Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 43 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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So definitely toss? I need some more opinions from others too x'D
Still can't decide because I just got this 30 mins. from the time I started SR'ing for my 2nd Diancie.
And if I want a 3rd one, I have to restart my game all over again (which takes long because I have to transfer them eggs & certain items too, which Bank can't store)

It's true you can only get one Diancie code for each save right?
I would toss it.
I want a mega Houndoomite, but I really don't know what these things are "worth", if they are worth anything and what people usually trade them for. Can someone help me?

Maybe someone even has one to trade for me
So I just entered a Diancie code into my Y file and it doesn't have the three guaranteed perfect IVs. Any point in SRing or should I just restart and try another code?
I'm told it's a problem with the code, and you just gotta find another code. I have the problem too on my Pokemon X-- does anybody have a spare code?
So I just entered a Diancie code into my Y file and it doesn't have the three guaranteed perfect IVs. Any point in SRing or should I just restart and try another code?

Oops, last page.

I'm told it's a problem with the code, and you just gotta find another code. I have the problem too on my Pokemon X-- does anybody have a spare code?

It seems as if it's not exactly a problem with the code though. If you do have that problem then you need to have another save file, you can't use the same save file. Just making sure because it seems as if you may not know that.
It seems as if it's not exactly a problem with the code though. If you do have that problem then you need to have another save file, you can't use the same save file. Just making sure because it seems as if you may not know that.
I just restarted, like, literally a week ago. I'd be fine with a total restart, lol.
Oops, last page.

I've mentioned that people with glitched Diancie could go for Hidden Powers otherwise impossible--HP Flying with 31 Speed, for example. Otherwise, though, these Diancie would be hard-pressed to compare well against the Diancie generated with three flawless IVs.
I've mentioned that people with glitched Diancie could go for Hidden Powers otherwise impossible--HP Flying with 31 Speed, for example. Otherwise, though, these Diancie would be hard-pressed to compare well against the Diancie generated with three flawless IVs.

Oh, huh, okay. But it's not like Diancie could have use for any of those Hidden Powers anyway so I'm leaning towards no (and HP Flying is possible with 3 perfect IVs iirc, just nitpicking)
Oh, huh, okay. But it's not like Diancie could have use for any of those Hidden Powers anyway so I'm leaning towards no (and HP Flying is possible with 3 perfect IVs iirc, just nitpicking)

If you really want to hit Mega Venusaur, there's an option. The only HP Flying spread with three 31 IVs is o/o/o/e/e/e, which forces a speed IV of <= 30, causing Mega Diancie to lose the speed tie with other base 110s.

Edit: Oh, wait--Diancie gets Psychic, so I suppose that's a better option for Mega Venusaur in particular. I guess Bisharp is hit harder by Hidden Power Fighting than any other move, as an alternate example, although it's 2HKOed by Earth Power and Moonblast. I don't like the opportunity cost of HP Fighting compared HP Fire, though.
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If you really want to hit Mega Venusaur, there's an option. The only HP Flying spread with three 31 IVs is o/o/o/e/e/e, which forces a speed IV of <= 30, causing Mega Diancie to lose the speed tie with other base 110s.

Edit: Oh, wait--Diancie gets Psychic, so I suppose that's a better option for Mega Venusaur in particular. I guess Bisharp is hit harder by Hidden Power Fighting than any other move, as an alternate example, although it's 2HKOed by Earth Power and Moonblast. I don't like the opportunity cost of HP Fighting compared HP Fire, though.
Yeah, HP Flying is definitely outclassed in more than one way. The only HP Diancie really needs is HP Fire, and that's easy enough to SR for (just look for your 3 perfect IVs to be in HP, Def, and SpD, then check with the Anistar guy.
If anyone wants a European Diancie code, they are in luck.

I have a spare one and am accepting bribes.

Have been bribed in record time
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Torchic - #255 (Adamant)
HP: 26 - 27
Att: 20 - 21
Def: 8 - 9
SpA: 0
SpD: 20 - 21
Speed: 30

Keep or toss? XY Event Torchic (sexy matching Cherish ball - not that bland default ball). Wish attack and defenses were a little higher, but not bad for no fixed IVs... right?

12 point difference for attack at level 100 and only 1 point difference for speed (assuming lowest IV for all stats; Blaziken).
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Soft resetted a 31/31/31/31/9/19 naive diancie, keep it?

gonna be nice and not just outright infract this but take the time to remind everyone of the post in the OP so we don't get more posts cluttering this thread for no good reason
k, going to make a post since this diancie thing is getting crazy with all the "is my diancie good?" questions and some people seem to be failing at common sense. Basically, you will now be infracted/given a warning on your profile if you post what is to put it in the simplest terms a crappy SR you shouldn't keep. Yes this is awfully subjective but let's be honest here, if you're aiming for a speed boosting nature like hasty and timid and you get a speed that is not a 30-31 that is not a keep, neutral natures have 0 competitive value so those are not keeps, and honestly IVs below 20s on stats you do care about on a Pokemon that naturally gets 3 31 IVs is really not something you should keep. These are just some examples of things that should make you think "this is not worth the keep, let me SR again instead of wasting time and cluttering the SQSR thread with something that is going to be a toss". This applies to other resets in the future not just diancie and this post is not to call out any one specific individual.
Does anyone have a spare Jolly Synchronizer and a Master Ball. Want to try my hands on a Jolly Kalos native Mewtwo, but I'm lacking both items that I need.
Does anyone have a spare Jolly Synchronizer and a Master Ball. Want to try my hands on a Jolly Kalos native Mewtwo, but I'm lacking both items that I need.
I have a master ball, maybe I can try to breed a jolly ralts for you since I have an adamant one, gimme a bit to breed and add you.Don't need anything for them
Would love a copy of the resultant Mewtwo tho.
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