Garbodor [QC: 1/3]

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Will fill up next week because kinda busy


  • Access to Spikes and Toxic Spikes
  • good stats all around and decent typing that let's Garbodor set up entry hazards on common Pokemon such as Throh any Grass-types such as Roselia and Tangela
  • Decent ability
  • Decent movepool with a powerful STAB in Gunk Shot and Explosion
  • Great both as a suicide lead and as a bulky hazards setter
  • is rubbish

Bulky Entry Hazards
name: Bulky Entry Hazards
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Toxic Spikes
move 3: Gunk Shot
move 4: Haze / Pain Split
ability: Aftermath
item: Rocky Helmet / Black Sludge
evs: 252 HP / 160 Def / 96 Spe
nature: Impish

  • Spikes and Toxic Spikes are the main moves on this set as Garbodor can set them up effectively against the Pokemon it checks to wear down defensive and offensive Pokemon alike
  • Gunk Shot is a reliable STAB move that hits everything that doesn't resist it decently hard. It also has an useful Poison chance
  • Haze is the preferred option in the last slot as it prevents setup sweepers such as Throh and Swords Dance Scyther from setting up as Garbodor sets hazards up
  • Pain Split helps it recovering health against Pokemon such as Poliwrath and Avalugg
  • Toxic can be used to wear down switch ins who arent affected by TOxic Spikes or when Toxic Spikes arent up

Set Details
  • Speed EVs let Garbodor outspeed Max Speed Bouffalant and other base 55s as well as any hazards setter not named Glalie or Kricketune
  • Hp is maximised to make use of Garbodor's great bulk the most. The remaining EVs are put into Defense as Garbodor's typing is better suit to taking physical hits
  • A specially defensive spread can also be used to let Garbodor set up entry hazards better against Pokemon such as Roselia, Tangela, and Serperior while still being useful to punish physical attackers with Rocky Helmet
  • Rocky Helmet is the item of choice as it lets Garbodor punish the physical attackers it checks.
  • Black is also viable as it gives Garbodor a bit more survivability
  • Aftermath is the ability of choice as it lets Garbodor punish the physical attackers it checks even more by stripping off them 25% of their health.

Usage Tips

  • Garbodor is best used as a switch in to physical attackers such as Throh, Poliwrath, and Bouffalant
  • Once in you should just set up entry hazards, give a priority to Spikes if the opponent has a Poison-type and mind that against offensive teams it is often better to use just one layer of Toxic Spikes as Pokemon tend to stay in for less than 3 turns and regular Poison will do more damage
  • Garbodor is very usefu
Team Options
  • Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Gourgeist are great partners. They are the good spinblockers for bulky offensive and balanced teams and can also switch into Ground-type attacks aimed at Garbodor.
  • Offensive Pokémon likes entry hazards support to help it gain OHKOs and 2HKOs. Good examples are Normal-types such as Tauros and Bouffalant who both have their best checks heavily damaged by Toxic Spikes. Purugly is in the same boat and also has Fake Out to rack up Poison damage quickly. Substitute users such as Serperior and Rotom-F can also make very good use of Toxic Spikes as it helps them wearing down checks to their STAB moves range.
  • Stealth Rock setters also complement Garbodor very well. Piloswine has the best synergy with Garbodor of the setters in the tier because of its ability to greatly threaten Ground-types with its Ice-type STAB.
  • Checks to Psychic-types, such as Sneasel, are also good partners as Garbodor tends to lure those in.

Suicide Lead
name: Suicide Lead
move 1: Spikes
move 2: Toxic Spikes
move 3: Explosion
move 4: Gunk Shot / Seed Bomb
ability: Aftermath
item: Focus Sash
evs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
nature: Jolly

  • Spikes and Toxic Spikes are the main moves on this set as Garbodor can set them up effectively and quickly early in the game to wear down defensive and offensive Pokemon alike
  • Explosion is a fundamental move to stop Defog and Rapid users before they can remove Garbodor's entry hazards
  • Gunk Shot doesn't have the best coverage but it is very strong with a lot of investment and does a lot of damage to Pokemon such as Togetic and offensive Pokemon in general
  • Seed Bomb can be used to hit opposing Golem and Piloswine
Set Details
  • Max Speed Investment is used to outspeed as much as possible
  • Max Attack is used to let Explosion and Gunk Shot hit as hard as possible
  • Focus Sash is the preferred item as it lets Garbodor set up 2 layers of entry hazards most of the time
  • Maximum HP can be used with other items such as Air Baloon to beat different Pokemon
  • Aftermath to leave a dent when Garbodor goes down.

