Widdly's Wunderbares Warehouse {closed}

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Interested in your Pinsir | M | Moxie | Adamant | 31 | x | 31 | x | 31 | 31 | Quick Attack spitback

I'm currently breeding a competitive Minccino right now. I can give you a male or female one in return. They have Knock Off and are in Premier Balls. I can also throw in a Lansat, Starf or Enigma Berry. Interested?
Sure, a female Minccino would be nice. Also none of the Pinsir spitbacks I have are in Sport Balls, is that OK?

How about I trade you shiny Quiet 31/31/31/31/31/x(8-9 I think) Aegislash for your timid HP Ice Rotom?
-King's Shield
-Flash Cannon
-Shadow Ball
-Shadow Sneak

Or a Shiny Timid perfect iv Kalos-Born female Ampharos in a Love Ball? Battle-Ready.

Can also trade Battle-Ready KB Jolly Archeops with 5ivs(-SpAtk). Egg moves: Defog, Switcheroo, Earth Power

Also can trade Bold Female 5iv Spheal in a Dive Ball with EM Belly Drum.
Ampharos sounds nice. I'll get to breeding a Rotom now.

Interested in tangela and eevee (:
I have to offer male adamant rhyhorn in a heavy ball with four egg moves, adamant binacle with shell smash, and bold/ modest eevee
Could I get a Karrablast from your trade thread instead? And if it's female in a Timer or Dream ball I'll trade 2 for 1.

Froakie Timid 31/xx/31/31/31/31 for chimchar?
No thanks
Sure, a female Minccino would be nice. Also none of the Pinsir spitbacks I have are in Sport Balls, is that OK?

Ampharos sounds nice. I'll get to breeding a Rotom now.

Could I get a Karrablast from your trade thread instead? And if it's female in a Timer or Dream ball I'll trade 2 for 1.

No thanks
Would you do tangela for karrablast?
It's in a pokeball
Sure, a female Minccino would be nice. Also none of the Pinsir spitbacks I have are in Sport Balls, is that OK?

Ampharos sounds nice. I'll get to breeding a Rotom now.

Could I get a Karrablast from your trade thread instead? And if it's female in a Timer or Dream ball I'll trade 2 for 1.

No thanks
I'm fine with the Pinsir in a non-special ball. I'm looking for it to be male anyway. I'll add you and we can make the trade the next time we're online.
Hey, I'm very interested in this Lando, could you CMT? In addition to what's in my thread, I can now offer any Y megastones and I should have an extra leftovers if any of that will sweeten a deal. I also can do HP fire giga drain/sleep powder/spikes technician roselia and SR/brave bird/whirlwing Skarm in a heavy ball if either of those interest you (I've been too busy to update my thread)

Nature: Impish
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Stealth Rock, Knock Off, Earthquake, U-Turn
IVs: [31/31/31/20/31/31]
OT: Trogdor 02272 [Me]
Level 40 UT
I'm fine with the Pinsir in a non-special ball. I'm looking for it to be male anyway. I'll add you and we can make the trade the next time we're online.
Sure I'll send you a PM later once I can get back on Bank.

Hey, I'm very interested in this Lando, could you CMT? In addition to what's in my thread, I can now offer any Y megastones and I should have an extra leftovers if any of that will sweeten a deal. I also can do HP fire giga drain/sleep powder/spikes technician roselia and SR/brave bird/whirlwing Skarm in a heavy ball if either of those interest you (I've been too busy to update my thread)

Nature: Impish
Ability: Intimidate
Moves: Stealth Rock, Knock Off, Earthquake, U-Turn
IVs: [31/31/31/20/31/31]
OT: Trogdor 02272 [Me]
Level 40 UT
Sorry nothing really interested me.
Hi friends, just updating with some goodies I RNG'd from the Dream Radar recently


Nature: Modest
Ability: Analytic
Moves: Magnet Rise, Signal Beam, Recycle, Discharge
IVs: [31/x/31/31/31/31]
OT: Trogdor 02272
Level 40 UT


Nature: Modest
Ability: Friend Guard
Moves: Sweet Kiss, Copycat, Defense Curl, Pound
IVs: [31/x/31/31/31/31]
OT: Trogdor 02272
Level 40 UT


Nature: Modest
Ability: Flare Boost
Moves: Swallow, Spit Up, Shadow Ball, Amnesia
IVs: [31/x/31/31/31/31]
OT: Trogdor 02272
Level 40 UT
Wow look at this beauty :')


Nature: Adamant
Moves: Brave Bird, Extrasensory, Sunny Day, Fire Blast
IVs: [31/31/31/x/31/31]
OT: Trogdor 02272
Level 40 UT

