Forme Freaks - Get Your Rotom On - UU and above open!

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Reserving Moltres.

Moltres (Fire/Flying) Pressure / Flame Body (unreleased HA) - 90/100/90/125/85/90


Moltres-Magma (Fire/Ground) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Earth Power
Moltres-Springtime (Fire/Grass) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Aromatherapy
Moltres-Dazzling (Fire/Fairy) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Dazzling Gleam
Moltres-Nighttime (Fire/Dark) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Night Daze
Moltres-Ancient (Fire/Rock) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Power Gem
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Reserving Corsola.

Corsola (Base forme): 55 HP/55 Atk/85 Def/65 SpA/85 SpD/35 Spe/380 BST
Abilities: Hustle/Natural Cure/Regenerator
Water/Rock type

I'll edit this post with the alt. formes later.

Corsola (Brain Coral): 55 HP/50 Atk/110 Def/100 SpA/110 SpD/35 Spe/460 BST
Ability: Regenerator
Water/Psychic type
New move: Stored Power

The first of the Corsola formes I thought of, Brain Corsola. Water/Psychic was chosen because what else would I use for something that's essentially a giant walking brain. Stored Power was chosen for the new move because Corsola already has Psychic, and I wanted something more unique than Psyshock.

Corsola (Stag Coral): 55 HP/50 Atk/110 Def/100 SpA/110 SpD/35 Spe/460 BST
Ability: Regenerator
Water/Fighting type
New move: Vacuum Wave

Next, we have Stag Corsola. Since stag coral looks sharp and tough IRL, Water/Fighting seemed like a good choice for typing. Vacuum Wave is the new move because Corsola is slow as crap, and not enough things get Vacuum Wave that can actually use it.

Corsola (Pillar Coral): 55 HP/50 Atk/110 Def/100 SpA/110 SpD/35 Spe/460 BST
Ability: Regenerator
Water/Ground type
New move: Spikes

Next, Pillar Corsola. I wanted this one to be Water/Rock, but since that's normal Corsola's typing, Water/Ground would have to do. Spikes are the new move because muh hazerds, also Corsola already gets Earth Power.

Corsola (Bamboo Coral): 55 HP/50 Atk/110 Def/100 SpA/110 SpD/35 Spe/460 BST
Ability: Regenerator
Water/Grass type
New move: Leech Seed

Next up, there's Bamboo Corsola. Even though bamboo coral looks the same as stag coral IRL, the name made it an obvious choice for a Water/Grass type. Leech Seed is there because apparently Recover, Regenerator, and potential Leftovers weren't enough.

Corsola (Pipe Coral): 55 HP/50 Atk/110 Def/100 SpA/110 SpD/35 Spe/460 BST
Ability: Regenerator
Water/Fire type
New move: Lava Plume

Finally, Pipe Corsola, also known as Not Volcanion. Water/Fire was chosen because the way pipe coral looks makes me think of an underwater volcano. Lava Plume is there because FEEL THE BURN.

Overall, Corsola's new stat spread was focused on increasing bulk on both sides, letting Corsola function as a tank or bulky setup attacker. Investment was put into special attack because it's the higher of Corsola's offenses, and because Corsola likes being able to spam Scald at things. Also, Corsola has no physical Water STAB, which didn't go well with Water being the primary typing for each forme. Obviously these new formes aren't perfect, but it's hard to make something with Corsola's stats actually work, especially with that abysmal speed and HP.
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Reserving Moltres.

Moltres (Fire/Flying) Pressure / Flame Body (unreleased HA) - 90/100/90/125/85/90


Moltres-Magma (Fire/Ground) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Earth Power
Moltres-Springtime (Fire/Grass) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Aromatherapy
Moltres-Dazzling (Fire/Fairy) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Dazzling Gleam
Moltres-Nighttime (Fire/Dark) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Night Daze
Moltres-Ancient (Fire/Rock) Pressure-90/95/115/135/110/115 +Power Gem
Moltres-Springtime looks awesome o.o

