Ubers Arceus-Dark


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Am I supposed to put a witty description here?

[QC: 3/3] -- Sweep / shrang / Fireburn
[GP: 2/2] -- Winry. / frenzyplant


Arceus-Dark has received a few indirect buffs in the ORAS metagame due to the reintroduction of the Soul Dew for Latias and Latios, an increase in Giratina-O's usage, and the addition of Primal Groudon, a Pokemon that can punish Fairy-type Pokemon, which are the most common checks to Arceus-Dark. However, it does dislike the slight decline of stall in the more offensively-oriented metagame. Like all Arceus formes, Arceus-Dark has access to exceptional 120 / 120 / 120 bulk, which grants it many setup opportunities. Thanks to its typing, it serves as a solid offensive check to many Psychic- and Ghost-type threats in the metagame, such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Latias, Latios, Arceus-Ghost, and Giratina-O. Dark is also a great offensive typing, especially because there is no type immune to it. This allows an effective mono-attacking set to be run, freeing up a slot for Refresh, which allows it to shrug off status and become a menacing stallbreaker. Unfortunately, it still struggles against Fairy-types, which are very common in Ubers, as well as against Fighting-types, though they have been in decline since the introduction of the Fairy-type. Additionally, Dark as a defensive type does not have many useful resistances, so Arceus-Dark faces intense competition from other Arceus formes that run viable support sets. In spite of this, Arceus-Dark is one of the best Calm Mind Arceus formes that can be a fierce stallbreaker and late-game sweeper.

Calm Mind
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Recover
move 4: Refresh
ability: Multitype
item: Dread Plate
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spe
nature: Timid


Calm Mind allows Arceus-Dark to set up against Pokemon it threatens, such as Latias, Latios, Arceus-Ghost, and Giratina-O, and proceed to break through stall or initiate a late-game sweep. Judgment is Arceus-Dark's primary and only attack, having great neutral coverage for a STAB move while reliably hitting pretty hard after a Calm Mind boost or two. Recover allows it to stay around longer and set up on support Pokemon or weaker offensive threats. Refresh is useful to remove annoying status such as poison, paralysis, or burns, improving Arceus-Dark's impressive stallbreaking capacity. Will-O-Wisp is another option you could use over Refresh if you prefer your Arceus-Dark to check physical threats instead of being a frightening stallbreaker, but Refresh tends to be more useful if a team is adequately prepared for said physical threats.

Set Details

Maximum HP investment maximizes Arceus-Dark's mixed bulk, which allows it to set up more easily. Running 176 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allows it to outspeed positive-natured base 110 Speed Pokemon, such as Latias, Latios, and non-Mega Gengar, and KO them with Judgment before they can attack; Gengar in particular threatens Arceus-Dark with Destiny Bond. Other viable Speed investment options include 96 Speed EVs with a Timid nature for outspeeding base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Palkia, non-Mega Salamence, and Kangaskhan, while 252 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allows Arceus-Dark to Speed tie with at worst other Arceus formes. The remaining EVs go into physical bulk because Ubers is mostly dominated by numerous physical threats.

Usage Tips

Use Arceus-Dark's typing and bulk to switch in on some special attackers such as Palkia and neutral support Arceus, as well as Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon that Arceus-Dark can set up on. When doing so, be wary of Mega Mewtwo X and Focus Blast Mega Mewtwo Y; Mega Mewtwo Y's Focus Blast can deal as much as 81% to Arceus-Dark, while Mega Mewtwo X has a solid chance to OHKO it with Low Kick. It is often crucial to scout opposing Mewtwo before switching in, lest you lose a valuable win condition for your team. If Arceus-Dark is not needed to check members of the opposing team, it can be effective to reveal it late-game and sweep when the opposing team has been weakened or lacks checks to Arceus-Dark.

