Spare Pentas/Leftovers

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~10 Volbeat (M) Bold- Prankster [Encore/Baton Pass] Dream Ball
~40 Flabebe-Orange (F) Calm- Flower Veil Heal Ball [Still don't have a shiny, screw these things]
1 bellsprout (f) modest- chlorophyll [gigadrain/weatherball/synthesis/clearsmog] poke ball
2 qwilfish (m) adamant- intimidate/swiftswim [brine/aquajet/signalbeam/haze] dream ball
1 Pichu (M) Timid- Static [Fake Out/Encore/Endure/Wish] Safari Ball
1 pinsir (f) jolly- moxie [quick attack/closecombat] net ball
1 ralts (m) timid- trace [memento/skillswap/encore/destinybond] moon ball
1 poliwag (m) modest- swift swim [haze/encore] nest ball
1 remoraid (m) quiet- hustle [waterpulse/aurorabeam/waterspout] repeat ball
1 luvdisc (f) timid- swift swim [mud sport/aquaring/halpulse/aquajet] pok ball
3 machop (m) jolly- no guard/guts [bullet/ice/fire/thunderpunch] heavy ball
1 lillipup (f) adamant- pickup [pursuit/fire/thunder/icefang] premier ball
4 snivy (m) adamant- overgrow [mirrorcoat/irontail] poke ball
3 squirtle (m) modest- rain dish [haze/mirrorcoat/dpulse/aurasphere] dive ball

1 shiny squirtle [missing spdef] (m) modest- rain dish [haze/mirrorcoat/dpulse/aurosphere] dive ball
1 0 iv shiny vanillite (f) bashful- ice body heal ball
1 Ralts (F) Modest- Trace [Shadowsneak/Confuseray/Disable/Destinybond] Love Ball
1 Hippopotas (F) Adamant- SandStream [Slackoff/Curse/Whirlwind/Stockpile] Luxury Ball
2 remoraid (f) quiet- hustle [haze/waterpulse/aurorabeam/waterspout] repeat ball
1 Pinsir (F) Jolly- Mold Breaker [Close Combat/Quick Attack] Net Ball
1 Snorunt (M) Timid- Moody [Spikes] Premier Ball
4 Binacle (F) Jolly- Tough Claws Premier Ball
1 Axew (F) Adamant- Mold Breaker [Irontail/Nightslash/FocusEnergy/Counter] Ultra Ball
4 Ponyta (F) Jolly- Flash Fire [Lowkick/Hypnosis/MorningSun] Poke Ball
1 Clauncher (F) Modest- Mega Launcher [Crabhammer] Poke Ball
3 Barboach (F) Adamant- Hydration [Spark/HydroPump/DDance/EarthPower] Dream Ball
2 Durant (F) Jolly- Truant Premier Ball
6 Clamperl (F) Modest- Rattled [AquaRing/WaterPulse/Barrier/Refresh] Dream Ball
3 Munna (F) Bold- Telepathy [MagicCoat/BatonPass/Barrier/HelpingHand] Poke Ball
6 Snover (M/F) Brave- Snowwarning/Soundproof [Growth/NaturalGift/LeechSeed/SeedBomb] Poke Ball
2 Numel (M/F) Modest- Own Tempo [Heatwave/AncientPower/IronHead/BodySlam] Poke Ball
9 Nincada (M/F) Adamant- RunAway/Compound Eyes [Endure/NightSlash/FinalGambit/BugBite] Poke Ball
1 Paras (F) Careful- Damp [Counter/LeechSeed/Rototollier/WideGuard] Poke Ball
1 Pichu (F) Timid- Static [Fake Out/Encore/Endure/Wish] Safari Ball
1 helioptile (f) timid- sandveil [camoflauge/agility/glare/electric terrain] ultra ball
5 deino (f) modest- hustle [earthpower, headsmash, icefang, fire fang] luxury ball
1 noibat (f) timid- infiltrator [outrage/snatch/tailwind/switcheroo] luxury ball
1 magikarp (m) adamant- swift swim pokeball
1 deerling summer (f) jolly- chlorophyll [batonpass/agility/worryseed/synthesis] nest ball
1 deino (f) modest- hustle [earthpower, headsmash, icefang, assurance] luxury ball
1 heracross (f) adamant- moxie [endure/megahorn/rockblast] pokeball
4 karrablast (m/f) adamant- shedskin [pursuit/megahorn/knockoff] pokeball
1 skrelp (f) sassy- poison touch [venomdrench/toxicspikes/haze/acidarmor] poke ball
1 cherubi (m) careful- chlorophyll [aromatherapy/weatherball/healingwish/healpulse] dream ball
3 squirtle (f) modest- torrent [haze/mirrorcoat/dpulse/auraspher] dive ball
3 squirtle (f) modest- rain dish [haze/mirrorcoat/dpulse/aurasphere] dive ball
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Are we allowed more than one? If so, I'm interested in (bold if we're only allowed one):
Clamperl (F) Modest- Rattled [AquaRing/WaterPulse/Barrier/Refresh] Dream Ball
Pichu (F) Timid- Static [Fake Out/Encore/Endure/Wish] Safari Ball
Shroomish (f) jolly- poison heal [seedbomb/drainpunch/worryseed/bulletseed] friend ball
Deerling summer (f) jolly- chlorophyll [batonpass/agility/worryseed/synthesis] nest ball
Deerling winter (f) jolly- chlorophyll [batonpass/agility/worryseed/synthesis] premier ball
Are we allowed more than one? If so, I'm interested in (bold if we're only allowed one):
Clamperl (F) Modest- Rattled [AquaRing/WaterPulse/Barrier/Refresh] Dream Ball
Pichu (F) Timid- Static [Fake Out/Encore/Endure/Wish] Safari Ball
Shroomish (f) jolly- poison heal [seedbomb/drainpunch/worryseed/bulletseed] friend ball
Deerling summer (f) jolly- chlorophyll [batonpass/agility/worryseed/synthesis] nest ball
Deerling winter (f) jolly- chlorophyll [batonpass/agility/worryseed/synthesis] premier ball

