Other Complete Randomness!

Okay, so I've decided to get a little creative here. Perhaps a little too creative. I've decided to take some of my favorite Pokemon and try to fit them into a competitive team. I'm willing to change anything, so give me all the feedback that you want!!! It will only help me in the long-run.

Emboar @ Leftovers
EVs 252 HP, 252 Atk, 4 SpA
- Yawn
- Flare Blitz
- Hammer Arm
- Protect

Well, here's my lead. I'm not sure if it's an anti-lead or not. He's here for coverage, as you'll see later on. However, I love the idea of Yawn, to force out opponents. Also, Flare Blitz and Hammer Arm are incredibly powerful. He'll lead, yawn and force out Pokes and then dish a whole lot of damage.

Serperior @ Assault Vest
EVs 252 Spe, 252 Atk, 4 HP
- Leaf Blade
- Aerial Ace
- Facade
- Dragon Tail

I love the idea of trying to run Serperior with Assault Vest. This way, he's now my special wall. I see a lot of special attacking Serperiors out there with coil so that's why I decided to run a physical attacking one. Leaf Blade gives me STAB, aerial ace is nice and guaranteed to always hit, facade is good if I'm poisoned or burnt and dragon tail is always fun when I want to force a switch.

Greninja @ Life Orb
EVs 252 Spe, 252 SpA, 4 HP
- U-Turn
- Ice Beam
- Scald
- Dark Pulse

Pretty standard Ninja set right here. He's my special sweeper and I think by now everyone understands how much damage he can deal out with protean. There's really nothing more than I can say as this is as standard as a set as you can get.

Mega Gengar
Shadow Tag
EVs 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Shadow Ball
- Sludge Bomb
- Dazzling Gleam
- Thunderbolt

Mega Gengar is a MONSTER. We all know that by now. He's been banned for reason. Mega Gengar will clean up whatever my opponent has left to offer. He gives me nice coverage thanks to his awesome and very deep movepool.

Chesnaught @ Assault Vest
EVs 252 Atk, 252 HP, 252 Def
- Wood Hammer
- Shadow Claw
- Earthquake
- Power-Up Punch

Here's my tank. He may be a tank but he's always a physical attacking monster. Assault Vest does wonders for Chesnaught. Wood Hammer is amazing STAB, shadow claw gives great coverage, earthquake is so broken but it's still awesome and I love the move Power-Up Punch. If I have enough time to set up and with one or two Power-Up Punches then good luck!

Mr. Mime @ Focus Sash
EVs 252 SpD, 252 Spe, 4 SpA
- Nasty Plot
- Icy Wind
- Psychic
- Dazzling Glean

My secret weapon! Okay, okay. I know Mr. Mime sucks. But he's one of my favorite Pokemon, don't ask why, and I believe I can find a way to make him work. Nasty Plot will set up nicely with focus sash, then after that, it's game on—assuming that I can out-speed my opponent.
Yeah Ununhexium is right, you should probably post this somewehere else so that the thread doesnt get locked
Emboar - the special attacks EVs are random since you have no special moves... put special defense evs there instead
Serperior - I know you like Assault vest, but the moves you chose just.... Serperior's physical attack is not good enough run this set
Serperior Life Orb Timid Nature
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 speed, 4 Hp (or 4Spdef. whatever you chose)
Overgrow ability
-Giga Drain/Leaf Storm
-Calm Mind
-Hidden Power (rock)
This set is one of Serperior's best and takes advantage of its decent sped and special attack
Greninja - Hydro Pump or Surf over Scald. the more power Greninja packs the better
mega gengar is fine
Chestnaught - hammer Arm over Power-Up Punch. Chestnaught just doesn't have the spee to be able to sweep. its more of a tank. trust me, I have my own chestnaught in the UU team I posted here
Mr. Mime - Replace with Alakazam. Alakzam is better than mr. Mime, yet only lacking Fairy typing, which helps it out in the long run
Alakazam Life Orb Timid (or Modest) Nature
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Magic Guard ability
-Shadow ball
-Dazzling Gleam
-Energy Ball/Focus Blast
Emboar - the special attacks EVs are random since you have no special moves... put special defense evs there instead
Serperior - I know you like Assault vest, but the moves you chose just.... Serperior's physical attack is not good enough run this set
Serperior Life Orb Timid Nature
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 speed, 4 Hp (or 4Spdef. whatever you chose)
Overgrow ability
-Giga Drain/Leaf Storm
-Calm Mind
-Hidden Power (rock)
This set is one of Serperior's best and takes advantage of its decent sped and special attack
Greninja - Hydro Pump or Surf over Scald. the more power Greninja packs the better
mega gengar is fine
Chestnaught - hammer Arm over Power-Up Punch. Chestnaught just doesn't have the spee to be able to sweep. its more of a tank. trust me, I have my own chestnaught in the UU team I posted here
Mr. Mime - Replace with Alakazam. Alakzam is better than mr. Mime, yet only lacking Fairy typing, which helps it out in the long run
Alakazam Life Orb Timid (or Modest) Nature
EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 4 HP
Magic Guard ability
-Shadow ball
-Dazzling Gleam
-Energy Ball/Focus Blast

Great advice!! Thank you.