OU Terrakion

[QC checks: Jukain / aim / Valentine]
[GP checks: Jukain / Winry ]



Terrakion has always been one of the best offensive Pokemon in OU, as it is capable of checking and outspeeding a large portion of the metagame. Its base 129 Attack stat, Rock- and Fighting-type STAB combination, and base 108 Speed stat make Terrakion a powerful sweeper and wallbreaker that is very hard to switch into. Its resistance to Stealth Rock also helps it switch in and out more easily, and its decent bulk ensures that it won't be KOed by just any attack.

However, Terrakion's common bulky Psychic- and Ground-type counters limit its capabilities. Even though Terrakion has a good Speed stat, there are still a decent number of Pokemon which can either outspeed and KO it or use priority to finish it off after a bit of prior damage. Clefable's rising usage is not very helpful for Terrakion either, as it can beat Terrakion one-on-one.

Life Orb Attacker
name: Life Orb Attacker
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Swords Dance
move 4: Substitute / Quick Attack
item: Life Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Both Stone Edge and Close Combat that can hit foes extremely hard, especially with a Life Orb, and they provide excellent neutral coverage alongside. Swords Dance allows Terrakion to sweep late-game once the opposing team has been weakened and faster threats and priority users have been removed. Life Orb and Swords Dance make Terrakion an extremely powerful threat, 2HKOing almost the entire metagame. Substitute is a great move as it can easily provide momentum if used right, such as on a predicted switch or status move. Alternatively, Quick Attack can be used to pick off weakened Pokemon with priority, such as Azumarill after switching in on a +2 Close Combat. It also helps in eliminating, or at least weakening, faster threats such as Thundurus, Latios, and Latias. Furthermore, running Hidden Power Ice with a Naive nature and moving the leftover 4 Special Defense EVs into Special Attack can make Terrakion a lure for Gliscor and Landorus-T, nailing the KO after Stealth Rock and Stone Edge damage. Finally, Terrakion can run Rock Polish over either Swords Dance or Substitute. If Rock Polish is chosen over Swords Dance, then it is important to note that Terrakion becomes more of a dead weight against stall in exchange for becoming a fantastic late-game cleaner. Otherwise, if running both Swords Dance and Rock Polish, do not try to set up both of them, but just one, depending on the situation. For example, Terrakion should set up a Swords Dance against stall, bulky offensive, and balanced teams, and a Rock Polish against hyper offensive and priority-spam teams.

Set Details

252 Speed EVs and a positive nature are needed to allow Terrakion to outrun as many foes as possible. Use a Naive nature if you are using Hidden Power Ice, and a Jolly nature if you are using Substitute or Quick Attack. 252 Attack EVs are used to provide optimal physical power. Life Orb is the primary item choice, as it provides a significant boost to all of Terrakion's attacks. However, Expert Belt can also be used to bluff a Choice item and Terrakion an even more effective lure, but it misses out on a lot of power against neutral targets.

Usage Tips

Life Orb Terrakion serves as a fantastic wallbreaker, but set up Swords Dance or Substitute on a predicted switch, weak attack, entry hazard move, or Taunt. You can also use Substitute on a predicted status move, such as Thunder Wave or Will-O-Wisp. Quick Attack should not be revealed too early, as it packs an element of surprise and helps pick off weakened priority users, such as Azumarill after switching in on a +2 Close Combat. If the opposing Pokemon is faster than Terrakion and can potentially KO it, using Quick Attack as a last-ditch effort can also be useful so that Terrakion's teammates can revenge kill the foe.

Team Options

Any Pokemon that appreciates Terrakion's natural cleaning, wallbreaking, and even sweeping abilities can be picked as Terrakion's teammate. Terrakion itself needs entry hazard support from Pokemon such as Landorus-T to turn as many 3HKOs into 2HKOs and 2HKOs into OHKOs as possible, especially if attempting a sweep with Swords Dance. Additionally, Terrakion loves sand support from Tyranitar or Hippowdon, as it gives it a considerable Special Defense boost, allowing it to survive attacks such as Choice Scarf Keldeo's Hydro Pump and preventing other attacks from breaking its Substitute, such as Rotom-W's Volt Switch. Other Pokemon that resist Terrakion's common weaknesses to Ground and Fighting, such as Landorus-T and Mega Heracross, are appreciated. Terrakion also appreciates teammates that can deal with bulky Ground- or Water-types, such as Celebi, Azumarill, Mega Venusaur, Rotom-W, Keldeo, and even bulky Starmie. The bulkier the Pokemon, the better, as Terrakion has only decent defenses and wouldn't appreciate a frail teammate.

