UU Teambuilding

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Well, Blastoise is used in tiers above UU, so no argument on your side.
But this is UU teambuilding so there shouldn't be any mention of OU 'mons when considering counters/teammates/etc. And no plagiarizing because people still take that very seriously here, even in the forums.
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Problems with Blissey? Not any more...

What to use:

Mew @ Leftovers
Ability: Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 136 SpD / 120 Spe
Careful Nature
- Taunt
- Soft-Boiled
- Will-O-Wisp
- Knock Off

Role: Stallbreaker

What It Does: As its name implies, this Mew set is best used to defeat defensive Pokemon. Examples of these include Blissey, CroCune, Alomomola, Foretress and Florges, all of which can be easily beaten or forced out by Mew with zero prediction. This is mainly possible because of Taunt, as Taunt can shut down the opponent's status moves such as Toxic, as well as their recovery. This restricts them to only their attacking moves, which is likely a weak, neutral-hitting special move or Seismic Toss, both of which Mew can easily recover off with the use of Soft-Boiled. Will-O-Wisp is Mew's status of choice, and it is given the nod over Toxic for its ability to cripple physical attackers. Knock Off is Mew's attacking move, and it is used to remove opposing Leftovers or Eviolites, making them much easier to take out. Using all of these moves in combination allows you to stop walls in their tracks, as without status-inducing or recovery moves they have no hope of beating Soft-Boiled and Mew's 100/100/100 defenses. EVs are used to maximize Special Defense to better wall special mono-attackers such as Florges or Suicune, and 120 Speed EVs are placed for a fast Will-O-Wisp on uninvested base 100s and Honchkrow.

Good Teammates: A cleric works very well with Mew, as Mew absolutely hates status moves of any sort. So, something along the lines of Aromatisse or Florges with Heal Bell makes a good teammate for Mew, and they can also switch into Hydreigon, a Pokemon Mew has great difficulty overcoming. Other good teammates include special wallbreakers such as Nidoking/queen, Magneton or Mega Blastoise which are stopped by Blissey, as with Mew on your side Blissey is much easier to deal with. Finally, bulky waters such as Alomomola, Slowbro and Suicune work well with Mew as they take out Fire-types that can come in for free on Will-O-Wisp or Taunt.

What Counters It: While Mew hard-counters most walls, many other Pokemon in the UU metagame can similarly check Mew. For one, any Fire-type or Guts user has no issues whatsoever coming in on this Mew set, and can easily force it out into an unfavourable situation. Considering Fire-types are very common, not being able to touch them (barring good Knock Off prediction) is a problem. Similarly, Hydreigon, one of the most common Pokemon in the metagame, can come in with no problems on most of Mew's moves, and put the Mew player into the difficult position of having to switch into a Hydreigon. Also, faster Taunt users such as Sableye, Azelf, Froslass or Aerodactyl really can mess Mew up, as while Taunted it is quickly forced out. So, while Mew is excellent at stopping dedicated walls, many other common threats can check it with ease.

Any Additional Info: Psychic can be a workable alternative for the last moveslot, but without investment it won't hit as hard as you like and it barely scratches most walls. Night Shade can do more damage than Knock Off, but it provides far less utility and leaves Mew even more helpless against switch-ins, as it loses one of its main ways to punish switches. The Speed EVs could be removed in favour of full SDef, but being slower than Honchkrow is a problem, considering Life Orb Brave Bird hits in the range of 67.5 - 79.4%.
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As its name implies, this Mew set is best used to defeat defensive Pokemon. Examples of these include Blissey, CroCune, Alomomola, Foretress, Florges and Aromatisse, all of which can be easily beaten or forced out by Mew with zero prediction.
Aromatisse's immunity to Taunt means it doesn't really care for this stallbreaker Mew, and can do its job relatively unscathed. Half the reason why I ran Infestation Binding Band Mew was because it was one of the only stallbreakers that could beat Aroma 1v1. But yeah, I'd just edit out Aroma.
Once again when I get to my computer I'll put in sprites for my Krook and Kyurem set

Krookodile @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 Spe
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Taunt

Role: Physical Tank, Hazard Setter

What it does: Krook uses a combination of good resistances and immunities, great physical bulk with Intimidate, and access to valuable support moves to become a successful jack of all trades tank. In our first slot we have the quintessential hazard, stealth rocks. Krookodile makes for an effective user of the move thanks to his great physical bulk, and switch in opportunities on stray Electric as Psychic moves. Also his strong Earthquakes and Knock Offs seem very threatening even uninvested of base 117 attack. These offensive moves are his dual STABs and have great coverage, only missing out hitting Honchkrow, Chesnaught, and Hydreigon neutrally in the entire tier. Taunt prevents slower hazard setters from putting their Stealth Rocks as Spikes up, like Donphan and Forretress.

