XY OU The Serene Backstage: The Final XY Run


certified genius
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
Hey there people~ Croven here. If you know me, you'll know I usually do OU Monotype. And if you don't, whatever, doesn't matter. I decided to start back in OU, after taking a long break. Wanting to create a viable team with your favorite Pokemon is a feeling we've all experienced, no? Well, I tried it with Togekiss, and while browsing Smogon for ideas (not the most creative person D:) I found the Slow Baton Pass set. It honestly looked a bit gimmicky, so I was suspicious, but it has worked well. With the right teammates, Togekiss can easily make a name for itself in this OU metagame.


(Sorry if title is weird, I just thought it seemed appropriate for Togekiss :[)



So first we have the favorite, Togekiss. Yeah, I was being one of those noobs and using my favorite Pokemon (don't kill me pls). But Togekiss is OU, and slightly viable, so I decided to make it work. Stumbling on that thread, I decided on my set, and now I needed a partner.

Again, I'm not the most creative person, and having not used Baton Pass ever in my life, much less Baton Pass Togekiss, I looked in the thread to find the best team options. Ampharos struck out at me at once; the hair, man. I'd always liked Ampharos, and thought its Mega Evo was pretty cool, even if it wasn't that viable. I leaped at the chance to use this fabulous beast immediately.

I needed a good mon to clean up after Ampharos's mess, and maybe have a second recipient in case the opponent had like, 45563 counters to Amphy on their team. Scarf Keldeo looked good; it was a special revenge killer that outspeeds pretty much all other scafers. I might toy around with Greninja, the Life Orb power boost and ability to switch moves looks nice, but Keldeo is doing well thus far.

Defense, defense, we all need moar defense. I honestly can't remember exactly why I picked Lando, but it had something to do with Rocks, Intimidate, bulk, U-Turn, and I think flying spam check. Amphy and Lando can handle flying spam quite well, and it has great bulk to set up rocks and force switches. Overall a great mon I've used before, and I decided to use it again.

Ok, looking at the team, it kind of gets utterly walled by any fairy. Togekiss may be able to set up, but Toxic will wear it down, and needs a lot of hax to KO the pretty fairies, and hax is not a good answer. I was also lacking a powerful physical attacker to reliably get rid of Chansey/Blissey; Keldeo would require more prediction, as the blobs can easily switch out and leave Keldeo helpless. Banded Scizor was the prime choice, Bullet Punch just destroying Fairies, and Superpower annihilating Chansey.

Latias was the last member of my team, having a, if really necessary, third recipient of the Baton Pass (though I never actually baton passed it to Latias :/). It also gets rid of hazards for Togekiss to freely switch in and out, as being rocks weak is not helpful at all. Healing Wish was amazing to fully heal up Ampharos after say, a Toxic or Ice Shard wore it down, allowing another sweep to commence.

After laddering with this team, status really was just fucking it over. Only one mon could be healed by Healing Wish, and that often led to me prematurely sacrificing Latias. The problem was, I couldn't find a mon other than Togekiss that can Defog and Heal Bell. A simple /ds Heal bell, defog answered all my questions. Mew became the last member of my team. Healing Wish is missed, but Heal Bell and Will-o-Wisp provide far more utility, and Mew has earned its spot on this team.

Scy helped me fix a gaping Mega Pinsir weakness, by adding Scarf Excadrill. He also functions as my spinner, and then Mew was a bit unneeded now. By adding Latios with Thunderbolt and Roost, I could easily check Keldeo, a mon who could 2HKO almost my entire team with Specs, and I could revenge kill Azumarill, who could also do a lot of damage against my team.
The Baton Passing Togekiss Team:



Togekiss @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
252 HP/ 240 SpD/ 16 Spe
Calm Nature
-Nasty Plot
-Baton Pass
-Air Slash

This is the backstage supporter.With incredible bulk, access to Nasty Plot and Baton Pass, it easily gives the stars of the show the power they need to utterly demolish opposing teams. EV's are meant to maximize bulk, while 16 speed EV's can outspeed Adamant Mega Mawile, who takes ~30% from a +2 Air Slash, allowing for (hue) flinch hax to come in. The thing about Baton Pass Togekiss is, it's not as obvious as others, and it can honestly sweep by itself. Stall is nothing compared to this monster. It can easily set up against Chansey and the occasional Suicune, baton passing to Amphy or Keldeo after the toxic starts to take effect. It has great synergy with Amphy, forcing switches against most Ground, and Dragon types, while bringing in Electrics that are immune to Thunder Wave (which I obviously don't have). The point is to tank one hit, pass to Amphy, and Agility while forcing a switch. I dare you to find a common check to a +2 +2 Ampharos in this metagame, besides scarfers. Toge and Amphy are both weak to ice, and Keldeo's synergy comes in there. It kills Excadrill and Mamoswine, both threats to my team. Overall, the surprise factor along with the sheer bulk of Togekiss often wins me games or severely dents the opposing team.


Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static/Mold Breaker
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 HP
Modest Nature
-Dragon Pulse
-Focus Blast

The star of the show, the underrated sweeper Ampharos. The set itself is pretty straightforward; get the boost, Agility, and kill. Thunderbolt + Dragon Pulse are for that nice STAB, and Focus Blast is for the pesky pink blobs. They can usually get a Toxic off before the sweep, as Focus Blast 2HKO'es from +2 or +4, and that assuming it hits. I've actually lost a few battles to Focus Miss here, but it usually works. One thing this Ampharos has to watch out for are common Scarfers, such as ScarfChomp, and ScarfDrill. I previously thought that scarfed Terrakion was a huge threat to this thing, but an EQ from it only does ~65%, while a +2 Tbolt OHKO'es. Scarfchomp and Scarfdrill can easily take this thing down, even after an Agility, so Lando-T and Keldeo are great partners for this thing. Overall, just an absolute monster. It will crush your entire team, and do it while looking abso-fucking-lutely fabulous.

Excadrill @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Mold Breaker
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 HP
Jolly Nature
-Iron Head
-Rock Slide
-Rapid Spin

Watching the big monster Mega Pinsir shred up my team, we had to get a solution to it. We decided on Scarf Drill, who could revenge kill Pinsir as well as spin away rocks. It took the place of Scizor; while lacking the sheer power that Band Scizor had, Excadrill can function quite well as it is. Earthquake is an easily spammable STAB, especially with Mold Breaker getting rid of annoying Levitaters. Iron Head is obvious, second STAB that also hits Fairies to pave the way for Keldeo and Ampharos. Rock Slide for Flying types, such as Charizard and Talonflame, and most importantly Pinsir. EV's are obvious; maxed Attack and Speed to get as much power and speed as possible.


Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
192 SpA/64 SpD/252 Spe
Timid Nature
-Draco Meteor

With a spinner in Excadrill already, Defog Mew was a bit unneeded. We decided to change it for Life Orb Thunderbolt Latios. There were a couple reasons for this. Of course, Specs Keldeo was very common as of late, and it could 2HKO most of my team with Hydro Pump and Secret Sword. Also, Azumarill was a big problem for this team. With a bit of prior damage, Thunderbolt can KO Azu, dealing ~85% last time I checked. Draco Meteor and Psyshock are obvious, the dual STAB that makes Latios so infamous. Thunderbolt is for pesky Azumarills, that usually have their way with my team. Roost is to keep him healthy as long as possible, letting him check Keldeo and Azu all throughout the match. The EV's are strange, but they are made so that Latios can check Charizard Y, Landorus without Knock off, and Keldeo easier.


Landorus-T @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
252 HP/252 Def/4 Atk
Impish Nature
-Stealth Rocks
-Stone Edge

The standard bulky pivot Lando-T. Full HP and Defense EV's to better tank attacks from TTar, Excadrill, them flying spammers, and pretty much every physical attacker that comes its way. Rocks help to wear down the enemy for Keldeo or Amphy, or maybe even Togekiss itself. U-Turn is there to provide momentum after Rocks are up, EQ is a powerful STAB that can decimate enemies such as TTar and Exca, and lastly, Stone Edge is to hit them pesky Flying attackers, such as Talonflame and Mega Pinsir. Not really too much else to say here, it just does fairly well at its job, and is a good supporter of the team.


