Mega REvolution

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DONT FUCKLE (Shuckle) @ Slowbronite
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Calm Nature
- Shell Smash
- Rest
- Toxic
- Earth Power

please don't actually use this
I was about to then I noticed that Shuckle has garbage HP. At least there's Spinda, which is slightly less terrible with its 60 HP stat! That will probably allow you to mega-evolve into... Absol maybe? It gets sucker punch so yeah let's go with that
I'm on mobile right now, but Jellicent has trick room, water spout, good immunities, calm mind and 100 hp. Mega Stoise/bro/sheep dragon/Obama all seem pretty good for it.

Edit: no calm mind, but it does have giga drain and blizzard (better than Lunatone for abomasnow?), taunt, scald, shadow ball, dazzling gleam, dark pulse, and sludge wave
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Interesting meta this.

Focus in this thread seems to be on getting better movepools for your megas, but what about already potent pokemon that, if needed, can mega evolve to provide defensive synergy? Or a set created to somehow remove the mega evolutions counters in base form, utilizing resistances and perhaps one or two STAB-moves, before mega evolving and sweeping the rest with it's own attacks?

These kind of sets is something I'd like to see, even though I don't know if these things are actually possible. I'm also too hungover and generally bad at creating sets to contribute my self. But you guys, you are clever, right? So think away!
Gyarados @ Manectite
Intimidate -> Intimidate
EVs: 252 spA / 180 Spe / 72 Hp / 4 Def
Naive / Hasty Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake / Flamethrower
- Waterfall
The hp puts it at uneven damage from SR for gyarados, spA is pretty obvious, speed to outspeed base 110s, defense because you would be switching in on stuff like scizor and pinsir.
Mamoswine is taken out by a waterfall or two; Heatran is taken out by an earthquake or waterfalls; Tyranitar is taken out by earthquake or waterfall
Rotom-W can barely touch Manectric, even with -SpD nature; Flamethrower destroys Ferrothorn and Chesnaught
Gyarados @ Manectite
Intimidate -> Intimidate
EVs: 252 spA / 180 Spe / 72 Hp / 4 Def
Naive / Hasty Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake / Flamethrower
- Waterfall
The hp puts it at uneven damage from SR for gyarados, spA is pretty obvious, speed to outspeed base 110s, defense because you would be switching in on stuff like scizor and pinsir.
Mamoswine is taken out by a waterfall or two; Heatran is taken out by an earthquake or waterfalls; Tyranitar is taken out by earthquake or waterfall
Rotom-W can barely touch Manectric, even with -SpD nature; Flamethrower destroys Ferrothorn and Chesnaught
I don't get why this set runs Waterfall where it could really run Hydro Pump
Gyarados @ Manectite
Intimidate -> Intimidate
EVs: 252 spA / 180 Spe / 72 Hp / 4 Def
Naive / Hasty Nature
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake / Flamethrower
- Waterfall
The hp puts it at uneven damage from SR for gyarados, spA is pretty obvious, speed to outspeed base 110s, defense because you would be switching in on stuff like scizor and pinsir.
Mamoswine is taken out by a waterfall or two; Heatran is taken out by an earthquake or waterfalls; Tyranitar is taken out by earthquake or waterfall
Rotom-W can barely touch Manectric, even with -SpD nature; Flamethrower destroys Ferrothorn and Chesnaught
This is very clever, props! I thought for a second this was like a way better gen 4 gyaravire, but unfortunately, manectric only gets lightningrod in base form. :/ I could see this being used as a lure to allow pokemon such as azumarill or keldeo to work better, but I don't know how much use it would get over just using mew as the manectric base form.
Speaking of Gen 4 Gyravire, that is what I based it off of xD
  • Although it doesn't get lightningrod, it does get dual intimidate.
  • It gets to take advantage of gyarados's good attack to harm things like chansey somewhat.
  • Mew doesn't have nearly as much attack as gyarados, nor the ability to beat down manectric's counters with stab moves. That basically removes the purpose of having gyarados as a base anyways.
  • Electric and Psychic don't do as well together defensively.
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Speaking of Gen 4 Gyravire, that is what I based it off of xD
  • Although it doesn't get lightningrod, it does get dual intimidate.
  • It gets to take advantage of gyarados's good attack to harm things like chansey somewhat.
  • Mew doesn't have nearly as much attack as gyarados, nor the ability to beat down manectric's counters with stab moves. That basically removes the purpose of having gyarados as a base anyways.
  • Electric and Psychic don't do as well together defensively.
Yeah, it is different from mew and has advantages and disadvantages and would be serve a different role to gyarados. While Gyarados can lure in pokemon for other waters and the like, mew gives manectric nasty plot and some other coverage moves. It just depends on what you want.
So.. Does the base form turn into the mega in stats (for all stats except hp)?
And, which typing is used?
No, the HP stays the same. Otherwise you gain the stats of the mega forme along with typing and ability.
Metagross looks very powerful