Good Teammates: This set lacks recovery so pairing it with a wish passer helps immensely. Florges is a great partner due to its high SpD, and resistance to Fighting and Bug moves, which plague Krook. In return Krookodile can tank many of the physical Poison and Steel attacks aimed at Florges. Offensively many pokemon appreciate Krook's ability to reliably set up Stealth Rocks. Chandelure works well Ina core, capitalizing on moves aimed at Krook so it can set up Calm Minds freely.

What Counters it: Krookodile has lacking Special Defense, and any Special Attacker that has a super effective move on him will force him out. This includes Mega Blastoise, Shaymin, Hydreigon, and Special Infernape, although the latter has to be wary of switching in. Blastoise especially easily forces Krook out and gets his spin, so be wary.
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Abomasnow @ Abomasite
Ability: Soundproof
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 4 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Ice Shard
- Seed Bomb
- Earthquake
- Leech Seed / Swords Dance

Role: Bulky Attacker, Late Game-Cleaner.

What It Does: abomasnow works like an bulky attacker it tanks hits and wears down the opposing team for your sweepers to clean. abomasnow is really good because off the offensive precense it provides, it has great offensive typing, excellent ability and great coverage moves. the moveset is rather straight forward and executes great offensive coverage, ice shard is a great stab move in uu too pick off stuff and is surprisingly strong with abomas base 135 attack stat, seed bomb is stab and is recommended over wood hammer because it wears abomasnow down very fast especially when hitting walls like blissey and snorlax, earthquake is the coverage move off choice as it hits fire types on the switch-in and also hits steels. the last moveslot is up to what abomasnow is going to do for your team, but the leech seed variant is prefered as it has better longivity, it has an easier time wearing down opponents with hail + seed and it already hits very hard. the swords dance set is kinda similar, but you are focusing on a late game sweep and you need a lot more support to make this work, which makes the leech seed variant simply better in most cases.

Good Teammates: Good teammates are pokemon that can deal with fire and fighting types as these types are really common in uu. pokemon like hydreigon, crobat, victini, suicune, slowbro, dugtrio etc. are all great teammates, and as you can see they are all top uu pokemon which makes abomasnow easy to fit onto teams.

What Counters It: basically whats counters it are pokemon that can take a hit or resist it's coverage combination like sableye (status + recover) and rotom-h, but i will say the easiest way to deal with it just hadnling it with faster pokemon that can come in on resisted hits force it out, ko it or set-up on it like jirachi, victini, entei, arcanine, heracross etc. basically fire, steel and fighting types are great to deal with abomasnow.

Any Additional Info: the ev spread is 248 hp so you so you take less rocks damage, max attack adamant to hit as hard as possible, and 4 speed is just to creep on other base 30's like snorlax and slowbro. i also guess you can make an spread so you can go mixed with giga drain/blizzard or something like that, but i think thats inferior to the plain physical set anyway.
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Not just inventing shit, here's a viable mon in UU that just happens to be unlisted atm.

What to Use:


Swampert @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 232 HP / 252 Def / 24 Atk
Relaxed Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Scald / Hydro Pump
- Roar

Role: Physical Wall, Hazard Setter

What it does: Swampert has an incredible typing and natural bulk that allows it to check many of the tier's top physical threats. It is the safest switch-in to so many offensive fire-types (Darmanitan, Entei, Arcanine) and arguably the best check to Victini as it is immune to Bolt Strike unlike many other bulky waters. Because of this, it has so many opportunities to set up Stealth Rock for your team to utilize. Even with little investment, Swampert's Earthquake is a reliable attack that can that has solid neutral coverage alongside Scald. Hydro Pump can be used to make greater use of Torrent, but the 30% burn chance is usually well worth the decrease in power. In the last moveslot, Roar is essentially required to prevent Swampert from becoming bait for setup sweepers on the switch (ex: Haxorus).

