Megas For All (Read the whole 1st post and check current slate)

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OH! MY! GOSH! I can't believe that my submission for my favorite normal type pokemon just won. I guess I won just because I have my own artwork for her mega to back up my entry. So at least to those who voted my work, I'm more than happy for Smogon to use my Mega Cinccino artwork as a confirmed permission for this mega
How did that Mega Cinccino get accepted?! Extreme Speed, +45 speed, and +55 attack seems a little bit silly to me.
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Ability: Static/MotorDrive -> Download
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 95 (+20)
Def: 60 -> 75 (+15)
SpA: 75 -> 95 (+20)
SpD: 60 -> 75 (+15)
Spe: 103 -> 133 (+30)

Flavor Concept: Emolga’s ears become hyper-receptive and capable of “Downloading" the opponent’s weaker defense stat. Dazzling Gleam is added because it’s fucking adorable.

Competitive Concept: Powerful mixed pivot with poor coverage but solid attacking stats. Download+Volt Switch gives it a similar role to the now-banned Genesect, albeit with less coverage and more cuteness. Under the right circumstances, it might be able to pull off a sweep.
Type: Steel/Bug -> Steel/Bug
Ability: Swarm/ShellArmor/Overcoat -> Armor Pierce (This Pokemon’s physical moves deal 50% more damage to opposing Steel-types)
New Moves: U-Turn, Sacred Sword

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 145 (+40)
SpA: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpD: 105 -> 105
Spe: 20 -> 40 (+20)

Flavor Concept: Mega Escavalier’s lances grow enormously to the point that they can pierce through even the toughest of armor. U-Turn is added because it should definitely already have U-Turn. Additionally, it can use its lances as Sacred Swords.

Competitve Concept: Slow, powerful tank/pivot with the special ability to take out opposing Steel-types. Despite its unfortunate lack of reliable recovery, Escavalier can pull its weight with a set like U-Turn/IronHead/KnockOff/SacredSword.
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Regenerator
New Moves: None

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 100 (+15)
Def: 70 -> 95 (+25)
SpA: 85 -> 100 (+15)
SpD: 80 -> 105 (+25)
Spe: 30 -> 50 (+20)

Flavor Concept: Amoonguss’ arms greatly enlarge to the point that each is indistinguishable from its actual body, bar the lack of facial features.

Competitive Concept: Special wall with one of the best moves in the game coupled with one of the best abilities in the game. Spore, Synthesis, Giga Drain, Foul Play, Sludge Bomb, Clear Smog, and HP Fire are all very viable moves on MegAmoonguss. The only truly necessary move is Spore; even the lack of Synthesis can be patched by Regenerator.
Type: Water/Ghost -> Water/Ghost
Ability: WaterAbsorb/CursedBody/Damp -> Cursed Body
New Moves: None

HP: 100 -> 100
Atk: 60 -> 70 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 90 (+20)
SpA: 85 -> 110 (+25)
SpD: 105 -> 130 (+25)
Spe: 60 -> 80 (+20)

Flavor Concept: “The fate of the ships and crew that wander into Jellicent’s habitat: all sunken, all lost, all vanished.” “It’s said there’s a castle of ships Jellicent have sunk on the seafloor.” “Their favorite food is life energy.” All of these statements come from Jellicent’s various Pokedex entries. It just seemed like Cursed Body fit a little bit better than Water Absorb.

Competitive Concept: The Utilitymon and Keldeo counter of last gen. Now with greatly improved stats, Jellicent can cripple stall with Taunt, physical attackers with Will-o-Wisp, and special attackers with sheer bulk. Mega Jellicent is difficult to face for any playstyle, so all teams will need adequate preparation.
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Two minor nitpicks I want to point out about the winning submissions (haven't been here a long time, so if anything has changed, tell me):
1. Filter garbodor's defense is over the limit of 60; otherwise looks fine.
2. Cinccino is completely broken. 145 attack, 160 speed, best priority move in the game, a base 125 STAB attack, very strong base 125 coverage, gets an amazing secondary typing along with a great 125 BP movepool to back it isn't happening. Also, weren't the instructions in the original post to NOT dump 50 in their primary attacking stat and 50 in their speed stat and call it a day? Sorry, but this...just defines every aspect of "broken".

k that was my minor rant bye
Two minor nitpicks I want to point out about the winning submissions (haven't been here a long time, so if anything has changed, tell me):
1. Filter garbodor's defense is over the limit of 60; otherwise looks fine.
What limit of 60? Not seeing that anywhere in the OP.