Heck they all look really powerful. Sub toxic ftw
Uhh, I think you forgot to put Miltank in that list of Reservations and Submissions, The Eevee General , I was just about to reserve Miltank when I double checked. :P

Also, reserving Tropius for later, I've got an idea where different fruits that grow on it's neck reflect it's forms, but I need more time to think about it.
Nope, I just hadn't got to it yet. I think it was reserved while I was asleep... ^_^
Reserving Gigas.
(I only found a moving backwards sprite...)
Forme Stats: 110/160/140(+30)/75(-5)/140(+30)/125(+25), Slow Start ;_;

Regigigas-Synch: Normal/Psychic + Skill Swap
Regigigas-Mold: Normal/Grass + Leech Seed (or Ingrain???)
Regigigas-Risen: Normal/Flying + Roost(slight irony)
Regigigas-Inferno: Normal/Fire + Flare Blitz
Regigigas-Agony: Normal/Ghost+ Curse

Explanation:The Mark There start shining with soem color, infusing him with some power that he didn't use already(No Ice, Rock or Steel), marks ob being in synch, of the agony he's had to endure, of the mold he developped while sleeping, The Air that he once rose to, and the Flames he's been inside. These marks pump adenaline into his body, allowing him to feel lwss pain, and move a bit faster. If only he didn't have slow start...

Every new move he gets shows some way of giving in to his ability(Pain Split, Explosion), or Getting Past it(Leech Seed, Skill Swap). He might not be PU trash now. MIGHT.
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Fuck it. Doing 5 more Rotoms, because that was the spark that started this anyway.

Rotom - Electric/Ghost (Levitate) ~ 50 / 50 / 77 / 95 / 77 / 91 : 440 total

  • Rotom-Suck - Electric/Ground (Levitate) ~ 50 / 65 / 107 / 105 / 107 / 86 : 520 total, +Spikes
  • Rotom-Shave - Electric/Steel (Levitate) ~ 50 / 65 / 107 / 105 / 107 / 86 : 520 total, +Mirror Shot
  • Rotom-Sew - Electric/Fairy (Levitate) ~ 50 / 65 / 107 / 105 / 107 / 86 : 520 total, +Twineedle Dazzling Gleam
  • Rotom-Zap - Electric/Bug (Levitate) ~ 50 / 65 / 107 / 105 / 107 / 86 : 520 total, +Bug Buzz
  • Rotom-Grind - Electric/Poison (Levitate) ~ 50 / 65 / 107 / 105 / 107 / 86 : 520 total, +Sludge Wave
What's this? Five more Rotoms?? Yep, Eevee has jumped the Sharpedo. But why not? Why can't Rotom inhabit five other appliances? Well it can and it did because it's a free spirit and these formes are what inspired this project in the first place.

No, Rotom-Suck is not a pot-shot at everyone's favorite little possessed lightbulb doodad, it's the name of a new forme that has taken up residence inside a vacuum cleaner. I decided not to give it a damaging attack because I wanted to explore the possibility of a hazard setter and I thought Spikes was the perfect fit. Without Ghost, it can't spinblock the hazards, but it does threaten Defogers with STAB Electric. And when something does come in to spin or Taunt it, it just Volt Switches away.
Yes! OMFG yes!

Finally, an Electric/Steel type with Levitate! Wait, Mirror Shot? Sorry, I had to! It's a gosh darn electric shaver after all and what shave is complete without a mirror? Plus, it might lower accuracy, so that's neat I guess. Overall, flavor got the best of this forme, but not all of them can be amazing. I mean, look at Rotom-Fan or Frost. So long as Magnezone and even Magneton exist, this guy is probably destined to collect dust in a drawer.
Use your imagination -_-

The flavor for Rotom-Sew, a sewing machine, was that it knitted a Silk Scarf every time it used the move Twineedle. As exciting as that sounds, I was afraid that flavor would sink another forme (see Shave) so I went with something actually competitive. Electric/Fairy and Levitate grants only one weakness to Poison, which is pretty cool. Moonblast was tempting, but Dazzling Gleam felt more granny-esque, and Moonblast is the go-to for special Fairy formes anyway. I can see a niche for this somewhere. Probably in the bedroom that turned into a sewing room after the kids went to college. That or like UU maybe.
Dat whimsy 0o