Good teammates: Fire-spam and V-create spam in particular only seems to be getting more and more common, and the Pokemon that are most hindered by this strategy are the Pokemon that really appreciate Swampert as a teammate. For example, Sableye relies on being able to burn most physical attackers, but can't do this with Darmanitan, etc. for obvious reasons, so Swampert helps it by walling and KO'ing these physical attackers while Sableye handles the rest of them. Sap Sipper Goodra is another great teammate as it not only forms a mixed defensive core with Swampert, but feeds on the Gass-type moves that Swampert baits in to boost its attack stat. On the offensive side, Choice Scarf Heracross in particular makes for a good teammate so that it can spam Megahorn with less worry. If it is possible, try to use at least one Ghost-type with Swampert to block Rapid Spin users when you can.

What counters it: The easiest way to counter to Swampert is obviously to abuse its 4x weakness to Grass.. Grass Knot Infernape can surprise Swampert with an easy KO as you stay in expecting to absorb a Close Combat. While Swampert isn't meant to stay on the field for long before switching out, it can (and usually does) allow Grass-types a free turn to do what they want to your team (Chesnaught can set up Leech Seed on the switch, Amoonguss gets a free Spore, Roserade can set up Spikes or T-Spikes). In addition, fast spinners or Defog users such as Crobat can remove Swampert's rocks, so always try to eliminate them as soon as possible.
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Porygon-Z makes Hyper Beam viable by OHKOing Florges, Umbreon, Suicune, M-Aggron and Metagross, and makes things much easier for other special sweepers to do their job.
What to use:


Porygon-Z @ Choice Specs
Ability: Adaptability
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Hyper Beam
- Dark Pulse
- Tri Attack
- Thunderbolt / Ice Beam

Role: Wallbreaker

What It Does: Nuke. With Adaptability, Choice Specs, 135 base SpAtk and the 150BP Hyper Beam, it can kill almost everything. Porygon-Z easily draws in opponents' special walls and instantly surprises them with a Hyper Beam KO. With Stealth Rock in play, Porygon-Z guarantees OHKO on Florges, Milotic, Suicune, and has a chance of OHKOing Umbreon, Mega Aggron and Metagross. AV Snorlax, AV Goodra, SpDef Porygon2 takes 67-87% damage, but all can't OHKO back (except Snorlax's Superpower, if it uses that at all). Basically, Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam is the special-side Explosion. It goes for that one hit and then either faints or finish off anything that doesn't manage to OHKO back.

Dark Pulse is for Ghost types that are immune to HB, KOing Chandelure and Mega Banette while 2HKOing every other Ghosts. Tri Attack is when you do not need Hyper Beam to get the KO. Thunderbolt is for 2HKOing Empoleon, and Ice Beam is used to 2HKO Goodra. Both moves can 2HKO Sableye.

Good Teammates: Special Sweepers that can take advantage of the lack of Specially Defensive threats: Tail Glow Manaphy, NP Azelf, NP Mismagius, NP Mega-Houndoom, NP Lucario, CM Raikou, Critdra, etc. Noivern/Chandelure/Jolteon can form dual Specs spam cores with PZ. Specs/Scarf Magneton is one of the best teammates. Scarf Magnet Pull traps and kill Steel-types coming in PZ's way, while Specs Analytic is a fearsome Wallbreaker itself benefitting from removal of Special Walls by PZ. Hydreigon with Superpower maybe a good lure for Blissey to remove her from play too.

Froslass, Mew, Azelf provides SR/spikes support, which helps P-Z gain quite a few KOs. The latter two can provide Dual Screen support to prevent KOs from Revenge Killers like ScarfApe, BandTini and Hydreigon. Krookodile can Pursuit-trap Ghosts while being able to leave SR.

What Counters It: Blissey walls Porygon-Z's Hyper Beam and can then use Wish/Softboiled to heal off the damage. Hyper Beam still does 54.2 - 64.1% on 4HP/252SpD variant so Blissey needs to prevent herself from previous damage.

Any Additional Info: Had fun with a really trashy HO team I used 10 minutes to make. Paired PZ with Meowstic for Dual Screens support and Paralysis to allow PZ to survive and outspeed. M-Blastoise/Moltres clean up the field after special walls are down.
*The team used in a battle is only to showcase Porygon-Z and is not a serious team. Follow the "Good Teammates" section to make the best out of Porygon-Z's wallbreaking capabilities.

Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 24+ SpD Florges: 340-400 (94.4 - 111.1%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO
Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Umbreon: 332-392 (84.2 - 99.4%) -- 75% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Milotic: 456-538 (115.7 - 136.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Hyper Beam vs. 240 HP / 0 SpD Tentacruel: 474-558 (131.3 - 154.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Suicune: 490-578 (121.2 - 143%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Hyper Beam vs. +1 252 HP / 0 SpD Suicune: 328-386 (81.1 - 95.5%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 120 SpD Mega Aggron: 289-340 (84 - 98.8%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Hyper Beam vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Assault Vest Snorlax: 340-400 (73.7 - 86.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Hyper Beam vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Assault Vest Goodra: 258-304 (67.3 - 79.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Eviolite Porygon2: 276-326 (73.7 - 87.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Hippowdon: 488-576 (116.1 - 137.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Metagross: 302-356 (82.9 - 97.8%) -- 25% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Jirachi: 275-324 (68 - 80.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
Hyper Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Aromatisse: 430-506 (105.9 - 124.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Dark Pulse vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Chandelure: 322-380 (123.3 - 145.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Trevenant: 242-286 (64.7 - 76.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Ice Beam vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Sableye: 156-184 (51.3 - 60.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Mega Banette: 342-404 (103 - 121.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Dark Pulse vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Jellicent: 282-334 (69.9 - 82.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Eviolite Dusclops: 158-186 (55.6 - 65.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Metagross: 322-380 (88.4 - 104.3%) -- 68.8% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 252+ SpD Empoleon: 238-280 (63.9 - 75.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
Ice Beam vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Assault Vest Goodra: 156-184 (40.7 - 48%) -- 61.3% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock
Dark Pulse vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Jirachi: 294-348 (72.7 - 86.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 Atk Infernape Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Porygon-Z through Reflect: 223-264 (71.7 - 84.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Victini V-create vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Porygon-Z through Reflect: 244-288 (78.4 - 92.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ SpA Hydreigon Draco Meteor vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Porygon-Z through Light Screen: 144-169 (46.3 - 54.3%) -- 55.5% chance to 2HKO
252+ SpA Chandelure Fire Blast vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Porygon-Z through Light Screen: 135-160 (43.4 - 51.4%) -- 8.2% chance to 2HKO
252 Atk Choice Band Dugtrio Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Porygon-Z through Reflect: 118-139 (37.9 - 44.6%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Mega Aerodactyl Stone Edge vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Porygon-Z through Reflect: 112-132 (36 - 42.4%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
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and then you're stuck for a turn giving your opponent free reign to do literally anything. The (lack of) merit in using hyper beam has been discussed a ton. Don't use it on a competitive team.
Hyper Beam is basically the same thing as using Slaking except you can't switch so it makes it even worse. Chandelure can come set up a CM, Trevenant gets a sub, Sableye can get a free recover, and any set up sweeper gets a free boost and can probably OHKO Porygon Z who is frail. Hyper Beam is a no go.
I don't know why you are only specifying ghosts in being able to abuse Hyper Beam. If Hyper Beam is Protected or misses it doesn't go on recharge the next turn. Anything can come in on the recharge turn and abuse with a sub, it has nothing to do with ghosts lol.
I don't know why you are only specifying ghosts in being able to abuse Hyper Beam. If Hyper Beam is Protected or misses it doesn't go on recharge the next turn. Anything can come in on the recharge turn and abuse with a sub, it has nothing to do with ghosts lol.
I mentioned any set up sweeper as well, read post more carefully. Ghosts just were on my mind I guess since it's a normal move. Hyper Beam is and end of story.
Though Hyper Beam a move that ghosts are immune to is besides the point. Ghosts can if anything only abuse Hyper Beam less, as the user of Hyper Beam won't have to recharge. It's as if I were to send in a Crobat in on a Choice locked Earthquake, the user would just switch next turn. Same with sending a ghost in on Tri-attack, so the fact is that ghosts aren't really the ones who abuse the effects of Hyper Beam, its just anything that can come in on and get a turn during the recharge.
Though Hyper Beam a move that ghosts are immune to is besides the point. Ghosts can if anything only abuse Hyper Beam less, as the user of Hyper Beam won't have to recharge. It's as if I were to send in a Crobat in on a Choice locked Earthquake, the user would just switch next turn. Same with sending a ghost in on Tri-attack, so the fact is that ghosts aren't really the ones who abuse the effects of Hyper Beam, its just anything that can come in on and get a turn during the recharge.

