OU Magnezone (Choice Scarf + Air Balloon)

[QC checks: aim / Jukain / Valentine]
[GP checks: fleurdyleurse / Jukain]


Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Volt Switch is a useful source of momentum for Magnezone, especially with a Choice Scarf. Hidden Power Fire is used in the second slo to 2HKO both Ferrothorn and Scizor, which Magnezone can trap with Magnet Pull and eliminate for its teammates. Flash Cannon serves as a consistent secondary STAB move that is useful for hitting Fairy-types super effectively and providing neutral coverage on Ground- and Dragon- types, which otherwise give Magnezone a hard time. Finally, Thunderbolt is used in the last slot for stronger Electric-type STAB.

Set Details

Choice Scarf allows Magnezone to surprise the opponent potentially, as its otherwise quite slow, and be a great cleaner late-game with STAB moves off its enormous base 130 Special Attack. It can also serve as a decent revenge killer to some Pokemons such as Mega Pinsir, Thundurus, and Talonflame. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to make the most of Magnezone's great base 130 Special Attack. Maximum Speed EVs with a boosting nature and a Choice Scarf allow Magnezone to outspeed everything slower than Thundurus, which is the majority of the unboosted tier. It also outspeeds non-Jolly Talonflame, which makes Magnezone a good check to teams that are centered around Flying -types.

Usage Tips

Choice Scarf Magnezone is a great late-game cleaner, 2HKOing a good portion of the metagame, and can revenge kill various threats throughout the game. Just like the Choice Specs set, it can also trap opposing Steel- types to help certain sweepers, such as Dragonite, Clefable, Mega Pinsir, and Mega Gyarados, sweep with more ease, though it only actually 2HKOes bulky Mega Scizor and Ferrothorn. Furthermore, Choice Scarf Magnezone can pick off weakened Excadril after sand has ended. Thunderbolt should not be used very often, as Magnezone will be very easily exploited by common Ground-types, such as Excadrill and Landorus-T, if locked into Thunderbolt.

Team Options

Pokemons that struggle against bulky Steel-types, such as Dragonite, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Gyarados, really appreciate Magnezone's support to help them sweep. Magnezone is naturally fit for teams that have issues with said bulky Steel-types. Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to, such as Landorus-I, Azumarill, Latias, Landorus-T, and Latios make good partners. Additionally, Stealth Rock users are really helpful, as Stealth Rock can help Magnezone get some important KOs. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezone, forming a VoltTurn core with it, having an immunity to both Fighting- and Ground-type attacks, and also being able to set up Stealth Rock.

Magnet Rise
name: Magnet Rise
move 1: Magnet Rise
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Air Balloon
evs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
nature: Modest


Magnet Rise is extremely helpful for Magnezone, making it immune to Ground-type attacks, which it is weak to, for 5 full turns. Hidden Power Fire 2HKOes most Steel- types, such as Mega Scizor, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn, even able to OHKO Mega Scizor after Stealth Rock damage if it doesn't have much Special Defense investment. This is extremely helpful in eliminating Steel- types for teammates to attempt a sweep later, such as Mega Gyarados, Dragonite, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Pinsir, and Staraptor. Finally, Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon serve powerful, consistent moves, covering a wide variety of Pokemon.

Set Details

Air Balloon helps Magnezone check Excadrill, as it's too slow to use Magnet Rise before Excadrill attacks and in general gives it a chance against opposing Ground-(types. Maximum Special Attack with a boosting nature maximizes Magnezone's damage output, which is extremely helpful, as it lacks a boosting item. The Speed EVs allow Magnezone to outspeed minimum speed Mega Scizor, while the rest of the EVs are dumped into HP for bulk.

Usage Tips

Use this particular set of Magnezone carefully, as switching Magnezone around carelessly can result in losing its Air Balloon, which would result in making Magnezone unable to trap Excadrill later. Unless you are completely confident that Excadrill will use Earthquake, do not switch Magnezone directly in; instead, sack something and then send out Magnezone.

Team Options

This Magnezone set is most appreciated by teams that struggle with Excadrill, as it can trap it, removing the threat and allowing Magnezone's team to keep up its hazards. This is really helpful, as there aren't many viable spinblockers in the tier and none of them can spinblock Excadrill. Furthermore, Pokemon that struggle against bulky Steel-types, such as Dragonite, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, and Mega Gyarados, really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. Additionally, Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to are really appreciated. Also, as this set effectively checks Excadrill, entry hazard setters can be slapped on the team to support other members of the team, including Magnezone; for example, non-specially defensive Mega Scizor has a good chance of being OHKOed by Hidden Power Fire after Stealth Rock damage. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezone, forming a VoltTurn core with it, being immune to both Fighting- and Ground- type attacks, and setting up Stealth Rock.
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This may be very minor, but one thing I would change is the opening of the overview. As a steel trapper, Magnezone has literally no competition, unless Magneton starts becoming good. I definitely wouldn't say it faces competition from other electric types, since Magnezone is a trapper, Zapdos is BO defogger, Manectric is a speedy attacker w/ intimidate, raikou can run AV, lefties + cm, and Choice specs effectively, thundurus-i can use Nasty Plot + priority taunt and twave, thundurus-t can double dance, rotom-w and rotom-h are defensive, and ampharos is either defensive or uses agility. There's very little competition among the electric types in ou. However, definitely don't remove
However, luckily for Magnezone, magnets are magnetic.
That line is gold.

Also, are you doing a Magnezone revamp or just adding two sets? If it's the former, then I guess ignore what I said, since analyses of individual sets don't need an overview or checks and counters, since they're just added to the analysis. However, since I kinda find the overview a bit too negative, maybe just go for a full revamp and add the specs set before the scarf set? idk for sure.