Try to put aside the fact that Rotom-Zap is a bug zapper which kills other bugs and just appreciate the brilliance in its creation, okay? Bug Buzz is so perfect I should win an award. The buzzing isn't actually coming from Rotom--it's the noise each victim makes once it's electrified. Anyway, Bug is cool coverage for those pesky Grass-types trying to take a Volt Switch, while Electric scares off the birds that want to eat its Bug STAB (pun intended!). A Rock weakness hampers its switching chances, which keeps this otherwise top-tier threat in check.

Have you ever seen a garbage disposal unit outside of the sink? Me neither. I imagine this forme will come with a sink and even a cupboard which flies open every now and again to reveal its juicy insides. Sludge Wave had some competition with Gunk Shot, but I decided to go the competitive route because Electric/Poison is another cool combination thanks to Levitate, giving it only one weakness to Psychic. This thing gives zero shits about any Fairy types without STAB Psychic (fuck Gardevoir) and has the added bonus of an immunity to Thunder Wave and Toxic (fuck Rotom-Shave). Avoid Mold Breakers at all costs, or just hit them with Will-O-Wisp on the switch.
Just in case you needed to know...
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Stantler-N: 73-95-62-85-65-85
Type: Normal
Abilities: Frisk / Intimidate / Sap Sipper

Trying to keep the Christmas references subtle and have no similarities to the other deer meaning no Grass and no seasons (eras instead). Instead based on the ghosts of Christmas past/present/future. There are a lot of stat boosts but Stantler has been treated so poorly by GF over the years that I think it deserves some buffs.

Stantler-Past: 73-120-62-115-95-80
Type: Normal / Ghost
Ability: Intimidate
Move: Phantom Force

Stantler-Present: 73-120-62-115-95-80
Type: Normal / Ghost
Ability: Intimidate
Move: Shadow Sneak

Stantler-Future: 73-120-62-115-95-80
Type: Normal / Ghost
Ability: Intimidate
Move: Hyperspace Hole
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I think it's been 24 hours? Here we go.

Regirock: Rock - 80/100/200/50/100/50=580 (Clear Body, Sturdy[Unreleased])

Variant Formes: 80/140/210/45/130/55=660 (Clear Body) (+0/+40/+10/-5/+30/+5)

Regirock-Grit: Ground

Mostly for the Earthquake STAB, but giving Regirock some utility-type stuff doesn't hurt. It's made of sand and grit and small sharp rocks mixed in.

Regirock-Bendy: Rock/Fighting
+Close Combat

Mostly for the Drain Punch STAB, actually. No I have no idea what it looks like.

Regirock-Seeded: Rock/Grass
+Horn Leech

Covered in flowers and menacing thorny vines, which it uses to rip out your health.

Regirock-Zen Statue: Rock/Psychic
+Zen Headbutt

Looks suspiciously like a statue of Buddha Pokemonized.

Regirock-Possessed: Rock/Ghost
+Night Shade

Animated by something sinister, and now capable of dumping a Curse on you instead of Cursing itself.

I don't have much of an analysis to put up. I like Regirock, it's cool, it's got good moves, but being pure Rock is just bad.
These are some fun form changes but here's some forms of rotom i'd like to see.
Ground rotom looks like a jack hammer special move earth power

Fairy rotom looks like a old fashion ugly lamp has moon blast

Steel rotom looks like a generator has flash cannon

For stats I need help and art I'd like to see some artest's draw these. No negative comments just positive please thank you. :) remember this is pokemon have fun with conversation
reserving Farfetch'd


Farfetch'd - Normal/Flying (Inner Focus/Keen Eye/Defiant) ~ 52 / 65 / 55 / 58 / 62 / 60 : 352 total

  • Farfetch'd-Swordsman - Fighting/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Close Combat (leek develops into sharper, more effective sword)
  • Farfetch'd-Archer - Poison/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Gunk Shot (uses modified leek like a bow and arrow to shoot poison arrows at opponents)
  • Farfetch'd-Boomerang - Ground/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Bonemerang (uses now bent leek as a Boomerang)
  • Farfetch'd-Dagger - Dark/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Sucker Punch (breaks leek in half, both halves of the leek are held in both wings and used as stabbing weapons).
  • Farfetch'd-Axe - Steel/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Heavy Slam (Leek becomes very large, heavy, and gets a blade like an axe, Farfetch'd becomes incredibly heavy in this forme to utilize heavy slam most effectively).