Doesn't matter for Filter Garbodor because I'm ceding to Trainator's will, but matters for my Escavalier concept, so could you please point out where this rule is, if it exists?

(I hate that the sarcastic nature of the internet, which I'm fully a part of mind you, makes me worried that I'm coming across as sarcastic by saying things like "please.")
Ah nice Amoonguss. The others I don't got anything for.

Mega Amoongus
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Abilities: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Regenerator
New Moves: N/A

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 95 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 85 -> 105 (+20)
SpD: 80 -> 110 (+30)
Spe: 30 -> 40 (+10)
BST: 464 -> 564

Flavor Concept: As Amoonguss is designed around being a Pokeball, Mega Amoonguss would be designed around a Master Ball. The mushroom heads are also larger in size as well.

Competitive Concept: Bulkier version of Amoonguss with no access to Black Sludge for recovery basically. M-Amoongus can now function as both a physical or special wall now, with a solid base stat in both attack to function as a tank as well
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Two minor nitpicks I want to point out about the winning submissions (haven't been here a long time, so if anything has changed, tell me):
1. Filter garbodor's defense is over the limit of 60; otherwise looks fine.
2. Cinccino is completely broken. 145 attack, 160 speed, best priority move in the game, a base 125 STAB attack, very strong base 125 coverage, gets an amazing secondary typing along with a great 125 BP movepool to back it isn't happening. Also, weren't the instructions in the original post to NOT dump 50 in their primary attacking stat and 50 in their speed stat and call it a day? Sorry, but this...just defines every aspect of "broken".

k that was my minor rant bye
Hmmm, I guess I can see the problem about that. But you see, Had I put her speed to 140 (+35) , and her Attack to 120(+30), I would be forced to either make her an out of control mixed sweeper by putting the rest to special attack (which becomes 100) like Mega Garchomp or Mega Absol.

The other thing I end up fearing is that if I put the remaining 35 BST to either one of her defensive stats, I just end up making her a bit more survivable like Mega Gengar. Which is why I want her mega to keep her frailness on her mega.

The inspiration to give my Cinccino that stat distribution comes from Greninja. And I feel like we just need a new successor to Jolteon's speed tier since Jolty (the regular one) is in RU now [It saddens me to look back]. Hence, I ask myself, can Cinccino succeed on Jolteon's role this time? As for the extremespeed, I feel like it is an alternative option for her tail slap attack (powerful but only usable 8 times.).

So far, I can only see Mega Mawile and Rocky Helmet Ferrothorn working well against her crappy HP. Prankster Mega Banette just could work to fire off Will-o-Wisps for burns.

But I say that this is something that I kinda want to ask you about. Since I want to keep her stat distribution that way, can we just possibly remove extremespeed for that? Or is the only way to balance my winning chinchilla is surrendering 20 base points from the attack and speed stat, AND transfer them to her Special attack (hence making her a potential mixed sweeper like Garchomp's Mega)? The third option is to make her pure normal type so that she won't have resistance to any type at all. Just an Immunity to ghost, which happens to be a great immunity to have this generation.
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Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Ability: Static/Motor Drive -> Arc Current (uses Discharge following the use of a Flying-type move)
New Moves: n/a

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 100 (+25)
Def: 60 -> 85 (+20)
SpA: 75 -> 100 (+25)
SpD: 60 -> 85 (+20)
Spe: 103 -> 113 (+10)

For the design, think a more futuristic-looking Emolga where the gliding flaps now contain those little vent things associated with hoverboards. The main competitive draw of this is that STAB Air Slash + STAB Discharge in a single turn will hit hard and have a good paraflinch chance. Mega Emolga's mediocre stats will balance this, though:

252 SpA Mega Emolga Air Slash vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Gyarados: 24.6 - 29.2%
252 SpA Mega Emolga Discharge vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Gyarados: 52.4 - 62%
So it's not totally decimating a bulky, Electric-weak Pokemon. For comparison's sake, this combination slightly outdamages a LO Volt Switch from Thundurus-I:
252 SpA Life Orb Thundurus Volt Switch vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Mega Gyarados: 70.4 - 83.1%

With base 100 Special Attack and literally no coverage outside of Hidden Power, it doesn't pack the power to scare Electric-immune Pokemon with Air Slash/Hidden Power alone, and the points dumped into defenses still leave it on the frail side.
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What limit of 60? Not seeing that anywhere in the OP.

