Spare Perfects/Breeding Leftovers.

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oops only havee the one male haha
now is good
That's fine.

I can't find my bunnelby so I put a caterpie up with Jkick in the message. hope thats okay.

male, level 2.

Edit: I got sniped...

Could we possibly do a direct trade?
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Can I have one of these?
4 fletchling m gale wings tailwind.snatch.quickguard luxury ball
Deposited bunnelby w message jkickit.
Thanks in advance
Could I please get these pokemon:
F level ball zigzagoon
F moon ball hoot hoot
F love ball drowzee

I think a direct trade would be faster.
Hello, I'm interested in the following:

Bold Friend Guard Cleffa
Unnerve Axew

I have Alpha Sapphire, so I can't catch Bunnelby, but will anything do? Direct trade would be preferred, please.

Thank you!
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Well, then I'm interested in the following:
- zigzagoon (if you have jolly or adamant)
- flabebe
- barboach
- misdreavus
- drowzee
- cleffa (magicguard)
- eevee
- cyndaquil
- seewaddle
- kabuto
I suggest, we trade directly.

Thank you!!
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Hello, I'm interested in the following:

Bold Friend Guard Cleffa
Unnerve Axew

I have Alpha Sapphire, so I can't catch Bunnelby, but will anything do? Direct trade would be preferred, please.

Thank you!
sure. females or?

Well, then I'm interested in the following:
- zigzagoon (if you have jolly or adamant)
- flabebe
- barboach
- misdreavus
- drowzee
- cleffa (magicguard)
- eevee
- cyndaquil
- seewaddle
- kabuto
I suggest, we trade directly.

Thank you!!
that is a lot haha, just let me know when you can be on so i can add you.
Yes, but i need as much as I can get :)
FC: 5412-9948-9958
Ign: Max
I could trade 7 hours after now. From 5 pm cest to 11 pm cest
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