Aggressive "GG"ing

You're convinced you're winning a match and you GG an opponent ~5 turns before the end of the match.

Has this ever happened to you? Do you do it yourself? Has it ever backfired?

I find it very annoying and it often makes me want to kick the opponent in the face, but so far I've never been able to completely reverse a situation like this (I've delayed it quite considerably several times though).

I know competitive Pokemon is a turn-based strategy, so unlike real-time strategies such as Starcraft it's much harder to make comebacks and reversals and in some situations the GGer will definitely be right. But his advantage doesn't always have to be as overwhelming as he beliees - either way this comes across as smug and arrogant.

So what do you think?
Yeah, that can be annoying when people do it to you. I always try to wait until the battle is done if I'm the one winning. If I'm losing, I gg when I know I can't win, and might forfeit if continuing just means delaying the inevitable in a boring matter.

Another thing that concerns me when it comes to gg-ing, is when hax gets involved. Sometimes, when an opponent feels that a loss was caused by hax, they just get angry when I gg. So I try to hold off, only to wonder if I'm being disrespectful. What do you do in those situations?
If somebody GGs near the end of the game, and I still have a way to win, its sometimes a good clue that they don't see it and think they have an easy win. Of course, this all depends on the person and its not really worth using as a determinant as to what your opponent is thinking.
I say GG early because I think its important for my opponent to acknowledge my complete and utter superiority over them 5 turns before I deliver the final, crushing blow.

5 Turns? Why not at the start of a match? You aren't utterly superior to everyone from the beginning?

I personally didn't come across anyone like that in my lifetime on Showdown.
But i'd say to just do it after a game has ended and the opponent has written it as well, it should be more of a respect thing than anything else.
If you know you're gonna win, delaying the inevitable would only cause your opponent more pain. Its a kindness, really.
I usually just say gg at the end of the match when its over. But actually have found myself saying gg before the match is over a few times, when I have completely dominated and have basically a full-party of mons with only like 5 turns left or so. Or in 1v1 (where you sometimes just know if you will win or not before the first move is made). I've actually done the mistake to use agressive gg-ing and then ended up losing before, which really satisfies the opponent. In that case I'm happy because I made their day better (as they laugh their ass off).
I never GG early unless I am the one losing maybe because I only know when I'm losing and know not when I'm winning. But those people sometimes irk me. I return the GG after the battle is over and I lose, but not in the middle of the battle when the opponent GGs. I have came back to win when my opponent GGd me early, though. And I learned my lesson of not thinking I won when my Macargo lost to a Sheer Cold hit turn one from Vaniluxe in the finals of a CC 1v1 tourney in the OU room. Ugh... still shudder from the thought.
I pretty much say 'gg wp' right after matches on Showdown, usually it's met with silence or another gg. Other times they say it right before the match ends, like one turn, or two turns if I'm losing by a spectacular amount (which is usually.) I've only met one person on PS! who said it five turns before. They ended up winning anyway, so there's that. Something I like to do is say gg, wait for them to say gg, and then say ggg. Three gs. This starts a snowball effect with an exponential gain of gs that lasts until someone gets bored or dies in front of their keyboard or something. It's fun. It's really fun.
I only say gg before the game is over if 1) I know I'm going to lose, 2) bad hax just happened to me and I'm laughing at myself, or 3) my opponent thinks they're going to lose so they said it early first. Other than that it honestly comes off as rude.

When I came back to playing Pokemon a few months ago, I was surprised at how often people say gg before the end of the game compared to in my native game, Yugioh. I understand that Yugioh is way more random and comebacks happen much more frequently than they do in Pokemon, but I can't shake the feeling I grew up with that it's just rude and annoying. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way :)
It's better to say something like hf or nl hf at the beginning of the match. Never say gg if you win off extreme hax or whatever, it wasn't a gg and you look stupid. Saying gg off a roll and a minor sorry is more acceptable if it was a great game
I don't even understand how preemptive GG is offensive in Pokemon. Maybe in SC / Dota / LoL / whatever, yeah I get it. But in mons you know if the game is ending in a few turns. For instance, if I'm in a situation where if I hit 3 hydro pumps / fire blasts / stone edges / whatever in a row = win, if I miss any one = lose, it's basically a coinflip. Maybe the game comes down to a speed tie. In these scenarios I'll probably say gg before those probability rolls play out. If I'm playing anyone competent they'll know exactly that it comes to the luck of the draw, and in my opinion the preemptive gg in these scenarios convey more of "gg, whatever luck comes my way"

But people gonna be salty anyways lol
I say GG before the end of guaranteed wins because I'm often not fast enough to say it after the game before my opponent leaves, so I want my opponent to know I'm in good faith and thought it was a good game. Seriously, just don't think too much into it.