Resource ORAS OU Teambuilding

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Rotom-Wash @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Volt Switch
- Hydro Pump
- Pain Split

Role: Physical Wall/Pivot

What It Does: There are a lot of good sets for Rotom-W, but this is my favorite. This set is meant to make Rotom-W a full blown crippler of most physical attackers. It's a full blown counter to those powerful Flying types that are always around OU like Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, and Staraptor as it can take a couple hits, and then burn them and make them essentially useless for the rest of the match or take them out completely with Volt Switch or Hydro Pump. Also works against many common Pokemon, including the likes of Garchomp, Tyrantiar, Scizor, Landorus and some variants of Azumarill (Will O Wisp helps avoid a sweep from the Belly Drum set, but it still does a lot of damage). It is also a good pivot thanks to Volt Switch and thanks to Pain Split, won't miss its item too much if it gets hit with Knock Off, making it a good choice to switch in if Knock Off is predicted. Hydro Pump is really only there because it needs to be, and is usually the least used move in the set.

Good Teammates: A Pokemon that can take out the likes of Mega Venusaur like aforementioned Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, or Staraptor are all good teammates for Rotom-Wash. A special wall to soak up the special attacks that this set isn't built to take like Chansey could also be beneficial, as it can also throw a Toxic on special attackers, which will take them out a lot faster than a burn will. A Scarfed U-Turner is also beneficial as it helps to keep the momentum that Rotom-Wash could potentially set up with Volt Switch.

What Counters It: Mega Venusaur, Roserade and most other grass types are pretty good counters to this set of Rotom-W, as they are more specially oriented generally and have STAB that is super effective against it. The speedier versions of Exadrill, and other Pokemon with Mold Breaker Earthquake like Haxorus and Mega Gyarados also can beat Rotom-W before it can get off a Will O Wisp, especially later in the battle after it has been weakened a bit.

Any Additional Info: Probably the big thing that counters it is hax, as a missed Will-O-Wisp or Hydro Pump can turn the tide of the entire match against you.

First try, this is one of my favorite sets to use so I wanted to post.
leanbean132006 While I appreciate the enthusiasm, there's already a Rotom-W set under "Pivots" with almost the same moves and EVs. In the future, please make sure to check the lists and make sure the set hasn't been done already before you begin writing up a set. This usually means looking under multiple lists if a mon can fill multiple roles with one set.
leanbean132006 While I appreciate the enthusiasm, there's already a Rotom-W set under "Pivots" with almost the same moves and EVs. In the future, please make sure to check the lists and make sure the set hasn't been done already before you begin writing up a set. This usually means looking under multiple lists if a mon can fill multiple roles with one set.

My fault, I thought I checked all of the lists. Guess I didn't read carefully enough. Woopsie, haha.
What To Use:


Conkeldurr @ Assault Vest
Ability: Guts
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD
Adamant Nature
-Knock Off
-Drain Punch
-Ice Punch
-Mach Punch

Role: Tank

What It Does: Assault Vest Conkeldurr is a formidable tank able to soak up damage and hit back like a train. AV allows it to take on Rotom-W, Zard Y, Thundurus, Keldeo, Mega Sceptile, Mega Diancie at full and others, which it would otherwise struggle to do without the vest. With Guts, Conk discourages teams from spamming status moves as a statused Conk is extremely powerful. Between Drain Punch, Ice Punch, and Knock Off, Conkeldurr hits most of OU for at least neutral damage. Drain Punch keeps Conk healthy, Knock Off cripples walls and hits Psychic and Ghost types hard, Ice Punch hits Landorus-T and dragons, and Mach Punch is to pick off weakened mons and destroy Bisharp, Greninja, and other Fighting-weak mons.

Good Teammates: Mons that can switch into Powerful Fairy type attacks make good teammates. Heatran is a notable example. Rotom-W destroys the birds that threaten Conkeldurr and can bring it in on favorable targets by Volt Switch. Lando-T comes in on a lot of flying types thanks to Intimidate and threatens to KO with Stone Edge. Pursuit trappers like Bisharp and Tyranitar trap and KO threatening Psychic types. Kyurem-Black can beat a lot of Conk's checks and counters or at the very least weaken them.

What Counters It: Talonflame, Mega Pinsir, Mega Gallade, Mega Metagross, Azumarill and Mega Gardevoir come in and OHKO. Mega Venusaur, Mega Slowbro, and Mega Sableye laugh at Conkeldurr. Clefable And Mega Altaria can potentially set up on Conk and beat it. The Latis are great checks to it though they do not want to come in on Knock Off.

