Quilladin QC (3/3)



Quilladin has a number of things that make it viable in the NU metagame, such as its great physical bulk and access to Spikes. Due to this fact, it can check / wall many physical attackers like Feraligatr, Kangaskhan, Klingklang and figthing types in the tier. It's unique ability Bullet Proof let's it set up on the most threatening wall's in the tier , Vileplume and Ferroseed. Quilladin has access to reliable recovery and phazing, giving it an advantage over its rival Ferroseed. To the downside it has poor special bulk and weak to most of the common special attackers. Quilladin lacks offensive pressure and is a set up bait without Roar. It faces tough competition from other grass walls such as Tangela, Ferroseed, Vileplume and Spikers such as Accelgor, Omastar, Crustle, as they perform their respective roles better and is over shadowed by them.

Hazard Setter
name: Hazard Setter
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Wood Hammer
move 3: Synthesis
move 4: Roar
ability: Bulletproof
item: Eviolite
evs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
nature: Impish

  • Spikes is the essence of this set, which does decent amount of damage, to the opponents pokemon upon switching in, making it easier for the sweepers to clean.
  • Wood Hammer is its STAB, which does decent amount of damage to neutral hits taking minimal recoil.
  • Synthesis recovers the active and recoil damage taken, making it reliable spiker and increasing its longetivity.
  • Roar is the phazing move, not making it a set-up bait and is very useful in spike’s stalling.
Set Details
  • HP and defense EV's maximizes its physical defense letting it survive at least one Brave Bird / Acrobatics from Swellow and Archeops and tank hits from the likes of Kangaskhan, Klingklang, Hariyama efficiently.
  • Eviolite boost's its defenses by 50%, increasing its overall bulk to a large extent.
  • With Bulletproof it is immune to all ball and bomb moves like Sludge Bomb, Shadow Ball, Weather Ball, Focus Blast.
Usage Tips
  • Even though it can tank Knock Off, try to avoid getting knocked off to keep his capabilities intact.
  • Quilladin sets up Spikes on resisted physical attackers such as Feraligatr, Rhydon, Golem, Golurk, and other weak physical attackers.
  • Can be used throughout the game to set up hazards more than one time and simultaneously check all physical attackers it is not weak to.
  • Most notable for switching into defensive Vileplume, taking negligible damage from its attacks and getting a free turn to set up. But beware of the occasional Hidden Power fire.
  • Appreciates Wish support and likes to be at full health.
  • Works well in balanced and stall teams.

Team Options
  • Pokemon such as Seismitoad, Dragalge, Assault Vest Hariyama, Camerupt, Poliwrath which take on fire attacks well make good team mates.
  • Rhydon, Golem, Steelix make good teammates as they take on Flying attacks for Quilladin and set-up Stealth Rock for the team.
  • Probopass makes a great partner as it covers Quilladin's ice and flying weakness and inturn it covers its ground and fighting weakness.
  • Audino and Lickylicky make good partners as they are good clerics and cover the weak special defense of Quilladin and force switches.
  • Spinblockers such as Mismagius, Spiritomb, Golurk, Rotom make good teammates.
  • All the sweepers, wallbreakers, cleaners such as Feraligatr, Typhlosion, Slurpuff, Tauros enjoy the residual damage by Spikes as it makes it easy for them to sweep.
  • Quilladin is hazard fodder for most spikes stackers, so to keep your side clean, it is advisable to use spinners such as Cryogonal and Sandslash.
Other Options
  • Leech Seed + Protect, can be used as an alternative source of recovery, and protect can be used to scout opponents moves, but then you lose the ability to beat Vileplume and Ferroseed.
  • Taunt can be used on Ferroseed to stop it from setting up along with Quilladin.
  • Toxic can be used to wear off bulky walls.
  • Body Slam, induces paralysis crippling the opponent and does decent damage.
Checks & Counters

**Fire-Types**: Typhlosion, Pyroar, Magmortar, Flareon, Rapidash, Simisear, Ninetales OHKO Quilladin with their STAB moves. Defensive Camerupt and Torkoal dent it with their STABS, while taking very less damage from Wood Hammer.

**Ice-Types**: Cryogonal can threaten a Quilladin with its STAB's, spinning away its Spikes. Jynx, Rotom-Freeze, Articuno, Glaceon can finish off a weakened Quilladin easily with their STABS. It is to be noted that Jynx and Cryogonal can't switch to a Wood Hammer as it OHKO's them after Stealth Rocks.

**Flying-Types**: Swellow, Dodrio and Archeops 2HKO a healthy Quilladin with STAB Brave Bird . Special attackers such as Vivillon, Swanna can threaten to OHKO Quilladin with their STAB Hurricane. Swanna notably defog's its Spikes. Chatot and Rotom-fan 2HKO quilladin with their respective STABS. Defensive Pelliper can 2-3HKO a Quilladin and defog its spikes, taking less damage from wood hammer.

**Special Attackers**: Special attackers such as Mesprit, Xatu, Slurpuff deal a lot of damage with Flamethrower/Heat Wave, Xatu can bounce its Spikes courtesy Magic Guard. Gorebyss and Omastar after Shell Smash OHKO Quilladin with Ice Beam. Ludicolo and Samurott can finish a weakened Quilladin with Ice Beam. Accelgor threatens it with Bug Buzz.

**Bouffalant**: It switches on a Wood Hammer and does massive damage with Megahorn and OHKO's it, if it runs Choice Band.

**Knock Off**: Even though Quilladin can tank a STAB Knockoff, it loses its ability to some extent to wall physical attackers.
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remove leech seed and protect since if you use them you no longer "beat" vileplume and ferroseed which is one of the main reasons to use quilladin
We don't use the phrase "crux of the set" around here no more, use literally anything else to phrase this.
maybe people should open up their vocabularies more ?_?

Jokes aside, you should describe what hits you take significantly better with fully investing in HP and Defense that you wouldn't otherwise in Set Details.
Mention Xatu in CC beacuse it literally switches in on everything Quill would want to do and scare it out with STAB/ Heatwave

Other than that you have all the necessary stuff and it looks really solid, enough for at least one check

[QC 1/3]
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Mention Xatu in CC beacuse it literally switches in on everything Quill would want to do and scare it out with STAB/ Heatwave

Other than that you have all the necessary stuff and it looks really solid, enough for at least one check

qc 1/3
Xatu was already mentioned under special attackers in C&C. I updated it and made a mention of magic guard :)
Talk about Quilladin's numerous weaknesses in the Overview.

Mention relevant attacks that Bulletproff blocks (ex: not Aura Sphere :/ ).

Remove mentions of Choice Specs Vileplume, it's not getting a set. Keep HP Fire Plume tho.

In C&C, as you gloss over each type of counter, highlight hazard removers such as Cryogonal, Swanna, and Pelipper.

QC 2/3