The main idea here is that while Farfetch'd doesn't change much itself, the leek it holds sure does. Each forme uses the modified leek as a different kind of weapon, and the way the leek changes Farfetch'd changes formes heavily changes the way that it's used in battle, giving farfy an entirely new type and a new move to use in play.

Of course, given Farfy's very low stats all around, i needed to pump pretty much everything into Attack and Speed so it could be a threat at all, even in NU! I'm pretty sure none of Farfy's new formes would see use in the higher tiers as of yet, but i think i have a way around that.

The Eevee General Is it ok if i bring Farfy's signature item, the Stick into this? I was thinking that the stick could have different positive effects when held by Farfy's alternate formes (stat boosts, equivalent effects of good abilities) that could help make up for its poor base stat total and boost its theoretical viability in higher level play. But i'm not sure if that's ok with you.

Reserving Dunsparce too
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Reserving Uxie.

If you reserve Azelf before I do you're a jerk

Uxie (Psychic): 80 | 75 | 135 | 75 | 135 | 95; Levitate; +Nothing
Uxie-Scientific (Psychic/Steel): 80 | 70 | 165 | 90 | 165 | 105; Levitate; +Flash Cannon
Uxie-Linguistic (Psychic/Normal): 80 | 70 | 165 | 90 | 165 | 105; Levitate; +Baton Pass
Uxie-Partial (Psychic/Dark): 80 | 70 | 165 | 90 | 165 | 105; Levitate; +Parting Shot
Uxie-Symbolic (Psychic/Fairy): 80 | 70 | 165 | 90 | 165 | 105; Levitate; +Moonlight
Uxie-Mathematic (Psychic/Electric): 80 | 70 | 165 | 90 | 165 | 105; Levitate; +Parabolic Charge

5 different knowledges for 5 different idk

EDIT: Wait Azelf's UU
Nobody's a jerk :D
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Reserving CRYOGONAL based snowflake


The basic idea behind cryogonal will be to change to a different type of snowflake. You know, how it's ice now, it will turn to different things due to what type of snowflake it is. Due to TEG saying it can change types. This seems like the easiest to make a sprite of if anyone ever decided to. Again, I think I did the math right, but can anyone check?

Cryogonal - Ice (Levitate) 70/ 50 / 30 / 95 / 135 / 105 / 485

  • Cryogonal-Mossy - Ice/Grass (Levitate) 70/ 45 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 115 / 565 + Energy Ball ~ Cryogonal replaces it's ice with moss. Becomes Grass.
  • Cryogonal-Spirit - Ice/Ghost (Levitate) 70/ 45 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 115 / 565 + Shadow Ball ~ Cryogonal is now dead, and is a spirit. A spooky ghost.
  • Cryogonal-Burst - Ice/Fire (Levitate) 70/ 45 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 115 / 565 + Heat Wave ~ Cryogonal somehow exploded, and is now a ball of fire. Becomes a flame.
  • Cryogonal-Pebble - Ice/Rock (Levitate) 70/ 45 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 115 / 565 + Power Gem (or SR) ~ Cryogonal is now an oversized geodude, that actually listens to it's floaty-ness. Is a rock.
  • Cryogonal-Clockwork - Ice/Steel (Levitate) 70/ 45 / 75 / 110 / 145 / 115 / 565 + Flash Cannon ~ Cryogonal is now a clock, there's really not much more to say, it's a fucking clock... it tells time and stuff.
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Ditto cause lol

All the abilities are Limber, cause Imposter's no fun.

