All Gens RoA Premier League: Finals [6T/60P Won by the Lucky Laprases]

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Thanks very much to Piexplode and Jellicent for giving me my manager debut and Bedschibaer for putting a lot of passion into hosting this after taking over.

Every team we faced were challenging, every week was exciting for me. I played 1 game in week 5 and was filled with so much anticipatory anxiety beforehand because I knew I had to match the performances of the brilliant players I had bid for. Thank you team for staying active and the vast majority of you for playing just as well as I expected you to.

Edit: I want another RoAPL in 2015, then 2016, 2017...!
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oh yeah and make sure future managers are actually involved in RoA. I'd seen Monte Cristo fairly often on RoA prior to the start of this tour (not so much anymore though) but other than that none of the managers were active on RoA outside of this tour as far as I can remember.
Congrats Laprases :)

This was a fun league, I hope people care more next year. Shoutouts to vinc for being the only one who beat me (and he did twice!)

Love every umbreon except tml and his gay offense counterteams that lose to stall.

Maybe you could add some of the more popular lower tiers next year (like dpp ubers?)
oh yeah and make sure future managers are actually involved in RoA. I'd seen Monte Cristo fairly often on RoA prior to the start of this tour (not so much anymore though) but other than that none of the managers were active on RoA outside of this tour as far as I can remember.
Monte Cristo was dead by week 2. Half the reason we did so poorly was that we literally didn't have a manager
I'd just like to thank Lutra for trusting me and everyone else in this team for being great players and cool. Special thanks to Conflict who helped me a lot with team building.

This was fun, and, even not being very active on the past 2 weeks, I hope we can play againt together in the next years. Lapras is the best!
Well done Lutra and a big shout out to BKC for putting in so much work. I don't think, if this does happen again, that I should manage again. I'll admit here I simply was not cut out for it, at least in such an environment with prestigious names and in tiers which for the most part I've only read about (and in RBY I'm not all that good a player for that matter.. top 20 but that's not saying much).

I think if we do have a repeat a better look into manager selection (Tomahawk and Lutra both did amazing jobs, I did not, unsure about the remaining ones, I will not comment) as well as me not being present for the first few weeks of it and even the auction being mismanaged are all things to improve upon if it happens again.

Shoutouts to my team for the work that they've put in to make it this far, and as I say special shoutout for BKC who I couldn't have gotten anywhere without. Wish I'd gotten to know you guys better :S
gg Laprases
Still salty about not getting bought at auction, even so seems like a pretty nice final even with a dozen games not played I guess. Hope this works out better next year.
grats friends. RBY is a lot better than I expected when my team told me I had to learn it for week 1. 10/10 would 10/10 again, Thanks to all of my opponents who have helped me learn the tier and thank you Hantsuki the queen of Brazil for giving me the only team I used all tour :D
Congrats Lutra and all of the Laprases. You guys did great ^.^

Thanks so much Bedschibaer for finishing this up for me and doing a fantastic job; sorry again everyone that I kinda vanished for a few weeks. I'm definitely up for doing this again next year. Beds, if you're game, maybe we can co-host to make sure it runs smoothly and work out an incentive for getting people to get their battles done.

If anyone has some good replays or logs from any round, feel free to dump them here. I'm sure we'd all like to check out some of those~
This is the game I was the most content with, fittingly enough it was the first game of the entire tournament:
(shameless plug - I do RBY narrations, like/rate/subscribe/praise/etc.)

I more or less aimed for a flawless counterteam of Dre's Wrap team and it worked like a charm. Featuring Rest Exeggutor and Thunderbolt Tauros. Both of us only had two each of the Big Four in RBY (We both had Tauros, I had Egg and he had Chansey, none had Snorlax).
I'd like to retire the Lucky Laprases franchise, if that's alright, as my RoA PL dream has been realized. I am happy to help out with the hosting of next year's RoA PL if it's necessary, because we need plenty of old generation tournaments like this :)

I'd also appreciate if Sapientia or whoever has access to the RoA PL spreadsheet can complete it.

Last thing, can we have a tournament listing / hall of fame for the RoA mini-tournaments, Victory RoAd and RoA PL?
So Isa couldn't even beat Mizuzu using my team? hehehe

And congratz Hill...I don't care about the others lol Oo
Lutra thank you for your confidence, both at the auction in which each week. I'm glad to be able to repay contributing to the victories of the team, special thanks to the rest of the trident Italian marcoasd and Honor, hard core of the team. Happy for the whole team because we have worked well for the whole duration of the tournament and in the end we achieved what we deserved. Congratulations to us!
Great job, mates, we've finally achieved this! :D

Thank you, Lutra for trusting in me as your main ADV player. I've done my best and I'm proud of my tourney, because iirc, I've just lost against my good friend Soulwind (maldito Celeboyo que me destrozó el pleno xD). The team was amazing and the environment of the Skype conver was really good. There we've discussed about the tourney and we played all our matches very well-prepared. Thank you for everything, guys ;) Lutra Honor Conflict Hill Bomber92 marcoasd reiku Cowboy Dan MAJISTRATE PDC Toxzn

I've made some good friends and improved my ADV level, so I think this RoAPL was useful :)

I hope to share team with you in the future. See you next time ;)
Third was the (perceived) lack of team spirit. I think this was at least aided by the former two issues. Infernapes had a skype chat and a Smogon group convo that were all active towards the start but as time went by died out, and in the finals the chat was more or less completely dead. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a similar issue in the other team convos. Substitutes weren't issued for a lot of games (see point 2). A raise in funds could be an idea to get more (active) players on board but idk if that solves things.
Hardly had half my team in our IRC channel ever, and by halfway through it was me idling alone half the time and 1-2 other people popping in periodically. :[
Basing finals on "weeks won" rather than games won is completely fucking retarded and removes half the motivation for people to actually play by making half the games just randomly not count. I literally have no clue what possible metric could lead to that toxic system being used; it's literally less justifiable than the electoral college.

Also yeah Jellicent's activity loss wrecked the whole bloody thing.
Because it's a team tournament, because that's how the regular SPL does it, etc. Otherwise you may as well just make one big post at the start of the tournament saying "okay you play all these people, and YOU play all THESE people..." instead of dividing it up into weekly installments where team wins and losses don't matter. Then it's just an individual tournament where whether or not you make the playoffs is based on the performance of others for some reason.
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