Team Options

Reliable switch-ins to Fairy-types, such as Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, are indispensable partners for Arceus-Dark, as Arceus-Dark tends to give them free switches and is often threatened out by them. Mega Gengar can remove Fairy-types altogether by virtue of Shadow Tag and its typing. Klefki, Scizor, and other Steel-types check Geomancy Xerneas, which is useful if other checks to Fairy-types cannot reliably check this Xerneas variant. Latias and Latios appreciate Pokemon that threaten them such as Arceus-Ghost checked by Arceus-Dark, while they check Fighting-types for it and provide Defog support. Lugia checks Fighting-types and physical attackers in general, which can often revenge kill or do considerable damage to Arceus-Dark. Finally, bulky Fairy-types of your own, especially Xerneas, can check Mega Mewtwo X for Arceus-Dark.

Other Options

Arceus-Dark can plausibly run a support set that utilizes its wide range of support moves. It can use Defog against many of the threats that the Calm Mind variant can set up on and check Psychic- and Ghost-types as well as Yveltal to some extent. It should be noted that a support set of Arceus-Dark is not susceptible to Shadow Tag, which gives it a distinct niche over other support Arceus formes; however, it lacks many useful resistances. Sludge Bomb can help Arceus-Dark bypass some of the Fairy-type Pokemon that threaten it. Lastly, Substitute is an useful move that can be used over Refresh, as it blocks status, including Leech Seed, and can aid in setup.

Checks & Counters

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types are the most prevalent and dangerous checks to Arceus-Dark in the metagame. Geomancy Xerneas easily sets up on Arceus-Dark, while Choice Scarf Xerneas can switch in on any move except for Sludge Bomb and begin to spam Moonblast. Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy and Calm Mind Xerneas can also set up on Arceus-Dark. Klefki can use Thunder Wave and 3HKO Arceus-Dark with Play Rough if it gets lucky or use Arceus-Dark as Spikes fodder, although it is prone to being worn down with repeated hits. Bulky Fairies such as Arceus-Fairy, Sylveon, and Clefable do fairly well against Arceus-Dark; however, it should be noted that all three are weak to Sludge Bomb. Clefable is especially notable because its ability Unaware allows it to ignore Arceus-Dark's Calm Mind boosts. Mega Mawile resists Judgment and can do at least 72% to Arceus-Dark with an uninvested Play Rough.

**Fighting-types**: Though they may be less common, Fighting-types are still strong checks that can beat Arceus-Dark. Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Blaziken after a Speed boost both outspeed and have a chance to OHKO Arceus-Dark with Low Kick. Lucario can tank a Judgment, or outspeed 176 Speed Arceus-Dark if it has already Mega Evolved, and OHKO with Close Combat. Arceus-Fighting can also beat Arceus-Dark by virtue of its typing.

**Tyranitar**: Tyranitar is an effective check to Arceus-Dark, as it resists Judgment, has an impressive Special Defense stat that is further boosted by Sandstorm, and can retaliate with Low Kick, which does 40%-47% to Arceus-Dark uninvested, not counting residual damage from the sand. Low Kick also has twice as much PP as Arceus-Dark's Recover, so Tyranitar will easily stall out Arceus-Dark. Tyranitar can also phaze it with Roar.

**Fast Physical Attackers**: Fast physical attackers, especially ones that have high Attack stats or access to super effective coverage moves, can revenge kill or severely dent Arceus-Dark, capitalizing on its unboosted Defense stat. Genesect is a good check to Arceus-Dark despite the fact that it takes significant damage if it switches into Judgment. With a Download-boosted STAB U-turn, Genesect can effectively revenge kill Arceus-Dark, dealing 58%-69%. Zekrom can also do around 50% with Bolt Strike. Life Orb Deoxys-A can hit it with a super effective Low Kick or Superpower for 67%-80%, while Mega Salamence does 51% minimum with Double-Edge.

**Specially Bulky Pokemon**: Pokemon with exceptional special bulk can act as soft checks to Arceus-Dark. Primal Kyogre with investment in bulk can tank Arceus-Dark's Judgments and, while it doesn't do much damage back, can phaze Arceus-Dark. Ho-Oh can tank hits, hit moderately hard with Brave Bird, fish for burns with Sacred Fire, or phaze with Whirlwind, but it is not a particularly reliable check without Whirlwind.
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You need to add Tyranitar into C&C, it can Roar Arceus-Dark away without a second thought, and easily win if it has Low Kick.

