Jebus Christ's Holy Giveaway

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I deposited a level 4 female Bidoof named "NN4321" for the Corphish, preferably female. IGN is "Sister Spark." I need those sweet egg moves. Appreciate it!
Deposited a Pidgey IGN: Andrew I want the Taillow
Hey, could I have the Lux ball Klefki please? I'll put up an Aerodactyl, male lv 1 now.

Didn't see either of these, did they get sniped?

Pinsir - Lux Ball - Jolly - Male - 4EMs

Interested in this, though what are the egg moves?

Feint/Quick Attack/Superpower/Close Combat

I think I got sniped. I did get a Corphish with egg moves, though.

It definitely wasn't me, let me know if you still want the Corphish
I'm going to deposit a level 1 female Magikarp for the Starly in a few minutes. My message will be JC (I dont think the GTS will accept christ in a message) and my IGN is Scott.
Nice! Are we in the second half here? Can I ask for another? I deposited a level 3 female Bidoof named FLOR88 for the Lotad with those sweet sweet egg moves.
Nice! Are we in the second half here? Can I ask for another? I deposited a level 3 female Bidoof named FLOR88 for the Lotad with those sweet sweet egg moves.

Free for all starts in about four and a half hours, but so far both Lotads remain, so you should have a pretty good shot at one
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