Stealth Rock
name: Stealth Rock
move 1: Stealth Rock
move 2: Close Combat
move 3: Stone Edge
move 4: Taunt
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Terrakion can use its great offensive presence to force switches and set up Stealth Rock with ease. Close Combat and Stone Edge are powerful STAB moves that offer excellent neutral coverage alongside each other. Finally, Taunt prevents slower Pokemon, such as Garchomp and Landorus-T, from setting up their own entry hazards or using Defog to remove any entry hazards from the field. However, Swords Dance can be used over Taunt to gain a +2 Attack boost and force out Pokemon that fear a +2 Close Combat or Stone Edge; however, Taunt is ultimately more useful.

Set Details

Focus Sash almost guarantees that Terrakion can set up Stealth Rock and use Taunt on slower entry hazard or Defog users. Maximum Speed investment with a Jolly nature lets Terrakion outspeed Pokemon such as Garchomp, Landorus, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Pinsir, which Terrakion can't outspeed with an Adamant nature. Maximum Attack investment gives Terrakion some solid power, which is really useful with a great STAB combination in Close Combat and Stone Edge.

Usage Tips

Focus Sash Terrakion is a great Stealth Rock user as it pressures slower Defog users with Taunt and uses its own offensive presence to effectively keep Stealth Rock in play. It is best to set up Stealth Rock as early as possible, as it is vital for dealing with threats such as Talonflame. Leading with Terrakion is also useful as it can use Taunt on opposing leads and prevent them from setting up their own entry hazards. If your opponent has a Rapid Spin or Defog user, it is important to play more conservatively with Terrakion in case it needs to set up Stealth Rock again. However, if your opponent doesn't have a way to remove entry hazards or you don't need Terrakion to check anything, don't be afraid to sacrifice it to gain momentum.

Team Options

Terrakion is best used on fast-paced offensive teams that need a reliable offensive Stealth Rock user. Therefore, you should pair this Terrakion set with powerful offensive teammates, such as Talonflame and Thundurus, which can make full use of the extra Stealth Rock damage and use their natural offensive presence to prevent foes from easily using Rapid Spin or Defog. Pokemon that can Pursuit trap Latias and Latios, such as Bisharp and Tyranitar, are appreciated, as Terrakion is too slow to Taunt Latios and Latias to prevent them from using Defog. Additionally, Healing Wish Latias is a great teammate for Terrakion, as it can heal Terrakion back to full health after Terrakion has been brought down to its Focus Sash.

Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Close Combat
move 2: Stone Edge
move 3: Iron Head
move 4: Rock Slide / X-Scissor
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly / Adamant


Stone Edge and Close Combat are STAB moves that share excellent neutral coverage and can hit foes hard. Iron Head is very useful for picking off weakened Sylveon, Gardevoir, and Clefable late-game without having to rely on Stone Edge's shaky accuracy. Rock Slide is also an option, as Stone Edge's accuracy can be rather unreliable, but it can't KO certain threats that Stone Edge can if they are not weakened enough. Alternatively, X-Scissor can also be useful over Rock Slide, as it hits physically defensive Celebi and Slowbro, both of which are rising in usage.

Set Details

Maximum Attack investment is used for maximum power, which Terrakion really needs on this set because it is not running an Attack-boosting item. With maximum Speed investment, a Jolly nature, and a Choice Scarf, Terrakion outspeeds many Pokemon it usually doesn't, such as Latios, Latias, Mega Lopunny, Mega Metagross, Gengar, and Thundurus. It also allows Terrakion to outspeed almost every relevant Choice Scarf user in the tier, including Garchomp, Landorus-T, Excadrill, Heatran, and Rotom-W, as well as all relevant Dragon Dance users at +1, such as Dragonite, Gyarados, Mega Charizard X, and Mega Tyranitar. However, it Speed ties with Scarf Keldeo and is outsped by Scarf Latios and Latias. Alternatively, an Adamant nature is viable for the Attack increase; however, it only allows Terrakion to outspeed up to Jolly Choice Scarf Landorus-T and Adamant Mega Charizard X at +1, missing out on Jolly Choice Scarf Garchomp and Jolly Mega Charizard X at +1.

Usage Tips

Terrakion is best used late-game when everything is weakened enough for it to clean. Choice Scarf Terrakion is really helpful when switching in on a predicted Dragon Dance, as it outspeeds all relevant Dragon Dance users with a Jolly nature and can KO most of them. Make sure that Terrakion can KO all the opposing Pokemon before attempting to clean late game.