Nice to see you in the C&C subforum by the way :)
You need to add Tyranitar into C&C, it can Roar Arceus-Dark away without a second thought, and easily win if it has Low Kick.

Nice to see you in the C&C subforum by the way :)
Yeah thanks for the reminder and welcome I didn't quite finish the C&C but I'll add it in when I get a chance.
Fighting types are not common in ORAS Ubers, change your intro to reflect that (though Terrakion and Fightceus do destroy Darkceus!) Also please remove the 112+ speed benchmark, Garchomp is about as viable as Omastar in this metagame.

I'll let other QC comment but I'd prefer the 80 extra EV's to go to physical defense to help take attacks from stuff like Primal Groudon. This is a very physical metagame after all. Doesn't matter that much.

QC 1/3
Made changes, I also combined genesect with general fast physical attackers because it wasn't notable enough imo but other opinions are fine. I wrote this up, this is ready for 3/3
Does the Support Darkceus set deserve it's own separate set here (as opposed to just other options) since a vastly decreased S-tag vulnerability for a Defogger is pretty darn nice?
Under Fighting-types in Checks and Counters I would mention Mega Lucario instead of Terrakion, not sure the latter is viable in ORAS. Also mention Mega Mawile under Fairies.

Does the Support Darkceus set deserve it's own separate set here (as opposed to just other options) since a vastly decreased S-tag vulnerability for a Defogger is pretty darn nice?

IMO its largely inferior to support Ghostceus who shares the STAG immunity + can check similar things while having Normal/Fight immunities to check things like EKiller, Fighting-types, and Mega Kanga much more effectively. It's also kind of a waste of its stallbreaking potential which it tends to do better than Ghostceus since it can't fit Refresh into its moveset.

Anyways this looks good to me, QC Approved 3/3

The great and mighty Arceus, wielding the Dread Plate, embraces its role as a ruler of darkness and becomes a formidable setup sweeper that strikes fear in the hearts of its foes. (lol) Arceus-Dark has received a few indirect buffs in the ORAS metagame, (RC) due to the reintroduction of the Soul Dew for Latias and Latios, an increase in Giratina-O's usage, and the addition of Primal Groudon, (AC) to a Pokemon that can punish Fairy-type Pokemon, which are the most common checks for Arceus-Dark. However, it does dislike the slight decline of stall in the more offensively-oriented metagame. Like all Arceus formes, Arceus-Dark has access to exceptional 120 /120 /120 bulk, (AC) which grants it many setup opportunities. Thanks to its typing, it serves as a solid offensive check to many Psychic- and Ghost-type threats in the metagame, such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Latias, Latios, Arceus-Ghost, and Giratina-Origin. Dark is a great offensive typing, especially since because there is no type immune are no immunities to Dark-type attacks, and it gets solid neutral coverage (the last part is implied already; if nothing resists it, it has solid neutral coverage). This allows an effective mono-attacking set to be run, freeing up a slot for Refresh, which allows it Arceus-Dark to shrug off status and become a menacing stallbreaker. Unfortunately, it still struggles against Fairy-types, (AC) which are very common in ORAS Ubers, as well as against Fighting-types, (AC) though they have been in decline since the introduction of the Fairy-type. Additionally, Dark as a defensive type does not have many useful resistances, so it Arceus-Dark faces intense competition with from other Arceus formes to that run a viable support sets. In spite of this, Arceus-Dark is one of the best Calm Mind Arceus formes that can be and a fierce stallbreaker and late-game sweeper.

Calm Mind
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Recover
move 4: Refresh
ability: Multitype
item: Dread Plate
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spe
nature: Timid


Calm Mind is the main asset of the set, (RC) allowing you allows Arceus-Dark to set up against things you Pokemon it threatens, (AC) such as Latias, Latios, Arceus-Ghost, and Giratina-O, and proceed to break through stall or initiate a late-game sweep. Judgment is your Arceus-Dark's primary and only attack, having great neutral coverage for a STAB move while reliably hitting pretty hard after a Calm Mind boost or two. Recover allows you it to stay around longer and set up on support Pokemon or weaker offensive threats. Refresh is useful to remove annoying status such as poison, (AC) paralysis, (AC) or burns from Arceus-Dark, (AC) which Toxic, (RC) Thunder Wave, (RC) and Will-O-Wisp being thrown around in Ubers, (RC) and (Refresh doesn't remove the moves, it removes status) attributes to its impressive stallbreaking capacity. Will-O-Wisp is another option you could use over Refresh if you would prefer your Arceus-Dark to check physical threats instead of being a frightening stallbreaker, but Refresh tends to be more useful if a team is adequately prepared for the said physical threats.