Otherwise the info for the scarf set looks solid to me! I'd like to know what the EVs for the magnet rise set are for, but I'm sure that will come :)
This may be very minor, but one thing I would change is the opening of the overview. As a steel trapper, Magnezone has literally no competition, unless Magneton starts becoming good. I definitely wouldn't say it faces competition from other electric types, since Magnezone is a trapper, Zapdos is BO defogger, Manectric is a speedy attacker w/ intimidate, raikou can run AV, lefties + cm, and Choice specs effectively, thundurus-i can use Nasty Plot + priority taunt and twave, thundurus-t can double dance, rotom-w and rotom-h are defensive, and ampharos is either defensive or uses agility. There's very little competition among the electric types in ou. However, definitely don't remove
That line is gold.

Also, are you doing a Magnezone revamp or just adding two sets? If it's the former, then I guess ignore what I said, since analyses of individual sets don't need an overview or checks and counters, since they're just added to the analysis. However, since I kinda find the overview a bit too negative, maybe just go for a full revamp and add the specs set before the scarf set? idk for sure.

Otherwise the info for the scarf set looks solid to me! I'd like to know what the EVs for the magnet rise set are for, but I'm sure that will come :)

Yeah true, tbh I stole it from Magnezone's previous analyses (done by magnemite :]) but I'll definitely change the Overview to a more positive side since Magnezone has been really popular/good lately and because metagame shifts, well if I had the chance

adding 2 sets, Specs is good as it is. Oh I'm quite new to this, but yeah I will remove Overview and Checks & Counters.

Well outspeeding no speed skarm :]

Well, I'll leave this to QC if they want a complete revamp, since overview is a bit negative (as I mentioned before zone is p good and facing a bit less competition lately) and because maybe speed EV's need is outdated? Most skarms run speed evs for Taunt and outspeeding skarm has no merit, so imo make it to outspeed mega scizor or drop it to outspeed t-tar / standard azu. I do also feel like from the previous analysis "specially defensive walls" are not really a check nor a counter to Magnezone, other than Chansey literally nothing viable can avoid being 2HKO-d by the Specs set (except quag, which is not a SpD wall). Also OO needs an update imo.
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Should add Pinsir as a teammate since Magnezone traps Skarmory,giving Pinsir an easier time at breaking a team
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Mega Gardevior should be mention under team options for Magnezone since it absorbs fighting type moves and appreciates Magnezone's ability to trap Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Bronzong.
balloon set should be evd to outrun mega scizor.

there needs to be more partners mentioned. like aim said, pinsir, but also like: staraptor, excadrill, megatar, mamoswine that are walled by skarm and/or ferro.

the team options sorta needs to emphasize that zone needs a clear purpose to be worth running. you should be running at least 2 if not more mons that can capitalize on zone otherwise it's not worth it.

definitely mention specific quake pivots particularly speaking for the scarf set, as air balloon has slightly less issues. landt is a really good one, it can voltturn with mag creating a lot of momentum for the team and eats up the ground sweepers that get in its way.
Implemented everything, included Landorus-T as a specific team member to Mag.

I believe this is QC ready. Gonna tag some members. aim, Jukain, Nog, BKC, Valentine, Dice

Final questions for QC:

Is running enough speed to outspeed Mega Scizor really viable? The specs set didn't, Mega Scizor will BP if it wants to break Balloon, Knock Off doesn't do too much, and Mega Scizor doesn't really carry U-turn (if it did, it survives an HP Fire as long as it's full HP, and the more SpD investment it has the more it can survive an HP Fire after rocks) and if anything, I would use Magnet Pull then 2HKO w/ HP Fire (or HP fire, Magnet pull, then HP Fire)

I would personally use 44 Speed on the Air Balloon set, since it otuspeeds uninvested base 65s, including Scizor, Tyranitar, and standard Azu. But I'll leave this to QC.

Secondly, I wonder if Specs Analytic is worthy of a set, 2HKOs entire tier (w/ HP grass) except Chansey and Ferrothorn, gonna leave it there.

Finally, I wonder if I should do a revamp, after going over the previous analysis, it's speed EVs are wrong (factoring HP Fire it only speed ties with Skarm) and pretty much outdated since there is nothing to gain from outspeeding Skarm, while OO and Checks & Counters need an update. A little nitpick: overview is a little negative for a pokemon that is this good in the meta.
If you wanna do Choice Specs i'd still run HP Fire just for Ferrothorn. I don't really like specs much though as I feel scarf zone gets the job done and checks birds while doing so. Anyway the scarf set and air balloon set look good. 1/3
If you wanna do Choice Specs i'd still run HP Fire just for Ferrothorn. I don't really like specs much though as I feel scarf zone gets the job done and checks birds while doing so. Anyway the scarf set and air balloon set look good. 1/3


But I think you misunderstood, there's already a Specs Magnet Pull set (I'm not doing revamp), I'm talking about a Specs Analytic. But if you mean even this needs HP Fire then sorry nvm first statement.

Need more QC opinions on this.
you write it up after 2 checks but since no one expects you to revert it I guess there can be an exception if you remember next time oO

lol well I learned something new - no srsly sorry lol keep making dem mistakes :/
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mention that flash cannon also hits lati@s

mention that scarf hp fire lets you trap weakened exca if you time it right

4 hp evs -> def for a better hazards hp number on scarf, also mention that it misses out on most sd talonflame which run jolly, this is very significant

throw in gard in team options as it likes the removal of mega scizor and ferrothorn (fuck relying on focus blast), allowing it to run like hp ground to get through heatran with more reliability and other options like sub, wisp, wish/hw, etc can more easily fit into its moveset. also lati@s.

approved 2/3
mention that flash cannon also hits lati@s

mention that scarf hp fire lets you trap weakened exca if you time it right

4 hp evs -> def for a better hazards hp number on scarf, also mention that it misses out on most sd talonflame which run jolly, this is very significant

throw in gard in team options as it likes the removal of mega scizor and ferrothorn (fuck relying on focus blast), allowing it to run like hp ground to get through heatran with more reliability and other options like sub, wisp, wish/hw, etc can more easily fit into its moveset. also lati@s.

approved 2/3

Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Volt Switch is helpful because it gets, gaining momentum, which is extremely useful especially with a Choice Scarf. Hidden Power Fire is used in the second slot, as it 2HKOes both Ferrothorn and Scizor, both which are very important for Magnezone to trap to support other sweeperMagnezone can trap with Magnet Pull and eliminate for its teammates. Additionally, Flash Cannon is a consistent secondary STAB move that does not force Magnezone out,; it is really useful in, hitting opposing Fairy- types super effectively, while also hitting Ground- and Dragon- types, which otherwise give Magnezone a hard time, for reasonable amounts of damage. Finally, Thunderbolt is used in the last slot for another consistent secondary STAB move that does not force Magnezone out, but it should not be used very often, as Pokemon locked into an Electric-type move arMagnezone will be very easily exploited by common Ground-types, such as Excadrill, if locked into Thunderbolt.