Team Options

Entry hazards are much appreciated, as Terrakion needs as much chip damage as possible to successfully clean. Teams that are weak to one or more Dragon Dance users really appreciate Choice Scarf Terrakion's ability to check most of them. Additionally, teams that lack a cleaner or other Pokemon with immediate Speed would also appreciate Choice Scarf Terrakion as a teammate. Finally, Pokemon that can easily counter bulky Water-and Ground-types, such as Celebi, Azumarill, Mega Venusaur, Rotom-W, Keldeo, and bulky Starmie, are appreciated, as they allow Terrakion to safely switch out from such said threats.

Other Options

Choice Band can boost Terrakion's already high attack to astounding measures and 2HKO most of the metagame. A Swords Dance + Rock Polish set can be pretty effective, depending on the situation. Rock Tomb can be used to OHKO Talonflame and Mega Charizard Y and lower the Speed of whatever switches in, letting Terrakion outspeed and KO the foe or support another teammate. Earthquake can also be used to OHKO Heatran and KO weakened Excadrill if Terrakion is not using a Life Orb without getting the Defense and Special Defense drops from Close Combat. It also provides nice coverage in conjunction with Stone Edge. Finally, Zen Headbutt can be used to help eliminate some of Terrakion's checks, Mega Venusaur and Amoonguss in particular.

Checks & Counters

**Bulky Psychic-types**: Physically defensive Slowbro, Celebi and Cresselia can use their typing and incredible physical bulk to shut Terrakion down. Each of them can take hits from Life Orb Terrakion after Stealth Rock damage and hit back with their STAB Psychic-type attacks, making them hard counters. Starmie can revenge kill all the sets other than Choice Scarf Terrakion and is a good answer for Focus Sash lead Terrakion, as it can Rapid Spin away Stealth Rock.

**Bulky Ground-types**: Bulky Landorus-T, physically defensive Gliscor, and physically defensive Hippowdon can take two hits from Life Orb Terrakion even after Stealth Rock damage and threaten back with STAB Earthquake. On the other hand, Quagsire can't counter Life Orb Terrakion, but it is definitely a check, as it can eat up a hit or two, heal up with Recover, and OHKO at -1. It is also a hard counter to Choice Scarf Terrakion.

**Bulky Poison-types**: Physically defensive Mega Venusaur counters Terrakion, it can survive two Life Orb Stone Edges after Stealth Rock damage and is able to 2HKO back with Giga Drain while healing back some of the damage taken. Physically defensive Amoonguss is a solid check to Terrakion, as it can avoid the 2HKO from Life Orb Terrakion's Stone Edge without Stealth Rock damage and has a good chance to 2HKO back with Giga Drain.

**Bulky Fairy-types**: Clefable and Sylveon are shaky checks to Life Orb and Choice Scarf Terrakion, but only if they have greatly invested in Defense. Clefable can heal up until Terrakion's Life Orb recoil puts in Moonblast's KO range, whereas Sylveon can OHKO it with Hyper Voice after Life Orb recoil. However, they must both fear Iron Head on the switch from the Choice Scarf set.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Physically bulky Pokemon that don't even resist Terrakion's STAB moves can still check or even counter Terrakion. For example, physically defensive Tangrowth and Chesnaught are great answers, as they can survive any two hits from Life Orb Terrakion after rocks and 2HKO back with their super effective STAB moves. Suicune is another defensive Pokemon that can solidly check Terrakion.

**Faster Offensive Pokemon**: There are a lot of common offensive Pokemon that can naturally outspeed Choice Scarf-lacking Terrakion and KO it with a super effective attack, such as Mega Metagross, Thundurus, Latios, Serperior, and Latias. Likewise, Choice Scarf variants of many slower Pokemon, such as Landorus-T and Garchomp, can outspeed Terrakion and check it.

**Priority**: The prevalence of powerful priority attacks makes it harder for Terrakion to sweep. Moves such as Brave Bird from Talonflame, Aqua Jet from Azumarill, Mach Punch from Breloom and Conkeldurr, and Bullet Punch from Scizor are capable of inflicting severe damage to Terrakion, if not outright KOing it. This is especially effective if the opposing priority user is not in KO range of Quick Attack from the Life Orb attacker set at +2.
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Need some QC opinions on this ...

Is Facade good enough on the Choice Band set? or should it be substituted by X-Scissor? Or should it be Quick Attack alone?

Is Quick Attack good on the Choice Scarf set? or should it be substitute by X-scissor? Or should Facade be slashed alone? or should it be X-Scissor alone?