Set Details

Maximum HP investment maximizes Arceus-Dark's allows for maximum mixed bulk, which allows it to set up easier easing setup. Running 176 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allows you it to outspeed positive-natured base 110s Speed Pokemon, such as Latias, Latios, and unevolved non-Mega Gengar, (AC) so that you can and KO it them with Judgment before it they can attack; (semi) Gengar in particular threatens Arceus-Dark with use Destiny Bond. Other viable Speed investment options include 96 Speed EVs with a Timid nature for outspeeding base 100s like Speed Pokemon such as Palkia, unevolved non-Mega Salamence, and Kangaskhan, or while 252 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allow Arceus-Dark to, (AC) at worst, (AC) Speed tie with other Arceus formes. The rest goes remaining EVs go into physical bulk because the ORAS metagame has shifted to be Ubers is mostly dominated by numerous physical threats.

Usage Tips

Use Arceus-Dark's typing and bulk to switch in on some special attackers like such as Palkia and neutral support Arceus, as well as Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon that you Arceus-Dark can set up on. When doing so, be wary of Mega Mewtwo X and Focus Blast Mega Mewtwo Y when attempting to set up or check Mewtwo; Mega Mewtwo Y's has an 80% chance to KO Arceus-Dark with Focus Blast caps at 80% (I am a bit unsure about this change because I don't exactly play Ubers, but Mega Mewtwo Y's Focus Blast caps at 80%" sounded a bit awkward, so I hope I got what you were saying), while Mega Mewtwo X has a solid chance to OHKO Arceus-Dark. It is often crucial to scout a for Mewtwo before switching in, lest you lose a valuable win condition for your team. If Arceus-Dark is not needed to check members of the opposing team, it can be effective to reveal it late-game and sweep when the opposing team has been weakened or lacks checks to Arceus-Dark anymore.

Team Options

Reliable switch-ins for Fairy-types, such as Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, are indispensable partners for Arceus-Dark, since as Arceus-Dark tends to give them free switches and is often threatened out by them. Mega Gengar-Mega can remove Fairy-types altogether by virtue of Shadow Tag and its typing. Klefki, Scizor, and other Steel-types check Geomancy Xerneas, which is useful if other checks to Fairy-types cannot reliably check this Xerneas variant. Latias and Latios appreciate the Pokemon that Arceus-Ghost checked checks for them while checking Fighting-types for Arceus-Dark themselves. (remove period) They also and providing Defog support, (RC) which you are not running on this set. Lugia checks Fighting-types and physical attackers in general, which can often revenge kill or do considerable damage to Arceus-Dark. Finally, bulky Fairy-types of your own, especially Xerneas, can check Mega Mewtwo X for Arceus-Dark.

Other Options

Arceus-Dark can plausibly run a support set, (RC) utilizing Arceus's that utilizes its wide range of support moves. It can use Defog against many of the threats that the Calm Mind variant can set up on, (RC) and check Psychic- and Ghost-types, (AC) as well as Yveltal to some extent. It should be noted that a support set of Arceus-Dark is not susceptible to Shadow Tag, which gives it a distinct niche over other support Arceus formes.; (period -> semi) however, it lacks many useful resistances, (RC) which reduces its effectiveness in running a support set by comparison to other Arceus formes. Sludge Bomb can help Arceus-Dark bypass some of the Fairy-type Pokemon which plague that threaten it. Lastly, Substitute is an useful move which that can be used over Refresh., (period -> comma) as it blocks status, (AC) including Leech Seed, and can aid in setup.

