Jebus Christ's Holy Trade Thread [PLS LOCK :( ]

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UPDATE: Sorted all my shinies by region, legends will be sorted next (should be pretty easy for those since they're already in order)

Also will fill in the "nicknamable shinies" section soon.
Hey can you cmt for this cobalion?
Bold 30/31/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice), knows Stealth Rock
No EVs
Ultra Ball
Tradeable Stock: YES
UPDATE: Gunkninja Hype


Species: Froakie
Ability: Protean
Nature: Naive
IVs: 31/31/30/30/31/30

Move 1: Growl
Move 2: Bestow
Move 3: Mud Sport
Move 4: Toxic Spikes
Notes: *Flawless HP Fire
*That OT
*Hatched in Aquacorde Town
*Lux Ball Master Race
*Credit to cjlaborde2nd for flawless male parent :)​

Looking for someone to clone this guy too, I'm guessing he'll be popular :)
CMT for this please :]
Is your Adamant Lucario in a Lux Ball or some other cool ball? If not, the Dream Ball Mareep would also work. Can't trade til Sunday tho.

Bold Multiscale Lugia? And I can't trade til Sunday
The lucario is just in a pokeball sorry, but dream ball mareep sounds good, and I'm good with trading on Sunday:)
I already have a shiny Shaymin, do you have other stuff to offer or would you mind EV training some stuff?
Dude... I AM a EV trainer XD.. So yeah, sure!
And if that does not bribe you, could I bribe you with a Shiny 6IV Flawless Darkrai from Sinnoh or a Flawless Defensive Kyogre with the IVs 31/30/30/31/31/31 and the Bold Nature? And yes, I know that the Kyogre kind of suck because it have HP Ice....
Dude... I AM a EV trainer XD.. So yeah, sure!
And if that does not bribe you, could I bribe you with a Shiny 6IV Flawless Darkrai from Sinnoh or a Flawless Defensive Kyogre with the IVs 31/30/30/31/31/31 and the Bold Nature? And yes, I know that the Kyogre kind of suck because it have HP Ice....

Just EV training is fine. I can't trade until Sunday (maybe Saturday) so just quote this or message me then and I'll give you the mons and spreads
You mentioned that you needed a Modest Sheer Force Landorus-I? I've got one for you!

Landorus (Dream Ball) Level 40
Nickname: Warehouse (can't change this)
Sheer Force
Modest Nature
EVs: untouched
IVs: 31/00/xx/31/31/31 (HP Ice, I think the defense IV is 30)
Earth Power
Focus Blast
Rock Polish
(These moves can be changed to whatever you wish and PP Maxed up, just let me know, though I do not have access to ORAS tutors atm)

I'll trade this for the Zapdos, just nickname it "Thunderstrike" if you can.

Also got a few Lux Ball female 4-5IV spitback Moxie Pinsirs with Quick Attack/Feint/Close Combat, I am looking for an Unaware Wooper/Quagsire for breeding.
You mentioned that you needed a Modest Sheer Force Landorus-I? I've got one for you!

Landorus (Dream Ball) Level 40
Nickname: Warehouse (can't change this)
Sheer Force
Modest Nature
EVs: untouched
IVs: 31/00/xx/31/31/31 (HP Ice, I think the defense IV is 30)
Earth Power
Focus Blast
Rock Polish
(These moves can be changed to whatever you wish and PP Maxed up, just let me know, though I do not have access to ORAS tutors atm)

I'll trade this for the Zapdos, just nickname it "Thunderstrike" if you can.

Also got a few Lux Ball female 4-5IV spitback Moxie Pinsirs with Quick Attack/Feint/Close Combat, I am looking for an Unaware Wooper/Quagsire for breeding.

Hmm, I really don't like nicknames. If you want the Zapdos would you mind either listing all the stuff you have or just EV training three mons for it? I'm sure we can work out something if you really want it :)

And I don't have any Unaware Woopers lying around :/
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