Should Rock Tomb deserve a mention / slash on the Choice Band set? as it hits Latios on the switch and then KOs it back (since it becomes faster)

Is Quick Attack fine on the Life Orb Attacker? It's pretty good as it OHKOs Talonflame after rocks and Azumarill after switching in on +2 CC, it can also work as a last ditch effort against Greninja/Lati@s

Does Double Dance deserve a set or is a mention in OO good enough?
Before I answer, I do want to call something important to attention:

By virtue of having almost some of the best STAB coverage possible, Terrakion's extremely flexible to the point that it can run almost any move on any set to some degree of success. Because of that, moves like Quick Attack, X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Facade, Iron Head, Hidden Power Ice, maybe Rock Tomb (still kinda debating that one), and MOST DEFINITELY Stealth Rock should be mentioned more often than not. All of the above moves have specific uses, whether they be for luring, reliability, etc. Regardless of the way the slashes play out Terrakion is a Pokemon with a lot of potential due to its abundance of free moveslots and easily lurable checks, so make sure to reflect that in the moves section or OO depending on where moves end up.

With that said, I personally like Quick Attack the best on both Choice Band and Life Orb, but I think it's too weak and too unnecessary on the Scarf set. Not really sure about Double Dance, I haven't tried it this generation so I'd rather other QC members weigh in on it.

Checks and Counters needs a bit of work. Nidoqueen and Golurk are basically nonexistent in this metagame, so remove mentions of them. On the other hand, Quagsire needs a mention as it counters any non-LO/Band set and checks all sets regardless of item if it switches in on anything other than Close Combat. Status should also be in Checks and Counters, as Paralysis and Burn both effectively neuter Terrakion.

Sandstorm support can be mentioned in team options since it gives Terrakion useful special bulk (e.g. can't be OHKO'd by Scarf Keldeo's Hydro Pump).
I don't know how i feel about hidden power ice on Terrakions set. With its weak bp it really isn't going to be taking out much. Substitute should be slashed as a last move with quick attack. SUB SD terrak basically gets a kill whenever it is in.
i think sd is bad on lead terrak. i just feel like sr + sd is trying to do too much. you need to get rocks, and somehow manage sd with a living terrakion. in an actual battle that will never happen.

i think sash should be the only item on the rocks set. it makes terrakion a much more efficient lead and practically guarantees rocks, plus can allow you to save it for later instead of just saccing it to rock. lo set hits hard but that's its own thing, the lead sr set wants sash to do its role most effectively.

only salac on subsd. that's kinda the point of the set...you sub up and get that great speed boost so you can't be revenge killed. you're actually gonna want the 4 leftover evs in hp so you have an hp number divisible by 4 which lets you active salac with three sub uses. if you wanna slash sub on the normal lo set that's fine, that's actually probably better but you don't need to overcomplicate that set.

facade is ass. why are you letting your terrakion get burnt? bring it into rotom-w or defensive char x? leave it out. imo scarf should have rock slide in the last slot because stone edge as a rock stab can be rather unreliable when you need to revenge kill things, so you can at least have slightly improved accuracy to work with that you can have the luxury of using if, say, zard is weakened to like 70-80ish% depending on how bulky the spread is. you can mention or maybe slash i guess x-scissor to hit celebi, specifically physically defensive variants which are growing in popularity and wall scarf terrakion. it's also a little bit stronger vs latios and latias, as well as more reliable. it even has a roughly 20% chance to ohko after rocks damage and is practically guaranteed with, say, sr + 1 round of lo, which is a decently significant damage difference from stone edge. i prefer an adamant nature because you get a good bit more power, like all the calcs i mentioned are adamant, but outspeeding tops in rain is a decent selling point of jolly although aqua jet is not exactly uncommon on those.

on band i like quick attack, personally, as it's actually decently powerful and can pick off faster things nicely. i'm partial to it because it's saved my ass in multiple late-game situations, but i really think it's a genuinely good option. maybe slash or like mention x-scissor which ohkoes celebi and has an 82.4% chance to 2hko slowbro vs a 24.6% chance of stone edge to 2hko after rocks damage.

i never really liked double dance terrakion, even last gen. it doesn't really have the bulk to pull off both boosts. i realize you pick 1 per match usually, but why pick and choose when i can run subsd salac and get the power boost, speed, and even an immunity to thund twave/being impenetrable to the priority that's going to stop my sweep if i can get an intact sub? oo at best.
Before I answer, I do want to call something important to attention:

By virtue of having almost some of the best STAB coverage possible, Terrakion's extremely flexible to the point that it can run almost any move on any set to some degree of success. Because of that, moves like Quick Attack, X-Scissor, Rock Slide, Facade, Iron Head, Hidden Power Ice, maybe Rock Tomb (still kinda debating that one), and MOST DEFINITELY Stealth Rock should be mentioned more often than not. All of the above moves have specific uses, whether they be for luring, reliability, etc. Regardless of the way the slashes play out Terrakion is a Pokemon with a lot of potential due to its abundance of free moveslots and easily lurable checks, so make sure to reflect that in the moves section or OO depending on where moves end up.