Checks & Counters

**Fairy-types**: These Fairy-types are the most prevalent and dangerous checks to Arceus-Dark in the metagame. Most variants of Xerneas stand out as particularly threatening. Geomancy Xerneas easily sets up on Arceus-Dark, while Choice Scarf Xerneas can switch in on any move except for Sludge Bomb and begin to spam Moonblast. Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy and Calm Mind Xerneas can also set up on Arceus-Dark. Klefki can use Thunder Wave and 3HKO Arceus-Dark with Play Rough if it gets lucky, (RC) or use it Arceus-Dark as Spikes fodder, although it is prone to being worn down with repeated hits. Bulky Fairies like such as Arceus-Fairy, Sylveon, and Clefable do fairly well against Arceus-Dark,; (comma -> semi) however, it should be noted that all three are prone weak to Sludge Bomb. Clefable is especially notable because its ability Unaware ignores Arceus-Dark's Calm Mind boosts. Mega Mawile can resists Judgment and can do at least 72% even to Arceus-Dark with an uninvested Play Rough.

**Fighting-types**: Though they may be less common, they Fighting-types are still strong checks that can beat Arceus-Dark. Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Blaziken after a Speed boost both outspeed (after a Speed Boost in Mega Blaziken's case), (RC) and have a chance to OHKO Arceus-Dark with Low Kick. Lucario can tank a Judgement, (AC) or outspeed 176 Speed Arceus-Dark if it is has already Mega Evolved, (AC) and OHKO with Close Combat, (RC) or tank a Judgment before doing so if it is not. Arceus-Fighting can also beat Arceus-Dark by virtue of its typing.

**Tyranitar**: Tyranitar is an effective check to Arceus-Dark., (period -> comma) as it resists Dark-type Judgment, and also has an impressive Special Defense stat that which is further boosted by Sandstorm, and can retaliate with a Low Kick, (AC) which does 40%-47% to Arceus-Dark uninvested, not counting Sandstorm's residual damage. Low Kick also has twice as much PP as Arceus-Dark's Recover, so Tyranitar will easily stall out Arceus-Dark. Tyranitar can also phaze it with Roar if it is running that.

**Fast Physical Attackers**: These Fast physical attackers, especially ones that have high Attack stats or access to strong ones or ones with super effective (remove hyphen) coverage moves, can revenge kill or severely dent Arceus-Dark, capitalizing on its unboosted defensive Defense stat. Genesect is a good check to Arceus-Dark, (RC) despite the fact that it takes significant damage if it switches in on a Judgment. With a Download-boosted STAB U-turn, Genesect can effectively revenge kill Arceus-Dark effectively, dealing 58%-69% with that. Zekrom can also do around 50% with Bolt Strike. LO Life Orb Deoxys-Attack can hit it with a super effective (remove hyphen) Low Kick or Superpower for 67%-80%, while Mega Salamence if it has already been evolved does 51% minimum with Double-Edge.

**Specially Bulky Pokemon**: Pokemon with exceptional special bulk can act as soft checks for Arceus-Dark. Primal Kyogre with bulk investment can tank Arceus-Dark's Judgments, (RC) and, (AC) while it doesn't do much back, it can phaze Arceus-Dark. Ho-Oh functions similarly in that it can tank hits., (period -> comma) It can hit moderately hard with Brave Bird, (AC) and fish for burns with Sacred Fire, or phase with Whirlwind, but is not a particularly reliable check without it (please specify what "it" refers to - Whirlwind, Sacred Fire, or Brave Bird?).


Remember, "you" refers to the player, not the Pokemon. :)
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The above has been implemented. I meant that focus blast deals up to 80%, but it was actually like 80.8% so I rounded it to 81% and reworded it.
2/2 :)

add remove (comments)


