Doubles Dark Horse Project V.2.


artwork shamelessly stolen from the OU version; art by ToxicPhox

Hello Doubles! Those of you who've been here a while might remember the Dark Horse Project that Birkal hosted in OU a long time ago; well I'm here to port it to Doubles. There are a couple good reasons to participate in this project. First, participating will help us test the new Pokemon that this generation brought us. Second, participating will bring up the usage of some criminally underused Pokemon to help balance out all the noobs spamming Greninja.

The rules of the project are as follows:
  • You must choose two Pokemon on the list of usage stats that have had less than 3.41% usage in the previous month. The usage stats that we are using can be found here. Anything not on the Doubles UU banlist counts as a Dark Horse.
  • You must build a team with them (don't just steal an RMT that happened to have both).
  • You must post here stating the two Dark Horse Pokemon you were using and the fresh alt you are going to ladder under.
  • After that, you have the entire month to bring said fresh alt up to a point where you can be a Dark Horse champion! Don't start laddering until October 1!!
  • Once you've achieved this, edit your registration post with a screencap of your ranking to be added to the Hall of Fame.
  • If someone else took your same dark horse to a higher ranking, you don't get to enter the hall of fame for that dark horse! Only one of your dark horses needs to not be topped in order for you enter the hall of fame.
  • Every month, the Hall of Fame will be preserved, but a new Dark Horse challenge will start, so you can pick another couple Pokemon that you want to use and try to get another set of dark horses into the hall of fame!
  • Note you can't get in the Hall of Fame with the same Dark Horse Pokemon multiple times (though the rest of your team can be recycled if you so wish).
  • Discussions of your Dark Horses are greatly encouraged. Post here with commentary, findings, teams, strategies, etc.—anything to do with the Dark Horse you've been using and what you've learned from it!
Qazoo306 - DH Qazoo - Staraptor, Pinsir
Shaian - Bulls23 - Noivern, Arcanine
Koolkranny - DH krankykranny - Rotom-C, Landorus-I
Jatayu09 - Jatayus Dark Horse - Infernape, Latias
Quickscopenoscope - screw shaymin s - Machamp, Gastrodon
Aurarayquaza - black mare - Jirachi, Blastoice
Qwertypops - Qwertyhorse - Piloswine, Magmar, Electabuzz, Emolga
Lil_Sweep - Lil_DarkH - Victini, Goodra
Level 51 - Next Level Rain - Deoxys-Speed, Escavalier
Benja299 - DH Benja - Deoxys-Attack, Entei
Mizuhime - Poli Brings Wrath Blockbuster Night- Poliwrath, Swanna Lucario, Heracross
KyleCole - Tornatank - Miltank, Tornadus Braviary
Cxinlee - Double Target - Snorlax, Mienshao
Philosophist - Horse Paint - Alakazam, Crawdaunt
Roxer123 - KatyPerryRoxer - Typhlosion, Jirachi
Moudou - DH Moudou - Tornadus, Kingdra
U-Turn Out - DH U-Turn - Yanmega, Lucario
Hashtag - Hashtag Smogod - Weezing, Rotom-C
Memoric - All For Naught - Chesnaught, Metagross
Acecard367 - DH367 - Omastar, Audino
Wllmagic - kitchen fluur - Mew Milotic

There will be three ranks in the hall of fame. Bringing your team to 1550 ELO earns you a C Rank, reaching the 1600 ELO mark gets you a B Rank, and should your team surpass 1675 ELO, you'll earn an A Rank. Good luck!
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Hi i locked ur thread, please run all project threads by all mods in forum pm before posting any of them! Thanks, i will unlock once this is done
In with Staraptor and Pinsir as my dark horses.

/me facepalms
I forgot to include my alt; I'll be DH Qazoo
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Pokemon: Milotic, Volcarona
Alt: Duranty

Im just saying, ladder usage isnt a great representation
My alt will be DH Koolkranny. Dark horses: Rotom-M and Landorus-I

Edit: Actually no, my alt is Krankykranny
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Pokemon: Milotic, Volcarona
Alt: Duranty

Im just saying, ladder usage isnt a great representation
the point of the challenge isnt to win with bad mons its to win with good mons that dont get enough usage, so ladder usage is absolutely what matters. just look at what happened to sylveon after the last dark horse where shake won with it
In with Aerodactyl and Klefki (trying out kale's core =])

alt: rawr keys


in with machamp and gastro the lord, alt = screw shaymin s
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In with Gastrodon and Rotom-H
(screw u Skymin :D)
Alt: KatyPerryRoxer

KyleCole your alt should be Harunoob XD

EDIT: Opsie wrong usage stats.
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Dude Rotom-H is above the benchmark for usage here...
I think you're missing the point here, the point of this isnt to find the most OP pokemon that people have missed and ladder with them, it's to encourage new ways of teambuidling and creativity in doubles.
dude I can't seem to find the link for the usage stats in that link so I was using this one:

EDIT: oh didn't see you reserving Gastro qs lmao, I had the idea thinking of you <3
I think you're missing the point here, the point of this isnt to find the most OP pokemon that people have missed and ladder with them, it's to encourage new ways of teambuidling and creativity in doubles.
The purpose of this is actually two things. Yes, one is to encourage creativity with using UU mons, but the other is to bring up the usage of stuff that it horrendously underrated.