Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 40 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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If you have a couple of rare candies saved up, you can use those and a IV calculator. Input on the IV calculator each stat gain as you level them up with the rare candies. You should get accurate IVs reading once you hit level 20 or something.

I don't if I worded this right. >_>
Gotcha, I just thought you'd get more accurate IV readings at level 50.
Anyone interested in joining a new thread coming in a while I do realize also I have to pm a mod to get my old one taken down but this new thread would have four people and also a few things
1) if you clone cool
2) I would like this person to be someone I traded with or know from rate my teams
3)sorry for being picky just want to be careful and play it safe
Please pm me if your interested
FYI you don't have to fulfill these requirements but it gives you an advantage if several people pm me or something
last time I will post this anyone interested the more people the betterXD
Are Pokemon created from Injected Wonder Card via Powersave
If you're asking if they're allowed for trade, they are. But, you can't trade injected Pokes that come from an event foreign to your game cartridge. Just make sure it's listed as injected.
I felt I'd post this here in the hope that someone could reference off it, as literally everyone is resetting their Vivillon.

Stats (IV=31)

HP: 44
Attack: 18
Defence: 20
Special Attack: 33
Special Defence: 20
Speed: 30

HP: 44
Attack: 18
Defence: 20
Special Attack: 30
Special Defence: 20
Speed: 33
In dire need of a breeding project. If anyone would care to give me one.
Here's an (admittedly goofy) idea I had for my trade thread. It's good if you're looking for a bit of a challenge :)

Wailmer @ Dive Ball
Brave (I've got this crazy idea for a Physical Trick Room Wailord :P)
Oblivious or Water Veil
Egg Moves: Aqua Ring, Soak, Curse, Double-Edge
I felt I'd post this here in the hope that someone could reference off it, as literally everyone is resetting their Vivillon.

Stats (IV=31)

HP: 44
Attack: 18
Defence: 20
Special Attack: 33
Special Defence: 20
Speed: 30

HP: 44
Attack: 18
Defence: 20
Special Attack: 30
Special Defence: 20
Speed: 33
With the number of people here doing it, we might just end up with the coveted Timid 31/0/31/31/31/31...

Of course the bastard who gets it will keep it NFT...
Alright, Tate decided to do a post about how you decide which Viv you should keep, it's my turn to help with the ivs part :3. Here are the best stats you can have for a level 12 vivillon with a timid or modest nature. Numbers in the parentheses are the ivs for that stat:

HP: 44 (24-31)
ATT: doesn't really matter tbh (xx)
Def: 20 (25-31)
SPATT: 30 (29-31)
Spdef: 20 (25-31)
Speed: 33 (31)

HP: 44 (24-31)
ATT: doesn't matter tbh (xx)
Def: 20 (25-31)
SPATT: 33 (29-31)
Spdef: 20 (25-31)
Speed: 30 (31)

These stats do not mean you have perfect ivs, just the best range of ivs. I will edit in the IV ranges in a sec.

Hope this helps :).

Edit: Lockie, you stole my idea ;-;.
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So I have this shiny Vaporeon: 31 / 2 - 12 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 7 - 12. Thoughts about that Speed stat? I'll probably use him in wi-fi battles regardless, but is that Speed stat okay for the Battle Maison or will it make enough of a difference that I should just use one of his brothers?
With the number of people here doing it, we might just end up with the coveted Timid 31/0/31/31/31/31...

Of course the bastard who gets it will keep it NFT...
I wouldn't be so sure. Valzy did the numbers earlier, and to get that exact spread with a timid nature, it would take over 18 billion tries to have a 50% cahnce to get that vivillon. Now I know probability does not equal actually happening but still. I expanded on that math and if my math is correct (it's been a month since I've been in school lol), if a single person decided to try and achieve that same 50%, they would have to SR one a minute, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, week, and year for around a mere 35,000 years lol.

Again, probability can be complete bullshit, but the odds are certainly not stacked in our favor lol.
Lf a breeding project
Looks like Hawlucha wins. :) Go.
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