Actually, ghosts can especially abuse Hyper Beam from Choice Specs Porygon-Z, because it gives them not one, but two free turns to do whatever they like. One on the recharge turn, one on the switch out.

So Trevenant doesn't just get to set up a sub, it gets a free Leech Seed too. Chandelure can set up two CM's, not just one. Just pointing this out.
Well anything with a Sub can do that, not just a ghost. But anyway, it doesn't matter. Long story short, we don't use Hyper Beam.
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Shuckle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Sticky Web
- Stealth Rock
- Encore/Infestation
- Toxic/Infestation

Role: Hazard Setter, Support

What it Does: Shuckle uses its awesome support movepool and great defenses to spread hazards for its team and annoy with Encore and Infestation or Toxic. To start it off, the only reason to use Shuckle is Sticky Web. He is the premier user of the hazard in UU and it's very useful effect of lowering speed by one on switch in helps offensive teams outspeed certain scarfers, or be able to use slower, more fragile mons that hit extremely hard. Stealth Rock is a bonus and makes Shuckle better than Galvantula in my opnion,, this move keeps many dangerous threats in check by losing health on switch in. Encore is to lock a mon trying to defog you into a support move giving you a free turn to send in a sweeper, bring in you own hazard clearer, etc. Toxic is useful for slowing breaking walls because Shuckle has absolutely no damage output, while Infestation is good for some passive damage and it gives you another free switch in for a pokemon. Mental Herb prevents Taunt once as Shuckle is literally holding a sign saying taunt me.

Good Teamates: Anything that appreciates the speed drops of Sticky Web, so Shuckle should go on only offensive teams that can apply offensive pressure with the other team mates so as to keep Shuckle's hazards on the field. Sticky Web basically cancels Choice Scarf, Allowing your own scarfer to basically be the fastest thing in the battle with web up unless they have an agility user.

What Counters It: Anything with Taunt once its Mental Herb is used, prevents Shuckle from doing anything other than a weak infestation. Crobat can Defog and Taunt Shuckle while Roosting it's own health, as can Mega Aerodactyl, who also smacks it with Stone Edge.

Additional Information: Shuckle can run Leftovers if you want but generally it doesn't have the upside of mental Herb, since Shuckle isn't even a true wall. It has sturdy making focus sash

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Cloyster @ Life Orb
Ability: Skill Link
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Shell Smash
- Hydro Pump
- Icicle Spear
- Explosion

Role: Lure, Mixed Sweeper

What it Does: Tired of every water type stopping your Cloytser's sweep? Than look no further to Mixed LO Explosion Cloyster, the ultimate Water lure. This set can also sweep if the opponents scarfer is eliminated, and their team has been weakened, but that is not the primary purpose of this set. Normal Shell Smash Cloyster is an ok sweeper, but it is stopped my many thigns and has limited scenarios where it can fully clean. This set doesn't care if it fully cleans, it just needs to remove the bulky water type of the team. If you see a Cloyster at +2 you're going to send your Suicune, Alomomola, Slowbro, tentacruel, whatever to stop it and either burn with scald or most likely just KO it as Cloysters Special Defense is garbage. however, a +2 Naughty Life Orb Explosion kills every single bulky water in UU! This means that once the water is gone you can proceed to have your other team mates rip through with V Creates and Flare Blitzs now that their wall is done. Icicle Spear allows it to sweep if a team is severely weakened. Hydro Pump is mainly for Mega Aggron, who takes a solid 80% to 96% from +2 Hydro Pump with the standard spread.

Good Teammates: Fire Types. Victini will be free to spam V Creates, Infernape could get moee set up opportunities if it's Nasty Plot. Entei, can Spam Sacred Fire, so can Darmanitan with Flare Blitz, they will now run through an opponents with their best switch in gone. Also stuff like Krookodile and Donphan will appreciate being able to damage more thigns or spin without the threat of Sclad.

