Project [PU] Battle of The Week [Week 3]

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is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Media Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
OP stolen from TheCanadianWifier who stole it from atomicllamas who stole it from someone else.
Hello, and welcome to ORAS Battle of the Week! Every week, you, the community, will have the opportunity to create a matchup for everyone in the ORAS PU Forum to enjoy. Ever want to see a particular matchup? Make it happen right here!

  • What is this for?
This mainly is for the newcomers to ORAS PU so they can see some of the best minds in PU at work. However, the veterans also have something to prove as they can show off to everyone just how good they really are! This can also let the experienced ORAS PU players show off their creativity with movesets, Pokemon, etc. Who knows, you may see a future top threat being used in one of the battles.

  • How does it work?
This thread will work in a 3-phase format. Nomination Stage, Voting Stage, and Battle Stage. This process will be repeated every week (more or less). Here, I will detail each step of the process:

Nomination Stage: During this stage, each member of the community will nominate 3 fellow community members that they would like to see in the battle at the end of the week. You cannot nominate yourself and it is recommended that the users you do nominate have been active within the past two weeks. Please note that you must nominate 3 fellow community members. This stage will last for the first 3 days of that week with nominations being tallied at around 9 PM GMT+0 on the 3rd day of nominations. The 5 people with the most nominations, including ties, will be placed on a ballot to start the next part of the process.

Voting Stage: During this stage of the process, everyone will vote for the one person they want to see in a battle the most. This stage will take place over the 4th and 5th days of that week, with voting ending at some point around 9 PM EST on the 5th day of the week. At that point, the two players with the highest number of votes will be announced and the battle for that week will be set. If, however, there is a tie for 2nd most votes, a "runoff" will happen for the 6th day to determine the 2nd competitor. If there is no "runoff" needed, then the time for the battle will be announced on the 6th day of that week.

Battle Stage: Of course, this is the stage we love the most, right? The battle stage will take place on the 7th day of that week. One of the competitors or I will announce the time that the battle is to take place on Showdown at some point on the 6th day. Anyone who can make the day and time of the battle is more than welcome to join in watching the battle live. However, if you aren't able to make it, then all is not lost! Replays of the battle will be posted here in the thread so you can watch it when it's most convenient for you. Note that the battles should be a best of 3 series as this minimizes the impact of hax, but also allows the two competitors to show up to 3 of their best teams. Competitors are also encouraged to share some of their thoughts of the battles (turning points, crucial misplays, clutch predictions, etc.) that most effected the outcomes. Once the Battle Stage is complete, the process will start again from the Nomination Stage.

  • What do I get out of it?
As mentioned in the introduction, everyone gets something out of this. Newcomers get to see battle strategies that the experienced players talk about around the forums being used in real battle situations. Experienced players get to show off their creativity and see who the best may be. And, of course, we all get a good series of battles to watch (or be a part of) every week!

Rules and Miscellaneous Info:
  • Don't spamvote. The main goal is to help newcomers to ORAS PU better understand the battle strategies that top players talk about in the forums in a real battle, so it's counterproductive to pit two players with limited ORAS PU experience against one another.
  • If you are on the 5-person ballot for the Voting Stage, but know you won't be able to participate in the battle at the end of the week, then please post in this thread. We aren't going to get on you about stuff that comes up irl, but if we know about it in advance, then we won't be forced to skip battles and it will be smoother for everyone.
  • The two competitiors from the last week's battle can't be nominated for the following week. So, for example, if Magnemite and Anty battled in Week 2, they can't be nominated for Week 3. This is in place to try and keep the battles from getting too stale and having the same competitors over and over again.
  • Do not Nominate or Vote for yourself. This is a community-driven battle, so if the community wants to see you in a battle, they'll vote for you. (everyone will be in a battle sooner or later)
Ok I'm sorry but is there a legitimate reason to have two botw threads and one specifically for pu? It doesn't really seem fair at all.
Go ahead and start nominations for Week 1 today. Voting stage can start on Wednesday
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Ok I'm sorry but is there a legitimate reason to have two botw threads and one specifically for pu? It doesn't really seem fair at all.
Oh...I didn't even see the other one :[ I guess I understand but I thought it wouldn't really be a problem if people are interested.

edit: It's pretty much understood among the PU and OM leadership that PU is allowed to post separate threads like this because 1) the OM team gave WhiteDMist the go-ahead & 2) we fully support PU as an OM and pre-tier. Thanks for understanding!
Mistress Remilia

And people have called me by both Bippy and Megazard Z in nominations so far, but they're both me. i should get a name change to Megazard soon.
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