Tournament NU Minitour III - Black STABbath [Won by FLCL!]

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Is 1 turn sleep really hax due to gen 6 mechanics? That's the only "lucky" play that went my way. Don't try to downplay the game as if it was a haxfest when you were the one who benefitted from hax.
straight-up outskilled aladyyn and won in an entirely hax-free game. no luck involved whatsoever. gg fwen
Thank you guys for getting your battles done in a timely fashion!
Round Three

The Eevee General vs Brawlfest
Davon vs lolazo
Lasagne vs atomicllamas
FLCL vs Rob.
Robert Alfons vs NotAGymLdr
Dat Blast vs Can-Eh-Dian
galbia gets a bye!

I'm not sure how to amend the bye, I'd prefer to keep it no-Subs. So... sorry galbia n_n!

This should be an interesting round, with TEG v Brawl, Las v atomicllamas, FLCL v Rob! Look very interesting o_o
The Eevee General vs Brawlfest - #nobias
Davon vs lolazo - Bring rain!
Lasagne vs atomicllamas - Hard one. I feel like Lasagne and Atomic both have a p good shot at winning this, so this will be a fun match.
FLCL vs Rob. - FuriKuri will innovate 2 win
Robert Alfons vs NotAGymLdr - go fagtron *_*
Dat Blast vs Can-Eh-Dian - Mah boi DB gonna pull all the way through.
galbia gets a bye! - Lets be real galbia has no shot at this :[
The Eevee General vs Brawlfest - TEG created STABmons I think. Brawl has no chance either way
Davon vs lolazo
Lasagne vs atomicllamas - surely llamas can beat his own teams
FLCL vs Rob.
Robert Alfons vs NotAGymLdr
Dat Blast vs Can-Eh-Dian - nice matchup but if I predict against Can-Eh-Dian again he'll murder me
galbia vs bye
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