XY Ubers RMT Zekrom Bolt Action

This is my first post on rating my team. I use to use a heavily offensive rain team which did fairly well, but I thought I'd try something new. The team is mainly focused on Zekrom, and slowing the other team down for him to Bolt Strike to victory xD. So far it's been pretty well, though I think it could use some modifications. So if you see anything that could use changing or pokemon who need to be switched out please let me know. I would appreciate any help I can get to make this team great :)

So here is the team line up.


Zekrom @ Life Orb
Ability: Teravolt
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Lonely Nature
- Bolt Strike
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Claw
- Volt Switch
The leader of the group and sweeper. As soon as all hazards are delt with Zekrom, can come in and sweep with Bolt Strike, for those who resister to electric I can deal with Draco Meteor, and Dragon claw for that extra accuracy. Volt switch is there to setup for Mega Gengar.


Galvantula @ Focus Sash
Ability: Compound Eyes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Sticky Web
- Thunder
- Bug Buzz
- Thunder Wave
The heart of the team Galvantula. With Sticky web I can began the slow down process immediately. For those who still are fast even with Sticky web Thunder wave takes care of that.


Kyogre @ Leftovers
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Def / 252 SpA
Modest Nature
- Thunder Wave
- Surf
- Thunder
- Ice Beam
My Bulky wall, and back up to set up thunder wave. Also checks Dragons, and ground types that try to get in Zekroms way.


Landorus-Therian @ Earth Plate
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- U-Turn
Zekrom benefits well with entry Hazards, so who better to use? Also with Earth plate increasing his power and his Stab Earth quake he assaults things pretty easily, and for those who avoid the earthquake Stone edge takes care of that. Also with U-Turn I can keep the pressure, and switch in to Zekrom easy

Gengar @ Gengarite
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Taunt
- Destiny Bond
- Sludge Wave
- Focus Blast
My Fairy, Grass, Ground, and mostly any annoyance take outer. I use Zekrom to bait out any fairy's to Volt switch into Mega Gengar, and shadow tag them. Then I'll either sludge wave them
Or If not choice taunt force them on the offensive, and take them to the afterlife with me with Destiny Bond.


Genesect @ Choice Band
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- U-turn
- Iron Head
- Extreme Speed
- Blaze Kick
Gensect well idr have much use either then taking out annoying Grass, and keeping the pressure up with his U-Turn, and checking Fairy's with Iron Head.
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Hi there! Nice team, and I'll do a more in-depth rate later, but why not make that Kyogre Primal? It only helps, and has no downsides, unless you were hoping to switch to GAlvantula for 100 accuracy Thunders. Also, your descriptions are a bit short.
Not only is primal kyogre not released, this rmt also needs 3 lines of description that talk about why you choose that pokemon and what role it has on your team, as well as a brief overview of the moves. Not sure if I will be able to rate this team on the weekend once you update it, but you should do so regardless because a moderator may lock this thread otherwise. Good luck :]
Yeah I was working while making this probably not the best time to do it on my phone so l'll be updating it. On primal Kyogre I was actually thinking of going there with this team, so I'll tweak it up to include.
Hey there, cool to see a non-choice Zekrom, and you have the right idea behind it. I personally don't use Sticky Web much but the general consensus is that Shuckle is the go to setter (Smeargle is the other but I actually have 0 experience with it). Shuckle with Mental Herb guarantees you get Sticky Web off, as you are unable to be Taunted. You also are able to prevent setup with Encore. Overall, Galvantula just isn't that strong, and while it does have high speed it cannot survive strong priority moves. The following set is on the analysis and will do you best. Note that it is not running Stealth Rock, it's generally better to have a separate setter.

Shuckle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Sticky Web
- Encore
- Toxic
- Rock Tomb

Next, I personally think Choice Specs Kyogre is something you absolutely want on a Sticky Web team. Kyogre benefits so much, as literally all of its normal checks cannot switch in (SpD Ferro, Blissey, Dialga, Arceus-resists--only Specially Defensive Palkia is living). Your current Kyogre set does not take advantage of Stick Web that much, so I would recommend the following. Timid lets you beat most opposing Scarf Kyogre under webs (as they usually run Modest iirc. In any case, all of your mons will be able to deal some damage to Ogre, thus weakening its Spout). You don't need the ability to switch moves because a near full HP Water Spout beats everything.

