Other Death by hackmons (peaked #15)


Take care of yourself.
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My pure hackmons team:
Absol-Mega@Focus Sash
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 +Atk -SpA
-Beat Up
-Thousand Arrows
-Sacred Fire
Beat Up was buffed in XY, using the teams base Attack stat. Beat Up one-shots Deoxys-Speed and two-shots Giratina-A with six healthy pokes, making it a powerful threat. Wonder Guard is for Sheer Cold, cant have those running around can we? Sacred Fire kills Sturdinja with its 50% burn chance. Thousand Arrows destroys those wonder guard Air Balloon Mega Manectrics that everyone seems so fond of using, and Defog is for those hazards Deoxys-S sets up, or just for hazards in general. The sash is to survive boosted stuff to get in another attack. A burn on Sacred Fire could be the key to defeating Mega Mewtwo X.
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 +Def -Spe
-Giga Drain
-Sacred Fire
-Sludge Bomb
The goal of this set is mainly to trap and kill Xerneas, because it presents a huge problem to my team. Sludge Bomb two-shots, so Xerneas will die quickly. In addition to Xerneas, it also presents a counter to Powder Mega Scizor (being a grass type, Mega Venusaur is immune to Powder) and Swampert. Leftovers also provides sufficient recovery, and it has beaten Mega Mewtwo X one-on-one before. It also makes a great counter to Toxic Spikes, because of its typing. Aromatherapy is used for a purpose: Get in on something harmless (although you never know what has Sacred Fire these days) and use it.
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 +Spe -SpA
-Shift Gear
This set is absolutely OP, and I have seen it used by so many teams its ridiculous (although maybe without the defog). The double speed boost granted by Shift Gear enables you to switch whenever an electric move breaks your Sub (if you cant outright kill it). Its actually pretty simple because Gyarados is only weak to two things, Electric and Rock. This useful role guarantees Gyarados a niche in this team. When youre ready, activate the Mega Stone and wreak terror upon all of your opponents terrified Wonder Guard pokes.
Giratina-Altered@Enigma Berry (i need advice here)
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 +Def -Atk
-heart swap
-Baton Pass
-Dark Void
Prankster heart swap (sorry capital h and apostrophe dont work on this laptop) strikes fear into everything. Shell smash thrice? Whatever. Just use heart swap on the opponent and their boosts are now yours. (I really do need advice here, giratina is new. First I used Serperior, then Gourgeist-Small, and now this, which is untested.) Void guarantees that the baton pass receiver will have an easy time of their job and also makes Giratina slightly useful outside of its chief role. Slot 4 is a question. As I said, both it and the item need testing.
Groudon@Safety Goggles
Ability: Wonder Guard
EVs: 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 +Spe -SpA
-Knock Off
-Thunder Wave
-Gastro Acid
-Play Rough
Competing with Absol for the title of Most Valuable Pokemon, Groudon is a must-have for its bulk. It can survive grass, water, mold breaker, anything. Most of the time. Groudon is only vulnerable to Sheer Cold and boosts, both of which are covered by Absol and Giratina, respectively. Play Rough takes care of commonplace Sableye and Spiritomb with Wonder Guard, and Thunder Wave says no to anything that wants to sweep. Gastro Acid helps me run from the abomination known as Aerodactyl and takes care of any stray Wonder Guard users. Both an all-around monster and a late-game sweeper, Groudon is an invaluable Pokemon to this team.
Deoxys@Focus Sash
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 / 252 +Spe -Atk
-Sheer Cold
-Zap Cannon
-Dynamic Punch
Most people use their Deoxys as a lead. I use mine as a late-game sweeper that has worked very well for me. It is also my Gyarados counter. The easy way to win is to kill everything with Extremespeed, Prankster, and Wonder Guard (bar Gyara) with my other pokes and sweep. Although this is easier said than done, it grants you victory very easily. Dynamic Punch is for those annoying Wonder Guard Arcei, who are 4hkoed at most. Inferno is for Scizor and Genesect (rarely), Shedinja (almost never), and other stuff (ever seen a WG registeel?) So that is him.