Keldeo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
252 SpA/252 Spe/4 SpD
Timid Nature
-Hydro Pump
-Secret Sword
-Hidden Power Electric

Scarf Keldeo is great at cleaning up the game, and is a beautiful recipient of Togekiss's passes. +2 Scarf Keldeo is one thing I do NOT want to face, ever. It can easily just smack everything with a Scald or Secret Sword and OHKO it from +2. It has the standard EV's and moves, and I decided to add HP Elec, as Icy Wind was doing absolutely nothing, and Gyarados and Azumarill could easily just come in and set up or bop me with a Play Rough, respectively. While I do need to predict the switch, it's not really an extravagant predict, as if there are no other options, Gyara or Azu is likely going to come out. Great at cleaning up the game, or sweeping itself. I might toy around with Greninja here, for the ability to switch moves, but ScarfChomp and Scarfed Terrak are going to just shit on me then, so I'm not absolutely sure I want to use it. I might test it in the near future, but as of now, Keldeo has done great for the team.

Threat List:
Azumarill: Not much is going to switch into this monster, and it requires a lot of prediction, and luring out a Play Rough to switch in Scizor, as banded BP does over half, a hell of a lot of damage. After that, it's simple, go to Lando and EQ, Togekiss and Air Slash, Keldeo and HP Elec, but the tough part is getting the BP off on it. If I can get a free switch into Mew, it can be burned, but Mew is absolutely not switching in on any of Azumarill's moves.

Mamoswine: Yeah, I do have WoW Mew, Keldeo, and Scizor, but nothing wants to come in on an EQ, as everything will take massive damage. Again, it requires me to play around it, such as luring out the Ice move with Togekiss or Lando, then switching out to Scizor and Keldeo, but it's very tough, as a good player will probably recognize what I'm doing, and easily be able to counterattack.

Gengar: Fuck the SubWisp set. I hate it so much. And if it carries Sludge Wave, Togekiss will be absolutely destroyed. With WoW and Sludge Wave, only Keldeo and Amphy can touch it, both being 2HKO'ed and Amphy being outsped. Now, if it doesn't run WoW, Scizor can deal hella damage, and if no Sludge Wave, Togekiss just walls it. But Gengar is still a pain in the neck with all the sets it can run.

Gliscor: Lawdy oh lawdy. This thing can cause so many problems for my team. Keldeo is pretty much the only mon that can take it on 1v1 without any setup. And now that Specially Defensive Gliscor is on the rise, Scald won't even OHKO it, forcing me to rely on Hydro Miss, a solution I am not fond of. Really requires me to play around it a lot, like getting into Scizor on a Toxic, then U-Turning to Keldeo, but it's such a pain to deal with it, as Scizor gets worn down easily and so does Keldeo, neither having recovery.

Manaphy: Stahp. Pls. One Tail Glow, and my team is pretty much finished. The things that can take an attack don't do much (Togekiss, Mew), my priority is NVE, and my scarfer can only 2HKO it. When I face this thing, I either have to set up Amphy beforehand, or sac half my team. Those are my only options against this annoyance.

Mega Pinsir: Ok, what's funny is that my entire team has a move that can deal severe damage to this thing, like Tbolt, Air Slash, Bpunch, Stone Edge, WoW, and Scald, and yet, it's one of my biggest threats. I usually need to keep Keldeo/Mew at full, and Scizor at good enough health to survive a Quick Attack, and retaliate with BP. Rocks do help immensely, but most Pinsir players know how to get rocks off the field, so it's a bit hard.

I will add more threats as I see them pop up, otherwise, these two are the biggest problems, though I do see Scizor putting in work against them.

How it fares against different playstyles:
Hyper Offense: HO is likely one of the most difficult playstyles to beat, as there are next to no openings to Baton Pass. However, it's not unbeatable. One Agility during the mid-game can easily sweep a team, thanks to Amphy's sky high Special Attack stat and the usual frailty of HO mons. I have to watch out for priority, but that's about it. Scarf Keldeo is great at cleaning up after Amphy is done, and Scizor does the same. Mew spreading burns helps weaken the other team, but Togekiss itself finds it difficult to play against HO. Usually I have to lure out a Draco Meteor from Latios (most use it as a offensive Defogger) and then set up from there.

Stall: Lol, what's that? Stall? The battles that take 10 turns? Stall is laughingly easy to beat. There is almost no offensive pressure, and Togekiss literally has the entire battle to set up. Most foolishly keep their Chansey in on Toge, where it can set up and flinch them to death. Toge itself can rip apart stall teams. However, when its duty is done, and Toxic starts to kick in, a simple Baton Pass to Ampharos finishes the game. They can do pretty much nothing against Amphy once it's set up. GG stall.