Doesn't matter for Filter Garbodor because I'm ceding to Trainator's will, but matters for my Escavalier concept, so could you please point out where this rule is, if it exists?

(I hate that the sarcastic nature of the internet, which I'm fully a part of mind you, makes me worried that I'm coming across as sarcastic by saying things like "please.")
all I know was that a while back, a few people told me that boosting a pokemon's stats by 70 was breaking the rules, so I had to change it to 60, since the largest boost a mega has ever received was +60 (outside of mega mewtwo, but for some reason they don't count?)
Mega Escavalier
Typing: Bug/Steel ----> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm/Shell Armor/Overcoat ----> Motor Drive
BST: 70/135/105/60/105/20 ----> 70/165/105/60/115/80
New Moves: Rock Slide

Escavalier's shell part looks like a wheel... Aaand now Mega Escavalier got wheels for legs. Really.
To be honest, Motor Drive is likely the speed-boosting ability that makes the most sense on Escavalier, or rather, all the other abilities makes no sense whatsoever. Anyways, the main difference between Mega Escavalier and regular/Mega Scizor is that MegaEsca lacks both STAB priority and U-turn, but can hit harder with 165 Atk, and if it gets the Motor Drive boost, can outspeed a fair part of the unboosted OU pokes. However, it's less bulky than Mega Scizor on the physical side, and aside from Drill Run suffers from the low BP attack problem. Many Electric move users in OU also carries Fire-type moves, which means it's difficult for Mega Escavalier to get a Motor Drive boost.

Mega Jellicent
Typing: Water/Ghost ----> Water/Ghost
Abilities: Water Absorb/Cursed Body/Damp ----> Water Absorb
BST: 100/60/70/85/105/60 ----> 100/60/130/115/115/60
New Moves: None

Mega Jellicent turns from a special wall into a physical one. With Scald and Will-O-Wisp to spread burn, it walls a myriad of physical attackers in OU, and the 115 Sp.Def helps as well. It retains Water Absorb, which is always useful for switch-ins. While the absence of leftovers hurts its longevity, Mega Jellicent still has Recover, and the nice 115 Sp.Atk means it can deal some damage towards the foe.

all I know was that a while back, a few people told me that boosting a pokemon's stats by 70 was breaking the rules, so I had to change it to 60, since the largest boost a mega has ever received was +60 (outside of mega mewtwo, but for some reason they don't count?)
Because the only reason Mega Mewtwo X even get that huge Atk boost is so that the stat boosts of both Mega Mewtwos mirror each other?
Mega Emolga
Type: Electric
Ability: Levitate
HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 80 (+5)
Def: 60 -> 85 (+25)
SpA: 75 -> 100 (+25)
SpD: 60 -> 85 (+25)
Spe: 103 -> 123 (+20)
New Moves: Super Fang, Spikes

Concept: Mega Emolga has one role: Annoy the shit out of you! Nuzzle/Air Slash will drive you batty! Even without Serene Grace, it's a combo that will wear you down, and if it doesn't work, Super Fang doesn't discriminate.

By removing Flying and replacing it with Levitate, Emolga becomes ludicrously, and deceptively durable with Roost and status infliction. Spikes are added to ensure that if enemies are switching around on you, that they'll regret doing that.

Type: Steel/Bug -> Steel/Bug
Ability: Swarm/ShellArmor/Overcoat -> Paladin (Non-STAB attacks from enemies do 25% less damage. Pokemon also does 25% more damage to ghost, dark, dragon and faeries.)
New Moves: Attack Order, King's Shield, Leaf Blade

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 145 (+40)
SpA: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpD: 105 -> 105
Spe: 20 -> 40 (+20)
Concept: Mega Esca throws away its wily nature and becomes a paladin!