The great and mighty Arceus, wielding the Dread Plate, embraces its role as a ruler of darkness and becomes a formidable setup sweeper that strikes fear in the hearts of its foes. (this is just a really long way to say that Arceus-Dark is a good setup sweeper; either pare it down or remove it completely) Arceus-Dark has received a few indirect buffs in the ORAS metagame due to the reintroduction of the Soul Dew for Latias and Latios, an increase in Giratina-O's usage, and the addition of Primal Groudon, a Pokemon that can punish Fairy-type Pokemon, which are the most common checks for to Arceus-Dark. However, it does dislike the slight decline of stall in the more offensively-oriented metagame. Like all Arceus formes, Arceus-Dark has access to exceptional 120 / 120 / 120 bulk, which grants it many setup opportunities. Thanks to its typing, it serves as a solid offensive check to many Psychic- and Ghost-type threats in the metagame, such as Mega Mewtwo Y, Latias, Latios, Arceus-Ghost, and Giratina-O. Dark is also a great offensive typing, especially because there is no type immune to it Dark. This allows an effective mono-attacking set to be run, freeing up a slot for Refresh, which allows it to shrug off status and become a menacing stallbreaker. Unfortunately, it still struggles against Fairy-types, which are very common in Ubers, as well as against Fighting-types, though they have been in decline since the introduction of the Fairy-type. Additionally, Dark as a defensive type does not have many useful resistances, so Arceus-Dark faces intense competition from other Arceus formes that run viable support sets. In spite of this, Arceus-Dark is one of the best Calm Mind Arceus formes that can be a fierce stallbreaker and late-game sweeper.

Calm Mind
name: Calm Mind
move 1: Calm Mind
move 2: Judgment
move 3: Recover
move 4: Refresh
ability: Multitype
item: Dread Plate
evs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 Spe
nature: Timid


Calm Mind allows Arceus-Dark to set up against Pokemon it threatens, such as Latias, Latios, Arceus-Ghost, and Giratina-O, and proceed to break through stall or initiate a late-game sweep. Judgment is Arceus-Dark's primary and only attack, having great neutral coverage for a STAB move while reliably hitting pretty hard after a Calm Mind boost or two. Recover allows it to stay around longer and set up on support Pokemon or weaker offensive threats. Refresh is useful to remove annoying status such as poison, paralysis, or burns, improving Arceus-Dark's from Arceus-Dark,which attributes to its impressive stallbreaking capacity. Will-O-Wisp is another option you could use over Refresh if you would prefer your Arceus-Dark to check physical threats instead of being a frightening stallbreaker, but Refresh tends to be more useful if a team is adequately prepared for the said physical threats.

Set Details

Maximum HP investment maximizes Arceus-Dark's mixed bulk, which allows it to set up more easily easier. Running 176 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allows it to outspeed positive-natured base 110 Speed Pokemon, (comma) such as Latias, Latios, and non-Mega Gengar, and KO them with Judgment before they can attack; Gengar in particular threatens Arceus-Dark with Destiny Bond. Other viable Speed investment options include 96 Speed EVs with a Timid nature for outspeeding base 100 Speed Pokemon such as Palkia, non-Mega Salamence, and Kangaskhan, while 252 Speed EVs with a Timid nature allows Arceus-Dark to, at worst, Speed tie at worst with other Arceus formes. The remaining EVs go into physical bulk because Ubers is mostly dominated by numerous physical threats.

Usage Tips

Use Arceus-Dark's typing and bulk to switch in on some special attackers such as Palkia and neutral support Arceus, as well as Psychic- and Ghost-type Pokemon that Arceus-Dark can set up on. When doing so, be wary of Mega Mewtwo X and Focus Blast Mega Mewtwo Y; Mega Mewtwo Y's Focus Blast can deal as much as 81% to Arceus-Dark, while Mega Mewtwo X has a solid chance to OHKO it with Low Kick. It is often crucial to scout for opposing Mewtwo before switching in, lest you lose a valuable win condition for your team. If Arceus-Dark is not needed to check members of the opposing team, it can be effective to reveal it late-game and sweep when the opposing team has been weakened or lacks checks to Arceus-Dark anymore.

Team Options

Reliable switch-ins for to Fairy-types, such as Primal Groudon and Ho-Oh, are indispensable partners for Arceus-Dark, as Arceus-Dark tends to give them free switches and is often threatened out by them. Mega Gengar can remove Fairy-types altogether by virtue of Shadow Tag and its typing. Klefki, Scizor, and other Steel-types check Geomancy Xerneas, which is useful if other checks to Fairy-types cannot reliably check this Xerneas variant. Latias and Latios appreciate the Pokemon that Arceus-Ghost (supposed to be Dark?) checks for them while checking Fighting-types for it Arceus-Dark themselves and providing Defog support. Lugia checks Fighting-types and physical attackers in general, which can often revenge kill or do considerable damage to Arceus-Dark. Finally, bulky Fairy-types of your own, especially Xerneas, can check Mega Mewtwo X for Arceus-Dark.