Emboar @ Metagrossite
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Heat Crash
- Zen Headbutt
- Grass Knot

Oh boy. It's basically normal Megagross but better in every way. 110 HP makes it just barely legal. Meanwhile it gets Heavy Slam and Flare Blitz as new moveset additions - it even keeps most of its normal movepool like Grass Knot and Zen Headbutt. Pretty good. Tough Claws Heavy Slam hits really fucking hard.
Metagross looks very powerful

Emboar @ Metagrossite
Ability: Blaze
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpA / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Heavy Slam
- Flare Blitz
- Zen Headbutt
- Grass Knot

Oh boy. It's basically normal Megagross but better in every way. 110 HP makes it just barely legal. Meanwhile it gets Heavy Slam and Flare Blitz as new moveset additions - it even keeps most of its normal movepool like Grass Knot and Zen Headbutt. Pretty good. Tough Claws Heavy Slam hits really fucking hard.
Heat Crash > Flare Blitz? Maybe? Just an idea.
BEEP BEEP GIMMICKY SET COMING THROUGH (p.s. its acually good sets i just wanted to say that) THAT ARE PIDGEOT!!!!


Nasty Plot
Heat Wave

Sing, nasty plot, kill, repeat.


Quiver Dance
Giga Drain
Bug Buzz

You have the bulk to spam the crap out of cheap as crap dance quiver dance so do it then spam never miss hurricane and healing giga drain.
I have no idea how the programming works, so I'm not sure if my suggestion is possible or not. That said, I think the idea of this meta would be greatly improved with some kind of indicator as to which Pokemon is holding a specific Mega stone. The idea as is sounds like tons of fun, but I feel like it's prone to feeling like you took a cheap shot if you were prepared to take on what you thought was a defensive Pokemon, only to find your check/counter suddenly mauled by a sky high attack stat you had no way of knowing was there. Maybe some kind of indicator like the one Frisk normally gives would do the trick? I feel like just playing against Mega Charizard X/Y can be tricky enough before you know which it is, and now multiply that by a trillion possibilities.
BEEP BEEP GIMMICKY SET COMING THROUGH (p.s. its acually good sets i just wanted to say that) THAT ARE PIDGEOT!!!!


Nasty Plot
Heat Wave

Sing, nasty plot, kill, repeat.


Quiver Dance
Giga Drain
Bug Buzz

You have the bulk to spam the crap out of cheap as crap dance quiver dance so do it then spam never miss hurricane and healing giga drain.

Vivillon into Mega Bird Jesus also gets No Guard Sleep Powder.
Made some sets:

Reuniclus @ Steelixite
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Gyro Ball
- Trick Room
- Recover
- Toxic

Torkoal @ Pidgeotite
Ability: White Smoke
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
- Inferno
- Shell Smash
- Earth Power
- Sludge Bomb

Zapdos @ Pidgeotite
Ability: Pressure
- Air Cutter
- Zap Cannon
- Heat Wave
- Roost
Manaphy @ Slowbronite
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Tail Glow
- Surf/Scald
- Psychic
- Filler (Dazzling Gleam, Energy Ball)

There's nothing more scary than something Bulky that can boost its Offense to ridiculous levels. Nothing fits this definition more than our dearly beloved MegaBro. There's a reason why Tail Glow is limited to only two sub-optimal Pokemon. One boost and even Blissey won't want to switch in. If you're afraid of getting revenged, here's another set:

Masquerain @ Slowbronite
Ability: Intimidate
252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SDef
Modest Nature
- Quiver Dance
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Energy Ball

After 2 boosts, this set obliterates HO teams, but gets easily Stalled out by Chansey/Blissey. Intimidate is also a neat little pre-Mega bonus.

Pick your poison.
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