NU Swellow


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is bird


Swellow is an amazing late-game sweeper with its Guts-boosted attacks and amazing Speed. Its immunities and resistances, coupled with pivoting moves and double switches, make it easy for Swellow to switch in relatively safely and activate its Toxic Orb. However, Swellow is extremely frail, and its weakness to Stealth Rock makes it hard to switch in too often. A surprise Choice Specs set can catch many of Swellow's normal checks and counters off-guard and doesn't require any setup, though it is still walled by the common Rock- and Steel-types in the metagame. Because of this, Swellow should generally be saved for the later stages of the game when these Pokemon have been removed.

name: Guts
move 1: Facade
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Quick Attack / Protect
ability: Guts
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Facade is Swellow's best STAB move after Guts is activated. Brave Bird is a good secondary STAB move that allows Swellow to hit Ghost-types hard, but it must be used sparingly due to Swellow's low HP. U-turn allows Swellow to switch out against its checks and counters while still dealing damage, though you should avoid switching Swellow in too often due to its Stealth Rock weakness. Quick Attack allows Swellow to defeat Sucker Punch users and damage opposing priority and Choice Scarf users. Protect is also an option that makes it easy to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb, though it becomes significantly less useful afterwards.

Set Details

A status Orb is required in order to activate Guts, as Toxic poison or burn together with Guts allow Swellow to hit extremely hard. A Toxic Orb is preferred, but a Flame Orb may be used to deal less damage to Swellow over the course of four turns, though Swellow should not be staying in for more than three turns unless it is in a position to sweep. To maximize Swellow's sweeping capabilities, Attack and Speed are fully invested in. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, and more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Jolly nature is used so that Swellow can outspeed as many threats as possible.

Usage Tips

If Swellow is not using Protect, it will have to rely on pivot moves and double switches to activate Toxic Orb. Timing and prediction are key in this regard and in using Swellow in general. One should try to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb as soon as possible so that Swellow has more utility throughout the battle. Early- or mid-game, Swellow should mainly be using U-turn in order to wear down its checks and counters. Just don't bring Swellow into battle too often, as its weakness to Stealth Rock will quickly deplete Swellow's valuable HP. Always try to predict when your opponent is switching in a Pokemon that resists one of Swellow's moves; Swellow cannot afford to waste turns because it loses HP so quickly due to Stealth Rock and Toxic damage.

Team Options

Slow Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass users such as Probopass, Lanturn, and Musharna are highly recommended in order to safely activate Swellow's Toxic Orb. Swellow already loses HP from Toxic damage and does not appreciate more residual damage from Stealth Rock, so spinners or Defoggers such as Sandslash, Cryogonal, or Pelipper are very useful teammates. As most of Swellow's counters are grounded, Spikes users such as Garbodor and Accelgor are excellent teammates that can wear them down via usage of said Spikes. Fighting- and Ground-types such as Gurdurr, Choice Band Sawk, and Golurk are great teammates that beat the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Swellow. Teammates that use Rock- and Steel-types as setup opportunities, such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr, are great teammates that make use of the momentum Swellow gains with U-turn.

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Endeavor
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
ability: Scrappy
item: Choice Specs
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Boomburst is a STAB move that is able to hit Ghost-types due to Scrappy, bypass Substitute, and make up for Swellow's lackluster Special Attack stat with its high Base Power. U-turn allows Swellow to maintain momentum when your opponent brings in their main check or counter. Endeavor makes use of Swellow's Stealth Rock weakness and frailty to cripple most Pokemon, most notably Steel- or Rock-types. Hidden Power Fighting is used solely to hurt Steel- and Rock-types, most notably Air Balloon Probopass and Pawniard, when they are weakened or when Swellow is at high enough health for Endeavor to be useless. Hidden Power Water can be used instead of Hidden Power Fighting for more damage against Golem and Rhydon, but it lacks power against Steel-types. Sleep Talk is also an option for the last slot, as it makes Swellow an effective sleep absorber. However, it should only be used with Boomburst and U-turn in order to avoid Sleep Talk selecting Endeavor or Hidden Power.

Set Details

Choice Specs is the only option for an item, as Swellow lacks power otherwise due to its poor Special Attack stat. Maximum investment in Special Attack and Speed raises Swellow's damage output. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but more importantly to allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Timid nature allows Swellow to outspeed as many threats as possible. A Modest nature can be used instead to increase Swellow's damage output, but it would no longer outspeed positive-natured base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Archeops. Scrappy is the best ability for this set, as it allows Boomburst to hit Ghost-types.

Usage Tips

This set works best as a lure for most physically defensive Pokemon, such as Weezing, Qwilfish, and Granbull, wearing them down for Swellow's physically offensive teammates. During the early stages of the game, make use of U-turn to scout your opponent's initial check or counter to Swellow. In order to accomplish this, Swellow should only switch in after one of your Pokemon faints in order to maintain the facade of the Guts set as long as possible. If your opponent's main check or counter to a physical Swellow set is a physically defensive Pokemon, striking them with Boomburst is also an effective strategy to allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of their weakened defensive Pokemon. Swellow is best used as a revenge killer, though it does very well as a late-game sweeper. If Swellow is at low health while its counters are still healthy, it is best to simply cripple them with Endeavor and allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of the situation. Hidden Power should only be used when it inflicts super effective damage and Boomburst is resisted, as otherwise you are better off using Boomburst.

Team Options

This set allows Swellow to cripple many of its usual checks and counters, so Pokemon that share counters with the Guts set, such as Sawk, Gurdurr, Zangoose, and Barbaracle, make good teammates. In addition, Pokemon such as Golurk, Sawk, and Magmortar that can beat Rock- and Steel-types are good teammates. Rock- and Steel-types are also great setup opportunities for Pokemon such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr, which can make great use of the momentum Swellow gains from U-turn. Spinners and Defoggers such as Sandslash, Cryogonal, and Pelipper are useful teammates that help to keep Stealth Rock from whittling away at Swellow's HP.

Other Options

Roost can be used alongside a Flame Orb on the Guts set to keep Swellow healthy, but Swellow prefers to be a hit-and-run attacker early-game, and it does not require longevity when it sweeps late-game. Defog can be used on either set, but being locked into it allows your opponent to set up, and Guts Swellow prefers to attack. An Agility + Baton Pass set can be used, but Ninjask is simply better at passing Speed boosts. Air Slash can be used as a secondary STAB move for the Choice Specs set, but the flinch chance does not make up for the fact that Boomburst hits almost everything harder than Air Slash does. A Choice Band + Scrappy set can be used, but it does not beat anything that the Guts set does not. Pursuit can be used on the Guts set, as Swellow forces many switches, but Swellow generally does not have room for it. Heat Wave is a good move for the Choice Specs set, but it is incompatible with Boomburst, which is the main draw of the set.

Checks & Counters

**Rock- and Steel-types**: Pokemon such as Probopass, Regirock, and specially defensive Steelix completely wall Swellow that lack Endeavor. However, Probopass must be wary of Hidden Power Fighting.

**Priority Moves**: Most priority moves can cripple Swellow, while Sucker Punch forces Swellow to play around it.

**Faster Pokemon**: Due to its frailty, Swellow can easily be revenge killed by most faster Pokemon, as long as they can hit it at least neutrally. Of course, as Swellow is naturally very fast, most Pokemon that outspeed it carry Choice Scarf.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Pokemon with decent special bulk such as Audino and Assault Vest Muk tank most attacks from Choice Specs Swellow, although they lose to physical variants.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Granbull, Avalugg, Piloswine, and Uxie are some examples of physically defensive Pokemon that can withstand at least one attack from Guts Swellow and retaliate, though many of these Pokemon lose to the Choice Specs set.

