Risa's Poképorium! - On Hiatus

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Do you mind an imperfect 5IV Eevee? I don't have time at the moment to breed a low female ratio with a flawless 5IV spread and its HA, as that takes me several days even with a flawless mother. If an imperfect one is alright with you, then I would like a female Cubchoo in a dive ball with its HA in return please. :)

Does Feebas have its HA Adaptability? If so, I'm definitely interested in it. As for Houndour...I don't suppose you have any other special ball females? I already have a Houndour in a moon ball, it's just listed in my coming eventually section since it doesn't have egg moves. If you don't have any other females, then if you could actually breed me a male Houndour so I can breed those egg moves onto mine that would be great. :)


Taking a Break!

Hey guys, I'll post this in my OP as well, but I just want to notify everyone that I will not be taking any further requests at this time. I'm putting my thread on a short hiatus. Basically this is for two reasons. First, I'll be starting a new job this week and I want to get adjusted to my schedule, etc. Second, I want to take some time to breed TSV shinies, organize what I have in my boxes, update my list and hopefully add some egg moves and IVs to several of the pokemon on my coming eventually list. Therefore, after this estimated two week break, I shall be back bigger and better than ever with more to offer and trade. :)

For those of you who've posted before this post, don't worry! I'll finish arranging trades with those who've made offers and I will follow through with all trades agreed upon. I will breed all your requests asap and notify you the minute they're ready and I'm able to trade (I should have all orders more or less completed by the end of this week). ^.^

It doesn't have Adaptability, but I can breed one that does. I can also breed a male Houndour with the egg moves. Do you want 5IVs on it?
It doesn't have Adaptability, but I can breed one that does. I can also breed a male Houndour with the egg moves. Do you want 5IVs on it?

If you could that'd be great. I know adaptability isn't necessarily the best ability for Feebas, but I like having dream ball pokemon with their HA if possible. :) And no need to really breed for IVs since I'll just being using him to transfer egg moves. ^.^

Your pokes are ready :D

Thanks for letting me know! I'll probably have your pokemon ready tomorrow or Thurs. I got a bit behind on my requests due to training for my new job. >.<
Just a heads up, your pokemon are now ready. :)
I'll be on for about a half hour more, but if I miss you then we can arrange a time to trade later today after I've slept and all that jazz. xD

Awasome! Gimme a shout when you are next online :)
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