Other Features Forgotten Pokemon That Desperately Need Mega Evolutions

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Goddess Briyella

Banned deucer.
Hi there. You know what this is about. You forgot these Pokemon existed, didn't you? In this article, I want to cover forgotten Pokemon that are never seen in competitive battling because, despite their unique traits and advantages, they are either bad in the metagames at large in which they appear or are overshadowed by other Pokemon that better perform their roles. Pokemon such as Mawile and Pinsir rose from the depths of obscurity to be top contenders in OU simply because of Mega Evolution; perhaps that could be the case for a few of these as well.

This will not be a theorymonning project. The Pokemon's unique traits and advantages will be talked about and followed by reasons for their lack of use and what kind of buffs they might need from a Mega Evolution to make them more viable if they were to get one. The information presented will be very straightforward, concrete, non-opinionated, and will be unlikely to receive backlash from the community.























I tried not to include any XY Pokemon, as those haven't exactly been around long enough to be forgotten yet. I am fine shortening this list if that's what Smog staff thinks should be done, but there isn't much to talk about for these, so I'd rather just keep them all and make the content shorter than what I usually do for each one if possible.

I want to write this with my newer mentee Felicette, who has shown a recent interest in writing for The Smog. She will need access to the workshop if this is approved. Thanks as always. :)
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Even after mulling this over, I'm still on the fence about it. Would it be possible for you two to write a sample for one of the featured mons?
Even after mulling this over, I'm still on the fence about it. Would it be possible for you two to write a sample for one of the featured mons?

If you mean a sample Mega Evolution for each one, I still want to try to make this topic as closed-ended as possible. I suppose I could try to give them ideal abilities and stats that would compliment the unique traits they have and aren't acknowledged for, to help them better stand out for what appears to be Game Freak's intended purposes for them.

I just don't want any Mega Evolution ideas that arise from this to seem opinionated, arbitrary, or in general something that the masses are likely to disagree with; I'm doing my best to avoid that and keep things strictly informative. It's worth a shot, I guess, if that is what you think should be done.
I was more referring to how you could write what you were planning to write for one of them, just so I could see how this article would look like through a small sample.
I was more referring to how you could write what you were planning to write for one of them, just so I could see how this article would look like through a small sample.

I see. These are two I whipped up quickly; what do you think? :)


Mega Rapidash
Type: Fire/Fairy
Ability: Magic Guard
Base Stats: 65 HP / 140 Atk / 90 Def / 80 SpA / 90 SpD / 135 Spe

Rapidash was never really used in competitive battling despite its decent Attack and Speed stats, largely due to being outclassed by other physically inclined Fire-types such as Entei and Darmanitan. While Rapidash, like many Fire-types, is able to deal heavy damage with high-powered moves, its main problem is that its offense is often what shortens its lifespan. Flare Blitz and Wild Charge have a nasty side effect of recoil, and this damage combined with Rapidash's inherent weakness to Stealth Rock causes it to be worn down very quickly. The addition of a Mega Evolution with Magic Guard would remedy this huge problem and make the flaming horse able to dish out huge damage without the double-edged sword of recoil damage, while also eliminating its worry of Stealth Rock. The additional Fairy typing could allude to a Pegasus-like Mega Evolution with wings and would also help the flavor aspect of Magic Guard.


Mega Sunflora
Type: Grass/Fire
Ability: Drought
Base Stats: 75 HP / 75 Atk / 85 Def / 165 SpA / 95 SpD / 30 Spe

Sunflora was obviously designed with sunlight in mind and has always had the advantage of a nice STAB Solar Beam under the effects of Sunny Day. It could greatly benefit from a Mega Evolution that instantly powers up its Solar Beam attack, and its Hidden Power Fire could also greatly benefit from STAB and the sun boost to Fire-type moves. The new typing would eliminate Sunflora's weaknesses to Bug, Fire, and Ice, while only adding a Rock weakness, which is generally covered by STAB Solar Beam pretty well. This would make Sunflora the first Pokemon to have both Drought and STAB Solar Beam, as well as the only Pokemon to have both of its types reap an immediate offensive benefit from harsh sunlight. Something of this nature would be ideal to both the flavor and competitive needs of Sunflora and would be sure to pull it out of the pit of forgotten Pokemon.