  • Swellow is an amazing late game sweeper with its amazing Speed and Guts boosted attacks
  • It can run a surprisingly decent special attacking set to catch its normal checks and counters off guard
  • A couple of immunities and resistances, coupled with pivots and double switches make it possible to bring Swellow in safely
  • Extremely frail and weak to Stealth Rock
  • Is still walled by common Rock- and Steel-types

name: Guts
move 1: Facade
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Quick Attack / Protect
ability: Guts
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

  • Facade is Swellow's best STAB move after Guts is activated
  • Brave Bird allows Swellow to hit Ghost-types hard and is STAB, though it must be used sparingly due to recoil
  • U-turn allows Swellow to switch out against its checks and counters while still dealing some damage
  • Quick Attack is preferred to damage frail threats and priority users, while creating mind games with Sucker Punch users
  • Protect is an option if you need a guaranteed turn to activate Toxic Orb, though it becomes rather useless after Toxic Orb is activated

Set Details
  • Toxic Orb is required in order to activate Guts
  • Attack and Speed are fully invested to maximize Swellow's sweeping capabilities
  • The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, while maintaining an odd HP stat in order to switch into battle 5 times while Stealth Rock is up
  • A Jolly nature is the best nature in order to outspeed as many threats as possible
  • Flame Orb can be used instead of Toxic Orb as it deals less damage over the course of 4 turns, but Swellow should not be staying in past 3 turns regardless unless it is already in a position to sweep

Usage Tips
  • If Swellow is not using Protect, Swellow will have to rely on pivots and double switches to activate Toxic Orb, so timing and prediction are key in this regard
  • Try to activate Toxic Orb as soon as possible so that Swellow has more utility throughout the battle
  • Early to mid game, Swellow should mainly be using U-turn to wear down its checks and counters
  • Always try to predict when your opponent is bringing in a Pokemon that resists one of Swellow's moves, as Swellow cannot afford wasted turns when it loses HP so rapidly from Toxic damage and entry hazards

Team Options
  • Slow Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass users, such as Probopass, Lanturn and Musharna, are highly recommended in order to safely bring Swellow into battle and activate its Toxic Orb
  • Swellow already loses HP from Toxic damage and does not appreciate more residual damage from Stealth Rock, so spinners such as Sandslash and Cryogonal, or Defoggers such as Pelipper, are very useful teammates
  • As most of Swellow's counters are grounded, Spikers such as Garbodor and Omastar are excellent teammates to wear them down
  • Fighting- and Ground-types are great teammates for beating the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Swellow
  • Gurdurr, Golurk and Choice Band Sawk are examples of such teammates
  • Teammates that use Rock- and Steel-types as setup opportunities, such as Gorebyss, Leafeon and Feraligatr, are great teammates to make use of the momentum Swellow gains with U-turn

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Endeavor
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
ability: Scrappy
item: Choice Specs
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid

  • Boomburst is STAB, can hit Ghost-types due to Scrappy, can bypass Substitute, and has a high enough base power to make up for Swellow's lackluster Special Attack
  • U-turn allows Swellow to maintain momentum when your opponent brings in their Swellow check or counter
  • Endeavor makes use of Swellow's Stealth Rock weakness and general fraility to cripple most Steel- or Rock-types
  • Hidden Power Fighting can be used instead to hit Steel-types such as Air Balloon Probopass and Pawniard
  • Hidden Power Grass is useful for hitting Golem, Regirock and Rhydon
  • Sleep Talk can be used to make Swellow a sleep absorber, but it would be best if you only used Boomburst and U-turn so that Endeavor and Hidden Power Ground do not end up being picked

Set Details
  • Choice Specs is the only option as otherwise Swellow lacks too much power due to its poor Special Attack stat
  • Special Attack and Speed are fully invested to maximize Swellow's damage output
  • The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to maintain an odd HP stat, which allows Swellow 4 switches into Stealth Rock and allows the most use of Endeavor at that point
  • Scrappy is the best ability as it allows Swellow to hit Ghost-types with Boomburst
  • A Modest nature is possible to add to Swellow's damage output, but it would no longer outspeed base 110 Pokemon such as Archeops

Usage Tips
  • This set works best as a lure for most physically defensive Pokemon, such as Weezing, Qwilfish, and Granbull, wearing them down for Swellow's teammates to take advantage of
  • Immediate use of U-turn also allows Swellow to bluff the standard Guts set, meaning that it can catch its normal checks and counters off guard later in the game with Boomburst's high Base Power.
  • Boomburst should be used after your intial scouting, as its high power generally catches most of Swellow's usual counters off guard
  • Swellow is best used as a revenge killer, but it does very well at sweeping later in the game
  • If Swellow is at low health while its counters are still healthy, it is best to simply cripple them with Endeavor and allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of the situation
  • Hidden Power should only be used when they can inflict super effective damage, as otherwise you are better off using Boomburst

Team Options
  • This set allows Swellow to cripple many of its usual counters, so Pokemon that share similar counters are good teammates to take advantage of this fact
  • Sawk, Gurdurr, Zangoose, and Barbaracle are some Pokemon that share similar counters to Swellow, making them good teammates
  • Teammates that can beat Rock- and Steel-types are good teammates. These include Golurk, Sawk, and Magmortar
  • Teammates that use Rock- and Steel-types as setup opportunities, such as Gorebyss, Leafeon and Feraligatr, are great teammates to make use of the momentum Swellow gains from U-turn
  • Spinners and Defoggers are useful teammates to keep Stealth Rock from whittling away at Swellow's HP, with Sandslash, Cryogonal, and Pelipper being good options

Other Options
  • Roost can be used alongside a Flame Orb Guts set to keep Swellow healthy, but Swellow prefers to hit and run early game, and it doesn't require longevity when it is sweeping late game
  • Defog can be used on the Choice Specs set, but being locked into it is dangerous. It can be used on the Guts set, but that set prefers to attack
  • Agility and Baton Pass can be used, but Ninjask is better at passing Speed
  • Heat Wave is illegal with Boomburst
  • Air Slash is another STAB move for the Specs set that has a decent flinch chance, although Boomburst usually hits most things harder
  • A Choice Band set with Scrappy is a possibility, though it doesn't beat anything that the Guts set doesn't already beat
  • Pursuit can be used on the Guts set as Swellow forces many switches, though it generally does not have room for it

Checks & Counters

**Rock- and Steel-types**: Pokemon such as Probopass, Regirock, and specially defensive Steelix completely wall Swellow unless it uses Endeavor

**Spiritomb**: It is immune to Facade and Quick Attack, and can threaten Swellow with Sucker Punch. It must watch out for Brave Bird though

**Priority Moves**: Most priority moves can cripple Swellow, while Sucker Punch forces Swellow to play around it

**Faster Pokemon**: Due to its fraility, Swellow can easily be revenge killed by most faster Pokemon as long as they can hit it at least neutrally. Of course, most of these are Choice Scarf Pokemon as Swellow is naturally faster than most Pokemon

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Pokemon with decent Special bulk, such as Audino and Assault Vest Muk, can tank most attacks from Choice Specs Swellow, although they lose to Guts variants

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Granbull, Avalugg, Piloswine, and Uxie are some examples of physically defensive Pokemon who can withstand at least one attack from Guts Swellow and retaliate, though many lose to the Choice Specs set
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I would remove Air Slash and slash in Sleep Talk on the specs set, as it can work as a sleep absorber, and Boomburst hits everything that Air Slash would harder. If you do this, I would mention in set details that if you do opt to run sleep talk, a set of just Boomburst / U-turn / Sleep Talk would be better so you don't accidentally pull Endeavor or HP ground with Sleep talk. In the more general case though, a set of Boom / HP Ground / Endeavor / U-turn is just fine.
also be sure to make clear in Usage tips that Specs Set is used as lure primarily to pave the way for other physical attackers late game.
I would remove Air Slash and slash in Sleep Talk on the specs set, as it can work as a sleep absorber, and Boomburst hits everything that Air Slash would harder. If you do this, I would mention in set details that if you do opt to run sleep talk, a set of just Boomburst / U-turn / Sleep Talk would be better so you don't accidentally pull Endeavor or HP ground with Sleep talk. In the more general case though, a set of Boom / HP Ground / Endeavor / U-turn is just fine.
also be sure to make clear in Usage tips that Specs Set is used as lure primarily to pave the way for other physical attackers late game.