I'm glad you asked, Avatar. He serves his god or king with glory and power, and in this case gaining orders and even shields. He often has magical resistance, that grants him added survival or the ability to smite evil. While the overall bonuses are only 25%, the cumulative ability to do both is very good. Keep in mind that even moves with set damage will be reduced, so Blissey's Seismic Toss will only do 75 damage instead of 100.

Despite his resistances and power, this paladin forgot to grab healing, so while an excellent slayer of evil and guard, some shmuck forgot to get healing specs, dumb retnoobs! Have a wish handy.

I'll let Spoony explain why you should vote with your awesome genes and sort out reason later:

Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Ability: EffectSpore/Regenerator -> Regenerator
New Moves: Recover, Earth Power, Toxic Spikes

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 90 (+5)
Def: 70 -> 105 (+35)
SpA: 85 -> 115 (+30)
SpD: 80 -> 120 (+40)
Spe: 30 -> 20 (-10)

Flavor Concept: Amoonguss’ role doesn't change much. It still comes in to take hits like a champ with a decent type combo and newly gained access to recover.

There's not much left to say about it. 114/105/120 defenses are absolutely grand!

Type: Water/Ghost -> Water/Ghost
Ability: WaterAbsorb/CursedBody/Damp -> Volt Absorb
New Moves: Discharge

HP: 100 -> 100
Atk: 60 -> 60
Def: 70 -> 105 (+35)
SpA: 85 -> 110 (+25)
SpD: 105 -> 130 (+25)
Spe: 60 -> 75 (+15)

Concept: Jellyfish are oft portrayed as electrical. Why not at least let him absorb it. By doing this, his niches of walling capacity increase immensely. Being immune to fight, normal and electric is awesome, no contest. With this, it can outright counter most Rotom forms except the lesser used Grass type. Being immune to Volt Switch will cost many teams immense amounts of momentum.
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Last time I checked the rules were:

- boost of 100 to BST, no more no less
- only Speed may be lowered, and defenses in rare cases
- a single stat can be increased by 60 at most (eg Heracross)
- stats can only be reduced by 30 at most (eg Abomasnow)
- a Pokémon must keep one of its original types after mega evolving (Aggron drops Rock, Gyarados changes Flying for Dark)
- the Pokémon's base form up to 3 new moves to suit its mega evolution (eg Blastoise)

All of these follow precedent set in the game. The only megas that don't follow this are Mewtwo, which is an Uber legendary anyway so it doesn't follow rules. We're trying not to make things broken.
Type: Steel/Bug -> Steel/Bug
Ability: Swarm/ShellArmor/Overcoat -> Paladin (Non-STAB attacks from enemies do 25% less damage. Pokemon also does 25% more damage to ghost, dark, dragon and faeries.)
New Moves: Attack Order, King's Shield, Sacred Fire

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 145 (+40)
SpA: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpD: 105 -> 105
Spe: 20 -> 40 (+20)
Concept: Mega Esca throws away its wily nature and becomes a paladin!

I'm glad you asked, ye dumb witted Avatar. The Paladin is a bad ass. He serves his god or king with glory and power, and in this case gaining orders, shields and even fire itself from both sources. He often has magic, usually holy, that grants him added survival or the ability to smite evil. While the overall bonuses are only 25%, the cumulative ability to do both is very good. Keep in mind that even moves with set damage will be reduced, so Blissey's Seismic Toss will only do 75 damage instead of 100.

Despite his resistances and power, this paladin forgot to grab healing, so while an excellent slayer of evil and guard, some shmuck forgot to get healing specs, dumb retnoobs! Have a wish handy.

I'll let Spoony explain why you should vote with your awesome genes and sort out reason later:
This has the same issue I had with Durant: why would regular Escavalier know Sacred Fire? Moreover, why would it know an attack that summons bees? If there was a way to have Mega-exclusive moves that'd be one thing, but we have to consider the regular forms.