Bulky Offense: Bulky offense is slightly more difficult, but it really isn't too much to worry about, unless they have like, Mega Pinsir or something. +2 Keldeo usually sweeps, and +2 +2 Amphy always sweeps. Mandibuzz, Chansey, and other walls not named Skarmory (y u gotta whirlwind) are setup bait and let me win the game.

Sand Offense: Hnng. Not too hard, but not too easy. This time, Keldeo is the star. Landorus and Scizor usually weaken the enemy, and if I play it right, Toge can get 1 NP on a special attacker and pass to Keldeo. That usually seals the game, unless a Lati is still alive. Mew just loves to spread those burns.

Rain Offense: Not too much to worry about; only about Kabutops gives me problems. Torn-T, Noivern, and Politoed are easy to set up on, and if they have M-Manectric, it's perfect. Switch on Poli, get a NP, tank the hit, go to Amphy, Agility, sweep. I do have to watch out for the SS'ers, because they easily outspeed Amphy after an Agility. Kingdra can OHKO, but Kabu can't, and I'm pretty sure Ludicolo can't, while I can OHKO back, taking out one of the team's SS'er.

Geomancy Pass: I'm dead. I've played it twice, and lost utterly both times. I really can't do anything about it, I have no answers. I need a way to at least check it, so I have a fighting chance. My only idea is to set up along side it, while passing before I get Encored. Ideas?

I feel that the above section is slightly more important for this team, as it is really about finding an opening and exploiting it. In other words, it's a bit more of how you play the team than the team itself, so raters might feel it helpful to glance at that section and see how I deal with those threats.
And that's my AmphaKiss (decided to make that name on my own) Baton Passing team using Nasty Plot Togekiss and Agility Ampharos. I might try to get replays of the strategy working, and it not working, to give you guys an idea of what usually happens. Anyway, that's my team, and I'd really appreciate some feedback on it, I want to get higher and higher on the ladder with this team! Thank you for reading, and thank you for any advice that is given!

Togekiss (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 76 SpD / 180 Spe
Calm Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Baton Pass
- Air Slash
- Roost

Ampharos @ Ampharosite
Ability: Static
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Agility
- Thunderbolt
- Dragon Pulse
- Focus Blast

Latios @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 192 SpA / 64 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Thunderbolt
- Roost

Excadrill @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Mold Breaker
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rock Slide
- Rapid Spin

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 180 HP / 240 Def / 88 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- U-turn
- Earthquake
- Rock Slide

Keldeo @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hydro Pump
- Scald
- Secret Sword
- Hidden Power [Electric]

A replay of what is supposed to happen. Find the mon you can set up on, lure it out (here I was lazy and just waited for it to switch lol) then proceed to set up and sweep.

Against a high 1600's Rain team. Didn't have M-Manectric, but it still worked out. Amphy died early, but it took out the SS'er, which was all that I needed. My other teammates could take it from there.

Against a highly offensive player. If I manage to use Mew right, and not let it die early, I've won the match. Mew is just so good.

Will hopefully get more replays of various styles of play on the ladder, bear with me folks.

(~^_^)~ Whee ~(^_^~)

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Well, it's been a couple days, I'm just going to bump this here.

Edit: Ok, talked with Jirachee on IRC, and we agreed that Mega Pinsir can kinda shred my team up; Landorus-T just gets owned by it. In practice, I usually keep Keldeo alive to live a Quick Attack, and then Scald/Hydro Pump it, or keep Mew alive to live the Return and burn it. Scizor's BP usually comes in and finishes it when its at ~50%. Luckily, it can't set up easily on my team, as every mon has a move capable of dealing good damage to it, but if it does set up, gg. We were also discussing changing Lando-T to Lando-I for another recipient of Toge's boosts. I was a bit iffy, especially on making Scizor my only physical attacker, but Jirachee was telling me that Lando wasn't doing much as of right now, so I'm going to test SR Landorus and come back. We really do need a Pinsir check, so any ideas would be helpful.
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Hey Croven, really interesting team you have there! I'm really liking the idea of BP Togekiss + Scarf Keldeo (I will definitely try that out myself).
Scarf Keldeo is so bad now with the fall of Rain, but with NastyPass, it's gonna be one huge threat.

