Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 41 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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I've heard that that was changed, it makes it through now :)

If you do still have it in your Entree Forest, definitely let me know! Like I said, I'll pay big for a Great Ball one.

:OOO that would be incredible! I've got something good that I can give you in return :)

In class now, pm you when I get back home. It's one that never got a sv match, so I just hatched it...
Looking for a female Tirtouga with HA in Net or Dive Ball, I know that to breed is horror. I can offer RNG breeding in Gen 5 with tutor moves and some Aprico or Dream Ball Pokémon.
I've heard that that was changed, it makes it through now :)

If you do still have it in your Entree Forest, definitely let me know! Like I said, I'll pay big for a Great Ball one.

:OOO that would be incredible! I've got something good that I can give you in return :)

It passes now since the Tatabana event. I remembered I had one in my BW game and transferred it, only to find it had one perfect defense. D:
It passes now since the Tatabana event. I remembered I had one in my BW game and transferred it, only to find it had one perfect defense. D:
That is about as good as you will get a shiny Jirachi from 3rd gen. You can SR for shiny, though it will probably never have a compative IV spread. Heck, even a flawless non-shiny one is highly unlikely, so unlikely that it 99% of the time is considered hacked if its flawless.
Ball troubles again:

Would anyone happen to have a spare female thick fat swinub that they'd be willing to share? Preferably in a cool ball if possible, thanks!
I'm interested in trying a competitive Eelektross, however some of his moves I want are only available as tutor moves and I don't have access to the gen 5 games. Now I know Eelektross is a pain in the butt to teach tutor moves because you need to evolve him first, but I feel I might be able to make it worth your while. I have a trade thread as well as a few 6IV Pokemon that are not listed there as of now. I'm not picky about IVs, but there is one of a few natures I'll take. I'm also kind of picky about the nickname.
Please PM me if you're interested at all and I'll tell you what I can offer as well as the details I want on the Eelektross. Thanks!
Hmm looks like dive ball wins, net is pretty good too. Thought about premier for a little but didn't like that red line.
I know I'm probably pretty late, but this has been touched on heavily in the past. I'll just cut to the chase and quote Tatertot

Tatertot said:
There's been quite a lot of discussion on ball matching here lately, and lots of repeat questions, so I thought I'd give a quick PSA on the topic:

Finding the right matching Pokéballs is not too difficult a thing to accomplish on your own. There's a few things I consider when picking the ball of a Pokémon I'm about to breed:
1. The color scheme of the Pokémon
2. The theme of the Pokémon
3. The rarity of the ball
4. How common a specific ball/combo is around Smogon

For example, let's consider Gastly. Gastly and it's evos are purple in color, so the first thing to do is obviously find if there is a purple Pokéball that is passed down for breeding. (Here is my favorite source: As you can see, only the Masterball matches Gastly in terms of color scheme, which regrettably does not pass through breeding.

Next, let's consider the theme of the Pokémon. Ghosts are creatures of darkness, so the most logical choices are the Dusk and Moon Balls, giving us multiple options. At this point, many people turn to the Simple Questions/Requests thread to ask for opinions. A good idea, but let's be honest, I can't be the only one here getting tired of seeing people ask what ball fits Kangaskhan for the umpteenth time, right? So let's continue on.

Rarity. The Moon Ball is only available in 4th gen, while Dusk Balls are available in 4th, 5th, and 6th, making the Moon Ball technically more rare, since fewer people have access to it. At this point, it would be perfectly logical to conclude that the Moon Ball is Gastly's best fit.

HOWEVER, if you look around many of the shops on Smogon, you'd see that Moon Ball Gastly are EVERYWHERE. Really. You can't not find one. So, chances are if you breed one, you won't get many offers for it. Though it's a close call, I'd have to say that the best ball for Gastly in the current state of affairs on Smogon is the Dusk Ball. This gives you the perfect combination of all 4 factors, and gives you something somewhat unique to offer in your thread.

This thought process can be applied to any Pokémon, and has served me well as I expanded my shop's selection of matching balls. I hope that some people find it useful, and that it helps cut down on some of the repetitive ball-matching requests in this thread.
There was even an exact conversation a while back about Regigigas himself (itself?). Even though I was too late for that one, too, I still decided to voice my opinion. In a VM on Tatertot's profile, I had said:
I know I'm really late to the party, but in response to all the talk about Regigigas+ball, I'd say Net is the best. The Great ball matches mostly on the physical properties, but the Net animation matches flavor-wise. When you're caught in a net, you can't move as fast (or at all) or maneuver very well. We know Regigigas' ability, and I think that matches flavor-wise (and takes 5 turns to remove the net).
To which Tatertot responded (sorry, bud, but this conversation is view-able by anyone):
Haha, that's an interesting idea, I didn't even think of matching it to the Slow Start ability. Nice!


Really love that post, Tatertot. Would nominate for best post of the year, if I could. Again, props to you. Five
to you!
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