Other Options

Arceus-Dark can plausibly run a support set that utilizes its wide range of support moves. It can use Defog against many of the threats that the Calm Mind variant can set up on and check Psychic- and Ghost-types, (remove comma) as well as Yveltal to some extent. It should be noted that a support set of Arceus-Dark is not susceptible to Shadow Tag, (why not? I thought only Ghost-types were immune to it) which gives it a distinct niche over other support Arceus formes; however, it lacks many useful resistances. Sludge Bomb can help Arceus-Dark bypass some of the Fairy-type Pokemon that threaten it. Lastly, Substitute is an useful move that can be used over Refresh, as it blocks status, including Leech Seed, and can aid in setup.

Checks & Counters

**Fairy-types**: Fairy-types are the most prevalent and dangerous checks to Arceus-Dark in the metagame. Geomancy Xerneas easily sets up on Arceus-Dark, while Choice Scarf Xerneas can switch in on any move except for Sludge Bomb and begin to spam Moonblast. Calm Mind Arceus-Fairy and Calm Mind Xerneas can also set up on Arceus-Dark. Klefki can use Thunder Wave and 3HKO Arceus-Dark with Play Rough if it gets lucky or use Arceus-Dark as Spikes fodder, although it is prone to being worn down with repeated hits. Bulky Fairies such as Arceus-Fairy, Sylveon, and Clefable do fairly well against Arceus-Dark; however, it should be noted that all three are weak to Sludge Bomb. Clefable is especially notable because its ability Unaware allows it to ignores Arceus-Dark's Calm Mind boosts. Mega Mawile resists Judgment and can do at least 72% to Arceus-Dark with an uninvested Play Rough.

**Fighting-types**: Though they may be less common, Fighting-types are still strong checks that can beat Arceus-Dark. Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Blaziken after a Speed boost both outspeed and have a chance to OHKO Arceus-Dark with Low Kick. Lucario can tank a Judgment, or outspeed 176 Speed Arceus-Dark if it has already Mega Evolved, and OHKO with Close Combat. Arceus-Fighting can also beat Arceus-Dark by virtue of its typing.

**Tyranitar**: Tyranitar is an effective check to Arceus-Dark, as it resists Dark-type Judgment, has an impressive Special Defense stat that is further boosted by Sandstorm, and can retaliate with a Low Kick, which does 40%-47% to Arceus-Dark uninvested, not counting Sandstorm's residual damage from the sand. Low Kick also has twice as much PP as Arceus-Dark's Recover, so Tyranitar will easily stall out Arceus-Dark. Tyranitar can also phaze it with Roar.

**Fast Physical Attackers**: Fast physical attackers, especially ones that have high Attack stats or access to super effective coverage moves, can revenge kill or severely dent Arceus-Dark, capitalizing on its unboosted Defense stat. Genesect is a good check to Arceus-Dark despite the fact that it takes significant damage if it switches into on a Judgment. With a Download-boosted STAB U-turn, Genesect can effectively revenge kill Arceus-Dark, dealing 58%-69%. Zekrom can also do around 50% with Bolt Strike. Life Orb Deoxys-A can hit it with a super effective Low Kick or Superpower for 67%-80%, while Mega Salamence does 51% minimum with Double-Edge.

**Specially Bulky Pokemon**: Pokemon with exceptional special bulk can act as soft checks to for Arceus-Dark. Primal Kyogre with bulk investment in bulk can tank Arceus-Dark's Judgments and, while it doesn't do much damage back, it can phaze Arceus-Dark. Ho-Oh can tank hits, hit moderately hard with Brave Bird, fish for burns with Sacred Fire, or phaze with Whirlwind, but it is not a particularly reliable check without Whirlwind.
This is done, I hope some of the changes I made clarified stuff. I don't really know if I should include about how Arceus-Dark is not susceptible to Shadow Tag users by just killing them o.o