Soooo. ..cmt for this

And a timid hp ice rotom?
Any chance you have a reckless non-shiny starly in timer ball? that and
Timid| Ability: Lightning Rod
IVs: 31/x/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
Moves: Tackle, Switcheroo

I've got a timid HP Ice rotom on hand that I can trade right away, just need to get a clone of Porygon before trading.
Any chance you have a reckless non-shiny starly in timer ball? that and
Timid| Ability: Lightning Rod
IVs: 31/x/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
Moves: Tackle, Switcheroo

I've got a timid HP Ice rotom on hand that I can trade right away, just need to get a clone of Porygon before trading.
Well you know I can clone so if you wanna do it tomorrow I can clone for you..and I can breed you a starly or I can give you the shiny I ised to breed (its like level 18 and double edge would have to be relearned)
Any chance you have a reckless non-shiny starly in timer ball? that and
Timid| Ability: Lightning Rod
IVs: 31/x/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
Moves: Tackle, Switcheroo

I've got a timid HP Ice rotom on hand that I can trade right away, just need to get a clone of Porygon before trading.
A shiny 5IV Impish scythe in safari ball for the Ho oh?
Nice Ho-oh dude! Is there any chance you could do a dream radar project for me? I'm learning dream radar RNG, but it's so difficult using RNGReporter :P
Porygon - 31/x/31/31/31/31 - Bold
Feel free to CMT if anything catches your eye :)
A shiny 5IV Impish scythe in safari ball for the Ho oh?
Sorry don't need a scyther at the moment.
Nice Ho-oh dude! Is there any chance you could do a dream radar project for me? I'm learning dream radar RNG, but it's so difficult using RNGReporter :P
Porygon - 31/x/31/31/31/31 - Bold
Feel free to CMT if anything catches your eye :)
Sure I can do that project over the weekend and I'll check your thread later
Sorry don't need a scyther at the moment.

Sure I can do that project over the weekend and I'll check your thread later
All these are perfect, shiny and in matching ball, pick one and I will give more details, Munchlax, Machop, Gothita(HP fire), Gastly and gligar
All these are perfect, shiny and in matching ball, pick one and I will give more details, Munchlax, Machop, Gothita(HP fire), Gastly and gligar
Not really looking for shinies and otherwise those are all things I can breed... if I need something for Ho-oh at any point I'll let you know.
Hey, I'm very interested in the Impish Landorus. I can offer the following: Leftovers, Nest Ball Adamant or Jolly Quick Feet Shroomish with Bullet Seed, Ultra Ball Adamant Intimidate Mawile and Quick Ball Savannah Scatterbug with Rage Powder (all pokés 5IV Flawless, obviously). Can breed many others, but unfortunately only those on matching balls. :/ Anyway, maybe you could be interested in a Jolly Reckless Starly with Double-Edge.

Finally I can offer a 6IV Shiny Modest Gooey Goodra with egg moves Acid Armor, Counter and Curse. It's not self bred, but the user who traded it with me said I could distribute it.

Interested in anything?
Wow those are some pretty nice combinations.
CMT for the goldeen (a spitback would be ok too)
I'm intending for it to be Swift Swim, will that be OK? tfw no lightingrod + level ball :(

Hey, I'm very interested in the Impish Landorus. I can offer the following: Leftovers, Nest Ball Adamant or Jolly Quick Feet Shroomish with Bullet Seed, Ultra Ball Adamant Intimidate Mawile and Quick Ball Savannah Scatterbug with Rage Powder (all pokés 5IV Flawless, obviously). Can breed many others, but unfortunately only those on matching balls. :/ Anyway, maybe you could be interested in a Jolly Reckless Starly with Double-Edge.

Finally I can offer a 6IV Shiny Modest Gooey Goodra with egg moves Acid Armor, Counter and Curse. It's not self bred, but the user who traded it with me said I could distribute it.

Interested in anything?
I've been wanting HA shroomish for a while now, and I always like lefties... I'll PM you soon to see if we can work something out.
Hey! I have 3 pokemon I would love for you to EV train for me. I'll give you a 6IV Salamence, Zoroark, or Bisharp for 4 or a 5IV Ampharos, Aegislash, Haxorus, or a breeding reject for 3 as requested!

They are:
Mawile 252 attack/ 252 Speed/ 4 HP

Arcanine 252 defense/ 252 Sp. Defense/ 4 Speed

Swampert 252 Attack/ 252 Defense/ 4 HP

Extra 3 if you have time:
Luxray 252 attack/ 252 Speed/ 4 HP

Sharpedo 252 speed/ 252 attack/ 4 Defense

Electivire 252 attack/ 252 special attack/ 4 Speed.

Thanks so much and Pm me if you don't feel like responding on here x
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