In any case, not to poll-jump, but I'm biased also because I already have a fully-formed idea for Stance Change Mega Accelgor using King's Shield (it gets its old Shelmet armor back), so didn't want to give it to my Escavalier despite thinking about it. But if Esca stays defensive, like yours, then it'd still be super cool for both mons to have King's Shield (assuming my Accelgor is chosen, that is, and I'm not about to just assume it will).
Last time I checked the rules were:

- boost of 100 to BST, no more no less.
- only Speed may be lowered, and defenses in rare cases
- a single stat can be increased by 60 at most
- stats can only be reduced by 30 at most

- a Pokémon must keep one of its original types after mega evolving
- the Pokémon's base form up to 3 new moves to suit its mega evolution

All of these follow precedent set in the game. The only megas that don't follow this are Mewtwo, which is an Uber legendary anyway so it doesn't follow rules. Maybe we can bend the rules for when we make megas for Ubers.
But where is that stated? The OP says nothing about a single stat being raised by 60 or lowered by 30.

Take nightsitter's awesome Mega Crustle: I certainly don't think it should be disqualified for dropping defense by 40, as it fits with the theme. I think if it makes sense in terms of flavor and doesn't make a mon OP, it shouldn't be a problem. To argue my own case, making Escavalier have 130 speed hardly constitutes a gamebreaking change, as it's still outsped by a good many mons.
Type: Steel/Bug -> Steel/Bug
Ability: Swarm/ShellArmor/Overcoat -> Paladin (Non-STAB attacks from enemies do 25% less damage. Pokemon also does 25% more damage to ghost, dark, dragon and faeries.)
New Moves: Attack Order, King's Shield, Sacred Fire

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 145 (+40)
SpA: 60 -> 70 (+10)
SpD: 105 -> 105
Spe: 20 -> 40 (+20)
Concept: Mega Esca throws away its wily nature and becomes a paladin!

I'm glad you asked, ye dumb witted Avatar. The Paladin is a bad ass. He serves his god or king with glory and power, and in this case gaining orders, shields and even fire itself from both sources. He often has magic, usually holy, that grants him added survival or the ability to smite evil. While the overall bonuses are only 25%, the cumulative ability to do both is very good. Keep in mind that even moves with set damage will be reduced, so Blissey's Seismic Toss will only do 75 damage instead of 100.

Despite his resistances and power, this paladin forgot to grab healing, so while an excellent slayer of evil and guard, some shmuck forgot to get healing specs, dumb retnoobs! Have a wish handy.

I'll let Spoony explain why you should vote with your awesome genes and sort out reason later:
This has the same issue I had with Durant: why would regular Escavalier know Sacred Fire? Moreover, why would it know an attack that summons bees? If there was a way to have Mega-exclusive moves that'd be one thing, but we have to consider the regular forms.

In any case, not to poll-jump, but I'm biased also because I already have a fully-formed idea for Stance Change Mega Accelgor using King's Shield (it gets its old Shelmet armor back), so didn't want to give it to my Escavalier despite thinking about it. But if Esca stays defensive, like yours, then it'd still be super cool for both mons to have King's Shield (assuming my Accelgor is chosen, that is, and I'm not about to just assume it will).
I get what you're going for but there's really no reason for Sacred Fire. It was exclusive to Ho-oh, and then given to Entei which is A) a legendary, B) Fire type like Ho-oh and Sacred Fire C) literally created by Ho-oh.

Escavalier as is, however, has nothing do do with Ho-oh. And the new move goes to the base form so it has to make sense by itself.
But where is that stated? The OP says nothing about a single stat being raised by 60 or lowered by 30.

Take nightsitter's awesome Mega Crustle: I certainly don't think it should be disqualified for dropping defense by 40, as it fits with the theme. I think if it makes sense in terms of flavor and doesn't make a mon OP, it shouldn't be a problem. To argue my own case, making Escavalier have 130 speed hardly constitutes a gamebreaking change, as it's still outsped by a good many mons.
Because there have to be some sort of limit, and there's no precedent for more of a boost or drop. Sure it's not set in stone, but should be broken in rare cases instead of for every second idea. If there's no rule, someone is bound to abuse it. Espescially with Haxorus and Chandelure in a few slates.
Because there have to be some sort of limit, and there's no precedent for more of a boost or drop. Sure it's not set in stone, but should be broken in rare cases instead of for every second idea.
I agree about not making such drastic boosts common, but again, I think in very small doses (being biased to like my own Escavalier very much, but also liking nightsitter's Crustle) there's no harm. Particularly when the boosted stat was initially crazy low and the boost only makes the stat good rather than unbelievable.