Set Details

Choice Scarf allows Magnezone to surprise the opponent which expects Magnezone to b, as it usually is quite slow,; it also lets Magnezone to be a great cleaner late-game, as it has an enormous base 130 Special Attack. It can also serve as a decent revenge killer to an extent. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to make the most of Magnezone's great base 130 Special Attack. Maximum Speed EVs with a boosting nature and a Choice Scarf allow Magnezone to outspeed everything slower than Thundurus, which is almost all of the non-scarfunboosted tier. It also outspeeds most Talonflames not using Brave Bird or Roost, which makes Magnezone is a good check to teams that are centered around Flying spam-types.

Usage Tips

Choice Scarf Magnezone is a great late-game cleaner, 2HKO-ing a good portion of the metagame,; it can alsis also able to serve as a decent revenge killer to an extent. Just like the Choice Specs set, it can also trap opposing Steel- types to help other sweepers, such as Dragonite, Clefable, and Mega Gyarados, sweep later. Alwith more ease, though it only 2HKOes mostScizor and Ferrothorns and Scizors. Choice Scarf is used because it can do significant amount to the opp, allowing Magnezonent's team other thano not only trapping and KO Steel- Ttypes, suchbut also servinge as a decent revenge killer. Furthermore, Choice Scarf Magnezone can also pick off weakened Excadrill which; this can be really helpful at times. Additionally, Choice Scarf Magnezone sacrifices a lot of bulk to gain sSpeed, remember toso it should be more careful when switching in on other pokemons. Finally, Choice Scarf Magnezone is also a great check to Flying- BirdSpam, x4 resisttaking little damage from Flying them-type moves, outspeeding themFlying-types, and OHKO-ing them.

Team Options

Pokemons that struggle against bulky Steel- types, such as Dragonite, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Gyarados, and much other pokemons really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. ThereforeAs such, Magnezone should be put on teams that can barely break bulky Steel- types, especially if this is a problem for more than one p. Pokemon. As for teammates that help Magnezone, anythingresist moves that resist Magnezone's most common is weaknesses to, such as Ground, Fighting, and Fire, are really appreciatedmake for good partners. Additionally, Stealth Rock users are really helpful too, since ras Stealth Rocks can turn a lot of 2HKOs to OHKOs help Magnezone get many importand 3HKOs to 2HKOs. It immensely helps in Magnezone's cleaning abilities. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezones, forming a VoltTurn core with it, being immune to both Fighting- and Ground- type attacks, and finally also being able to set up rocks to help MagnezoneStealth Rock.

Magnet Rise
name: Magnet Rise
move 1: Magnet Rise
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Air Balloon
evs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
nature: Modest


Magnet Rise is extremely helpful for Magnezone, making it immune to Ground- type attacks, which it is x4 effectiveweak to, for 5 full turns. Magnet Rise is helpful because it can screw up, allowing Magnezone to avoid being KOed by Ground- types, which normally switching in on Magnezone thinking they can check it, only to see most of their moves are resisted. As forgain a free turn. Hidden Power Fire, it is used to 2HKOes most Steel- types, such as Mega Scizor, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn, the form; Hidden Power having aFire chance to get OHKOed Mega Scizor after rStealth Rocks damage if noit doesn't heavye much Special Defense investment was used. Along with Magnet Pull, tThis is extremely helpful in eliminating Steel- types for teammates to attempt a sweep later, such as Mega Gyarados, Dragonite, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Pinsir, and Staraptor. Finally, Bboth Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon andre Magnezone's most powerful and consistent STAB moves, covering a good amount of the metagame and having a somewhat high Base Power.

Set Details

Air Balloon helps Magnezone check Excadrill, asince it's too slow to use Magnet Rise. So Excadrill would pop the Balloon, Magnezone would go befor Magnet Rise, and then the best thing Excadrill can do is hope for flinches.attacks; Air Balloon also allows Magnezone to also have a chance against opposing Ground- types, even though they have the option to switch, unlike Excadrill. Maximum Special Attack with a boosting nature allowmaximizes Magnezone to do maximum's damage output, which is extremely helpful, asince it lacks a boosting item. As for The Speed EV's, theys allow Magnezone to outspeed minimum speed Mega Scizor factoring Hidden Power Fire's IVs, while, while the rest of the EVs arest dumped into HP for bulk.

Usage Tips

Use this particular set of Magnezone carefully, as switching Magnezone around carelessly can result in losing it's item, Air Balloon, which would result in making Magnezone unable to come and trap Excadrill later. Additionally, you would like to Cconserve Magnezone's Air Balloon carefully until needed, avoiding to pop it. Be also wary of Excadrill's Rapid Spin, as it can choose to use it instead of an obvious Earthquake. If you are not completely confident, don't hard switch to Magnezone on Excadrill, rather; instead, sack something and then send out Magnezone. Finally, Magnezone's ability, Magnet Pull, along with Hidden Power Fire allows it to trap and KO most Steel- types in the tier with Hidden Power Fire, such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Excadrill to an extent. This can help teammates that struggle with bulky Steel- types sweep lwith greater ease, such as Mega Gyarados, Mega Pinsir, Mega Tyranitar, Dragonite, and Staraptor.