Usage Tips

  • You can usually just get hazards up as quickly as possible.
  • Don't set up Toxic Spikes if the opponent has a Poison-type
  • Against offensive teams it is usually better to just set one Toxic Spikes layer opposed to two as regular poison is going to do more if Pokemon stay in for less than three turns
  • Use Explosion against Defog users and Rapid Spin users as the move will fail if it doesn't have a target

Team Options

  • Ghost-types such as Misdreavus and Haunter are great partners. They are the premiere spinblockers for offensive teams and can also switch into Ground-type attacks aimed at Garbodor in a pinch. As a bonus they both have access to Taunt
  • Every offensive Pokémon likes entry hazards support to help it gain OHKOs and 2HKOs. Good examples are Normal-types such as Tauros and Bouffalant who both have their best checks heavily damaged by Toxic Spikes. Purugly is in the same boat and also has Fake Out to rack up Poison damage quickly. Substitute users such as Serperior and Rotom-F can also make very good use of Toxic Spikes as it helps them wearing down checks to their STAB moves range.
  • Stealth Rock setters also complement Garbodor very well. Piloswine has the best synergy with Garbodor of the setters in the tier because of its ability to greatly threaten Ground-types with its Ice-type STAB.

Other Options

  • Clear Smog
  • Toxic
  • Rock Blast
  • Thunderbolt (36 SpA Garbodor Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Pelipper: 244-288 (75.5 - 89.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO after Stealth Rock)
  • Sunny Day / Rain Dance

Checks & Counters
  • **Faster Taunt users**: Taunt users such as Misdreavus, Haunter, and to a lesser extent Glalie can easily stop Garbodor from setting up any layer of entry hazards. The former two also take very little from Garbodor's moves and are immune to Explosion.
  • **Ground-types**: While they can't directly stop Garbodor from setting up entry hazards, Ground-types such as Marowak and Golem can switch in on pretty much any move bar Explosion and Seed Bomb and set up Stealth Rock or just take it out with Earthquake if the Focus Sash is broken and, in Marowak's case, even if it is not. They also avoid Rocky Helmet and Aftermath damage.
  • **Psychic-types**: Psychic-type Pokemon such as Duosion and Grumpig usually don't take much damage from Garbodor's attacks and, while they can't directly stop Garbodor from setting up entry hazards, they can 2HKO it with Psychic while not being affected by Aftermath or Rocky Helmet.
  • **Entry hazards removers**: Rapid Spin users such as Avalugg and Wartortle and Defog users such as Pelipper can quite easily switch in on Garbodor and remove the entry hazards it has set up. However, they should be careful of Explosion.
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Yea I have started updating this and I planned to make it QC ready today as you can see by my edit(same with rotom-f) but something irl turned up. I'll do this on Sunday afternoon :)
I think the order of the sets should be changed around, suicide lead isnt that great in this meta. There are way to many teams with Defoggers out there and after using Delibird as a suicide lead for a while lol, I have to say that a lot of the time my hazards where removed by a defogger sooner rather than later. I like being able to come back in multiple times throughout the match to reset hazards if need be, and if i see that the opponent doesnt have hazard removal I can sack Garbodor sooner.
I think the order of the sets should be changed around, suicide lead isnt that great in this meta. There are way to many teams with Defoggers out there and after using Delibird as a suicide lead for a while lol, I have to say that a lot of the time my hazards where removed by a defogger sooner rather than later. I like being able to come back in multiple times throughout the match to reset hazards if need be, and if i see that the opponent doesnt have hazard removal I can sack Garbodor sooner.
Yea that was just the order i have written down the sets, i completely agree with you. Changed
Haze has more PP and hits Steel-types such as Klang and Metang?