I'll put Sleep Talk in Moves rather than a slash because the moves already on it are just generally better. It'll get a big mention in Moves though. Everything else has been added.
Since Swellow is hard to outspeed naturally, mention that most Pokemon used to revenge Swellow are Choice Scarf users, in the "Faster Pokemon" section in C&C.

QC 2/3
mention a few things that Boomburst lures specifically

add some setup sweepers that can take advantage of Rock/Steels, like Gorebyss, to both sets in Team Options because of U-turn and stuff

I wouldn't mention Spiritomb is immune to Endeavor in checks and counters because the Guts set isn't running that.

yeah this is straightforward and I'm sure you'll be able to do these so QC 3/3
mention a few things that Boomburst lures specifically

add some setup sweepers that can take advantage of Rock/Steels, like Gorebyss, to both sets in Team Options because of U-turn and stuff

I wouldn't mention Spiritomb is immune to Endeavor in checks and counters because the Guts set isn't running that.

yeah this is straightforward and I'm sure you'll be able to do these so QC 3/3

Done scorpdestroyer will write up soon. Thanks! :)
WhiteDMist for once, HP Fighting is actually better than HP Ground on something in NU. Missed out on Metang in exchange for hitting Balloon Probopass and getting an OHKO on Pawniard, which are more important than hitting Metang.
amcheck :) Trying out some color coding, please let me know if it's not readable

add remove (comments)

(line breaks after headers can improve readability but are not necessary)
Swellow is an amazing late-game (dash) sweeper with its Guts-boosted attacks and amazing Speed. A few Its immunities and resistances, coupled with pivoting moves and double switches, makes it possible for Swellow to switch in relatively safely and activate its Toxic Orb. Despite all of this However, Swellow is extremely frail, (comma) and its weakness to Stealth Rock makes it hard to switch in. A surprise Choice Specs set can catch many of Swellow's normal checks and counters off guard, and doesn't require any setting up, though. Even so, it is still walled by the common Rock- and Steel-types in the metagame. (period) so Because of this, Swellow should generally be saved for the later stages of the game.

name: Guts
move 1: Facade
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Quick Attack / Protect
ability: Guts
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Facade is Swellow's best STAB move, especially after Guts is activated through a status effect. Brave Bird is a good secondary STAB move that allows Swellow to hit Ghost-types hard, but it must be used sparingly due to Swellow's low HP. U-turn allows Swellow to switch out against its checks and counters while still dealing damage, but though you should avoid switching Swellow in too often due to its Stealth Rock weakness. Quick Attack is the preferred move for the last slot, as it allows Swellow to defeat Sucker Punch users and damage opposing priority users. Protect is still also an viable option to make it easy to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb, though it becomes significantly less useful afterwards.

Set Details

A Toxic Orb is required in order to activate Guts. To maximize Swellow's sweeping capabilities, Attack and Speed are fully invested with EVs. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they most importantly allows Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into battle 5 Stealth Rock five times while Stealth Rock is on your field. A Jolly nature is used so that the best nature to use in order for Swellow to can outspeed as many threats as possible. A Flame Orb can be used instead of a Toxic Orb as it to deals less damage over the course of 4 four turns, but Swellow should not be staying in past 3 three turns regardless unless it is already in a position to sweep.

Usage Tips

If Swellow is not using Protect, Swellow it will have to rely on pivot moves and double switches to activate Toxic Orb. Timing and prediction are key in this regard, and in using Swellow in general. One should try and to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb as soon as possible so that Swellow has more utility throughout the battle. Early-to-mid Early- or mid-game, Swellow should mainly be using U-turn in order to wear down its checks and counters. Just don't bring Swellow into battle too often, as its weakness to Stealth Rock will quickly deplete Swellow's valuable HP. Always try to predict when your opponent is switching in a Pokemon that resists one of Swellow's moves, as Swellow cannot afford to waste any turns when because it loses HP so quickly due to Stealth Rock and Toxic damage.

Team Options

Slow Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass users, (remove comma) such as Probopass, Lanturn and Musharna, (remove comma) are highly recommended in order to safely bring activate Swellow's into battle and activate its Toxic Orb. Swellow already loses HP from Toxic damage and does not appreciate more residual damage from Stealth Rock, so spinners such as Sandslash and Cryogonal, (remove comma) or Defoggers such as Pelipper, (remove comma) are very useful teammates. As most of Swellow's counters are grounded, Spikers such as Garbodor and Omastar are excellent teammates to wear them down. (remove line break) Fighting- and Ground-types such as Gurdurr, Golurk, and Choice Band Sawk are great teammates for beating to beat the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Swellow. Gurdurr, Golurk and Choice Band Sawk are examples of such teammates. Teammates such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr that use Rock- and Steel-types as setup opportunities, such as Gorebyss, Leafeon and Feraligatr, are great teammates to make use of the momentum Swellow gains with U-turn.

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Endeavor
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
ability: Scrappy
item: Choice Specs
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Boomburst is the main STAB move of this set, being is a STAB move that is able to hit Ghost-types due to Scrappy, bypasses Substitute, and has a high enough Base Power to make up for Swellow's lackluster Special Attack stat. U-turn allows Swellow to maintain momentum when your opponent brings in their main check or counter to Swellow. Endeavor makes use of Swellow's Stealth Rock weakness and general frailty to cripple most Steel- or Rock-types. Hidden Power Fighting is used solely to hurt Steel- and Rock-types, most notably Air Balloon Probopass and Pawniard, when they are weakened or when Swellow is at high enough health for Endeavor to be useless, most notably Air Balloon Probopass and Pawniard. Hidden Power Grass can be used instead for more effective damage against Golem and Rhydon, but it lacks power against Steel-types. Sleep Talk is also an possible option for the last slot as it makes Swellow an effective sleep absorber. However, it should only be used with Boomburst and U-turn in order to avoid Sleep Talk accidentally selecting Endeavor or Hidden Power.

Set Details

Choice Specs is the only option for an item, as Swellow lacks too much power otherwise due to its poor Special Attack stat. For this reason, it is best to invest all the EVs possible Maximum investment in Special Attack and Speed to maximizes Swellow's damage output. TThe remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they most importantly allows Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into battle 5 Stealth Rock five times while Stealth Rock is on your field. A Timid nature is the best nature to use in order for allows Swellow to outspeed as many threats as possible. A Modest nature can be used instead to increase Swellow's damage output, but it would no longer outspeed positive nature base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Archeops. Scrappy is the best ability for this set, as it allows Boomburst Swellow to hit Ghost-types with Boomburst.