What Counters It: Hitting Cloyster with a Special attack will cause it to fold very easily, as it has some of the worst Special Defense in UU. It also can't outspeed scarfers higher than base 95 after a Shell Smash, due to running Naughty nature, making it prone to being revenged. Lastly, Any Water froces it to Explode, while killing the water type, it also kills Cloyster.
Hello. Just out of curiosity, will the UU TeamBuilding thread be updated? I still see things in the guide that feature mew, heracross, and slowbro that have been banned already and was also wondering if you will update it with the new banning of victini to bl, or the addition of vaporeon to the tier. The main reason I am asking is because newcomers that may want to try UU, but will be confused as to why Pokemon in higher tiers now are being mentioned still. Thank You in advance to whoever answers my question.
Hello. Just out of curiosity, will the UU TeamBuilding thread be updated? I still see things in the guide that feature mew, heracross, and slowbro that have been banned already and was also wondering if you will update it with the new banning of victini to bl, or the addition of vaporeon to the tier. The main reason I am asking is because newcomers that may want to try UU, but will be confused as to why Pokemon in higher tiers now are being mentioned still. Thank You in advance to whoever answers my question.
I PM'd Lochie about it and he said something about the OP exceeding the word limit or something... Dunno when he'll fix it though

Dudley(Alakazam) @ Focus sash/Life Orb
Ability: Magic Gaurd
EVs: 252 Spa / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Psychic/Psyshock
- Energy Ball/Hidden Power Ice
- Shadow Ball
- Focus Blast/Dazzling Gleam

Role: Revenge Killer,Special Sweeper,Late Game Sweeper,Wallbreaker

What It Does: Alakazam acts as a fast revenge killer providing offensive amazing offences of 175 special attacker with life orb. Alakazam can help wallbreak opposing pokemon that are keeping the sweepers of the team from doing their job, however be aware as the sash set does not provide the same power as a the Life orb set and should not be expected to sweep teams. Don't let this discourage you as alakzam can still do alot of damage and make the opposing team bleed. Onto the ability Magic gaurd is chosen over Synchronize because its better flatout magic gaurd is amazing the immunity to rocks and spikes is a major pro for alakazam has hes sash is unbreakable until you touch him to help with bringing more power to alakazam in the form of Psyshock and Focus Blast. Alakazams great speed let it be one of the best killers in game 252 Spa and 252 speed with life orb maximizes the power and speed of alakazam, and the 4 leftover EV are put into defensive to help Alakazam take physical priority moves a little better. Psyshock and Shadow ball are the main moves of this set as these are the moves Alakazam will be revenge kill and wallbreak with.Alakazams life orb set makes it idealy have the highest special attack stat in the tier 175

Good Teammates:
Donaphan loves to work with Alakazam as both can deal with others fears with quite ease he can spin sticky web and take physical hits for days while alakazam can deal strong special hits that can destroy worlds to phyiscal walls another great teamate is scarf victini hes able to deal massive amounts of damage out speed many of the scarfers that destroy alakazams world to shreds but shares common weakness to hydregion that doesn make him the perfect teamate but the closest to a perfect teamate perfect teamate is actually 2 pokemon lucario and suicune lucario bringss toge and hydregion to a world of pain(unless hydregion is running earthpower which mabye becoming likely) while suicune tanks all the scarfers victini pfft jirachi pfft suicune doesnt care for your silly hits and you would like to pair them with jirachi also that can practicly own celebi (b-but sucker punch jirachi aint no care for your silly sucker punches) but id go with gavlan do to its connections to working with suicune and sticky web

What Counters It:
Priority users especialy physical users any extreme speeder for example can ohko the life orb set with an extreme speed Scarf users aka victini again physical pokemon that are faster then alakazam will kill it and victini takes any hit it can throw at it for example another thing that can counter alakazam if it doesnt run energy ball is mega blastoise do to its great 79/120/115 defences taking any hit and being able to again ohko the life orb set with dark pulse also sticky web which i know isnt relevant enough but its the best way to deal with alakazam alakazam it might not be shocking but aint got bulk for crap 55/45/95 if you decrease hes speed he gets outsped by common pokemon in the tier

Any Additional Info:Big lovedisc Hates energy ball thats why you should run it over hidden power ice gligar isnt common you have no reason but HP ICE is so common so i put it on as its an ideal move
What to use

Donphan @ Assault Vest
Ev's: 248 Hp / 200 Def / 60 SpD
Impish nature
-Ice Shard
-Rapid Spin
-Knock Off