Team Options

Mainly, tTeams that need to keep their hazardsappreciate really appreciate Air Balloon Magnet Rthise Magnezone set, as it can deal with Excadrill early-game, meanding thus let hazards stay on the fieldat it cannot remove Magnezone's hazards. This is really helpful, asince there is noaren't many viable spinblockers in the tier. Furhthermore, pokemons that struggle against bulky Steel- types, such as Dragonite, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, and Mega Gyarados, and much other pokemons really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. Additionally, Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone's most common is weaknesses, such as Ground, Fighting, and Fire, to are really appreciated, especially Ground- type attacks. Also, asince this set effectively checks Excadrill, entry hazard setters can be slapped on the team to support other members of the team, including Magnezone, since Megas Specizor (Without heavy SpDal Defense investment)-lacking Mega Scizor has a good chance of being OHKOed by MagnezonHidden Power Fire. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezones, forming a VoltTurn core with it, being immune to both Fighting- and Ground- type attacks, and finallyso being able to set up rocks which can help MagnezoneStealth Rock.
GP 1/2
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Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Volt Switch is helpful because it gets, gaining momentum, which is extremely useful especially with a Choice Scarf. Hidden Power Fire is used in the second slot, as it 2HKOes both Ferrothorn and Scizor, both which are very important for Magnezone to trap to support other sweeperMagnezone can trap with Magnet Pull and eliminate for its teammates. Additionally, Flash Cannon is a consistent secondary STAB move that does not force Magnezone out,; it is really useful in, hitting opposing Fairy- types super effectively, while also hitting Ground- and Dragon- types, which otherwise give Magnezone a hard time, for reasonable amounts of damage. Finally, Thunderbolt is used in the last slot for another consistent secondary STAB move that does not force Magnezone out, but it should not be used very often, as Pokemon locked into an Electric-type move arMagnezone will be very easily exploited by common Ground-types, such as Excadrill, if locked into Thunderbolt.

Set Details

Choice Scarf allows Magnezone to surprise the opponent which expects Magnezone to b, as it usually is quite slow,; it also lets Magnezone to be a great cleaner late-game, as it has an enormous base 130 Special Attack. It can also serve as a decent revenge killer to an extent. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to make the most of Magnezone's great base 130 Special Attack. Maximum Speed EVs with a boosting nature and a Choice Scarf allow Magnezone to outspeed everything slower than Thundurus, which is almost all of the non-scarfunboosted tier. It also outspeeds most Talonflames not using Brave Bird or Roost, which makes Magnezone is a good check to teams that are centered around Flying spam-types.

Usage Tips

Choice Scarf Magnezone is a great late-game cleaner, 2HKO-ing a good portion of the metagame,; it can alsis also able to serve as a decent revenge killer to an extent. Just like the Choice Specs set, it can also trap opposing Steel- types to help other sweepers, such as Dragonite, Clefable, and Mega Gyarados, sweep later. Alwith more ease, though it only 2HKOes mostScizor and Ferrothorns and Scizors. Choice Scarf is used because it can do significant amount to the opp, allowing Magnezonent's team other thano not only trapping and KO Steel- Ttypes, suchbut also servinge as a decent revenge killer. Furthermore, Choice Scarf Magnezone can also pick off weakened Excadrill which; this can be really helpful at times. Additionally, Choice Scarf Magnezone sacrifices a lot of bulk to gain sSpeed, remember toso it should be more careful when switching in on other pokemons. Finally, Choice Scarf Magnezone is also a great check to Flying- BirdSpam, x4 resisttaking little damage from Flying them-type moves, outspeeding themFlying-types, and OHKO-ing them.

Team Options

Pokemons that struggle against bulky Steel- types, such as Dragonite, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Gyarados, and much other pokemons really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. ThereforeAs such, Magnezone should be put on teams that can barely break bulky Steel- types, especially if this is a problem for more than one p. Pokemon. As for teammates that help Magnezone, anythingresist moves that resist Magnezone's most common is weaknesses to, such as Ground, Fighting, and Fire, are really appreciatedmake for good partners. Additionally, Stealth Rock users are really helpful too, since ras Stealth Rocks can turn a lot of 2HKOs to OHKOs help Magnezone get many importand 3HKOs to 2HKOs. It immensely helps in Magnezone's cleaning abilities. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezones, forming a VoltTurn core with it, being immune to both Fighting- and Ground- type attacks, and finally also being able to set up rocks to help MagnezoneStealth Rock.

Magnet Rise
name: Magnet Rise
move 1: Magnet Rise
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Air Balloon
evs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
nature: Modest


Magnet Rise is extremely helpful for Magnezone, making it immune to Ground- type attacks, which it is x4 effectiveweak to, for 5 full turns. Magnet Rise is helpful because it can screw up, allowing Magnezone to avoid being KOed by Ground- types, which normally switching in on Magnezone thinking they can check it, only to see most of their moves are resisted. As forgain a free turn. Hidden Power Fire, it is used to 2HKOes most Steel- types, such as Mega Scizor, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn, the form; Hidden Power having aFire chance to get OHKOed Mega Scizor after rStealth Rocks damage if noit doesn't heavye much Special Defense investment was used. Along with Magnet Pull, tThis is extremely helpful in eliminating Steel- types for teammates to attempt a sweep later, such as Mega Gyarados, Dragonite, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Pinsir, and Staraptor. Finally, Bboth Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon andre Magnezone's most powerful and consistent STAB moves, covering a good amount of the metagame and having a somewhat high Base Power.

Set Details

Air Balloon helps Magnezone check Excadrill, asince it's too slow to use Magnet Rise. So Excadrill would pop the Balloon, Magnezone would go befor Magnet Rise, and then the best thing Excadrill can do is hope for flinches.attacks; Air Balloon also allows Magnezone to also have a chance against opposing Ground- types, even though they have the option to switch, unlike Excadrill. Maximum Special Attack with a boosting nature allowmaximizes Magnezone to do maximum's damage output, which is extremely helpful, asince it lacks a boosting item. As for The Speed EV's, theys allow Magnezone to outspeed minimum speed Mega Scizor factoring Hidden Power Fire's IVs, while, while the rest of the EVs arest dumped into HP for bulk.

