Doubles Open (GS III) — Round 1

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Won against Rozykli 2-1. First game and last game had some hax but g2 was clean

Replays are uploaded, go get them if you want them Pwnemon you loser
Pwne why are both me and my opp bolded in the first post. I won `~`
Lost in a bunch of endgame 50/50s after getting haxed r2. I have the worst fucking luck and I hate this game.

Aside from all that bullshit they were ggs tho
I am still attempting to catch Nollan. We have made a few attempts but have thus far been unsuccessful. Just an update. He hasn't been on for three days but if we are lucky we will play today.
Woke up at 5:30 am to battle my opponent today and he didn't show up. We've been trying to schedule before the deadline but our time zone difference has made it hard and my oppenent said he can't battle in the next 24 hours. So can we have an extension?

Edit: Actually doesn't look like it'd work out even with an extension so calling activity I guess
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