Edit: This is assuming you wanted SAMPLE MEGAS. It wasn't my intention to provide my own stuff that would be called "arbitrary" or "opinionated", but I am willing to change the article to conform to what you think should be a better approach. If I'm not understanding your request, please stop me. I'm currently about to leave work so I'm really pressed for time and don't have time to focus much on this one thing; I can provide samples of what I had in mind originally if you'd like.
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I believe you told me that you weren't planning to give them estimated base stats and abilities, so clearly there's a misunderstanding again.

But fine. I approve. Gonna leave it open for a while longer to let others share their thoughts, but you've been a solid contributor up to this point, so I don't believe we should have any troubles.
I'm not sure how you define "purposely terrible" but whatever..

Edit: This is assuming you wanted SAMPLE MEGAS. It wasn't my intention to provide my own stuff that would be called "arbitrary" or "opinionated", but I am willing to change the article to conform to what you think should be a better approach. If I'm not understanding your request, please stop me. I'm currently about to leave work so I'm really pressed for time and don't have time to focus much on this one thing; I can provide samples of what I had in mind originally if you'd like.

I like the idea but I was never a big fan of throwing around arbitrary numbers. I think that I know what you were originally thinking (and it was better that way), but how about a sample of that just to make sure?
I like the idea but I was never a big fan of throwing around arbitrary numbers. I think that I know what you were originally thinking (and it was better that way), but how about a sample of that just to make sure?

Certainly. :)



Rapidash is an unfortunate case of a Fire-type that has been cursed with poor usage in competitive play since its inception in the very first generation of Pokemon. Its good Attack and Speed stats, in combination with powerful coverage moves, would seem to provide players with good reasons to choose Rapidash for a spot on a team. Fire-types in general were not very good choices in RBY, and the same was true in GSC despite their offensive and defensive advantage against the newly introduced Steel type of that era. Rapidash was hopelessly outclassed by Blaziken, Arcanine, Houndoom, and other Fire-types in ADV, and not even the physical/special split that DPP brought, along with Flare Blitz as a high-powered Fire-type attack for Rapidash's greater offensive stat, was enough to pull Rapidash out from the depths of obscurity. BW gave it awesome coverage moves in Megahorn and Wild Charge, and XY gave it a brand new resistance to moves of the new Fairy type. With a total of six resistances, good power and Speed, and access to Morning Sun for recovery, why is Rapidash not seeing use even now? Well, when it's said that Rapidash is outclassed in its role, it's a lot deeper than just that simple statement. In the physical Fire-type offense department, there's the ubiquitous Talonflame and Mega Charizard X. In the "hit like a truck" Fire-type offense department, there's Darmanitan. In the bulky Fire-type offense department, there's Arcanine and Entei. In the versatile Fire-type department, there's Infernape. Literally anything Rapidash can do is done better by something else, regardless of how unique some might like to see it as. In addition, Rapidash's most reliable attacks end up being its downfall more often than not, as the recoil from Flare Blitz and Wild Charge adds up; Rapidash's rather low HP stat doesn't help it there and neither do its middling defenses when it comes to taking retaliatory attacks after having taken damage from its own.

Rapidash's main issues are subpar stats in comparison to other physically inclined Fire-types, no real stand-out ability, and the fact that it has to damn near kill itself to be able to hurt things, which is especially troubling when considering the prevalence of Stealth Rock. It can be safely assumed that the only saving grace Rapidash might have in store is a Mega Evolution that remedies these problems. Perhaps a new secondary typing could give Rapidash the edge it needs to stand out among the wildfire of already existing Fire-types, and an ability that prevents it from making any meaningful attack a kamikaze might be ideal as well. Something like Magic Guard would put a stop to Stealth Rock damage and move recoil altogether, and would be perfect along with a Mega Evolution to salvage its cursed fate as the forgotten fire horse.
I think I'm good with this. I don't really see the point in arguing the semantics of "forgotten" vs "lost to competitive Pokemon" either.

Go ahead.
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