Usage Tips

Use this particular set of Magnezone carefully, as switching Magnezone around carelessly can result in losing it's item, Air Balloon, which would result in making Magnezone unable to come and trap Excadrill later. Additionally, you would like to Cconserve Magnezone's Air Balloon carefully until needed, avoiding to pop it. Be also wary of Excadrill's Rapid Spin, as it can choose to use it instead of an obvious Earthquake. If you are not completely confident, don't hard switch to Magnezone on Excadrill, rather; instead, sack something and then send out Magnezone. Finally, Magnezone's ability, Magnet Pull, along with Hidden Power Fire allows it to trap and KO most Steel- types in the tier with Hidden Power Fire, such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Excadrill to an extent. This can help teammates that struggle with bulky Steel- types sweep lwith greater ease, such as Mega Gyarados, Mega Pinsir, Mega Tyranitar, Dragonite, and Staraptor.

Team Options

Mainly, tTeams that need to keep their hazardsappreciate really appreciate Air Balloon Magnet Rthise Magnezone set, as it can deal with Excadrill early-game, meanding thus let hazards stay on the fieldat it cannot remove Magnezone's hazards. This is really helpful, asince there is noaren't many viable spinblockers in the tier. Furhthermore, pokemons that struggle against bulky Steel- types, such as Dragonite, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, and Mega Gyarados, and much other pokemons really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. Additionally, Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone's most common is weaknesses, such as Ground, Fighting, and Fire, to are really appreciated, especially Ground- type attacks. Also, asince this set effectively checks Excadrill, entry hazard setters can be slapped on the team to support other members of the team, including Magnezone, since Megas Specizor (Without heavy SpDal Defense investment)-lacking Mega Scizor has a good chance of being OHKOed by MagnezonHidden Power Fire. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezones, forming a VoltTurn core with it, being immune to both Fighting- and Ground- type attacks, and finallyso being able to set up rocks which can help MagnezoneStealth Rock.
GP 1/2
fixed half of it (1st set) for now gonna do the rest tomorrow :]

A lot of comments. Relevant ones. Stay tuned.


The end of the Thunderbolt sentence is usage tips 100%. Also, you have enough stab that isn't volt switch on this set to not mention it doesn't switch you out.

In neither of your set details do you explain what magnet pull does.

"Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to, such as Ground, Fighting, and Fire, make for good partners" do you mind mentioning some??? Since so many of your offensive partners do this too, work something out.

Lando-t is not fighting immune.

Why 4 def evs on the scarf set? Explain.

Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Volt Switch is helpful, gainings momentum, which is extremely useful, especially with a Choice Scarf. Hidden Power Fire is used in the second slot, as it 2HKOes both Ferrothorn and Scizor, both of which Magnezone can trap with Magnet Pull and eliminate for its teammates. Additionally, Flash Cannon is a consistent secondary STAB move that does not force Magnezone out; hit is really useful hitting Fairy- types super effectively, while also hitting Ground- and Dragon- types, which otherwise give Magnezone a hard time, for reasonable amounts of damage. Finally, Thunderbolt is used in the last slot for another consistent secondary STAB move that does not force Magnezone out, but it should not be used very often, Magnezone will be very easily exploited by common Ground-types, such as Excadrill, if locked into Thunderbolt.

Set Details

Choice Scarf allows Magnezone to surprise the opponent, as it usually is quite slow,; it also lets Magnezone to be a great late-game cleaner land a decent re-vengame killer, as it has an enormous base 130 Special Attack. It can also serve as a decent revenge killer. Maximum Special Attack investment is used to make the most of Magnezone's great base 130 Special Attack., and Maximum Speed EVinvestment with a boosting nature and a Choice Scarf allow Magnezone to outspeed everything slower than Thundurus, which is almost all of the entire unboosted tier. It also outspeeds most Talonflame, which makes Magnezone a good check to teams that are centered around Flying types.

Usage Tips

Choice Scarf Magnezone is a great late-game cleaner, 2HKOing a good portion of the metagame; it is also able to serve as a revenge killer. Just like the Choice Specs set, it can also trap opposing Steel- types to help other sweepers, such as Dragonite, Clefable, and Mega Gyarados, sweep with more ease, though it only 2HKOes Scizor and Ferrothorns. Choice Scarf is used allowing Magnezone to not only trap and KO Steel-types, but also serve as a revenge killer. Furthermore, Choice Scarf Magnezone can also pick off weakened Excadrill; this can be really helpful at times. Additionally, Choice Scarf Magnezone sacrifices a lot of bulk to gain Speed, so it should be careful when switching in. Finally, Choice Scarf Magnezone is also a great check to Flying- Spam, taking little damage from Flying them-type moves, outspeeding Flying-types, and OHKO-ing them.

Team Options

Pokemons that struggle against bulky Steel- types, such as Dragonite, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Gyarados, really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. As such, Magnezone should be put on teams that can barely break bulky Steel- types. Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to, such as Ground, Fighting, and Fire, make for good partners. Additionally, Stealth Rock users are rgood teally hmmatelpful toos, as Stealth Rocks can help Magnezone get many important KOs. It immensely helps in Magnezone's cleaning abilities. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates tfor Magnezone, forming a VoltTurn core with it, betaking immGroune tod- bothand Fighting- and Ground- type attacks, and finally alsor beingt, able tond setting up Stealth Rock for it.