Any Additional Info: What's nice about Conk is that it threatens OU and it can fit on many offensive as well as balance teams. Poison Jab or Stone Edge can be run to catch counters and checks as they switch in (Talonflame, Azumarill, etc). Run speed evs to speed creep opposing Conk's and if running Poison Jab, outspeed Clefable and most Azu to 2HKO.
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Sharpedo @ Life Orb
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 92 SpA / 164 Spe
Naive Nature
- Protect
- Waterfall
- Ice Beam
- Crunch / Dark Pulse / Destiny Bond

Role: Late-game Cleaner

What It Does: Thanks to Speed Boost, Sharpedo becomes faster and faster with every turn, making it an ideal late-game cleaner. This provides Sharpedo the freedom of switching moves and using a Life Orb as opposed to the common Choice Scarf for many late-game cleaners. Protect is mandatory to allow Sharpedo a free +1 Speed considering its frail nature. STAB Waterfall allows Sharpedo to hit threats such as Heatran, Tyranitar, Talonflame, Excadrill, Mamoswine and Terrakion for super-effective damage and easily finish them off. Ice Beam hits Landorus-T, Garchomp, Breloom, etc for super effective damage. Dark Pulse is used to hit Mega Slowbro for super effective damage however Crunch has more raw power thanks to Sharpedo's higher Attack stat. Destiny Bond is a great move for KOing offensive Pokemon that Sharpedo cannot win 1v1, such as Keldeo. The Speed EVs allow Sharpedo to outspeed Mega Aerodactyl and Mega Alakazam after a Protect while maximum Attack investment is used to provide Sharpedo with as much power as possible. The 92 SpA EVs are enough to OHKO Landorus-T and has a good chance to OHKO Thundurus after Stealth Rock damage.

Good Teammates: Stealth Rock users are great teammates because they can provide Sharpedo with many crucial KOs. Pokemon such as Thundurus, Breloom and Mega Venusaur also make good teammates because they can handle bulky Water-types that Sharpedo struggles against.

What Counters It: Keldeo counters non-Destiny Bond variants while bulky Water types that are not weak to Dark, make good counters as well. Mega Venusaur also makes a great counter as it fears very little from Sharpedo's attacks and can simply Giga Drain its health back.

Any Additional Info: Despite its ability to boost its Speed stat by one stage every turn, be mindful of powerful priority such as Breloom's Mach Punch and Talonflame's Brave Bird.
I think I'm going to take Flygon as a defensive Defogger, since it was recently moved up to D and it really deserves a review since it has a lot of niches.
Is that ok?
Double Dance Mega Charizard X


Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Tailwind

- Swords Dance

Role: Physical Sweeper & Wall Breaker

What it Does: Mega Charizard X is a monstrously powerful physical sweeper as a Dragon Dancer. Because of this, many people over look the less used, but just as viable "Double Dance set." It's preferred to utilize this set AFTER the few threats to Mega Charizard X are cleared as getting both Tailwind and Swords Dance up is already mildly difficult, you don't want to have to set up all over again. You don't want to send this Pokemon out against a team that still has a healthy Azumarill or anything. However, when used correctly this set is perhaps one of the most rewarding of any set in OU. The EV spread allows Charizard to tank certain hits that would otherwise OHKO/2HKO. The Adamant nature allows Charizard to literally 2HKO any Pokemon residing in the OU S/A+ Viability Ranks at the very least. The fact that most of these Pokemon cannot OHKO or even 2HKO Mega Charizard X make it a difficult threat to take down. A +2 Atk Mega Charizard X guarantee OHKOs a standard Assault Vest Azumarill, which is a wall to most other Mega Charizard X sets. Use this set wisely and it is guaranteed to take out AT LEAST two of your opponents Pokemon, and if you're lucky, even their whole team. Using Outrage over Dragon Claw adds some significant power, but locks you in, leaving you vulnerable to Fairy and Steel types. Because of this, I'd recommend Dragon Claw as Charizard will be at +2, meaning most Pokemon will fall regardless. Mega Charizard X also has the ability to break through even the toughest of walls, and the fact that it cannot be burned makes it one of the best Pokemon to tackle Mega Sableye. In fact, whilst facing Stall teams you may not even need to get a Tailwind off due to them generally being much slower, albeit bulkier. If Mega Charizard X is sent out late game you may just need to get a Tailwind off if there isn't a fear of Charizard being OHKO'd and the enemy team is weakened to the point where you can OHKO everything regardless of Swords Dance.

Good Teammates: Mega Charizard X loves a Choice Scarfed Excadrill to take care of Mega Altaria and other troublesome fairies, and an added bonus is the fact that Excadrill can get rid of that pesky Stealth Rock. Excadrill's Earthquake also makes quick work of Heatran, which walls this Mega Charizard X set. Another fantastic teammate is a Healing Wish Latias, which will allow Mega Charizard X to set up and sweep yet again, decimating the enemy team. LO Earthquake Latios is also a great teammate, as it can potentially lure Heatran out, only to obliterate it with a single Earthquake.

