Battle Spot Community Create-A-Team: Triples [TEAM COMPLETE, IN TESTING STAGE]

I haven't been able to ladder lately, between VGCs and breeding for the Halloween party but I'll pick laddering back up soon. Still hovering in the early 1600s.

I'm using Adamant on the actual ladder. Did we decide on Jolly? I can donate a Jolly one if needed, that I RNG'd myself.

I too thought we had decided on adamant, which was why I happily accepted the adamant one.

...Maybe this was one of those times where half of us thought one thing and half of us thought the other? We never really had a discussion on which nature was better. I'm willing to go with whichever, though it was mentioned earlier that adamant was preferable to jolly?

And of course PGL is down for maintenance right now, so I can't double check usage stats...
I'm pretty sure Adamant was the most used nature, and I've changed the OP to reflect what I'm actually using in-game. I think it was a bad copy-pasta or something.
So, I started playing on the actual Battle Spot for this. 10-5 with it (one game my WiFi crapped out, when I would've won it).

First game was a loss against a team that totally countered it, lol. It was against a Defiant Sky Drop Thundurus and a Dark Void Smeargle.

I think I'm going to roll with Ice Beam Suicune instead of Icy Wind because of random Competitive and Defiant mons. I had to activate Hitmontop's Eject Button with Ice Beam already when the opponent had a Rain Perish Trap team (he had used CC and I didn't wanna risk like taking 90% or so from a crit from my own Scald). Funnily enough he got frozen anyway.

Major props to EnGarde for giving me the team. Even though Cune did not have Icy Wind I do think I'll roll with it. I hope you enjoy that Shiny Eevee you got.
So, I started playing on the actual Battle Spot for this. 10-5 with it (one game my WiFi crapped out, when I would've won it).

First game was a loss against a team that totally countered it, lol. It was against a Defiant Sky Drop Thundurus and a Dark Void Smeargle.

I think I'm going to roll with Ice Beam Suicune instead of Icy Wind because of random Competitive and Defiant mons. I had to activate Hitmontop's Eject Button with Ice Beam already when the opponent had a Rain Perish Trap team (he had used CC and I didn't wanna risk like taking 90% or so from a crit from my own Scald). Funnily enough he got frozen anyway.

Major props to EnGarde for giving me the team. Even though Cune did not have Icy Wind I do think I'll roll with it. I hope you enjoy that Shiny Eevee you got.

I do apologize about the suicune mixup, I'll continue to coordinate with you via PM to get the correct one to you. It is very important that we trade again, since the only ones I know I have are (1) the one AoK sent me for this team (good)...and (2) a random Kanto one with like 4x 0 IVs. If it isn't one of those 2, then I'll need to get the one I sent back to verify its origins.

As large as my collection of random pokemon is (as well as how big the distribution has become), I rely heavily on search features, particularly pokebank's search features, to find...pretty much anything, and sometimes I end up grabbing the wrong thing on accident.
Just thought I'd pop in and let you all know that I'm lurking. My DS is slowly giving up the ghost (the left trigger keeps getting stuck in by something gummy sitting on the input), and so most of the time Pokémon is unplayable. I'm waiting until ORAS and the release of the New 3DS (they coincide in Australia!) before I pick up the consoles again in earnest, but I'll certainly play this team on Showdown whenever the ladder's active and contribute where I can. I haven't really given up on this c:
Just thought I'd pop in and let you all know that I'm lurking. My DS is slowly giving up the ghost (the left trigger keeps getting stuck in by something gummy sitting on the input), and so most of the time Pokémon is unplayable. I'm waiting until ORAS and the release of the New 3DS (they coincide in Australia!) before I pick up the consoles again in earnest, but I'll certainly play this team on Showdown whenever the ladder's active and contribute where I can. I haven't really given up on this c:

I'll have a complete copy of the team (with the correct suicune this time) lined up and ready for you, if you need any to round your team out. :)
Sounds good, as I mentioned my 3DS is really temperamental atm so finding a time may be difficult if it refuses to cooperate. I don't want to make a mountain out of a molehill :/
So I've got the team from EnGarde. I've gone through the Maison to get a hold of the mechanics and I'm 2-1 online.

One thing jumps out. I've found myself wanting for Volt Switch on Thundurus and U turn on Landorus. I know Choice is preferable on Landy so u turn is unfeasible but would VS on Thundurus be a worthwhile consideration?
So I've got the team from EnGarde. I've gone through the Maison to get a hold of the mechanics and I'm 2-1 online.

One thing jumps out. I've found myself wanting for Volt Switch on Thundurus and U turn on Landorus. I know Choice is preferable on Landy so u turn is unfeasible but would VS on Thundurus be a worthwhile consideration?
I really don't think so, but it might work if you wait the right time, and get the prediction right. I'll try running it and let you know how it goes! :)
So I'm now 5-5 which is annoying. I think this is more on me to be honest & I can't pinpoint specific threats. I think I am struggling against goodstuff in general.

I've only made one real tweak to the team which is Assault Vest on Landorus and it's made no difference to its' sustainability from what I can see. A Yache Berry may be the tempting switch here. Lefties are the alternative and I'm going to try that switch now. I definitely think U Turn is a logical switch but as Superpower is a tutor move, I don't want to remove it. It may be worth it because I've only used Superpower a couple of times.

Everything else works OK for me. Thundurus is potent, Venusaur is a great Fairy check. Hitmontop is powerful and I like how the Eject Button works with it. For a Pokemon I've never owned in game before, Suicune is beast and Heatran generally works as a special, nonspread version of Lando. Flash Cannon over Ancientpower is a tempting switch on that and Heat Wave doesn't seem to get the big KOs that I had hoped.

For all my suckiness online, I'm still running late 40's unbeaten in the Maison but I notice that even here, teams can leave me 3 down and on the back foot fairly easily. The main difference is that in the Maison, I usually recover.
If you need a second landorus to try other movesets with, there is no limit to the number you can claim from the distribution. :)
Would you mind giving me a second Landorus too? I don't really want to delete Knock Off quite yet, but I want to see what I can do with this CCAT team. I have the rest of the members. :3
It may be me but I'm struggling to make this work online. I might need to go back to my 50 streak in the Maison. It's been a few weeks since I battled online and I got swept by a trick room team, mainly Eruption Heatran and Water Spout Mega Blastoise did the damage. Eruption floored Landorus and that was the match lost.
Would you mind giving me a second Landorus too? I don't really want to delete Knock Off quite yet, but I want to see what I can do with this CCAT team. I have the rest of the members. :3

I missed this request earlier. :S Do you still need it?

Please make sure all requests for pokemon happen on the distribution thread (link in sig), because I might not see it otherwise.
I missed this request earlier. :S Do you still need it?

Please make sure all requests for pokemon happen on the distribution thread (link in sig), because I might not see it otherwise.
It you want to give it to me, I'm still game. I'll probably be fine without it though; this season is almost over anyway. xD