As much as I like this team, I do see some issues. Mega Pinsir (like you realised) is a huge threat to your team. At +2 Attack, if your Landorus is weakened, the game is over. Scizor cannot OHKO Mega Pinsir will a CB Bullet Punch if you're wondering. Your team also suffers from Azumarill. Therefore, I propose the following changes:

1. Scarf Excadrill
Scarfed Excadrill handles Mega Pinsir since its resistant to Quick Attack, is faster, and OHKOs with Rock Slide. Therefore, I suggest replacing Scizor for Scarf Exca. Exca basically fulfills the same role as Scizor, getting rid of annoying fairies like Sylveon for Keldeo. Scarf Excadrill also beats Adamant Zard X at +1, so that can be quite helpful. This will hence solve your Mega Pinsir issue.
Excadrill @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Earthquake
- Iron Head
- Rapid Spin
- Rock Slide

2. Mew
Ironically, even though this team functions around passing to Keldeo, you do not have a reliable switch-in to opposing Specs Keldeos. Mew cannot take 2 Specs Hydros, as shown by the calc below, and it is also the weakest link to your team in my opinion.
252 SpA Choice Specs Keldeo Hydro Pump vs. 252 HP / 136+ SpD Mew: 213-252 (52.7 - 62.3%) -- 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Since I already proposed Excadrill (Rapid Spin), Defog Mew is not needed anymore. Therefore, I suggest replacing Mew for Life Orb TBolt Latios. I don't even need to explain how powerful a +2 Latios is should you pass a Nasty Plot over; it basically demolishes the entire tier. TBolt is for Azumarills, as like I mentioned, your team is kinda weak to Azu. Roost for recovery, which allows you to switch into Keldeo many times over. The EV Spread below is one I got from user CraftyInsight, which allows Latios to handle Zard Y and Landorus-I better with the additional SpDef EVs. Most importantly, Latios handles Keldeo.
Latios (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 192 SpA / 64 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Roost
- Thunderbolt

3. Landorus-T
Run 88 speed to outspeed Adamant Bisharps
so that they cannot Knock Off you. The set is below. 88 speed, 180 hp for Lefties number, and the rest into Def.
Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 180 HP / 240 Def / 88 Spe
Impish Nature
- U-turn
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge

That is about everything. Hopefully you benefited from this, cheers!
Thanks for replying Scy! Excadrill looks like a solid change, thanks for telling me that. Now, I can definitely see the raw power that Latios provides, and +2 Latios looks like death. However, Mew had a very needed utility; it walled and crippled many mons, especially on offensive teams, and was usually the glue that held the team. Anyway, I will test both Exca and Latios, and thank you for your advice!

Edit: Ok, Latios and Excadrill have been working wonderfully, thank you Scy for the advice. The only few things that I miss are Scizor's Bullet Punch priority and Mew's Heal Bell, but those can be left. Got a new peak at 1895 with the new mons, but twice I was blocked from the 1900's by Geomancy Passing teams. I really have no answer to it, I tried to set up along with them, got predicted and was Encored into Nasty Plot as Smeargle set up. If anybody has a solution, it would be highly appreciated.
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Thanks for replying Scy! Excadrill looks like a solid change, thanks for telling me that. Now, I can definitely see the raw power that Latios provides, and +2 Latios looks like death. However, Mew had a very needed utility; it walled and crippled many mons, especially on offensive teams, and was usually the glue that held the team. Anyway, I will test both Exca and Latios, and thank you for your advice!

Edit: Ok, Latios and Excadrill have been working wonderfully, thank you Scy for the advice. The only few things that I miss are Scizor's Bullet Punch priority and Mew's Heal Bell, but those can be left. Got a new peak at 1895 with the new mons, but twice I was blocked from the 1900's by Geomancy Passing teams. I really have no answer to it, I tried to set up along with them, got predicted and was Encored into Nasty Plot as Smeargle set up. If anybody has a solution, it would be highly appreciated.