Please reply! I would like some advice on this team.
Hey man nice team! I would love to make this longer but I'm on my phone and gtg in a few mins. First of,
I like your anti-lead absol. It however should use gastro acid and spore to gain more utility and help shut down switch-ins.
Venusaur should run magic bounce, it has no trapping moves and magic bounce would help you much more. Give this defog, and some other moves I can't think of now. Spore, gastro acid etc.
Switch the gira set to: prankster curse recover spore topsy turvy, tt outclasses heart swap.
Use a better wonder guard user than groudon such as arceus or xerneas. Deo-s should run sheer cold spore/dark void gastro acid and magic coat/taunt.

If you want more input, be sure to message Registeel and manu 11, they will be able to give you more input. Sry I wasn't able to fully rate, good luck with your team!
Hey man nice team! I would love to make this longer but I'm on my phone and gtg in a few mins. First of,
I like your anti-lead absol. It however should use gastro acid and spore to gain more utility and help shut down switch-ins.
Venusaur should run magic bounce, it has no trapping moves and magic bounce would help you much more. Give this defog, and some other moves I can't think of now. Spore, gastro acid etc.
Switch the gira set to: prankster curse recover spore topsy turvy, tt outclasses heart swap.
Use a better wonder guard user than groudon such as arceus or xerneas. Deo-s should run sheer cold spore/dark void gastro acid and magic coat/taunt.

If you want more input, be sure to message Registeel and manu 11, they will be able to give you more input. Sry I wasn't able to fully rate, good luck with your team!
Thanks anyway, I like the idea of Topsy-Turvy, I was just wondering if it hit through Subs (hs does). Anyway, Ive been on this thread, please come join us with some interesting sets of your own!
Also I just peaked #13, now Im #21. Almost there!
Hi, nice team, and good to see a hackmons RMT. However, there are some things I disagree with. First of all, your Absol can't actually beat Deoxys-s if it goes for a sleeping move and gets a long sleep, giving it time to Gastro Acid and sheer cold twice. Also once Absol gets hit by a Gastro Acid, you have no switch-ins at all, especially once Gyarados have mega-evolved. I recommend using Magic Coat over Defog, as you already have a Defog user in gyarados.
Furthermore I can hardly see venusaur helping against swapert and xerneas, as almost all of them run shed shell or a switching move. Instead you could perhaps use Yveltal, for example Magic Bounce, Huge Power, or even Gale wings (Expert Belt Adamant Brave Bird has a good chance of OHKOing Mega Mewtwo-X). An Yveltal will help this team against your huge Mega Gengar weakness, as I believe it can 2HKO everything on your team with either Ghost Judgment or Secret Sword.
Moving on, your Giratina could carry Curse to give you an additional way to deal with Wonder Guards. It could use, for example Heart Swap/Baton Pass/Curse/Recover. Leftovers>Enigma berry though.
Also, I think you could use a more effective Deoxys-S moveset. What does Inferno, Zap Cannon and Dynamic Punch do for you?
Some good movesets are: Sheer Cold/Sing/Gastro Acid/Filler or Sheer Cold/Hypnosis/Substitute/Gastro Acid or perhaps even Trick/Sheer Cold(or Fissure)/Gastro Acid/Sing (with Choice Scarf).
And finally, always use 248 hp EVs. That way you get an odd hp number, meaning you can always survive the opponents Curse after 4 turns, and always sub 4 times without fainting, and things like gyarados get one more additional Stealth Rock switch-in.
Anyway, congrats with your peak and good luck with your team!
Edit: if you feel like these changes make you too weak to Wonder Guard Xerneas you could perhaps use Meteor Mash on Groudon over Knock Off, or use Aegislash over Giratina for the Fairy resist.
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