With that said, I personally like Quick Attack the best on both Choice Band and Life Orb, but I think it's too weak and too unnecessary on the Scarf set. Not really sure about Double Dance, I haven't tried it this generation so I'd rather other QC members weigh in on it.

Checks and Counters needs a bit of work. Nidoqueen and Golurk are basically nonexistent in this metagame, so remove mentions of them. On the other hand, Quagsire needs a mention as it counters any non-LO/Band set and checks all sets regardless of item if it switches in on anything other than Close Combat. Status should also be in Checks and Counters, as Paralysis and Burn both effectively neuter Terrakion.

Sandstorm support can be mentioned in team options since it gives Terrakion useful special bulk (e.g. can't be OHKO'd by Scarf Keldeo's Hydro Pump).

Removed mention of Quick Attack on the Scarf set.
Removed mentions of Nidoqueen and Golurk
Added mentions of Sandstorm support in both SD + 3 Attacks and SubSD. Also mentioned that Rotom-W's Volt Switch can't break sub in sand (which rotom-w often goes for, since Hydro miss, Sandstorm damage, and can't burn behind a sub)
Added some mentions of X-Scissor and Iron Head in OO for LO 3 attacks. I don't know if Quick Attack, Facade, HP Ice, or Rock Tomb deserve are good on whatever it's not slash in.

IDK about status, every status spreader of Will-o-Wisp and Thunder Wave in OU, bar Rotom-W and Clefable, is weak to one of Terrakion's STABs, Togekiss, Talonflame, Bulky Zards, Heatran, Ferrothorn, Gyarados, Zapdos, and even some random stuff like Tyranitar.

Should I mention Clefable and Rotom-W specifically? And if so, should I combine mentioning them (EX: **Clefable & Rotom-W**) or separately?

I don't know how i feel about hidden power ice on Terrakions set. With its weak bp it really isn't going to be taking out much. Substitute should be slashed as a last move with quick attack. SUB SD terrak basically gets a kill whenever it is in.

IDK HP Ice was from the old thread, I didn't know if it should be removed or dropped to OO or w/e. I need some more QC opinions on this.

For now made Quick Attack main slash

i think sd is bad on lead terrak. i just feel like sr + sd is trying to do too much. you need to get rocks, and somehow manage sd with a living terrakion. in an actual battle that will never happen.

i think sash should be the only item on the rocks set. it makes terrakion a much more efficient lead and practically guarantees rocks, plus can allow you to save it for later instead of just saccing it to rock. lo set hits hard but that's its own thing, the lead sr set wants sash to do its role most effectively.

only salac on subsd. that's kinda the point of the set...you sub up and get that great speed boost so you can't be revenge killed. you're actually gonna want the 4 leftover evs in hp so you have an hp number divisible by 4 which lets you active salac with three sub uses. if you wanna slash sub on the normal lo set that's fine, that's actually probably better but you don't need to overcomplicate that set.

facade is ass. why are you letting your terrakion get burnt? bring it into rotom-w or defensive char x? leave it out. imo scarf should have rock slide in the last slot because stone edge as a rock stab can be rather unreliable when you need to revenge kill things, so you can at least have slightly improved accuracy to work with that you can have the luxury of using if, say, zard is weakened to like 70-80ish% depending on how bulky the spread is. you can mention or maybe slash i guess x-scissor to hit celebi, specifically physically defensive variants which are growing in popularity and wall scarf terrakion. it's also a little bit stronger vs latios and latias, as well as more reliable. it even has a roughly 20% chance to ohko after rocks damage and is practically guaranteed with, say, sr + 1 round of lo, which is a decently significant damage difference from stone edge. i prefer an adamant nature because you get a good bit more power, like all the calcs i mentioned are adamant, but outspeeding tops in rain is a decent selling point of jolly although aqua jet is not exactly uncommon on those.

on band i like quick attack, personally, as it's actually decently powerful and can pick off faster things nicely. i'm partial to it because it's saved my ass in multiple late-game situations, but i really think it's a genuinely good option. maybe slash or like mention x-scissor which ohkoes celebi and has an 82.4% chance to 2hko slowbro vs a 24.6% chance of stone edge to 2hko after rocks damage.

i never really liked double dance terrakion, even last gen. it doesn't really have the bulk to pull off both boosts. i realize you pick 1 per match usually, but why pick and choose when i can run subsd salac and get the power boost, speed, and even an immunity to thund twave/being impenetrable to the priority that's going to stop my sweep if i can get an intact sub? oo at best.