multiple is fine
Numel (M) Modest- Own Tempo [Heatwave/AncientPower/IronHead/BodySlam] Poke Ball
fennekin (m) modest- magician [wish/heatwave/magiccoat/hypnosis] repeat ball
roselia (m) timid- leaf guard [synthesis/spikes/sleeppowder/leafstorm] nest ball
stunky (f) adamant- aftermath [pursuit/crunch/haze/playrough] premier ball
shelmet (f) timid- hydration [pursuit/spikes/batonpass/encore] luxury ball

Sorry for asking for so much they are just so perfect. I'll add you if it's necessary.
Numel (M) Modest- Own Tempo [Heatwave/AncientPower/IronHead/BodySlam] Poke Ball
fennekin (m) modest- magician [wish/heatwave/magiccoat/hypnosis] repeat ball
roselia (m) timid- leaf guard [synthesis/spikes/sleeppowder/leafstorm] nest ball
stunky (f) adamant- aftermath [pursuit/crunch/haze/playrough] premier ball
shelmet (f) timid- hydration [pursuit/spikes/batonpass/encore] luxury ball

Sorry for asking for so much they are just so perfect. I'll add you if it's necessary.
yyah, add me
Deposited a Bunnelby on the GTS. Would love this one:

Kecleon (f) adamant- colorchange dream ball

Thanks so much!
I hope it would be okay to trade multiple as well, would be interested in the:

1 zangoose (f) jolly- toxic boost [nightslash/counter/disable/finalgambit] pokeball
1 stunky (m) adamant- aftermath [pursuit/crunch/haze/playrough] prmeir ball
5 machop (m) jolly- no guard/guts [bullet/ice/fire/thunderpunch] heavy ball
1 stunfisk (f) quiet- sandveil [painsplit/earthpower/curse/yawn] poke ball
~40 Flabebe-Orange (F) Calm- Flower Veil Heal Ball [Still don't have a shiny, screw these things]
1 phanpy (m) adamant- pickup [iceshard/headsmash] poke ball

Won't be available for the next ~9 hours likely, but let me know if it's okay to reserve them.
I will add you tonight if that's okay, they are just too nice to pass on.
I'd love these two if you still have them:
1 smoochum (f) timid- oblivious [nastyplot/icpunch/wish/fakeout] dream ball
7 Clamperl (F) Modest- Rattled [AquaRing/WaterPulse/Barrier/Refresh] Dream Ball

I'll post a Bunnelby now, then another one later.
Hi, I'm interested in:

1 ralts (m) timid- trace [memento/skillswap/encore/destinybond] moon ball
1 poliwag (m) modest- swift swim [haze/encore] nest ball
I'm online now and I've already added you. My FC is in the signature.

I put the Bunnelby on the GTS right now, asking for the Ralts:

1 ralts (m) timid- trace [memento/skillswap/encore/destinybond] moon ball

Thank you, if you can give me one of them.
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