Usage Tips

This set works best as a lure for most physically defensive Pokemon, such as Weezing, Qwilfish, and Granbull, wearing them down for Swellow's physically offensive teammates to take advantage of. During the early stages of the game, make use of U-turn to scout your opponent's initial check or counter to Swellow. Immediate use of U-turn also helps allows Swellow to bluff the standard Guts set, meaning that Swellow it can catch its normal checks and counters off guard later in the game with Boomburst's high power. Boomburst should be used after your initial scouting of your opponent's team, as its high power generally catches most of Swellow's normal checks and counters off guard. Swellow is best used as a revenge killer, but though it does very well as a late-game (dash) sweeper. If Swellow is at low health while its counters are still healthy, it is best to simply cripple them with Endeavor and allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of the situation. Hidden Power should only be used when they can it inflicts super effective damage and Boomburst is resisted, as otherwise you are better off using Boomburst.

Team Options

This set allows Swellow to cripple many of its usual checks and counters, so Pokemon that share similar counters to with the Guts set can take advantage of this, making them are good teammates to take advantage of this. Sawk, Gurdurr, Zangoose and Barbaracle are some teamamtes that share similar counters to with Guts Swellow, making them great teammates. Teammates Pokemon such as Golurk, Sawk, and Magmortar that can beat Rock- and Steel-types are good teammates. Golurk, Sawk and Magmortar are some good teammates that for this reason. Of course, these Rock- and Steel-types are also great setup opportunities for Pokemon such as Gorebyss, Leafeon and Feraligatr, and they which also make great use of the momentum Swellow gains from U-turn. Spinners such as Sandslash and Cryogonal and Defoggers such as Pelipper are useful teammates to keep help to keep Stealth Rock from whittling away at Swellow's HP. Sandslash and Cryogonal are a couple of the best spinners to use with Swellow, while Pelipper is a good teammate that provides Defog support.

Other Options

Roost can be used alongside a Flame Orb on the Guts set to keep Swellow healthy, but Swellow prefers to be a hit-and-run attacker early in the game, and it does not require longevity when to it sweeps late-game (dash). Defog can be used on the Choice Specs either set, but being locked into it is dangerous as it allows opportunities for your opponent to set up, and Guts Swellow prefers to attack. Defog can also be used on the Guts set, but any Swellow that uses this set prefers to attack at all times. Agility and + (plus) Baton Pass can be used, but Ninjask is simply better at passing Speed boosts. Air Slash is can be used as a secondary STAB move for the Choice Specs set, but the flinch chance does not make up for the fact that Boomburst hits almost everything Air Slash does harder. A Choice Band + Scrappy set can be used with Scrappy, but it does not beat anything that the Guts set doesn't already beat. Pursuit can be used on the Guts set as Swellow forces many switches, but it Swellow generally does not have room for it generally. Heat Wave is a good move for the Choice Specs set, but it is incompatible with alongside Boomburst, which is the main move of the set.

Checks & Counters

**Rock- and Steel-types**: Pokemon such as Probopass, Regirock, and specially defensive Steelix completely wall Swellow that lack unless it uses Endeavor.

**Spiritomb**: It Spiritomb is immune to Facade and Quick Attack, and can threaten Swellow with Sucker Punch. It must watch out for Brave Bird though.

**Priority Moves**: Most priority moves can cripple Swellow, while Sucker Punch forces Swellow to play around it.

**Faster Pokemon**: Due to its frailty, Swellow can easily be revenge killed by most faster Pokemon as long as they can hit it at least neutrally. Of course, as Swellow is naturally faster than most Pokemon, most Pokemon that outspeed it carry Choice Scarf of these are Choice Scarf Pokemon as Swellow is naturally faster than most Pokemon.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Pokemon with decent special bulk, such as Audino and Assault Vest Muk, can tank most attacks from Choice Specs Swellow, although they lose to Guts variants.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Granbull, Avalugg, Piloswine, and Uxie are some examples of physically defensive Pokemon who can withstand at least one attack from Guts Swellow and retaliate, though many lose to the Choice Specs set.
Am Check



Swellow is an amazing late-game sweeper with its Guts-boosted attacks and amazing Speed. Its immunities and resistances, coupled with pivoting moves and double switches, make it possible for Swellow to switch in relatively safely and activate its Toxic Orb. However, Swellow is extremely frail, and its weakness to Stealth Rock makes it hard to switch in. (This kinda contradicts itself; you just said it can switch in relatively safely) A surprise Choice Specs set can catch many of Swellow's normal checks and counters off guard off-guard and doesn't require any setting up, though it is still walled by the common Rock- and Steel-types in the metagame. Because of this, Swellow should generally be saved for the later stages of the game when these Pokemon have been removed.

name: Guts
move 1: Facade
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Quick Attack / Protect
ability: Guts
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Facade is Swellow's best STAB move after Guts is activated, (AC) as poison together with Guts makes it hit extremely hard. Brave Bird is a good secondary STAB move that allows Swellow to hit Ghost-types hard, but it must be used sparingly due to Swellow's low HP. U-turn allows Swellow to switch out against its checks and counters while still dealing damage, though you should avoid switching Swellow in too often due to its Stealth Rock weakness. Quick Attack is the preferred move for the last slot, as it allows Swellow to defeat Sucker Punch users and damage opposing priority users. Protect is also an option to make it easy to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb, though it becomes significantly less useful afterwards.

Set Details

A Toxic Orb is required in order to activate Guts. To maximize Swellow's sweeping capabilities, Attack and Speed are fully invested. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they most more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Jolly nature is used so that Swellow can outspeed as many threats as possible. A Flame Orb can be used instead of a Toxic Orb to deal less damage over the course of four turns, but Swellow should not be staying in past for more than three turns unless it is already in a position to sweep.

Usage Tips

If Swellow is not using Protect, it will have to rely on pivot moves and double switches to activate Toxic Orb. Timing and prediction are key in this regard and in using Swellow in general. One should try and activate Swellow's Toxic Orb as soon as possible so that Swellow has more utility throughout the battle. Early- or mid-game, Swellow should mainly be using U-turn in order to wear down its checks and counters. Just don't bring Swellow into battle too often, as its weakness to Stealth Rock will quickly deplete Swellow's valuable HP. Always try to predict when your opponent is switching in a Pokemon that resists one of Swellow's moves, as Swellow cannot afford to waste turns because it loses HP so quickly due to Stealth Rock and Toxic damage.

Team Options

Slow Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass users such as Probopass, Lanturn and Musharna are highly recommended in order to safely activate Swellow's Toxic Orb. Swellow already loses HP from Toxic damage and does not appreciate more residual damage from Stealth Rock, so spinners such as Sandslash and Cryogonal or Defoggers such as Pelipper are very useful teammates. As most of Swellow's counters are grounded, Spikers such as Garbodor and Omastar are excellent teammates to wear them down. Fighting- and Ground-types, (RC) such as Gurdurr, Golurk, (RC) and Choice Band Sawk, and Golurk are great teammates to beat the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Swellow. Teammates, (RC) such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr, (RC) that use Rock- and Steel-types as setup opportunities such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr are great teammates to make use of the momentum Swellow gains with U-turn.