Doesn't Keldeo just OHKO it, considering it's forced to run Power Herb with Geomancy?
Doesn't Keldeo just OHKO it, considering it's forced to run Power Herb with Geomancy?
No, most teams usually set up dual screens with Azelf and Whimsicott, neither of which I can OHKO, and Whimsicott has Memento, leaving me doing 25% of my regular damage after screens and Memento. Even if I switched into Keldeo as Smeargle came in, Geomancy would have boosted his SpD by 2, leaving me doing once more 25% of my damage with screens and boosts.
i've never faced a Geomancy Team before (probably i'm lazy in laddering lol) but i could make some change for you. As you say, Sand Offense and Geomancy Pass are issues, so i believe replacing Scarf Exca => Air Balloon Exca. This will make Drill a good switch-in to Earthquake, and lessen Lando-t job to deal with sand, since they often hav something to deal with lando-t. But the main change i'll suggest is LO Latios => Specs/Scarf Latios. Roost is unnecessary on Latios, replacing with TRICK so if you predict correctly and switch to smeargle, you can take its power herb and make it useless for the rest of the match
Anyway, great team, it's cool to see a team dealing with stall team without the need of a physical fighting type poke :D
i've never faced a Geomancy Team before (probably i'm lazy in laddering lol) but i could make some change for you. As you say, Sand Offense and Geomancy Pass are issues, so i believe replacing Scarf Exca => Air Balloon Exca. This will make Drill a good switch-in to Earthquake, and lessen Lando-t job to deal with sand, since they often hav something to deal with lando-t. But the main change i'll suggest is LO Latios => Specs/Scarf Latios. Roost is unnecessary on Latios, replacing with TRICK so if you predict correctly and switch to smeargle, you can take its power herb and make it useless for the rest of the match
Anyway, great team, it's cool to see a team dealing with stall team without the need of a physical fighting type poke :D
Thing is, Scarf Drill is my best answer to Mega Pinsir, and Balloon Exca can be taken out by Close Combat. Also, Roost is needed to keep my longevity, so that Keldeos don't plague me throughout the match. They can easily switch out of Psyshock, leaving them alive but me weakened, and will soon wear me down.
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Sup Croven

From what I've seen, Greninja runs over your team. You also have a big Ice Weakness in the name of Mamoswine. Nothing likes taking repeated Icicle Crashes and EQs so I'd suggest something like Rotom-W. It's immune to EQ, resists Mamo's Ice STAB and stuff. Volt Switch is also good for scouting and stuff. Makes it easier to Togekiss to set up :)


Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Pain Split
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp

Other than that, it looks great on paper. Gl with your team ~

And wats a mono hue. is it edible?
I'm a Shameless Self Promoter and I blame you
Sup Croven

From what I've seen, Greninja runs over your team. You also have a big Ice Weakness in the name of Mamoswine. Nothing likes taking repeated Icicle Crashes and EQs so I'd suggest something like Rotom-W. It's immune to EQ, resists Mamo's Ice STAB and stuff. Volt Switch is also good for scouting and stuff. Makes it easier to Togekiss to set up :)


Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 SDef
Calm Nature
- Pain Split
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp

Other than that, it looks great on paper. Gl with your team ~

And wats a mono hue. is it edible?
I'm a Shameless Self Promoter and I blame you
Thanks Ant, and hue I was missing the WoW from Mew, I might try Rotom-W, but over what is the question. I'm in the middle of a massive tilt actually, dropped to the mid 1500's. D: Ideas on how to get out and where I should put Rotom-W?
Thanks Ant, and hue I was missing the WoW from Mew, I might try Rotom-W, but over what is the question. I'm in the middle of a massive tilt actually, dropped to the mid 1500's. D: Ideas on how to get out and where I should put Rotom-W?
> Only 1500s. Decay brought me to ~1400 since I haven't laddered in OU for ages.
You can make Rotom-W a scarf with Trick and switch it with Excadrill. They're both Pinsir counters, the only problem is that it doesn't handle fairies as well. Trick screws most Fairies tho.

Rotom-Wash @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 180 SDef / 76 Spd
Calm Nature
- Trick
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp

76 with a Scarf lets you outspeed Jolly Mega Pinsir and

0 SpA Rotom-W Volt Switch vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Pinsir: 170-204 (62.7 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Quick Attack vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-W: 91-108 (29.9 - 35.5%) -- 25.6% chance to 3HKO

Woo sketchy EVs!
This is even better than my Grass Knot Darm :]​
> Only 1500s. Decay brought me to ~1400 since I haven't laddered in OU for ages.
You can make Rotom-W a scarf with Trick and switch it with Excadrill. They're both Pinsir counters, the only problem is that it doesn't handle fairies as well. Trick screws most Fairies tho.