Magnet Rise
name: Magnet Rise
move 1: Magnet Rise
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Air Balloon
evs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
nature: Modest


Magnet Rise is extremely helpful for Magnezone, making it immune to Ground- type attacks, which it is weak to, for 5 full turns., Magnlet Rise is helpful allowting Magnezone ito avoid being KOed by Ground- types, which normally switch in on Magnezone thinking they can gain a free turn. Hidden Power Fire 2HKOes most Steel- types, such as Mega Scizor, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn, Hidden Power Fire can OHKO Mega Scizor after Stealth Rock damage if it doesn't have much Special Defense investment.; Tthis iallows exyou to tremely helapful iand KO eliminsatingd Steel- types for teammates to attempt a sweeupp lateor, such as Megat Gyarados, Duragonite, Mtega Tyrmmanitar, Mega Pinsir, and Staraptor. Finally, both Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon are Magnezone's most powerful and consistent moveSTABs, covering a good amount of the metagame and having a somewhat high Base Powers.
Set Details

Air Balloon helps Magnezone check Excadrill, as it's too slow to use Magnet Rise before Excadrill attacks; Air Balloon also allows, Magnezone tod aliso have a chancelpful against opposingther Ground- types. Maximum Special Attack with a boosting nature maximizes Magnezone's damage output, which is extremely helpful, as it lacks a boosting item. The Speed EVs allow Magnezone to outspeed minimum speed Mega Scizor, while the rest of the EVs are dumped into HP for bulk.

Usage Tips

Use this particular set of Magnezone carefully, as switching Magnezone around carelessly can result in losing it's item, Air Balloon, which would result in making Magnezone being unable to trap Excadrill later. Additionally, you would like to conserve Magnezone's Air Balloon. Be wary of Excadrill's Rapid Spin, as it can choose to use it instead of an Earthquake. If you are not completely confident, don't switch Magnezone on Excadrill; instead, sackrifice something and then send out Magnezone. Finally, Magnezone's ability, Magnet Pull, allows it to trap and KO most Steel- types in the tier with Hidden Power Fire, such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, ands well as Excadrill to an extent. This can help teammates that struggle with bulky Steel- types sweep with greater ease, such as Mega Gyarados, Mega Pinsir, Mega Tyranitar, Dragonite, and Staraptor, sweep with greater ease.

Team Options

Teams that appreciate this Magnezone set, as it can deal with Excadrill early-game, meaning that it cannot remove Magnezone's hazards. This is really helpful, as there is aren't many viable spinblockers in the tier. Furthermore, pPokemons that struggle against bulky Steel- types, such as Dragonite, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, and Mega Gyarados, really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. Additionally, Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to are really appreciated. Also, as this set effectively checks Excadrill, entry hazard setters can be slapped on the team to support other members of the team, including Magnezone, as Special Defense-lacking Mega Scizor has a good chance of being OHKOed by Hidden Power Fire with Stealth Rock support. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezone, forming a VoltTurn core with it, betaking immune to both Fighting- and Ground- type attacks for it, and also betting able to set up Stealth Rock.
Last edited:
Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Volt Switch is helpa useful, gaining source of momentum, which is extremely useful for Magnezone, especially with a Choice Scarf. Hidden Power Fire is used in the second slot, as ito 2HKOes both Ferrothorn and Scizor, which Magnezone can trap with Magnet Pull and eliminate for its teammates. Additionally, Flash Cannon iserves as a consistent secondary STAB move that does not force Magnezone out; it is really useful for hitting Fairy-(remove space)types super effectively, while also hitting and providing neutral coverage on Ground- and Dragon- types, which otherwise give Magnezone a hard time, for reasonable amounts of damage. Finally, Thunderbolt is used in the last slot for another consistent secondary stronger Electric-type STAB move that does not force Magnezone out. .

this was pretty wordy so i changed up the phrases a bit

Set Details

Choice Scarf allows Magnezone to surprise the opponent potentailly, as it usually is otherwise quite slow,; it also lets Magnezone tond be a great cleaner late-game, a with STAB moves off it has an enormous base 130 Special Attack. It can also serve as a decent revenge killer. some examples of pokemon it can revenge kill maybe eg pinsir Maximum Special Attack investment is used to make the most of Magnezone's great base 130 Special Attack. Maximum Speed EVs with a boosting nature and a Choice Scarf allow Magnezone to outspeed everything slower than Thundurus, which is almost allthe majority of the unboosted tier. It also outspeeds mostnon-Jolly Talonflame, which makes Magnezone a good check to teams that are centered around Flying -types.

idk if i'd say that scarf is a surprise considering it's the standard zone set, just a small note

Usage Tips

Choice Scarf Magnezone is a great late-game cleaner, 2HKOing a good portion of the metagame; it is also able to ser, and can revenge kill various a revenge killerthreats throughout the game. Just like the Choice Specs set, it can also trap opposing Steel- types to help othcertain sweepers, such as Dragonite, Clefable, and Mega Gyarados, sweep with more ease no mention of mega pinsir ?_?, though it only actually 2HKOes bulky Mega Scizor and Ferrothorns. Choice Scarf is used allowing Magnezone to not only trap and KO Steel-types, but also serve as a revenge killer. Furthermore, Choice Scarf Magnezone can also pick off weakened Excadrill; this can be really helpful at times. Additionally, Choice Scarf Magnezone sacrifices a lot of bulk to gain Speed, so it should be careful when switching innd has ended. Thunderbolt should not be used very often, as Magnezone will be very easily exploited by common Ground-types, such as Excadrill would sound better if you added one more example here, if locked into Thunderbolt. Finally, Choice Scarf Magnezone is also a great check to Flying- Spam, taking little damage from Flying them-type moves, outspeeding Flying-types, and OHKO-ing.

i honestly think you confused the purpose of usage tips here. deleted a bunch of sentences that didn't pertain to the actual use of magnezone. maybe mention something about pivoting into the likes of latios?

Team Options

Pokemons that struggle against bulky Steel-(remove space)types, such as Dragonite, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Gyarados, really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can als to help them sweep later. As such, Magnezone shouldis naturally be put onst fit for teams that can barely breakhave issues with said bulky Steel-(remove space)types. Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to, such as Ground, Fighting, and Fire, make for good partners. Additionally, Stealth Rock users are really helpful too, as Stealth Rocks can help Magnezone get manysome important KOs. It helps immensely helps in Magnezone's cleaning abilities. specific examples or remove the last two sentences Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezone, forming a VoltTurn core with it, behaving an immuneity to both Fighting- and Ground-(remove space)type attacks, and finally also being able to set up Stealth Rock.