I don't think the PP really matters, and with Klinklang and Pawniard gone, there are almost no setup sweepers aside from Klang, that can easily be beaten by a teammate due it lacking real power. That's my thinking.

edit; though Montsegur's reason is valid.
Garbodor isnt beating Klang anyway it has no business staying in and hazing, main targets are Poliwrath and Throh which i would rather use clear smog for. If Poliwrath is subBU and it sets up a sub while you switch in garbodor you just outspeed it next turn and break the sub with gunk shot, if it sets up a BU after sub is broken you just clear smog. I cant think of any relevant sub+setup users off the top of my head that i would rather use haze on instead of just gunk shotting(Serperior, Bouffalant).
Well for serperior if its sub CM: 0 SpA Garbodor Clear Smog vs. +1 0 HP / 0 SpD Serperior: 50-62 (17.1 - 21.3%) -- possible 5HKO

Does sub BU Poliwrath like to run any speed? cause if so then your scenario doesnt work

It can be used as a last ditch effort to Klang.

Bouff you kind of need haze for as well cause if it gets up more than 1 SD you are screwed.
Well for serperior if its sub CM: 0 SpA Garbodor Clear Smog vs. +1 0 HP / 0 SpD Serperior: 50-62 (17.1 - 21.3%) -- possible 5HKO

Does sub BU Poliwrath like to run any speed? cause if so then your scenario doesnt work

It can be used as a last ditch effort to Klang.

Bouff you kind of need haze for as well cause if it gets up more than 1 SD you are screwed.
did you even read what i said about serperior and bouffalant,,, ur better of just gunk shotting the sub imo who in their right mind clear smogs if serp is behind a sub with a spdef boost. subBU poliwrath doesnt run enough speed to outspeed standard garbodor cause it would have to run at least 140 speed and it sacks a shitton of bulk that way. Using Haze as a last ditch effort for Klang,,, idek how to reply to this cus it just sounds dum,
Haze is obviously better lol, the damage is so insignificant and the benefits of Haze completely outway to minuscule amounts of damage you'd be doing with Clear Smog. The whole point of the move is to remove stat boosts, not to do damage.
Talk in the overview about some of the stuff it checks and can set up spikes on, as there's a bunch of important mons that fall under this category

When you mention to only use one layer against offense, explain why

Similarly when you say to explode against hazard removers you could also explain why as it isn't obvious to new players

The second point of team options has almost the exact same wording for both sets, you should probably change it a bit

Remove the Musharna mention

I trust you to implement these so QC 1/3


- I don't think either slash (Haze/Pain Split) is necessarily better with one item or another. Pain Split + Rocky Helmet is still good, Haze + Black Sludge is still good.
- I feel like Toxic should at least be mentioned in Moves. It's a good option to cripple all the bulky stuff that switch into Garbodor eg. Golem, Pelipper, etc
- Mention Gunk Shot's poison chance to punish anything switching in
- I don't think Drain Punch deserves a place here. Unlike in NU there isn't much that it hits (Bastiodon can't touch it) and if I wanted to hit Piloswine I can just Seed Bomb. OO imo.

Set Details
- tbh I don't think anybody runs Max Spe Bouffalant ;-;
- SpD spread beats most Grass-types and still punishes physical attackers that make contact <-- mention this

Usage Tips:
- Needs a whole bunch of other stuff
- TSpikes can be used even when the opp has a Poison-type. You can then play around it and pressure the psn type not to switch in.
- Talk about switching it in to inflict a shitton of recoil in emergencies with Helmet + Aftermath
- Talk about using it to sponge weak hits like U-turn or Fake Out
- When to use Pain Split?

Team Options
- Tauros and Bouffalant's best checks are worn down by Spikes more than TSpikes; I would rather use Spikes to weaken Golem / Tangela than TSpikes
- List some Pokemon that can switch into bulky Grounds
- List some Pokemon that can pressure grounded Poisons that try and absorb TSpikes
- Mention that the offensive teammates also help to pressure Defog users


Set Details:
- You can mention Weak Armor for the Speed 8)

Usage Tips:
- Mention to use this as a lead

Team Options:
- Mention that it should only be used on offense (suicide Garb shouldn't be on balanced and stall for example)
- Mention that the offensive Pokemon help to pressure Defoggers

- Move Drain Punch here

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- Move Drain Punch here
Tbh I've always used Drain Punch in my 4th move slot and found it quite good, it provides enough HP recovery to stay alive for a bit longer. I don't think its oo, surprised you don't think its good enough for a move slash but I'd be fine with a mention in moves.