Rotom-Wash @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 180 SDef / 76 Spd
Calm Nature
- Trick
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp

76 with a Scarf lets you outspeed Jolly Mega Pinsir and

0 SpA Rotom-W Volt Switch vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Mega Pinsir: 170-204 (62.7 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

+2 252 Atk Aerilate Mega Pinsir Quick Attack vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Rotom-W: 91-108 (29.9 - 35.5%) -- 25.6% chance to 3HKO

Woo sketchy EVs!
This is even better than my Grass Knot Darm :]​
Ok, I'll test that set over Excadrill.

And don't be rude, tilt is worse than decay >:I

Edit: brb takin that Air Force thing from ur sig. Give it to me senpai.
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[15:37:37] Dragon Slayer PJ:imo use t wave or body slam over bp Air Nomad Croven

EDIT: After reading all the other threads, pretty much everything I have to say is rather redundant. However, I really like the idea of slow BP. My only prior experience with slow BP is with mega scizor who is rather outclassed but still a force to be reckoned with, contrary to what people think. I love your team from the outside, but I'll try to ladder with it a bit. Brb Croven
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[15:37:37] Dragon Slayer PJ:imo use t wave or body slam over bp Air Nomad Croven

brb I'll rate, gotta go someplace, have this till then

And I'll be waiting for the advice Anjunadeep~ ^.^ Thanks for reading

And I'll be waiting for the advice Anjunadeep~ ^.^ Thanks for reading
I'd keep Thunder Wave imo, and feel free to take my Air Force stuff :]
I linked it to the league, that's shameless self advertising 4 u
You should replace focus blast on mega ampharos to substitute as it is too weak to choice scarfed landorus and I have faced this problem many time
See this replay - http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-158510201
It's a good idea on paper, but the fact is that finding an opportunity to get an Agility and a Sub up is going to be very, very rare :[. Besides, Focus Blast helps with mons like Ferro, who can easily wall and wear me down with Leech Seed. Also, Heatran actually lives a +2 Tbolt, and Earth Power does severe damage to me. Thanks for replying though, I appreciate you taking the time to do so! ^^

Edit: So I was thinking a bit, should I change my team to a hyper offensive team with almost, if not all, special attackers to capitalize on Toge's boosts? I saw a couple other BP teams doing something similar, such as CTC using a SD Celebi with all physical attackers. I'm just tossing ideas around, tell me if I'm utterly wrong. I do know that Chansey is something big stopping a full special attacking team, but Toge's boosts might be able to break through. I don't think a Chansey will appreciate a +2 Secret Sword or a +2 Focus Blast from Lando-I. If it really comes down to it, Toge has that Serene Grace >.> Anyway, sorry for writing a lot, I just tend to keep typing when I'm bored. Please do give feedback, criticism, and encouragement below. I really so appreciate it when somebody takes enough time to post something about my team.
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Ok, decided to take this team for its final run in the XY metagame, before ORAS comes out. I talked with Clair, and we revamped the team to fit the current meta. These are the changes: Choice Scarf Heatran > Latios to do some serious damage against Offensive teams. Toge will crush bulkier teams, but offensive teams can be a pain to deal with. ScarfTran was put here to amend that, as it has pretty good synergy with Togekiss, luring in Ground and Fighting attacks so Toge can set up. It also is great against offense, so it fit pretty well. Next was Ferrothorn > Excadrill to spread paralysis, handle offensive Waters, and Spike-stack, which will help the team immensely. We lack a hazard remover, and Defog isn't very desirable considering we have both Rocks and Spikes on our team, so if we were to get one, a Spinner would be best. The only one I can think of atm is Starmie > Keldeo, which makes us immensely weak to Bisharp and TTar. Reflect Type could be run, but that loses us a lot of offensive momentum that Keldeo provided, and I'm unsure about leaving Keld. Thoughts?
Hey Croven, sweet team, looks like a lot of fun. I just have a few things to comment about how it is now, then i will move on to the mons you mentioned. I think you should run atlas 4 speed on lando t, to outspeed 44 speed rotom w, as that does quite a number to your team being able to volt switch on the lati relatively easily. I'm not too sure on the lati EVs since you have roost to get back HP vs keldeo. Zard y has kind of lost its place in this meta, you outspeed anyway and can roost stall sun or almost kill with a draco. Lati also scares out the lando i and can take any one hit and just roost or drop a draco after. I don't think t bolt is that great a coverage either, since psychock does more than t bolt to AV azumarill, which is the most common set. I would recommend surf or hp fire/fighting here. Hp fire beats ferro, which your team finds pretty annoying with no way to ohko it straight off the bat.
(252+ SpA Mold Breaker Mega Ampharos Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 262-310 (74.4 - 88%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery)
Hp fighting can 'deal' with Ttar and definitely forces a 50/50 with bisharp if it is the pursuit sucker punch set. Since your team doesnt exactly like bisharp either, the only switch in being keldeo who does not appreciate multiple knock off/iron heads. Only minor things I would criticise are there are 0 atk IVs on keldeo, lati, amphy and togekiss. Ill put an extra paragraph in about the mons you suggested later. Cool team though :)