Role: Mixed tank,Support

What it does: Donphan is one of the best defensive pokemon in the UU metagame with great bst 120 Def and 90 Hp. What lets it down is its SpD. We can fix that with an assault vest and some investment in SpD. Basically, what it does is allow you to have a tank that can hit hard even without any investment in attack. It can take physical hits nicely and special hits a bit less easily with the help of assault vest. It acts like a bulky rapid spinner which also cripple some pokemon by knocking off their items. It's E-quake does a decent amount thanks to its base 120 attack stat. Other than the three obvious moves, Ice shard is there to kill of dragons like haxorus and flygon while they are locked into outrage(which donphan can take easily) and also because having priority is always good. 200 Ev's are given to defense since it already has a good amount and 60 Ev's are invested in SpD to take special attacks more nicely. You can also go for an alternative 164 Def and 96SpD to be more specially defensive.

Good Teammates: Donphan works especially well with wish passers like florges and jirachi since he doesn't have any other source of recovery. Other good teammates include pokemon like celebi and vaporeon that can take water and ice type attacks targeted at donphan. Pokemon that benefit from rocks being removed and also pokemon that do not prefer sticky web(Alakazam, Houndoom, Infernape etc) are also good partners for donphan.

What counters it: Pretty much all powerful offensive water type Pokemon can counter donphan easily. Pokemon like staarmie, kingdra and blastoise-M are all huge threats to donphan. Other Pokemon like roserade also counter donphan though it will have to take an e-quake or more since donphan has the assault vest.Other powerful special attackers like grass knot alakazam are also a threat though they will mostly get killed with knock off.

Any additional info: Donphan can also be used with a more offensive based moveset replacing ice shard with a rock move, iron head or poison jab. Also, it can also be given more Ev's in defense and can go for a +SpD nature though I don't recommend it.
What to use:

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature
- Cosmic Power
- Wish
- Meteor Mash
- Drain Punch

Role: Bulky Physical Sweeper

What it does: A bit like Clefable’s OU set used in UU except the set is Physical rather than a Special set.

Good teammates: Roserade or Raikou. Roserade is able to OHKO Jirachi’s main threat, Suicune, with Leaf Storm. Raikou has a guaranteed 2HKO against Suicune, with Thunder. Politoed is viable as well since Drizzle can help Jirachi not get OHKO’ed by fire pokes before it has had the chance to set up. Politoed also works well with Raikou having a 100% chance for thunder to hit.

What counters it: Suicune is Jirachi’s main threat. It has access to recover, to stall Jirachi’s pp and Scald, which has a 30% chance to burn (seems like 90% though).

Also watch out for: Pokémon with Will o Wisp, Roar, Whirlwind, Circle Throw and Dragon Tail.

Additional Info: You may want to run Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Iron Head etc. as well
What to use:

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP / 224 SpD / 32 Spe
Careful Nature
- Cosmic Power
- Wish
- Meteor Mash
- Drain Punch

Role: Bulky Physical Sweeper

What it does: A bit like Clefable’s OU set used in UU except the set is Physical rather than a Special set.

Good teammates: Roserade or Raikou. Roserade is able to OHKO Jirachi’s main threat, Suicune, with Leaf Storm. Raikou has a guaranteed 2HKO against Suicune, with Thunder. Politoed is viable as well since Drizzle can help Jirachi not get OHKO’ed by fire pokes before it has had the chance to set up. Politoed also works well with Raikou having a 100% chance for thunder to hit.

What counters it: Suicune is Jirachi’s main threat. It has access to recover, to stall Jirachi’s pp and Scald, which has a 30% chance to burn (seems like 90% though).

Also watch out for: Pokémon with Will o Wisp, Roar, Whirlwind, Circle Throw and Dragon Tail.

Additional Info: You may want to run Zen Headbutt, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Iron Head etc. as well
*What not to use
This happened in the OU teambuilding thread as well. People, please post legitamely good sets (ie, not cosmic power mons) especially on jirachi when it has a ton of viable sets such as Choice Scarf, Sub Toxic, Stealth Rock, etc. Do not use cosmic power jirachi.
*What not to use
This happened in the OU teambuilding thread as well. People, please post legitamely good sets (ie, not cosmic power mons) especially on jirachi when it has a ton of viable sets such as Choice Scarf, Sub Toxic, Stealth Rock, etc. Do not use cosmic power jirachi.
Would my post be okay when I get the time to finish it up?
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