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Endeavor
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
ability: Scrappy
item: Choice Specs
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Boomburst is a STAB move that is able to hit Ghost-types due to Scrappy, bypasses Substitute, and has a high enough Base Power to make up for Swellow's lackluster Special Attack stat. U-turn allows Swellow to maintain momentum when your opponent brings in their main check or counter to Swellow. Endeavor makes use of Swellow's Stealth Rock weakness and general frailty to cripple most Steel- or Rock-types. Hidden Power Fighting is used solely to hurt Steel- and Rock-types, most notably Air Balloon Probopass and Pwniard Pawniard, when they are weakened or when Swellow is at high enough health for Endeavor to be useless. Hidden Power Grass can be used instead of Hidden Power Fighting for more damage against Golem and Rhydon, but it lacks power against Steel-types. Sleep Talk is also an option for the last slot, (AC) as it makes Swellow an effective sleep absorber. However, it should only be used with Boomburst and U-turn in order to avoid Sleep Talk selecting Endeavor or Hidden Power.

Set Details

Choice Specs is the only option for an item, as Swellow lacks too much power otherwise due to its poor Special Attack stat. Maximum investment in Special Attack and Speed maximizes raise Swellow's damage output. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they most more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock five four times. (You say four times in the previous Set Details) A Timid nature allows Swellow to outspeed as many threats as possible. A Modest nature can be used instead to increase Swellow's damage output, but it would no longer outspeed positive nature base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Archeops. Scrappy is the best ability for this set, as it allows Boomburst to hit Ghost-types.

Usage Tips

This set works best as a lure for most physically defensive Pokemon, such as Weezing, Qwilfish, and Granbull, wearing them down for Swellow's physically offensive teammates. During the early stages of the game, make use of U-turn to scout your opponent's initial check or counter to Swellow. Immediate use of U-turn also allows Swellow to bluff the standard Guts set, meaning that it can catch its normal checks and counters off guard later in the game with Boomburst's high power Base Power. Swellow is best used as a revenge killer, though it does very well as a late-game sweeper. If Swellow is at low health while its counters are still healthy, it is best to simply cripple them with Endeavor and allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of the situation. Hidden Power should only be used when it inflicts super effective damage and Boomburst is resisted, as otherwise you are better off using Boomburst.

Team Options

This set allows Swellow to cripple many of its usual checks and counters, so Pokemon that share counters with the Guts set can take advantage of this, making them make good teammates. Sawk, Gurdurr, Zangoose and Barbaracle are all examples of Pokemon that share counters with Guts Swellow, (RC) making them great teammates. Pokemon such as Golurk, Sawk, and Magmortar that can beat Rock- and Steel-types are good teammates. Rock- and Steel-types are also great setup opportunities for Pokemon such as Gorebyss, Leafeon and Feraligatr, which and can also make great use of the momentum Swellow gains from U-turn. Spinners such as Sandslash and Cryogonal and Defoggers such as Pelipper are useful teammates to help to keep Stealth Rock from whittling away at Swellow's HP.

Other Options

Roost can be used alongside a Flame Orb on the Guts set to keep Swellow healthy, but Swellow prefers to be a hit-and-run attacker early in the game, and it does not require longevity when it sweeps late-game. Defog can be used on either set, but being locked into it allows your opponent to set up, and Guts Swellow prefers to attack. Agility + Baton Pass can be used, but Ninjask is simply better at passing Speed boosts. Air Slash can be used as a secondary STAB move for the Choice Specs set, but the flinch chance does not make up for the fact that Boomburst hits almost everything Air Slash does harder. A Choice Band + Scrappy set can be used, but it does not beat anything that the Guts set doesn't already beat. Pursuit can be used on the Guts set as Swellow forces many switches, but Swellow generally does not have room for it. Heat Wave is a good move for the Choice Specs set, but it is incompatible with Boomburst, which is the main move draw of the set.

Checks & Counters

**Rock- and Steel-types**: Pokemon such as Probopass, Regirock, and specially defensive Steelix completely wall Swellow that lack Endeavor. Probopass must be wary of Hidden Power Fighting, however.

**Priority Moves**: Most priority moves can cripple Swellow, while Sucker Punch forces Swellow to play around it.

**Faster Pokemon**: Due to its frailty, Swellow can easily be revenge killed by most faster Pokemon as long as they can hit it at least neutrally. Of course, as Swellow is naturally faster than most Pokemon very fast, most Pokemon that outspeed it carry Choice Scarf.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Pokemon with decent special bulk, (RC) such as Audino and Assault Vest Muk, (RC) can tank most attacks from Choice Specs Swellow, although they lose to Guts variants.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Granbull, Avalugg, Piloswine, and Uxie are some examples of physically defensive Pokemon who can withstand at least one attack from Guts Swellow and retaliate, though many lose to the Choice Specs set.

Swellow is an amazing late-game sweeper with its Guts-boosted attacks and amazing Speed. Its immunities and resistances, coupled with pivoting moves and double switches, make it possibleasy for Swellow to switch in relatively safely and activate its Toxic Orb. However, Swellow is extremely frail, and its weakness to Stealth Rock makes it hard to switch in too often. A surprise Choice Specs set can catch many of Swellow's normal checks and counters off-guard and doesn't require any setting up, though it is still walled by the common Rock- and Steel-types in the metagame. Because of this, Swellow should generally be saved for the later stages of the game when these Pokemon have been removed.

name: Guts
move 1: Facade
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Quick Attack / Protect
ability: Guts
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Facade is Swellow's best STAB move after Guts is activated. Brave Bird is a good secondary STAB move that allows Swellow to hit Ghost-types hard, but it must be used sparingly due to Swellow's low HP. U-turn allows Swellow to switch out against its checks and counters while still dealing damage, though you should avoid switching Swellow in too often due to its Stealth Rock weakness. Quick Attack is the preferred move for the last slot, as it allows Swellow to defeat Sucker Punch users and damage opposing priority users. Protect is also an option to make it easy to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb, though it becomes significantly less useful afterwards.

Set Details

A Toxic Orb is required in order to activate Guts, as toxic poison together with Guts makes itallows Swellow to hit extremely hard. To maximize Swellow's sweeping capabilities, Attack and Speed are fully invested in. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Jolly nature is used so that Swellow can outspeed as many threats as possible. A Flame Orb can be used instead of a Toxic Orb to deal less damage over the course of four turns, but Swellow should not be staying in for more than three turns unless it is in a position to sweep.

Usage Tips

If Swellow is not using Protect, it will have to rely on pivot moves and double switches to activate Toxic Orb. Timing and prediction are key in this regard and in using Swellow in general. One should try andto activate Swellow's Toxic Orb as soon as possible so that Swellow has more utility throughout the battle. Early- or mid-game, Swellow should mainly be using U-turn in order to wear down its checks and counters. Just don't bring Swellow into battle too often, as its weakness to Stealth Rock will quickly deplete Swellow's valuable HP. Always try to predict when your opponent is switching in a Pokemon that resists one of Swellow's moves, as Swellow cannot afford to waste turns because it loses HP so quickly due to Stealth Rock and Toxic damage.

Team Options

Slow Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass users such as Probopass, Lanturn, and Musharna are highly recommended in order to safely activate Swellow's Toxic Orb. Swellow already loses HP from Toxic damage and does not appreciate more residual damage from Stealth Rock, so spinners such as Sandslash and Cryogonal or Defoggers such as Pelipper are very useful teammates. As most of Swellow's counters are grounded, Spikes users such as Garbodor and Omastar are excellent teammates to wear them down. Fighting- and Ground-types such as Gurdurr, Choice Band Sawk, and Golurk are great teammates to beat the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Swellow. Teammates that use Rock- and Steel-types as setup opportunities, such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr, are great teammates to make use of the momentum Swellow gains with U-turn.