EDIT- Ok so a few more things I forgot about. I think Clefable deserves a spot in the threat list. The Unaware laughs at 5/6 mons on your team and can set up wishes/start calm minding. I mean drill scares it out, but it's possible that the Clef user can just flamethrower predicting drill. It also forces drill to use iron head (unless you are pretty ballsy), therefore losing initiative which is pretty bad for an offensive team.

I also think mega hera deserves a spot in the threat list (as it does with every team pretty much) as does mega voir. Both of the reasons are relatively simple, they each have 1 reliable switch in on your team, and said mon can't touch it back. Togekiss can't touch mega voir and if it is taunt or cm you might as well click the x right there. Mega hera can just set up SDs or subs on lando forcing you to rely on stone miss for minuscule damage or sack a mon then scare it out.

Ok, so I have a few mons that could work on that team.

First of all, I propose gliscor over lando t, as spdef can sort of help vs gengar
252 SpA Life Orb Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 244 HP / 192+ SpD Gliscor: 156-185 (44.3 - 52.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Poison Heal
You can run knock off, roost, eq and SR.

Rotom W over drill as a def wall. I think rotom w would work nicely for volt switching to gain initiative and momentum into togekiss or amphy to try and set up. Rotom W also deals with azumarill, birdspam.

I don't really think you need another scarfer in all honesty, keldeo can more than suffice at being an excellent cleaner/revenge killer. And last of all, you could put defog on the lati for hazard control.
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Hey Croven, sweet team, looks like a lot of fun. I just have a few things to comment about how it is now, then i will move on to the mons you mentioned. I think you should run atlas 4 speed on lando t, to outspeed 44 speed rotom w, as that does quite a number to your team being able to volt switch on the lati relatively easily. I'm not too sure on the lati EVs since you have roost to get back HP vs keldeo. Zard y has kind of lost its place in this meta, you outspeed anyway and can roost stall sun or almost kill with a draco. Lati also scares out the lando i and can take any one hit and just roost or drop a draco after. I don't think t bolt is that great a coverage either, since psychock does more than t bolt to AV azumarill, which is the most common set. I would recommend surf or hp fire/fighting here. Hp fire beats ferro, which your team finds pretty annoying with no way to ohko it straight off the bat.
(252+ SpA Mold Breaker Mega Ampharos Focus Blast vs. 252 HP / 168 SpD Ferrothorn: 262-310 (74.4 - 88%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery)
Hp fighting can 'deal' with Ttar and definitely forces a 50/50 with bisharp if it is the pursuit sucker punch set. Since your team doesnt exactly like bisharp either, the only switch in being keldeo who does not appreciate multiple knock off/iron heads. Only minor things I would criticise are there are 0 atk IVs on keldeo, lati, amphy and togekiss. Ill put an extra paragraph in about the mons you suggested later. Cool team though :)
Thanks for the reply! 4 Spe EV's on Lando-T, will put that on, didn't know it outsped 44 speed Rotom-W. I can test the Lati EV's, as I really haven't seen any Zard Y's as of late. As you said, Ferro is an annoyance, with Amphy and Keldeo being the best options to dish out some damage (unless I feel like being real and flinching it with Togekiss <.<) Will test HP Fire soon, as I feel Ferro is a bit more annoying than Bisharp. With Bisharp I just need to conserve Keldeo (also, Amphy lives any one hit at +2, even after Rocks iirc). And yeah, forgot about the 0 Atk IV's on the Special attackers. Thanks for the advice! ^^