Other Gay Archive by Fren Ben ~o3o~

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Yooo this is sick as hell, thanks for posting! I've always admired your builds and your ability to create solid teams around almost any mon, that's awesome. Do you have any advice for someone who's trying to be good at teambuilding? All of my teams end up OK at best, and some advice would be really awesome :~)
Wheres the Snorlax team you were supposed to use vs me on WCoP but didn't? I was always curious to know if my chances of winning would be better than the 80% I ended up having by needing to hit that Stone Edge >:(
Darn son stop making my teams look like Pokepoop lol. I've been trying to be a bit more creative with my own teams using new EV spreads, moves and more nice mons then the common Ferrothorn, Rotom-W, Latios teams. I need you to be my sensei....

I honestly think that experience would be your best teacher. Once you have a better grasp of the meta, and have a feel for what is used a lot and is standard, then you can be a bit more creative in how you build. Also, ev spreads are not something that should be considered "creative" since choosing the optimal one for that particular mon and for that team is moreso a logistic aspect of teambuilding. If you want to differentiate yourself, just snoop around the lower tiers to see if there's anything that might catch your eye. The viability ranks are also helpful to see what is good or not. Just have fun with it though, since that's what drives most of us to build like this.

are you gay then fren? ;]

Still undecided :x

doesnt give me credit for making m aggron to work in ou :[-

you're one of my favorite teambuilders fren, and i've had the chance to battle/test with your earlier teams, ( your RP WP rhyp, m chomp sand stall that wrecked me a billion times, TR cele+ chandy 9.9)
i've seen you play these teams in your wcop run, and you make them work. Didn't know the sun+snorlax team was yours, that seems really fun, always wanted to make lax work in ou.

thank you for the fairy lock klefki/manaphy/ charizard team, helped me win the ou minitour with no deos, and for the really fun lando mane togekiss team. you're one of the most innovative teambuilders i know and i'm glad i talk to you on a regular basis :]

also sorry for always taking too long when we battle, i'm intimidated by you and always want to make the best decision. I'm not a very quick thinker :(

np, its fun playing against you too since the games end up pretty close and down to the wire. And I'm not that scary :< i try to be as approachable as can be, you wound me yet again you bully :[

these are bunch of average teams besides 16, that one is cool

nah these teams are nearly all good, I personally think that teams 8 and nine are the best (for the meta built in). Pretty cool how you are able to use so many mons, often mons not used alot and fit them on solid teams

Hello fellow toothpaste squeezer! I especially like team #9 as well, as it has influenced a lot of the builds i've seen in wcop, such as blue star vs. sinclair in finals. Wait, does this also mean that you think togekiss is not shit now? :(

Echoing pretty much everyone, these teams are pretty cool. Its interesting how you use this stuff that people say isn't good in OU and make it work, I think every team in here has a C or below rank mon, yet all the teams are pretty darn solid (or at least as solid as a team in XY can be). Keep it up!

(Also thanks for the extended shoutout through Stath's :), I've always considered myself talented but I struggle to find time to work on my teambuilding and game, hopefully that'll change soon though. This archive provides a ton of inspiration and I wanna try out some of this stuff, so yeah, thanks a ton!)

Well, building with this kind of stuff compels me to do it in the first place, facing the same standard teams and cores that is typical of ou kind of gets stale after a while so I try to get out of that mindset. As long as you have a motivation to get better than you'll get there soon enough. With oras coming, most people are just trying out new things, so if you're ever stuck, you can also try revamping old teams so that it would fit in that meta.

Yooo this is sick as hell, thanks for posting! I've always admired your builds and your ability to create solid teams around almost any mon, that's awesome. Do you have any advice for someone who's trying to be good at teambuilding? All of my teams end up OK at best, and some advice would be really awesome :~)

Thanks buddy! And i don't really know how to respond to this since I addressed this in numerous posts aleady. If you have something more specific you want to ask, feel free.