Natural Ditto - Normal/Grass - +Aromatherapy
Magician Ditto - Normal/Psychic - +Magic Room
Acid Ditto - Normal/Poison - +Toxic
Thunder Ditto- Normal/Electric - +Thunder Wave
Flaming Ditto - Normal/Fire - +Will-O-Wisp
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Actually i'm gonna reserve Carnivine because levitate grass/flying carnivine has to exist o.o

(actually if possible i'd like to reserve Basculin too, if not possible to reserve both just give jrm carnivine)

Edit: Here it is.


Carnivine- Hanging vine (grass/flying): 74/120/109/90/95/46 -gets brave bird
jrm suggested Carnivine- Tightrope
Carnivine- Aquatic vine (grass/water): 74/120/109/90/95/46 -gets waterfall
chuun suggested Carnivine- Seaweed
Carnivine- Volcanic vine (grass/fire): 74/120/109/90/95/46 -gets flare blitz
chuun suggested Carnivine- Wildfire
Carnivine- Evil vine (grass/dark): 74/120/109/90/95/46 -gets sucker punch
chuun suggested Carnivine- Undergrowth
Carnivine- Robo vine (grass/electric): 74/120/109/90/95/46 - gets wild charge
chuun suggested Carnivine- Wire

The only thing that was on my mind while making this was to rid carnivine of a weakness with each form and to make a godly swords dance tank like based afro buffalo.And i think i've succeeded. Lemme know what you guys think of these.(Btw i'm undecided on the names tell me which ones are better :I)
Note: the flying one is there just to be a rotom fan clone and the evil one is for stab sucker punch.

Now for the reasonings behind the stat changes. Design wise carnivine always looked more like a physical attacker and more physically defensive so i gave it boosts in both of these stats. I didn't increase speed because it just looked slow :I lastly the spD increase was given to add more bulk, but not enough to make it impossible to kill.

Lastly, do i have to reduce a stat with -5? if so, just assume -5 speed and +5 SpA.

also, still waiting on that basculin answer.
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aww someone else took carnivine at it was <10 minutes ago
if only i wasn't pitifully slow
anyway reserving Chimecho bc more song formes can't possibly be bad
edit: crap i can't post for another hour
i guess my reservation won't be official for a while so i guess in theory some jerk could take chimecho just to piss me off
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reserving Farfetch'd

The Eevee General Is it ok if i bring Farfy's signature item, the Stick into this? I was thinking that the stick could have different positive effects when held by Farfy's alternate formes (stat boosts, equivalent effects of good abilities) that could help make up for its poor base stat total and boost its theoretical viability in higher level play. But i'm not sure if that's ok with you.

Reserving Dunsparce too
Yes, do it! Sounds awesome.
aww someone else took carnivine at it was <10 minutes ago
if only i wasn't pitifully slow
anyway reserving Chimecho bc more song formes can't possibly be bad

Chimecho isn't a single-stage evolution. Chingling evolves into it.
Yes, do it! Sounds awesome.

Alrighty then, here goes.

reserving Farfetch'd


Farfetch'd - Normal/Flying (Inner Focus/Keen Eye/Defiant) ~ 52 / 65 / 55 / 58 / 62 / 60 : 352 total

  • Farfetch'd-Swordsman - Fighting/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Close Combat (leek develops into sharper, more effective sword)
  • Farfetch'd-Archer - Poison/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Gunk Shot (uses modified leek like a bow and arrow to shoot poison arrows at opponents)
  • Farfetch'd-Boomerang - Ground/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Bonemerang (uses now bent leek as a Boomerang)
  • Farfetch'd-Dagger - Dark/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Sucker Punch (breaks leek in half, both halves of the leek are held in both wings and used as stabbing weapons).
  • Farfetch'd-Axe - Steel/Flying (Defiant) ~52/125/55/53/62/85 | +Heavy Slam (Leek becomes very large, heavy, and gets a blade like an axe, Farfetch'd becomes incredibly heavy in this forme to utilize heavy slam most effectively).

The main idea here is that while Farfetch'd doesn't change much itself, the leek it holds sure does. Each forme uses the modified leek as a different kind of weapon, and the way the leek changes Farfetch'd changes formes heavily changes the way that it's used in battle, giving farfy an entirely new type and a new move to use in play.