Removed mentions of Facade, removed LO on Rocks set, removed SD from sr lead set, removed LO on SubSD, moves the 4 leftovers EVs into HP. Put Rock Slide > Facade on Scarf. Slashed X-Scissor with it. Mentioned X-Scissor in OO. As for Nature for Scarf I'm gonna

yeah keeping DD in OO.

IDK about Sub on LO set, it's a bit over complicated for the set and it pretty much makes it the same as the SubSD set but with LO > Salac. I'm keeping it for now as Quick Attack is really handy (talking from experience) on SD set
Just a technical thing but if on the Life Orb Attacker set quick attack is slashed before hidden power ice. I would slash jolly before naive. I am not QC but I feel that Taunt could be mentioned in the moves descriptions since it helps Terrakion set up on stall.

On the last Terrakion analysis, I found the team option section not very helpful for building teams around Terrakion. It is improving so far on this one but I do think it is where it should be at.
Just a technical thing but if on the Life Orb Attacker set quick attack is slashed before hidden power ice. I would slash jolly before naive. I am not QC but I feel that Taunt could be mentioned in the moves descriptions since it helps Terrakion set up on stall.

On the last Terrakion analysis, I found the team option section not very helpful for building teams around Terrakion. It is improving so far on this one but I do think it is where it should be at.

Okay, I said I'd contribute as I saw fit, so here's some suggestions based on some of the testing I've done.

First of all, I agree with aim that Substitute is really good on the Life Orb set. Go ahead and make that the first slash and move HP Ice to the last slash or just drop it to Set Details. In addition, move the 4 leftover EVs on the main spread to HP/Def/SpD and make Jolly the first slash (or only slash if you put HP Ice in Set Details rather than keeping it slashed, and then just mention Naive + 4 SpA EVs alongside the HP Ice mention). HP Ice was better back in the day, but a lot of Gliscors are specially defensive now, so you're better off just slamming them with a +2 Stone Edge instead. Even in the case of Landorus-T, you can always hit it with Stone Edge on the first switch-in, switch out, and Swords Dance the second time you come in so that you can finish it off. Meanwhile, Substitute is a really good move. Life Orb Terrakion is really dangerous as it is, and getting up a Substitute as your opponent switches out puts them under a lot of pressure since they now have to break the Substitute before they can touch a Pokemon who 1-2HKOs most of the game with its LO STAB moves. I hadn't thought of Quick Attack before, but I guess it's pretty cool since it picks off a lot of fast opponents at low health after a Swords Dance, depending on what it is. Some examples:

+2 252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Quick Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Keldeo: 125-147 (38.6 - 45.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Quick Attack vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Latios: 136-161 (45 - 53.3%) -- 34% chance to 2HKO
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Quick Attack vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Thundurus: 152-179 (50.6 - 59.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+1 252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Quick Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Mega Manectric: 103-121 (36.6 - 43%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Quick Attack vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Greninja: 157-186 (54.8 - 65%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
+2 252 Atk Life Orb Terrakion Quick Attack vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Raikou: 143-169 (44.5 - 52.6%) -- 22.3% chance to 2HKO

I know that slashing Substitute can be confusing when the next set is SubSD, and I agree that it's a bit awkward, but the item really does make a difference in how the set is played. SubSD @ Salac Berry is generally more concerned about Subbing down to Salac range and sweeping opposing teams at +1. SubSD @ Life Orb is more concerned with hitting things really hard and using Substitute to ease the need for prediction on switches and get in a free attack. I guess changing the name of the SubSD set to "SubSalac" or something could help to ease confusion by putting emphasis on the part that separates it from any other SubSD Terrakion with X item.

I know you haven't filled it in yet, but when you do, mention Earthquake in the Set Details of the Choice Band set mainly for the fact that it usually OHKOs standard Mega Mawile while Close Combat usually does not. Stealth Rock also guarantees an Earthquake OHKO but not a Close Combat OHKO. This can be important from time to time since Mega Mawile is such a dangerous Pokemon, and sometimes you can't afford to miss. Still, I think it's situational enough to be fine just getting a Set Details mention.