Magnet Rise
name: Magnet Rise
move 1: Magnet Rise
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Air Balloon
evs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
nature: Modest


Magnet Rise is extremely helpful for Magnezone, making it immune to Ground-(remove space)type attacks, which it is weak to, for 5 full turns. Magnet Rise is helpful allowing Magnezone to avoid being KOed by Ground- types, which normally switch in on Magnezone thinking they can gain a free turn. Hidden Power Fire 2HKOes most Steel- types, such as Mega Scizor, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn, Hidden Power Fire caneven able to OHKO Mega Scizor after Stealth Rock damage if it doesn't have much Special Defense investment. This is extremely helpful in eliminating Steel- types for teammates to attempt a sweep later, such as Mega Gyarados, Dragonite, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Pinsir, and Staraptor. Finally, both Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon arserve Magnezone's most powerful and, consistent moves, covering a good amount of the metagame and having a somewhat high Basewide variety of Power.

the only reason to use magnet rise is that it lets you trap drill, that's literally the entire reason mrise + balloon zone exists and you have to mention that as the reason to use magnet rise

Set Details

Air Balloon helps Magnezone check Excadrill, as it's too slow to use Magnet Rise before Excadrill attacks; Air Balloon also allows Magnezone to also ha, and in general gives it a chance against opposing Ground-(remove space)types. Maximum Special Attack with a boosting nature maximizes Magnezone's damage output, which is extremely helpful, as it lacks a boosting item. The Speed EVs allow Magnezone to outspeed minimum speed Mega Scizor, (add comma) while the rest of the EVs are dumped into HP for bulk.

Usage Tips

Use this particular set of Magnezone carefully, as switching Magnezone around carelessly can result in losing it's item, Air Balloon, which would result in making Magnezone unable to trap Excadrill later. Additionally,Unless you would likare to conserve Magnezone's Air Balloon. Be wary ofmpletely confident that Excadrill's Rapid Spin, as it can choose to will use it instead of an Earthquake. If you are not completely confident, don' not switch Magnezone on Excadrilldirectly in; instead, sack something and then send out Magnezone. Finally, Magnezone's ability,
again, remove some sentences that are redundant with things previously mentioned/don't pertain to the actual use of magnezone
Team Options

Magnet Pull, allows it to trap and KO most Steel- types in the tier with Hidden Power Fire, such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Excadrill to an extent. This can helpzone set is most appreciated by teammates that struggle with bulky Steel- types sweep with greater ease, such as Mega Gyarados, Mega Pinsir, Mega Tyranitar, Dragonite,Excadrill, as it can trap it, removing the threat and Staraptor.

Team Options

Teams that appreciate this
allowing Magnezone set, as it can deal with Excadrill early-game, meaning that's team to keep up it cannot remove Magnezone's hazards. This is really helpful, as there is aren't many viable spinblockers in the tier and none of them can spinblock Excadrill. Furthermore, pPokemons that struggle against bulky Steel-(remove space)types, such as Dragonite, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, and Mega Gyarados, really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. Additionally, Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to are really appreciated. Also, as this set effectively checks Excadrill, entry hazard setters can be slapped on the team to support other members of the team, including Magnezone, as S; for example, non-special Dly defense-lackingive Mega Scizor has a good chance of being OHKOed by Hidden Power Fire after Stealth Rock damage. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezone, forming a VoltTurn core with it, being immune to both Fighting- and Ground- type attacks, and also betting able to set up Stealth Rock.
Note that I made a few fact-related comments and removed a few things from Usage Tips that don't fit the purpose of the section. Truly believe they make the analysis better/are important things to clarify, ask if you have any concerns.

GP 2/2
Last edited:
Choice Scarf
name: Choice Scarf
move 1: Volt Switch
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Choice Scarf
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
nature: Timid


Volt Switch is helpa useful, gaining source of momentum, which is extremely useful for Magnezone, especially with a Choice Scarf. Hidden Power Fire is used in the second slot, as ito 2HKOes both Ferrothorn and Scizor, which Magnezone can trap with Magnet Pull and eliminate for its teammates. Additionally, Flash Cannon iserves as a consistent secondary STAB move that does not force Magnezone out; it is really useful for hitting Fairy-(remove space)types super effectively, while also hitting and providing neutral coverage on Ground- and Dragon- types, which otherwise give Magnezone a hard time, for reasonable amounts of damage. Finally, Thunderbolt is used in the last slot for another consistent secondary stronger Electric-type STAB move that does not force Magnezone out. .

this was pretty wordy so i changed up the phrases a bit

Set Details

Choice Scarf allows Magnezone to surprise the opponent potentailly, as it usually is otherwise quite slow,; it also lets Magnezone tond be a great cleaner late-game, a with STAB moves off it has an enormous base 130 Special Attack. It can also serve as a decent revenge killer. some examples of pokemon it can revenge kill maybe eg pinsir Maximum Special Attack investment is used to make the most of Magnezone's great base 130 Special Attack. Maximum Speed EVs with a boosting nature and a Choice Scarf allow Magnezone to outspeed everything slower than Thundurus, which is almost allthe majority of the unboosted tier. It also outspeeds mostnon-Jolly Talonflame, which makes Magnezone a good check to teams that are centered around Flying -types.

idk if i'd say that scarf is a surprise considering it's the standard zone set, just a small note