Wheres the Snorlax team you were supposed to use vs me on WCoP but didn't? I was always curious to know if my chances of winning would be better than the 80% I ended up having by needing to hit that Stone Edge >:(

lol I'm glad that I didn't, medicham would of wrecked me if I chose this (though alo woulda just dodged the hjk if need be hehe bwoi). And yeah, I factored everything relevant into account playing against you, but got popped by subsdsalac landt so it should of been your win in all honesty. I would have rather gone out with a bang using that team than hax my way to victory using disgusting stall if that means anything (team wouldn't let me), so sorry that it had to come to that.
it has a mouth
Who made that Gardevoir picture? It looks really nice.

idk ask bloo o.o

Is Ben and gay


i hate you dog. u give serfs like sugar a shout-out, and nothin for a respectable user such as myself. sigh
don't even actively say negative things about u on skype, do u not understand how much of an effort that is on my part

ah my evil twin brother. normally i would give someone as chill as you a shoutout, but there's only room for one ben around here >:[

sick squadrons m8 this thread got me itchin to reopen dash lord workshop for oras now,,,
gud 2 see innovation here in the ou forum rather than bog standard ninja lati chomp spammin faggits like blunder CrashinBoomBang etc
lil b approves

lol i don't even know how you are able to put up with all the sht ppl throw at you on a daily basis. and thanks! lookin forward to how the one true based god builds, ya feel me?

Tons of cool teams ^^ just a nitpick, you're description on team 11 says latios, when you have latias

o thanks for pointing that out, and appreciate it :]
These teams are sick as fuck, nice and innovative thanks for sharing :] Wondering if you will post more teams for ORAS? also the song u posted is crisp too

also shoutout to the guy who thought you used the shofu teambuilding method lmfao
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mega sheep squad is sick *-* keep on building for oras fren, a lot og new toys to innovate with (dragalge amongst others) :]
Where is the burping frog :( awesome archive boss. You're definitely giving me too much hype haha but appreciate the kind words :J Looking forward to how you perform in spl. Maybe even playing you maybe
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Where is the burping frog :( awesome archive boss. You're definitely giving me too much hype haha but appreciate the kind words :J Looking forward to how you perform in spl. Maybe even playing you maybe
team 13 :]
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These are some of the most creative and best teams I have seen. I remember when I saw your team in the Smogon Tour battle (#29), I was first surprised but then amazed at how well it the mons worked together. Although the game was haxy, it was a pleasure to play against you :]
Thanks a bunch for the post Ben! I've learned quite a bit from all of the good replays you provided. If anyone who is reading this and wants to learn the stall game, I recommend watching them!
These teams are sick as fuck, nice and innovative thanks for sharing :] Wondering if you will post more teams for ORAS? also the song u posted is crisp too

also shoutout to the guy who thought you used the shofu teambuilding method lmfao

Thanks but no thanks. I'm not a charity that lends out free teams just for the heck of it, since the teams I build are usually for tours. Going to have to direct you to ctc on that one haha. If you are still struggling with building solid teams for oras, try revamping xy teams for the current meta. Teams 3, 9, 13, 14, 17, 20, and 24 should be the easiest to upgrade imo.

mega sheep squad is sick *-* keep on building for oras fren, a lot og new toys to innovate with (dragalge amongst others) :]

Already 10 steps ahead of you ;] and yeah, it's harder no doubt but I'm gradually getting better at oras so that's good :0.

Where is the burping frog :( awesome archive boss. You're definitely giving me too much hype haha but appreciate the kind words :J Looking forward to how you perform in spl. Maybe even playing you maybe

omg hi I'm a big fan, though I'd rather play with you than against you lol! Hopefully I gained enough tour experience though, I tend to choke during high pressure situations :x.

These are some of the most creative and best teams I have seen. I remember when I saw your team in the Smogon Tour battle (#29), I was first surprised but then amazed at how well it the mons worked together. Although the game was haxy, it was a pleasure to play against you :]

The pleasure was all mine :) and thanks! Most people can't use the teams I make since it's so out of their comfort zone, but I like to stay hip and trendy to be up to date with the current meta so that's probably why.

Sorry for the half-assed responses to everyone so far. I would go more in-depth, but I'd rather put this to rest and begin with oras asap. Am still playing catch-up with a lot of the new stuff that has been introduced x_x. Just pm me or something if you think I can help you with anything, I probably won't reply to this thread anymore, my apologies. Who knows, I might make another archive in the future so be sure to look forward to that :{D
Being hydrated/awake helps with the not choking. Eating helps too lol. also nice music. i'm sure you'll do fine mang
As an ametur battler/teambuilder with a love for gimmicks, these teams have inspired me to build better teams. With inspiration from team 30, I built a sticky web team I'll be RMTing soon, and It's my best team yet. Great archive.
i love the stall team with aerodactyl, tried to use it, works, but doesnt have any answers to greninja. do you know how to fix this?
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