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Endeavor
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
ability: Scrappy
item: Choice Specs
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Boomburst is a STAB move that is able to hit Ghost-types due to Scrappy, bypasses Substitute, and has a high enough Base Power to make up for Swellow's lackluster Special Attack stat. U-turn allows Swellow to maintain momentum when your opponent brings in their main check or counter to Swellow. Endeavor makes use of Swellow's Stealth Rock weakness and general frailty to cripple most Steel- or Rock-types. Hidden Power Fighting is used solely to hurt Steel- and Rock-types, most notably Air Balloon Probopass and Pawniard, when they are weakened or when Swellow is at high enough health for Endeavor to be useless. Hidden Power Grass can be used instead of Hidden Power Fighting for more damage against Golem and Rhydon, but it lacks power against Steel-types. Sleep Talk is also an option for the last slot, as it makes Swellow an effective sleep absorber. However, it should only be used with Boomburst and U-turn in order to avoid Sleep Talk selecting Endeavor or Hidden Power.

Set Details

Choice Specs is the only option for an item, as Swellow lacks power otherwise due to its poor Special Attack stat. Maximum investment in Special Attack and Speed raises Swellow's damage output. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Timid nature allows Swellow to outspeed as many threats as possible. A Modest nature can be used instead to increase Swellow's damage output, but it would no longer outspeed positive nature base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Archeops. Scrappy is the best ability for this set, as it allows Boomburst to hit Ghost-types.

Usage Tips

This set works best as a lure for most physically defensive Pokemon, such as Weezing, Qwilfish, and Granbull, wearing them down for Swellow's physically offensive teammates. During the early stages of the game, make use of U-turn to scout your opponent's initial check or counter to Swellow. Immediate use of U-turn also allows Swellow to bluff the standard Guts set, meaning that it can catch its normal checks and counters off -guard later in the game with Boomburst's high Base Power. Swellow is best used as a revenge killer, though it does very well as a late-game sweeper. If Swellow is at low health while its counters are still healthy, it is best to simply cripple them with Endeavor and allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of the situation. Hidden Power should only be used when it inflicts super effective damage and Boomburst is resisted, as otherwise you are better off using Boomburst.

Team Options

This set allows Swellow to cripple many of its usual checks and counters, so Pokemon that share counters with the Guts set make good teammates. Sawk, Gurdurr, Zangoose and Barbaracle are examples of Pokemon that share counters with Guts Swellow. Pokemon such as Golurk, Sawk, and Magmortar that can beat Rock- and Steel-types are good teammates. Rock- and Steel-types are also great setup opportunities for Pokemon such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr, and can also make great use of the momentum Swellow gains from U-turn. Spinners such as Sandslash and Cryogonal and Defoggers such as Pelipper are useful teammates to help to keep Stealth Rock from whittling away at Swellow's HP.

Other Options

Roost can be used alongside a Flame Orb on the Guts set to keep Swellow healthy, but Swellow prefers to be a hit-and-run attacker early in the game, and it does not require longevity when it sweeps late-game. Defog can be used on either set, but being locked into it allows your opponent to set up, and Guts Swellow prefers to attack. An Agility + Baton Pass set can be used, but Ninjask is simply better at passing Speed boosts. Air Slash can be used as a secondary STAB move for the Choice Specs set, but the flinch chance does not make up for the fact that Boomburst hits almost everything Air Slash does harder. A Choice Band + Scrappy set can be used, but it does not beat anything that the Guts set doesn't already beat. Pursuit can be used on the Guts set as Swellow forces many switches, but Swellow generally does not have room for it. Heat Wave is a good move for the Choice Specs set, but it is incompatible with Boomburst, which is the main draw of the set.

Checks & Counters

**Rock- and Steel-types**: Pokemon such as Probopass, Regirock, and specially defensive Steelix completely wall Swellow that lack Endeavor. Probopass must be wary of Hidden Power Fighting, however.

**Priority Moves**: Most priority moves can cripple Swellow, while Sucker Punch forces Swellow to play around it.

**Faster Pokemon**: Due to its frailty, Swellow can easily be revenge killed by most faster Pokemon as long as they can hit it at least neutrally. Of course, as Swellow is naturally very fast, most Pokemon that outspeed it carry Choice Scarf.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Pokemon with decent special bulk such as Audino and Assault Vest Muk can tank most attacks from Choice Specs Swellow, although they lose to Gutsphysical variants.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Granbull, Avalugg, Piloswine, and Uxie are some examples of physically defensive Pokemon who can withstand at least one attack from Guts Swellow and retaliate, though many lose to the Choice Specs set.
gp 1/2
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So, i'm kind of questioning specslow's luring abilities. But, if you want to be a lure...

Don't switch in in a way that activates toxic orb, since if it doesn't activate, you must have specs instead. At which point you are not luring shit. Explain in usage tips


0 Atk Swellow U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Probopass: 16-19 (4.9 - 5.8%) -- possibly the worst move ever
(16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19

252 Atk Swellow U-turn vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Probopass: 21-25 (6.4 - 7.7%) -- possibly the worst move ever
(21, 21, 21, 22, 22, 22, 22, 23, 23, 23, 23, 24, 24, 24, 24, 25)

These damage values don't overlap, at all. So firstly, specs uturn is a clear giveaway. Even if i don't calc...why wouldn't a guts set get the orb activation instead of u-turning? Maybe i'm afraid you'll attack, but why bring swellow in if it's in any danger of thaf? Do i just have a hardon for momentum? This is really suspicious behavior.

And after all that, you need to bring it in on a death, lest i notice tox orb conspicuously not activating (but doing that is even more suspicious). And at that point, you have no idea if i figured it out or not.

Edit: on 248/252 evio golbat, 252 atk uturn's lowest roll is 0 atk jolly's highest. And on max/max togetic, which i dont think people use, 4 252 atk lowest rolls are the two 0 atk highest rolls. (This is with 0 atk jolly, again, and you currently use timid, in which case gg.)
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Thanks fleurdyleurse implemented!

tehy I have removed the sentence regarding U-turn bluffing the Guts set. I'm leaving the point regarding the lure as U-turn does allow you to bring in a counter to their Swellow counter, even if they don't fall for the bluff.
But, you could just specs boomburst and maybe surprise a phys wall, so you shouldn't uturn unless it's given away already. If it is, then uturn does uturn things w/e.

Also my first point applies, put that in usage tips for being a lure. (I.e. don't bring in swellow in a way that should activate toxic orb)

Edit: thanks
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But, you could just specs boomburst and maybe surprise a phys wall, so you shouldn't uturn unless it's given away already. If it is, then uturn does uturn things w/e.

Also my first point applies, put that in usage tips for being a lure. (I.e. don't bring in swellow in a way that should activate toxic orb)

I'll include your points
hi I have an amcheck

Swellow is an amazing late-game sweeper with its Guts-boosted attacks and amazing Speed. Its immunities and resistances, coupled with pivoting moves and double switches, make it easy for Swellow to switch in relatively safely and activate its Toxic Orb. However, Swellow is extremely frail, and its weakness to Stealth Rock makes it hard to switch in too often. A surprise Choice Specs set can catch many of Swellow's normal checks and counters off-guard and doesn't require any setting up, though it is still walled by the common Rock- and Steel-types in the metagame. Because of this, Swellow should generally be saved for the later stages of the game when these Pokemon have been removed.

name: Guts
move 1: Facade
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Quick Attack / Protect
ability: Guts
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Facade is Swellow's best STAB move after Guts is activated. Brave Bird is a good secondary STAB move that allows Swellow to hit Ghost-types hard, but it must be used sparingly due to Swellow's low HP. U-turn allows Swellow to switch out against its checks and counters while still dealing damage, though you should avoid switching Swellow in too often due to its Stealth Rock weakness. Quick Attack is the preferred move for the last slot, as it allows Swellow to defeat Sucker Punch users and damage opposing priority users. Protect is also an option tohat makes it easy to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb, though it becomes significantly less useful afterwards.