Usage Tips

Choice Scarf Magnezone is a great late-game cleaner, 2HKOing a good portion of the metagame; it is also able to ser, and can revenge kill various a revenge killerthreats throughout the game. Just like the Choice Specs set, it can also trap opposing Steel- types to help othcertain sweepers, such as Dragonite, Clefable, and Mega Gyarados, sweep with more ease no mention of mega pinsir ?_?, though it only actually 2HKOes bulky Mega Scizor and Ferrothorns. Choice Scarf is used allowing Magnezone to not only trap and KO Steel-types, but also serve as a revenge killer. Furthermore, Choice Scarf Magnezone can also pick off weakened Excadrill; this can be really helpful at times. Additionally, Choice Scarf Magnezone sacrifices a lot of bulk to gain Speed, so it should be careful when switching innd has ended. Thunderbolt should not be used very often, as Magnezone will be very easily exploited by common Ground-types, such as Excadrill would sound better if you added one more example here, if locked into Thunderbolt. Finally, Choice Scarf Magnezone is also a great check to Flying- Spam, taking little damage from Flying them-type moves, outspeeding Flying-types, and OHKO-ing.

i honestly think you confused the purpose of usage tips here. deleted a bunch of sentences that didn't pertain to the actual use of magnezone. maybe mention something about pivoting into the likes of latios?

Team Options

Pokemons that struggle against bulky Steel-(remove space)types, such as Dragonite, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, and Mega Gyarados, really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can als to help them sweep later. As such, Magnezone shouldis naturally be put onst fit for teams that can barely breakhave issues with said bulky Steel-(remove space)types. Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to, such as Ground, Fighting, and Fire, make for good partners. Additionally, Stealth Rock users are really helpful too, as Stealth Rocks can help Magnezone get manysome important KOs. It helps immensely helps in Magnezone's cleaning abilities. specific examples or remove the last two sentences Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezone, forming a VoltTurn core with it, behaving an immuneity to both Fighting- and Ground-(remove space)type attacks, and finally also being able to set up Stealth Rock.

Magnet Rise
name: Magnet Rise
move 1: Magnet Rise
move 2: Hidden Power Fire
move 3: Flash Cannon
move 4: Thunderbolt
ability: Magnet Pull
item: Air Balloon
evs: 128 HP / 252 SpA / 128 Spe
nature: Modest


Magnet Rise is extremely helpful for Magnezone, making it immune to Ground-(remove space)type attacks, which it is weak to, for 5 full turns. Magnet Rise is helpful allowing Magnezone to avoid being KOed by Ground- types, which normally switch in on Magnezone thinking they can gain a free turn. Hidden Power Fire 2HKOes most Steel- types, such as Mega Scizor, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn, Hidden Power Fire caneven able to OHKO Mega Scizor after Stealth Rock damage if it doesn't have much Special Defense investment. This is extremely helpful in eliminating Steel- types for teammates to attempt a sweep later, such as Mega Gyarados, Dragonite, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Pinsir, and Staraptor. Finally, both Thunderbolt and Flash Cannon arserve Magnezone's most powerful and, consistent moves, covering a good amount of the metagame and having a somewhat high Basewide variety of Power.

the only reason to use magnet rise is that it lets you trap drill, that's literally the entire reason mrise + balloon zone exists and you have to mention that as the reason to use magnet rise

Set Details

Air Balloon helps Magnezone check Excadrill, as it's too slow to use Magnet Rise before Excadrill attacks; Air Balloon also allows Magnezone to also ha, and in general gives it a chance against opposing Ground-(remove space)types. Maximum Special Attack with a boosting nature maximizes Magnezone's damage output, which is extremely helpful, as it lacks a boosting item. The Speed EVs allow Magnezone to outspeed minimum speed Mega Scizor, (add comma) while the rest of the EVs are dumped into HP for bulk.

Usage Tips

Use this particular set of Magnezone carefully, as switching Magnezone around carelessly can result in losing it's item, Air Balloon, which would result in making Magnezone unable to trap Excadrill later. Additionally,Unless you would likare to conserve Magnezone's Air Balloon. Be wary ofmpletely confident that Excadrill's Rapid Spin, as it can choose to will use it instead of an Earthquake. If you are not completely confident, don' not switch Magnezone on Excadrilldirectly in; instead, sack something and then send out Magnezone. Finally, Magnezone's ability,
again, remove some sentences that are redundant with things previously mentioned/don't pertain to the actual use of magnezone
Team Options

Magnet Pull, allows it to trap and KO most Steel- types in the tier with Hidden Power Fire, such as Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Mega Scizor, and Excadrill to an extent. This can helpzone set is most appreciated by teammates that struggle with bulky Steel- types sweep with greater ease, such as Mega Gyarados, Mega Pinsir, Mega Tyranitar, Dragonite,Excadrill, as it can trap it, removing the threat and Staraptor.

Team Options

Teams that appreciate this
allowing Magnezone set, as it can deal with Excadrill early-game, meaning that's team to keep up it cannot remove Magnezone's hazards. This is really helpful, as there is aren't many viable spinblockers in the tier and none of them can spinblock Excadrill. Furthermore, pPokemons that struggle against bulky Steel-(remove space)types, such as Dragonite, Latias, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Pinsir, Staraptor, Excadrill, Mega Tyranitar, Mamoswine, and Mega Gyarados, really appreciate Magnezone's support, which can also help them sweep later. Additionally, Pokemon that resist moves that Magnezone is weak to are really appreciated. Also, as this set effectively checks Excadrill, entry hazard setters can be slapped on the team to support other members of the team, including Magnezone, as S; for example, non-special Dly defense-lackingive Mega Scizor has a good chance of being OHKOed by Hidden Power Fire after Stealth Rock damage. Finally, Landorus-T is one of the best teammates to Magnezone, forming a VoltTurn core with it, being immune to both Fighting- and Ground- type attacks, and also betting able to set up Stealth Rock.
Note that I made a few fact-related comments and removed a few things from Usage Tips that don't fit the purpose of the section. Truly believe they make the analysis better/are important things to clarify, ask if you have any concerns.

GP 2/2

Thanks a lot! I updated the first set and I should be able to finish the rest soon
Alright this is done!

Thanks everyone for having to put up with me I thought GP comes here alone (so dumb) anyways I learned a lot in doing this analysis so I could do it much better next time :]