Other Options needs a lot of work right now. Moves that apply to particular sets (i.e. "Move X can be used on Set Y") belong in the Moves or Set Details sections of those particular sets rather than this section. Other Options is more general and applies to the Pokemon as a whole rather than the particular sets. That said, go ahead and remove the second, fourth, and fifth bullets. You can mention those moves in the Set Details sections of the sets you recommended them for, but I'll leave QC to decide which moves are worthy to be mentioned under which sets. As for new things that need to be added, the old analysis had Sacred Sword (safer alternative to Close Combat, helps against occasional Def boosters), Poison Jab (hits Fairies like Iron Head but with poison chance > flinch chance), Zen Headbutt (helps against Mega Venusaur, and flinches are nice), Work Up (mainly for powering up HP Ice for Landorus-T/Gliscor, but mostly mentioned to tell people not to use it, lol), and Air Balloon (lets Terrakion set up on mono-attackers with Earthquake like Hippowdon and Gliscor). I think all of those are still fine Other Option mentions, although Work Up is probably too gimmicky to warrant a mention at this point. You could also toss Leftovers in there since it helps keep Terrakion alive longer and helps it make more Substitutes if it's running the move, the latter of which I've found pretty useful in testing. It could conceivably go in the Set Details of the second or third set if QC is alright with that (SubSD @ Leftovers is the set I've used), but it'd be an awkward fit since both of those sets are characterized by their items so much.

As for Checks and Counters, you could mention Mew alongside Slowbro and Cresselia under "Bulky Psychic-types." It needs a lot of physical investment in order to safely switch into Life Orb/Choice Band-boosted Stone Edges, but it gets the job done. It's also plenty common enough now to be relevant. While it's probably not a terrible mention, I'm not really sure Zygarde is relevant enough to mention under "Bulky Ground-types" anymore, so you could probably remove that. Also, Celebi is a bit more relevant now, so I think you could put the "Bulky Grass-types" section back up there with Mega Venusaur and Celebi being the main examples. Physically defensive Amoonguss also switches into Life Orb Terrakion pretty well since Stone Edge fails to 2HKO, so I guess you could mention Amoonguss there as well.

I guess that's about everything I can think of right now. I'll try to contribute more as I come up with more ideas, but I'm really tired right now (I have got to stop waiting till midnight after I get home from work before I try to contribute things, lol).

On the last Terrakion analysis, I found the team option section not very helpful for building teams around Terrakion. It is improving so far on this one but I do think it is where it should be at.

Just saying, but most of the Team Option details in this update are taken directly from the old analysis, lol. But regardless, if you have any additional ideas for Team Options that you'll like to recommend, please do. Every little bit counts.
a lot of stuff

Put Sub > HP Ice and then put Sub before Quick Attack and changed SubSD to SubSalac

As for EQ on CB, I have thought about it for that particular reason, but I thought I would hold it off for the Mega Mawile suspect test, I need some QC opinions on this.

OO been updated, added mew to checks & counters, and elaborated more on TO (Team options)

also mention physically defensive celebi under bulky psychics

Also added the Scarf set for now.
Added CB set, this is finally QC ready. Tagging some QC members, Jukain, aim, Valentine, Nog, Dice.

The only thing I'm kinda in the middle is, whether EQ deserves a Slash or mention in Moves on the CB set. It has a great chance in OHKO-ing most Mega Mawiles (nobody runs 252 HP) or just OHKOs after rocks if no heavy HP investment is used.

Oh and I was wondering if Scarf should be moved above any other set, since in practice it's an extremely great check to most DD users. Dragonite, Mega Char X, Gyarados, Mega Gyarados, Crawdaunt, Mega T-tar, and Salamence are all OHKOd (Dragonite needs multiscale broken, which almost guaranteed if it has 1 DD up), Zygarde is the only one but that's not really relevant.
I think the set order is fine as it is, to be honest, but see what other people say.

Also, I know Rock Polish is sort of implied when you say "Double Dance," but go ahead and mention Swords Dance and Rock Polish by name so as to avoid confusing newer players.
ok. movesets look good, no issues there...

mention hw latias with the sash rocks set, self-explanatory hw + sash mon = 2x mon. also mention how it's a great mon to pressure slower defoggers (taunt and power) and it's not like the latis want to switch in. pokemon like tyranitar and bisharp to capitalize on/trap lati@s also make for good partners. jirachi is also a nice one.

pokemon such as: celebi, av azumarill, mega venusaur, sash breloom, etc that can deal with different water-types are good partners also. also, things to deal with bulky and offensive grounds so think azumarill, rotom-w, keldeo, starmie (espec bulky variants).

please get pjab and sacred sword out of oo, they're garbage... half the point of iron head is nice flinches, poison chance is not better. the def drops are so rarely relevant that i almost guarantee if you use sacred sword (i have), you will never use it.

