what i had c/p'd earlier didn't have the earlier GP check implemented in it, so you'll have to go through it to make the appropriate changes above. For everything below this point, i've c/p'd from the now-implemented OP's check down here for the appropriate sections.

Focus Sash
name: Focus Sash
move 1:Spikes
move 2:Taunt
move 3:Waterfall / Toxic Spikes
move 4:Destiny Bond / Explosion
ability: Intimidate
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

Spikes is a great entry hazard that provides residual damage, making opponents think twice about switching in and out. It's also great for getting rid of opposing Focus Sashes. Taunt is used to prevents an opponent from laying entry hazards down or inflicting Qwilfish with status. Waterfall gives Qwilfish coverage against Ground-types and Rock-types; it also allows Qwilfish to fend off attackers and not be setup bait. Destiny Bond is available for Qwilfish to take out leads, hazard setters, spinners, or even defoggers. Alternatively, Explosion can be used to prevent Rapid Spin users from spinning hazards away. Qwilfish can also utilize Toxic Spikes for Poison or Toxic damage.

Set Details
This spread is used in order for Qwilfish to maximize Qwilfish's damage and speed. This is necessary for Qwilfish to be an offensive threat. Focus Sash is used to make sure it can survive a crippling blow and manage to get a layer of Spikes, use Destiny Bond, or get in an extra attack. Use Destiny Bond to psych out the opponent or KO them if they don't have attacks, or hit them with one final attack while its Focus Sash is intact. Qwilfish should run a Jolly nature to maximize Speed.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Reword or it or contact me on IRC (I'm Andrew on #grammar). I'm not stamping this unless I know what you're trying to say here, but you have so many things you're trying to say and the overall message is unclear. The best I can do is guess, but I don't want to detract from what you're trying to say, and I can't do that if I don't know what you're trying to say.

Usage Tips
Qwilfish can be used as a suicide lead or a hazard setter, being able to offer support or take out a threatening lead. Switch Qwilfish out to bulkier teammates to preserve its longevity and allow it to lay down entry hazards again in case they get removed. Qwilfish can also be used to clear the field of any Toxic Spikes, leaving your team free of instant poison and toxic damage.

Team Options
Qwilfish works well with offensive teammates such as Rhyperior and Hitmonlee, because it provides them hazards, allowing them to have less of a problem getting rid of opponents. Qwilfish also relies on teammates that are immune to its weaknesses. Rhyperior, Gastrodon, and Dugtrio are great partners for Qwilfish to switch into because of their immunity to Electric-type attacks. Dark-types like Sharpedo and Drapion are immune to Psychic Types that take out Qwilfish with ease. Pangoro is also very reliable as it is immune to Psychic-type moves. Pangoro can also use Parting Shot, which, when coupled with Intimidate from Qwilfish, causes the opponent's Attack and Special Attack to drop significantly.

Other Options
Qwilfish can also run Rain Dance and a Damp Rock to give itself Speed with Swift Swim and provide other Swift Swim or Hydration Pokemon weather for support. Additionally, with Rain Dance, Qwilfish can also use Swords Dance to increase its Attack. It can use moves such as Bounce to paralyze and counter Fighting-types, Poison Jab for a great STAB attack to get rid of Fairies such as Aromatisse and Slurpuff, and Aqua Jet for priority STAB-boosted damage. Qwilfish can also catch opponents by surprise by running Scald to burn opponents while having Intimidate to cripple the opposing Pokemon's Attack significantly. Scald can cause problems for Escavalier as well, as the burn damage and Intimidate can cripple its Attack. Scald works more effectively against Rhyperior and Dugtrio, though they can still take a hit. Additionally, Hydro Pump can be used damage Rhyperior and Dugtrio, leaving them at significantly low health.

Checks & Counters

**Ground Types**: Rhyperior can tank Qwilfish’s hits and can take out Qwilfish or damage it significantly. Dugtrio is also deadly as it can trap Qwilfish and outspeed it to the KO. Gastrodon can also wall Qwilfish because of Storm Drain and its immunity to Thunder Wave.

**Strong Special Electric-types**: Heliolisk can counter and wall Qwilfish with its strong special attacks and Dry Skin. Jolteon can also counter it with its Speed, immunity to Thunder Wave, and STAB Thunderbolt or Volt Switch from its high Special Attack.

**Psychic-types**: Slowking and Meloetta both have some merit because Slowking's defenses can wall Qwilfish, while Meloetta is fast and can take Qwilfish out with its Speed and deadly Special Attack. Xatu can also cause Qwilfish problems with Magic Bounce as Qwilfish can't set entry hazards down nor can it inflict it with status.
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Finished the check, not stamping yet. There's a really confusing sentence that I'm not sure what you're trying to get across. Msg me on IRC when you're on.

Talked to CrushinDefeat on IRC


GP Approved (2/2)
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