Player of the Week 13: tennisace

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for sure
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnus

favorite pokemon:
most used pokemon: feraligatr
most known for: "being the first nu tier leader i guess, more recently being the head twit on smogon"
xzern: So tell me, tennisace, why is your name what it is?
tennisace: normally i would answer this with "i play golf but golface was taken" but in reality i made it when i was like 12 and i just never bothered to change it lol. i used to play tennis but i havent actually picked up a racquet in like 3 years.

xzern: Favorite type of pokemon? (Normal, Fairy, Bird, etc.)
tennisace: probably electric, there are a lot of cool mons and not a lot of duds. really tho cutemons > any type.

xzern: How did you come to competitive battling/Smogon?
tennisace: so in like middle school (like, 2006) i was looking up info on the original ruby and sapphire and came across smogon's pokedex. i went over to a friends house and we tried to get on netbattle but we fucked something up and my friend freaked out because he thought he got a virus so we just ditched it and played halo. then diamond/pearl came out and i was looking for info on that, remembered smogon, and kinda stuck around? if you wanna know more about what "old smogon" was like then ask but i'm not gonna ramble on a ton here.

xzern: How did you get to be NU tier leader originally?
tennisace: so basically i saw the initial bw nu thread (what would be considered NU alpha i guess) in what was then DST and was like DAMN THIS SEEMS LIKE A COOL META so i started playing it on PO. i started posting a lot in the thread. at that point oglemi was the sole leader so i asked him if i could co-lead and he said sure and uh that was that? tldr, i just asked.

xzern: What's your favorite part of NU?
tennisace: the community is really tight and not really snippy or douchey. i've made a lot of good friends playin NU.

xzern: If you could ban or unban one thing from NU, what would it be/why?
tennisace: please give me back non-speed boost scolipede please please please alternately RU not stealing mega camel when it comes out would be nice.

xzern: NU player you most admire?
tennisace: prolly zeb, he's steady under pressure which is a good thing to have in a tournament setting.

xzern: Do you have any advice for people new to NU?
tennisace: don't be a dick, shut up and lurk for a while, learn the meta, and then contribute well in the discussion threads. the first two steps are unfortunately skipped a lot on smogon, but they're the most important imo.

xzern: Could you give me something like a mini RMT to conclude the interview, one that demonstrates your teambuilding style?
tennisace: i made this team for nu open / laddering. it ended up being rly good vs lower ladder but not too good in tournaments because it's super matchup based. the goal was normal spam; linoone and swellow are actually a pretty tough core to beat up on if you set up right. the speed on linoone outspeeds jolly kabu which is silly but useful if you haven't gotten a drum yet. dragalge checks rotom n other annoying things. sawk beats rock types n steel types, and kabu spins. mesprit is a pretty neat lead, mind plate psychic is really strong and u-turn is really nice for momentum.

Feel free to ask tennisace any questions in the thread below and he will answer them.
Should of just claimed it was innovation ;o

Two things you are most looking forward to in ORAS? Could be a mega or moves on a Pokemon etc. etc.

Favorite move set on any Pokemom (any tier)?

Favorite XY NU core?
Didnt know you were first nu tier leader lol
What's your most underrated mon in NU atm
Two things you are most looking forward to in ORAS? Could be a mega or moves on a Pokemon etc. etc.

i have shiny swablu and weedle so uh those two

Favorite move set on any Pokemom (any tier)?

o jeez uhhhhhh i really loved bulk up scraggy in bw nu but then jynx got banned and you couldn't set up on much anymore. from this gen i really like excavalier in vgc 14, it's sooper strong and puts in work vs the meta.


Favorite XY NU core?

that healing wish mesprit + cb flareon from Hollywood probably but i havent used it in a while

Favorite NFE to use in NU?

pawniard, but there arent really too many good nfes (or at least ones that i use frequently)

What's your most underrated mon in NU atm

jynx. it's just as deadly as last gen, but people have shiny new toys to play with and forget about it. sash + np is rly solid since you can bluff scarf if you need to and tank a hit

care to share some uncommon yet good/innovative sets you used or think are effective?

Versace Python Cased used counter wartortle against me so i think that's pretty innovative

also balloon shedinja

can u me and Iplaytennislol pick up some racquets and hit the courts soon n_n

one of the literal most cutest users in the tier tbh

Honestly atm what is your favorite playstyle / mons to go with it babe?

o also how does it feel to be an actual basedlord unlike those scrubs named Soulgazer and Dat Blast
i used to play tennis but i havent actually picked up a racquet in like 3 years.

That's a fraud.

By the way what are you thinking about weather teams (above all Rain) in NU? Do you think Kabutops' drop affects its usage?

Edit: 'grats
Honestly atm what is your favorite playstyle / mons to go with it babe?

somewhere between balance and offense. hyper offense is fun but kinda boring (screens + memento uxie, set up w/ something, wreck faces), i'm garbdix at stall because i'm impatient, and weather / tr aren't my things. really digging mind plate mesprit but not that fuckin future sight version, psychic / energy ball / sr / u-turn is really neat as you can see from my rmt up there.

o also how does it feel to be an actual basedlord unlike those scrubs named Soulgazer and Dat Blast


By the way what are you thinking about weather teams (above all Rain) in NU? Do you think Kabutops' drop affects its usage?

meh i've seen some people use them effectively but i'm not particularly a fan. if i'm gonna use weather i'd use somethin like a standalone rd ludicolo or seismitoad as a late-game cleaner.

What would your ultimate cutemons team be? Disregarding viability or not.

oh god uhhhhhhh for an actual team meganium / camerupt / lanturn / goodra / dragonite / ampharos

in general tho skiddo / scraggy / phanpy / numel / deerling / munna are all adorable. fun fact: i keep a scraggy keychain from Shii on my keys and i havent lost my keys since.
i inject 3 whole marijuanas daily
The 15-year-olds I coached in soccer one summer made this joke a lot, how old are you?

How mad are you going to be when I steal VolcanicCamels to RU?

What megas do you think are most likely to stay NU (if any)? Which ones are you hoping to see leave immediatly?
The 15-year-olds I coached in soccer one summer made this joke a lot, how old are you?

im thwee

How mad are you going to be when I steal VolcanicCamels to RU?

i swear to god i will end you

What megas do you think are most likely to stay NU (if any)? Which ones are you hoping to see leave immediatly?

audino and steelix almost definitely staying, pidgeot mayb. gtfo beedrill and sceptile tho fur real
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