other checks to mention: scarf garchomp, clefable, mixed def amoonguss, venu mega, medicham mega (fake out even breaks sash so it only gets rocks or an attack which only even does about half), cune, fat starmie.

approved 1/3
ok. movesets look good, no issues there...

mention hw latias with the sash rocks set, self-explanatory hw + sash mon = 2x mon. also mention how it's a great mon to pressure slower defoggers (taunt and power) and it's not like the latis want to switch in. pokemon like tyranitar and bisharp to capitalize on/trap lati@s also make for good partners. jirachi is also a nice one.

pokemon such as: celebi, av azumarill, mega venusaur, sash breloom, etc that can deal with different water-types are good partners also. also, things to deal with bulky and offensive grounds so think azumarill, rotom-w, keldeo, starmie (espec bulky variants).

please get pjab and sacred sword out of oo, they're garbage... half the point of iron head is nice flinches, poison chance is not better. the def drops are so rarely relevant that i almost guarantee if you use sacred sword (i have), you will never use it.

other checks to mention: scarf garchomp, clefable, mixed def amoonguss, venu mega, medicham mega (fake out even breaks sash so it only gets rocks or an attack which only even does about half), cune, fat starmie.

approved 1/3


For the Checks, I added Bulky Fairy and Poison types, while also added physically defensive behemoths such as Suicune and Chesnaught.
I feel like Rock Slide should be slashed next to Iron Head on the Choice Band set just for sheer accuracy especially since sometimes this is a Mega Pinsir check and you don't want to miss. Idk i'm just iffy about giving Iron Head its own slot. Anyway 2/3
Toxic is way more useful than Iron Head. Why use Iron Head when you can just spam Stone Edge and still easily 2HKO Clefable? Let's be serious, being locked to Iron Head is freaking horrible, even more horrible than being locked to Toxic. At least Quick Attack lets you revenge kill stuff. Toxic lets you cripple checks such as physically defensive Hippowdon, Slowbro, Lando-T, and Cresselia, which is nice. The best moveset imo is CC / Stone Edge / (Toxic / Rock Slide) / Quick Attack.
Most of the teammates that I would mention were covered by Jukain except bulky SD Mega Scizor. Terrakion beats Zapdos, Heatran, Mega Charizard Y, and defensive Mega Charizard X for Scizor. In return, Scizor can set up on Hippowdon, defensive Landorus-T, Tangrowth without HP Fire, and Chesnaught as well as check Azumarill and Lati@s.

Edit: Forgot about Kyurem-B for its ability to beat a large range of Terrakion's check and counters.
Toxic is way more useful than Iron Head. Why use Iron Head when you can just spam Stone Edge and still easily 2HKO Clefable? Let's be serious, being locked to Iron Head is freaking horrible, even more horrible than being locked to Toxic. At least Quick Attack lets you revenge kill stuff. Toxic lets you cripple checks such as physically defensive Hippowdon, Slowbro, Lando-T, and Cresselia, which is nice. The best moveset imo is CC / Stone Edge / (Toxic / Rock Slide) / Quick Attack.

idk know about this, need some more QC opinions on this, for now I'm gonna go CC / Stone Edge / Quick Attack / (X-scissor / Rock Slide / Toxic)
Toxic or Rock Slide or whatever is fine for that third slot, I guess. It's not like you use it much anyway, lol. More often than not you're just spamming Close Combat, and most of the rest of the time you're hitting Fighting resists with Stone Edge. The other two slots are luxury for the most part. Each of those filler moves (Earthquake, Iron Head, X-Scissor, Zen Headbutt, Toxic, Rock Slide, whatever) are just there for the once in a blue moon time that you need to beat a certain check or counter a little more easily. The only real reason I think Quick Attack deserves its own slash is because priority is arguably going to be more consistently useful, but that's just me. Toxic and Rock Slide are sort of unique in that Toxic is a more permanent way to cripple an opponent and can wear down counters even after Terrakion has left the field, while Rock Slide does pretty much everything that Stone Edge does with regards to coverage, but with more accuracy (pretty much what aim said). The rest of them are just "coverage for random threat X," and now that I think about it more, I'm not sure one coverage move really stands out the best one (although X-Scissor does help with a larger list of Pokemon than the other moves). I guess what you could do is slash Rock Slide and Toxic for that slot and then just mention the coverage moves in Moves or Set Details along with the specific opponents they help with (Iron Head for Clefable, X-Scissor for Celebi and other bulky Psychics, Zen Headbutt for Mega Venusaur, and Earthquake for the near guaranteed OHKO on Mega Mawile).