Of course, given Farfy's very low stats all around, i needed to pump pretty much everything into Attack and Speed so it could be a threat at all, even in NU! I'm pretty sure none of Farfy's new formes would see use in the higher tiers as of yet, but i think i have a way around that.

The Eevee General Is it ok if i bring Farfy's signature item, the Stick into this? I was thinking that the stick could have different positive effects when held by Farfy's alternate formes (stat boosts, equivalent effects of good abilities) that could help make up for its poor base stat total and boost its theoretical viability in higher level play. But i'm not sure if that's ok with you.

Reserving Dunsparce too

When Farfetch'd has its forme changed by special NPCs, its signature item, the stick changes as well. Depending on the forme that Farfetch'd has currently taken, the stick provides it with extra stat boosts and other goodies to make it even stronger, but at the cost of using an item slot for things such as Leftovers.


An item to be held by Farfetch'd. This very long and stiff stalk of leek boosts its critical-hit ratio.


When held by Swordsman: 50% boost to Attack stat, Attack stat cannot be lowered through any means (Hyper Cutter)

When held by Archer: 50% Boost to Speed stat, any attacking move has a 30% chance to poison (Poison Touch)

When held by Boomerang: 20% Boost to Defense, Special Defense, and Speed stats, Ground-type moves can hit Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with the ability Levitate (Scrappy varient, this should explain why).

when held by Dagger: 20% boost to Attack stat, 30% Boost to Speed stat, Reflect, Light Screen, Safeguard, Mist, and Substitute are ignored (Infiltrator).

When held by Axe: 50% boost to Defense and Special Defense, Heavy Slam will always have 120 BP.

oh well i guess i'm not doing that
screw shitty prevos and my RSE-developed mind
i'm so used to chimecho being a single-stage pokemon
Molk holy crap Farfetch'd-Axe is ready to clean up shop. Since the other formes got ability-ish improvements from the Stick, maybe Axe could get Heavy Metal instead of the guaranteed 120 BP Heavy Slam. I don't know how much closer it brings the BP to 120 if you did it that way, but it would align better for consistency's sake. Up to you though. This project is pretty open to contributor interpretations.

Other stuff:
  • I'm planning on compiling the submissions into a file to make it easier to view them. I'll probably do it this weekend.
  • If you can find any art or pictures that represent the flavor of your creations, feel free to add them in HIDE tags with your submissions.
  • Once we finish this round of the ~RU and lower Pokemon, we can vote for our favorite formes for each Pokemon and also talk about which ones would do best competitively--a bit of theorymonning if you will, like what I've been doing with my own submissions. Then I might unlock the other single stage Pokemon...
Molk holy crap Farfetch'd-Axe is ready to clean up shop. Since the other formes got ability-ish improvements from the Stick, maybe Axe could get Heavy Metal instead of the guaranteed 120 BP Heavy Slam. I don't know how much closer it brings the BP to 120 if you did it that way, but it would align better for consistency's sake. Up to you though. This project is pretty open to contributor interpretations.

Other stuff:
  • I'm planning on compiling the submissions into a file to make it easier to view them. I'll probably do it this weekend.
  • If you can find any art or pictures that represent the flavor of your creations, feel free to add them in HIDE tags with your submissions.
  • Once we finish this round of the ~RU and lower Pokemon, we can vote for our favorite formes for each Pokemon and also talk about which ones would do best competitively--a bit of theorymonning if you will, like what I've been doing with my own submissions. Then I might unlock the other single stage Pokemon...
Farfetch'd is incredibly light so Heavy Metal would probably give like a 40 power Heavy Slam XD

On the file part can we compile this into an actual mod using a modified version of the script Slayer95 made?
So maybe we can actually play this o.o
Farfetch'd is incredibly light so Heavy Metal would probably give like a 40 power Heavy Slam XD

On the file part can we compile this into an actual mod using a modified version of the script Slayer95 made?
So maybe we can actually play this o.o
With his layout I don't know how to create new Pokemon etc.
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