In any case, I'm not saying this to be an douchey stickler, really, but there's no actual rule against adding more than 60 or lowering more than 30. If we want that guideline to be clear for new blood like me, it should be added to the OP.
Because there have to be some sort of limit, and there's no precedent for more of a boost or drop. Sure it's not set in stone, but should be broken in rare cases instead of for every second idea. If there's no rule, someone is bound to abuse it. Espescially with Haxorus and Chandelure in a few slates.
I agree about not making such drastic boosts common, but again, I think in very small doses (being biased to like my own Escavalier very much, but also liking nightsitter's Crustle) there's no harm. Particularly when the boosted stat was initially crazy low and the boost only makes the stat good rather than unbelievable.

In any case, I'm not saying this to be an douchey stickler, really, but there's no actual rule against adding more than 60 or lowering more than 30. If we want that guideline to be clear for new blood like me, it should be added to the OP.
To clarify on the issue, it was an old rule that was dropped a little while ago because dammit, some Pokemon need decent-sized boosts. The rule originally was instituted to prevent silly things from happening, like the winning Cinccino (seriously that thing needs to go), but the winning Garbodor seems fine to me.

On a different note, I'm happy to hear that my Crustle submission was so popular
Given the choice between Sacred Sword and Sacred Fire, Sacred Fire comes off as stronger and more useful, and Sacred Sword's added coverage isn't that great when STAB Steel covers 2 of the types fight does as is. I don't want any mon I create to be anything less than the very best, otherwise why use it?!

As for Paladins with fire. Here's a visualization to wow your awesome factor.

But I guess I could give it the weaker move. So much for insane viability.
Given the choice between Sacred Sword and Sacred Fire, Sacred Fire comes off as stronger and more useful, and Sacred Sword's added coverage isn't that great when STAB Steel covers 2 of the types fight does as is. I don't want any mon I create to be anything less than the very best, otherwise why use it?!

As for Paladins with fire. Here's a visualization to wow your awesome factor.

But I guess I could give it the weaker move. So much for insane viability.
No, we get that, but again, consider regular Escavalier.

Pictures of how awesome paladins are doesn't suddenly make Escavalier having Sacred Fire sensible. Also, do you...I mean, do you really think people don't know what paladins are? It's not exactly uncommon knowledge, bud.
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I... I guess I can see your point. Very well then.

Although I'm still trying to understand when Squirtle became able to launch Hadoukens.
Emolga (Emolganite)
Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Flying
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Prankster
New Moves: Nasty Plot, Super Fang, Defog

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75
Def: 60 -> 80 (+20)
SpA: 75 -> 97 (+23)
SpD: 60 -> 80 (+20)
Spe: 103 -> 140 (+37)
BST: 428 -> 528

More like E-mold-a, ew. This thing sucks, but now it doesn't suck as much. It's still an annoying little shit.
Escavalier (Escavalite)
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Piercing Lance (Contact moves ignore negative damage modifiers and hit through Substitute)
New Moves: Agility, U-turn

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 125 (+20)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 125 (+20)
Spe: 20 -> 50 (+30)
BST: 495 -> 595

To specify, the ability ignores Reflect, as well as abilities like Filter and Fur Coat, and Defense boosts on top of that. However it still factors in type effectiveness, so the ability his functions like a better Mold Breaker limited to contact moves.

This puts emphasis on the risk/reward of contact moves, with things like Flame Body and Rocky Helmet around to punish contact moves, but with Escavalier's best options being contact moves. The stat boosts are rather straightforward and with extra speed and Agility, it can actually glide around at high speeds.
Amoonguss (Amoongussite)
Type: Grass/Poison -> Grass/Poison
Abilities: Effect Spore (Regenerator) -> Regenerator
New Moves: Dark Pulse

HP: 114 -> 114
Atk: 85 -> 95 (+10)
Def: 70 -> 100 (+30)
SpA: 85 -> 105 (+20)
SpD: 80 -> 120 (+40)
Spe: 30 -> 30
BST: 464 -> 564