Set Details

A Toxic Orb is required in order to activate Guts, as toxic poison together with Guts allows Swellow to hit extremely hard. To maximize Swellow's sweeping capabilities, Attack and Speed are fully invested in. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Jolly nature is used so that Swellow can outspeed as many threats as possible. A Flame Orb can be used instead of a Toxic Orb to deal less damage to Swellow over the course of four turns, but Swellow should not be staying in for more than three turns unless it is in a position to sweep.

Usage Tips

If Swellow is not using Protect, it will have to rely on pivot moves and double switches to activate Toxic Orb. Timing and prediction are key in this regard and in using Swellow in general. One should try to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb as soon as possible so that Swellow has more utility throughout the battle. Early- or mid-game, Swellow should mainly be using U-turn in order to wear down its checks and counters. Just don't bring Swellow into battle too often, as its weakness to Stealth Rock will quickly deplete Swellow's valuable HP. Always try to predict when your opponent is switching in a Pokemon that resists one of Swellow's moves, as Swellow cannot afford to waste turns because it loses HP so quickly due to Stealth Rock and Toxic damage.

Team Options

Slow Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass users such as Probopass, Lanturn and Musharna are highly recommended in order to safely activate Swellow's Toxic Orb. Swellow already loses HP from Toxic damage and does not appreciate more residual damage from Stealth Rock, so spinners or Defoggers such as Sandslash and, Cryogonal or Defoggers such as, or Pelipper are very useful teammates. As most of Swellow's counters are grounded, Spikes users such as Garbodor and Omastar are excellent teammates tohat can wear them down. Fighting- and Ground-types such as Gurdurr, Choice Band Sawk, and Golurk are great teammates tohat beat the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Swellow. Teammates that use Rock- and Steel-types as setup opportunities, such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr, are great teammates tohat make use of the momentum Swellow gains with U-turn.

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Endeavor
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
ability: Scrappy
item: Choice Specs
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Boomburst is a STAB move that is able to hit Ghost-types due to Scrappy, bypasses Substitute, and has a high enough Base Power to make up for Swellow's lackluster Special Attack stat with its high Base Power. U-turn allows Swellow to maintain momentum when your opponent brings in their main check or counter to Swellow. Endeavor makes use of Swellow's Stealth Rock weakness and frailty to cripple most Steel- or Rock-types. Hidden Power Fighting is used solely to hurt Steel- and Rock-types, most notably Air Balloon Probopass and Pawniard, when they are weakened or when Swellow is at high enough health for Endeavor to be useless. Hidden Power Grass can be used instead of Hidden Power Fighting for more damage against Golem and Rhydon, but it lacks power against Steel-types. Sleep Talk is also an option for the last slot, as it makes Swellow an effective sleep absorber. However, it should only be used with Boomburst and U-turn in order to avoid Sleep Talk selecting Endeavor or Hidden Power.

Set Details

Choice Specs is the only option for an item, as Swellow lacks power otherwise due to its poor Special Attack stat. Maximum investment in Special Attack and Speed raises Swellow's damage output. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Timid nature allows Swellow to outspeed as many threats as possible. A Modest nature can be used instead to increase Swellow's damage output, but it would no longer outspeed positive nature base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Archeops. Scrappy is the best ability for this set, as it allows Boomburst to hit Ghost-types.

Usage Tips

This set works best as a lure for most physically defensive Pokemon, such as Weezing, Qwilfish, and Granbull, wearing them down for Swellow's physically offensive teammates. During the early stages of the game, make use of U-turn to scout your opponent's initial check or counter to Swellow. In order to accomplish this, Swellow should only switch in after one of your Pokemon faints, in order to maintain the facade of the Guts set as long as possible. If your opponent's main check or counter to a physical Swellow set is a physically defensive Pokemon, striking them with Boomburst is also an effective strategy to allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of their weakened defensive Pokemon. Swellow is best used as a revenge killer, though it does very well as a late-game sweeper. If Swellow is at low health while its counters are still healthy, it is best to simply cripple them with Endeavor and allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of the situation. Hidden Power should only be used when it inflicts super effective damage and Boomburst is resisted, as otherwise you are better off using Boomburst.

Team Options

This set allows Swellow to cripple many of its usual checks and counters, so Pokemon that share counters with the Guts set make good teammates., such as Sawk, Gurdurr, Zangoose and Barbaracle are examples of Pokemon that share counters with Guts Swellow., make good teammates. In addition, Pokemon such as Golurk, Sawk, and Magmortar that can beat Rock- and Steel-types are good teammates. Rock- and Steel-types are also great setup opportunities for Pokemon such as Gorebyss, Leafeon and Feraligatr, and can also make great use of the momentum Swellow gains from U-turn. Spinners and Defoggers such as Sandslash and, Cryogonal, and Defoggers such as Pelipper are useful teammates tohat help to keep Stealth Rock from whittling away at Swellow's HP.

Other Options

Roost can be used alongside a Flame Orb on the Guts set to keep Swellow healthy, but Swellow prefers to be a hit-and-run attacker early in the -game, and it does not require longevity when it sweeps late-game. Defog can be used on either set, but being locked into it allows your opponent to set up, and Guts Swellow prefers to attack. An Agility + Baton Pass set can be used, but Ninjask is simply better at passing Speed boosts. Air Slash can be used as a secondary STAB move for the Choice Specs set, but the flinch chance does not make up for the fact that Boomburst hits almost everything Air Slash does harder. A Choice Band + Scrappy set can be used, but it does not beat anything that the Guts set doesn't already bea not. Pursuit can be used on the Guts set, as Swellow forces many switches, but Swellow generally does not have room for it. Heat Wave is a good move for the Choice Specs set, but it is incompatible with Boomburst, which is the main draw of the set.

Checks & Counters

**Rock- and Steel-types**: Pokemon such as Probopass, Regirock, and specially defensive Steelix completely wall Swellow that lack Endeavor. However, Probopass must be wary of Hidden Power Fighting, however.

**Priority Moves**: Most priority moves can cripple Swellow, while Sucker Punch forces Swellow to play around it.

**Faster Pokemon**: Due to its frailty, Swellow can easily be revenge killed by most faster Pokemon, as long as they can hit it at least neutrally. Of course, as Swellow is naturally very fast, most Pokemon that outspeed it carry Choice Scarf.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Pokemon with decent special bulk such as Audino and Assault Vest Muk tank most attacks from Choice Specs Swellow, although they lose to physical variants.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Granbull, Avalugg, Piloswine, and Uxie are some examples of physically defensive Pokemon who can withstand at least one attack from Guts Swellow and retaliate, though many lose to the Choice Specs set.

Swellow is an amazing late-game sweeper with its Guts-boosted attacks and amazing Speed. Its immunities and resistances, coupled with pivoting moves and double switches, make it easy for Swellow to switch in relatively safely and activate its Toxic Orb. However, Swellow is extremely frail, and its weakness to Stealth Rock makes it hard to switch in too often. A surprise Choice Specs set can catch many of Swellow's normal checks and counters off-guard and doesn't require any setting up, though it is still walled by the common Rock- and Steel-types in the metagame. Because of this, Swellow should generally be saved for the later stages of the game when these Pokemon have been removed.

name: Guts
move 1: Facade
move 2: Brave Bird
move 3: U-turn
move 4: Quick Attack / Protect
ability: Guts
item: Toxic Orb
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly


Facade is Swellow's best STAB move after Guts is activated. Brave Bird is a good secondary STAB move that allows Swellow to hit Ghost-types hard, but it must be used sparingly due to Swellow's low HP. U-turn allows Swellow to switch out against its checks and counters while still dealing damage, though you should avoid switching Swellow in too often due to its Stealth Rock weakness. Quick Attack is the preferred move for the last slot, as it allows Swellow to defeat Sucker Punch users and damage opposing priority users. Protect is also an option that makes it easy to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb, though it becomes significantly less useful afterwards.