Kyogre @ Choice Specs
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Water Spout
- Surf
- Thunder
- Ice Beam

While CB Genesect is cool, I think you should swap it out for a Choice Scarf. Under Webs, this lets you revenge kill Geomancy Xerneas, who is still able to set up on Landorus or Kyogre not locked into a Water move, and you'll have problems trapping it with Gengar because of the turn you need to mega evolve it. What Choice Scarf also gives you is a fast mon outside of Sticky Webs should they be Defoged away, leaving you less susceptible to fast sweepers. The same set with maybe Explosion over Extreme Speed and Ice Beam over Blaze Kick could work, as Extreme Speed is a bit weak without Choice Band. This will leave Gengar to deal with Ferrothorn, but this lessens your weakness to Yveltal and Ho-Oh, who are unaffected by Sticky Web (Explode on Ho-Oh, Ice Beam Yveltal. Timid Kyogre will also be able to beat both of them, since Yveltal usually doesn't run +Speed). Anyway, explore my suggestions before committing to them as I don't have very much Webs experience and Yveltal and Ho-Oh may pose a greater threat than these changes deal with. Good luck!
Hey there, cool to see a non-choice Zekrom, and you have the right idea behind it. I personally don't use Sticky Web much but the general consensus is that Shuckle is the go to setter (Smeargle is the other but I actually have 0 experience with it). Shuckle with Mental Herb guarantees you get Sticky Web off, as you are unable to be Taunted. You also are able to prevent setup with Encore. Overall, Galvantula just isn't that strong, and while it does have high speed it cannot survive strong priority moves. The following set is on the analysis and will do you best. Note that it is not running Stealth Rock, it's generally better to have a separate setter.

Shuckle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Sticky Web
- Encore
- Toxic
- Rock Tomb

Next, I personally think Choice Specs Kyogre is something you absolutely want on a Sticky Web team. Kyogre benefits so much, as literally all of its normal checks cannot switch in (SpD Ferro, Blissey, Dialga, Arceus-resists--only Specially Defensive Palkia is living). Your current Kyogre set does not take advantage of Stick Web that much, so I would recommend the following. Timid lets you beat most opposing Scarf Kyogre under webs (as they usually run Modest iirc. In any case, all of your mons will be able to deal some damage to Ogre, thus weakening its Spout). You don't need the ability to switch moves because a near full HP Water Spout beats everything.

Kyogre @ Choice Specs
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Water Spout
- Surf
- Thunder
- Ice Beam

While CB Genesect is cool, I think you should swap it out for a Choice Scarf. Under Webs, this lets you revenge kill Geomancy Xerneas, who is still able to set up on Landorus or Kyogre not locked into a Water move, and you'll have problems trapping it with Gengar because of the turn you need to mega evolve it. What Choice Scarf also gives you is a fast mon outside of Sticky Webs should they be Defoged away, leaving you less susceptible to fast sweepers. The same set with maybe Explosion over Extreme Speed and Ice Beam over Blaze Kick could work, as Extreme Speed is a bit weak without Choice Band. This will leave Gengar to deal with Ferrothorn, but this lessens your weakness to Yveltal and Ho-Oh, who are unaffected by Sticky Web (Explode on Ho-Oh, Ice Beam Yveltal. Timid Kyogre will also be able to beat both of them, since Yveltal usually doesn't run +Speed). Anyway, explore my suggestions before committing to them as I don't have very much Webs experience and Yveltal and Ho-Oh may pose a greater threat than these changes deal with. Good luck!

---Thank you Lemonade for the insight ESPECIALY! with Kyogre holy crap did that make a difference Water spout is way to good love it! As for Shuckle i did know that shuckle would be a much more suitable choice rater then Galvantula, but I chose to stick with because of a personal bond with it * i know weird*, but I feel it and like it more, and its sole purpose is Sticky web after that it takes decent damage while also dishing out thunder, and bug buzz are great. Though i did run into a taunt after you mentioned it, and it does hinder when it is casted, but I think i'll stick with for now. Switching to Choice scarf was definitely better. Genesect outspeeds a lot more. I haven't found much use of the Explosion so I think i will put blaze kick back. I think I will have more use for it. Other then that Thank you very much for the help it has really changed the team for better ^)^