Keeping things simple, Amoonguss becomes even bulkier. Dark Pulse is a common move, lots of Poison types like Weezing and Seviper learn it and it fits Amoonguss.
Jellicent (Jellicentite)
Type: Water/Ghost -> Water/Ghost
Abilities: Water Absorb, Cursed Body (Damp) -> Storm Drain
New Moves: Thunderbolt, Thunder

HP: 100 -> 100
Atk: 60 -> 60
Def: 70 -> 80 (+10)
SpA: 80 -> 105 (+25)
SpD: 105 -> 120 (+15)
Spe: 60 -> 110 (+50)
BST: 480 -> 580

Jellicent becomes an asset and a counter to rain teams, absorbing boosted water attacks and hitting hard with Water Spout and Thunderbolt/Thunder. Lots of Ghost types and special attackers like Gengar and Misdreavus. I'm not sure if this is too different but there you have it, speedy offensive Jellicent.
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Mega Escavalier
Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Swarm/Shell Armor/Overcoat -> Swift Sting (Bug type Gale Wings clone)
70/135/105/60/105/20 -> 70/165/135/70/135/20

To be honest, with this ability, I might just stop right there. Mega Escavalier, according to the Pokemon Black dex entry, is supposed to be flying around at high speed and striking with its spears. So, its new ability grants it just that. With its spears, it can now swiftly stab opponents with Megahorn. Escavalier, with just the way it is now, is B ranked in UU right now. It's decent. The problem is the pathetic speed. The attack is beautiful, the defenses are ok. The problem is that a bit of things can threaten it. Now, the only reliable thing that can threaten it is standard Talonflame with Brave Bird. It has Megahorn, Iron Head, Knock Off, and Drill Run so it really doesn't need many new moves. With STAB priority Megahorn, it has the strongest priority in the game. And it doesn't have to worry about recoil.

So, the Attack and the Defenses were both added to and the special attack was added to make it less broken. Nothing was added to speed because I might as well make it perfect for trick room and not change anything
Type: Bug/Steel -> Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor (Overcoat) -> Dragonslayer (This Pokemon's Steel, Bug and Fighting-type attacks deal SE damage on Dragons; immunity to Dragon-type moves)
New Moves: Sacred Sword, ExtremeSpeed (it flies around at high speed in it's Pokedex entries.), Fly (as before)

HP: 70 -> 70
Atk: 135 -> 165 (+30)
Def: 105 -> 115 (+10)
SpA: 60 -> 60
SpD: 105 -> 115 (+10)
Spe: 20 -> 70 (+50)
BST: 495 -> 595

Think about what Escavalier is based on. IT'S BASED ON A KNIGHT! and they are know for SLAYING DRAGONS. Yes, this little fella is the ultimate counter to Dragons with Megahorn Iron Head for SE against almost all dragons! It can also carry Iron Head and Sacred Sword, and Extreme Speed for priority. There's only one problem... Escavalier is still in the awkward 70 Speed tier,with no way to boost it's Speed, and it's almost always OHKO'ed by Flamethrower, Fire Blast or Flare Blitz, which is his only weakness. But Escavalier is the ultimate switch in to Outrage, and can then proceed to use Megahorn, Iron Head, Sacred Sword and ExtremeSpeed.

Type: Electric/Flying -> Electric/Bug
Abilities: Static (Motor Drive) -> Competitive
New Moves: Parting Shot

HP: 55 -> 55
Atk: 75 -> 75 (+20)
Def: 60 -> 65 (+5)
SpA: 75 -> 97 (+20)
SpD: 60 -> 65 (+5)
Spe: 103 -> 153 (+50)
BST: 428 -> 528

Two words. Speedy Pivot. Electric/Bug typing gives it STAB on Volt Switch and U-Turn, and can also carry Parting Shot against Ground/Steel types. Emolga-M can actually stay alive through the entire battle unless there is a Deoxys-S which has been banned from OU. Think of Emolga like Manetric-M. Bug-typing was to give it STAB on U-Turn, and also fits in with the ability, as a small cute little bug/squirrel thingy is gonna make everyone's Attack and Special Attack lowered.

Any comments?

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