Set Details

A Toxic Orb is required in order to activate Guts, as toxic poison together with Guts allows Swellow to hit extremely hard. To maximize Swellow's sweeping capabilities, Attack and Speed are fully invested in. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Jolly nature is used so that Swellow can outspeed as many threats as possible. A Flame Orb can be used instead of a Toxic Orb to deal less damage to Swellow over the course of four turns, but Swellow should not be staying in for more than three turns unless it is in a position to sweep.

Usage Tips

If Swellow is not using Protect, it will have to rely on pivot moves and double switches to activate Toxic Orb. Timing and prediction are key in this regard and in using Swellow in general. One should try to activate Swellow's Toxic Orb as soon as possible so that Swellow has more utility throughout the battle. Early- or mid-game, Swellow should mainly be using U-turn in order to wear down its checks and counters. Just don't bring Swellow into battle too often, as its weakness to Stealth Rock will quickly deplete Swellow's valuable HP. Always try to predict when your opponent is switching in a Pokemon that resists one of Swellow's moves, as Swellow cannot afford to waste turns because it loses HP so quickly due to Stealth Rock and Toxic damage.

Team Options

Slow Volt Switch, U-turn, and Baton Pass users such as Probopass, Lanturn and Musharna are highly recommended in order to safely activate Swellow's Toxic Orb. Swellow already loses HP from Toxic damage and does not appreciate more residual damage from Stealth Rock, so spinners or Defoggers such as Sandslash, Cryogonal, or Pelipper are very useful teammates. As most of Swellow's counters are grounded, Spikes users such as Garbodor and Omastar are excellent teammates that can wear them down. Fighting- and Ground-types such as Gurdurr, Choice Band Sawk, and Golurk are great teammates that beat the Rock- and Steel-types that wall Swellow. Teammates that use Rock- and Steel-types as setup opportunities, such as Gorebyss, Leafeon, and Feraligatr, are great teammates that make use of the momentum Swellow gains with U-turn.

Choice Specs
name: Choice Specs
move 1: Boomburst
move 2: U-turn
move 3: Endeavor
move 4: Hidden Power Fighting
ability: Scrappy
item: Choice Specs
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Boomburst is a STAB move that is able to hit Ghost-types due to Scrappy, bypass Substitute, and make up for Swellow's lackluster Special Attack stat with its high Base Power. U-turn allows Swellow to maintain momentum when your opponent brings in their main check or counter. Endeavor makes use of Swellow's Stealth Rock weakness and frailty to cripple most Steel- or Rock-types. Hidden Power Fighting is used solely to hurt Steel- and Rock-types, most notably Air Balloon Probopass and Pawniard, when they are weakened or when Swellow is at high enough health for Endeavor to be useless. Hidden Power Grass can be used instead of Hidden Power Fighting for more damage against Golem and Rhydon, but it lacks power against Steel-types. Sleep Talk is also an option for the last slot, as it makes Swellow an effective sleep absorber. However, it should only be used with Boomburst and U-turn in order to avoid Sleep Talk selecting Endeavor or Hidden Power.

Set Details

Choice Specs is the only option for an item, as Swellow lacks power otherwise due to its poor Special Attack stat. Maximum investment in Special Attack and Speed raises Swellow's damage output. The remaining 4 EVs are placed in Defense to slightly improve Swellow's ability to withstand priority moves, but they more importantly allow Swellow to maintain an odd HP stat in order to switch into Stealth Rock four times. A Timid nature allows Swellow to outspeed as many threats as possible. A Modest nature can be used instead to increase Swellow's damage output, but it would no longer outspeed positive nature base 110 Speed Pokemon such as Archeops. Scrappy is the best ability for this set, as it allows Boomburst to hit Ghost-types.

Usage Tips

This set works best as a lure for most physically defensive Pokemon, such as Weezing, Qwilfish, and Granbull, wearing them down for Swellow's physically offensive teammates. During the early stages of the game, make use of U-turn to scout your opponent's initial check or counter to Swellow. In order to accomplish this, Swellow should only switch in after one of your Pokemon faints, in order to maintain the facade of the Guts set as long as possible. If your opponent's main check or counter to a physical Swellow set is a physically defensive Pokemon, striking them with Boomburst is also an effective strategy to allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of their weakened defensive Pokemon. Swellow is best used as a revenge killer, though it does very well as a late-game sweeper. If Swellow is at low health while its counters are still healthy, it is best to simply cripple them with Endeavor and allow Swellow's teammates to take advantage of the situation. Hidden Power should only be used when it inflicts super effective damage and Boomburst is resisted, as otherwise you are better off using Boomburst.

Team Options

This set allows Swellow to cripple many of its usual checks and counters, so Pokemon that share counters with the Guts set, such as Sawk, Gurdurr, Zangoose and Barbaracle, make good teammates. In addition, Pokemon such as Golurk, Sawk, and Magmortar that can beat Rock- and Steel-types are good teammates. Rock- and Steel-types are also great setup opportunities for Pokemon such as Gorebyss, Leafeon and Feraligatr, and can also make great use of the momentum Swellow gains from U-turn. Spinners and Defoggers such as Sandslash, Cryogonal, and Pelipper are useful teammates that help to keep Stealth Rock from whittling away at Swellow's HP.

Other Options

Roost can be used alongside a Flame Orb on the Guts set to keep Swellow healthy, but Swellow prefers to be a hit-and-run attacker early-game, and it does not require longevity when it sweeps late-game. Defog can be used on either set, but being locked into it allows your opponent to set up, and Guts Swellow prefers to attack. An Agility + Baton Pass set can be used, but Ninjask is simply better at passing Speed boosts. Air Slash can be used as a secondary STAB move for the Choice Specs set, but the flinch chance does not make up for the fact that Boomburst hits almost everything Air Slash does harder. A Choice Band + Scrappy set can be used, but it does not beat anything that the Guts set does not. Pursuit can be used on the Guts set, as Swellow forces many switches, but Swellow generally does not have room for it. Heat Wave is a good move for the Choice Specs set, but it is incompatible with Boomburst, which is the main draw of the set.

Checks & Counters

**Rock- and Steel-types**: Pokemon such as Probopass, Regirock, and specially defensive Steelix completely wall Swellow that lack Endeavor. However, Probopass must be wary of Hidden Power Fighting.

**Priority Moves**: Most priority moves can cripple Swellow, while Sucker Punch forces Swellow to play around it.

**Faster Pokemon**: Due to its frailty, Swellow can easily be revenge killed by most faster Pokemon, as long as they can hit it at least neutrally. Of course, as Swellow is naturally very fast, most Pokemon that outspeed it carry Choice Scarf.

**Specially Defensive Pokemon**: Pokemon with decent special bulk such as Audino and Assault Vest Muk tank most attacks from Choice Specs Swellow, although they lose to physical variants.

**Physically Defensive Pokemon**: Granbull, Avalugg, Piloswine, and Uxie are some examples of physically defensive Pokemon who can withstand at least one attack from Guts Swellow and retaliate, though many lose to the Choice Specs set.