What Counters it?: Heatran is a big problem for this set as it is immune to one of your STABs and resists the other, meaning you'll need a Pokemon with a powerful Earthquake on your team. Mega Altaria also walls this set, and a strong offensive Steel type can help minimize this threat. It is advised you do not try to battle a Scarfed Landorus-T with this set, as it will outspeed and OHKO you.

Any Additional Info: Adamant nature is superior to Jolly nature with this set, as the extra power is needed to OHKO most OU Pokemon. You're going to be at +2 with Tailwind anyway, so extra speed isn't needed. Assault Vest Azumarill does not wall this set. Fire/Dragon have great synergy with one another, and completely destroy the majority of the meta. This Mega Charizard X set has the ability to take on 95.45% of the OU meta (Yes, I did the math.) This is also a good Pokemon to completely wipe Mega Metagross from the battle, as any viable set is guaranteed to be OHKO'd with a single Flare Blitz, and Mega Metagross cannot OHKO Mega Charizard X.
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Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze/Solar Power -> Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Tailwind

- Roost/ Earthquake/ Coverage

Role: Physical Sweeper & Wall Breaker

What it Does: Mega Charizard X is a monstrously powerful physical sweeper as a Dragon Dancer, yet many people seem to over look the less used, but just as viable "Double Dance set." It's preferred to utilize this set AFTER the few threats to Mega Charizard X are cleared as getting both Tailwind and Swords Dance up is already mildly difficult, you don't want to have to set up all over again. You don't want to send this Pokemon out against a team that still has a healthy Azumarill or anything. However, when used correctly this set is perhaps one of the most rewarding of any set in OU. The EV spread allows Charizard to tank certain hits that would otherwise OHKO/2HKO. The Adamant nature allows Charizard to literally 2HKO any Pokemon residing in the OU S/A+ Viability Ranks at the very least. The fact that most of these Pokemon cannot OHKO or even 2HKO Mega Charizard X make it a difficult threat to take down. A +2 Atk Mega Charizard X guarantee OHKOs a standard Assault Vest Azumarill, which is a wall to most other Mega Charizard X sets. Use this set wisely and it is guaranteed to take out AT LEAST two of your opponents Pokemon, and if you're lucky, even their whole team. Mega Charizard X also has the ability to break through even the toughest of walls, and the fact that it cannot be burned makes it one of the best Pokemon to tackle Mega Sableye.

Good Teammates: Mega Charizard X loves a Choice Scarfed Excadrill to take care of Altaria and other troublesome fairies, and an added bonus is the fact that Excadrill can get rid of that pesky Stealth Rock. Excadrill's Earthquake also makes quick work of Heatran, which walls this Mega Charizard X set. Another fantastic teammate is a Healing Wish Latias, which will allow Mega Charizard X to set up and sweep yet again, decimating the enemy team.

What Counters it: Heatran is a big problem for this set as it is immune to one of your STABs and resists the other, meaning you'll need a Pokemon with a powerful Earthquake on your team. Mega Altaria also walls this set, and a strong offensive Steel type can help minimize this threat. It is advised you do not try to battle a Scarfed Landorus-T with this set, as it will outspend and OHKO you.

Any Additional Info: Adamant nature is superior to Jolly nature with this set, as the extra power is needed to OHKO most OU Pokemon. You're going to be at +2 with Tailwind anyway, so extra speed isn't needed. Assault Vest Azumarill does not wall this set. Fire/Dragon have great synergy with one another, and completely destroy the majority of the meta. This Mega Charizard X set has the ability to take on 95.45% of the OU meta (Yes, I did the math.) This is also a good Pokemon to completely wipe Mega Metagross from the battle, as any viable set is guaranteed to be OHKO'd with a single Flare Blitz.
Nice post fren. Why not mention LO Earthquake Latios, a great lure for Heatran
Nice post fren. Why not mention LO Earthquake Latios, a great lure for Heatran
Done, thanks, I didn't even think about that ^^

Your set doesn't even include SD, which is what makes Double Dance what it is
Whoops, I must have been thinking of something else, fixed. Thanks.
Looks pretty good. I wouldn't slash Solar Power in the abilities just because there's never a good reason to use it. I'd also mention in the What It Does Section that you may not always need to use both Tailwind and Swords Dance. For example, against Stall you may not need to get a Tailwind off because of the generally low speed of a lot of Stall threats, and against Offence late game you may be able to get away with just Tail Wind if everything left on the opposing team is battered and weakened.

Fixed, thanks for the input.
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Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze/Solar Power -> Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Tailwind

- Roost/ Earthquake/ Coverage

Role: Physical Sweeper & Wall Breaker

What it Does: Mega Charizard X is a monstrously powerful physical sweeper as a Dragon Dancer, yet many people seem to over look the less used, but just as viable "Double Dance set." It's preferred to utilize this set AFTER the few threats to Mega Charizard X are cleared as getting both Tailwind and Swords Dance up is already mildly difficult, you don't want to have to set up all over again. You don't want to send this Pokemon out against a team that still has a healthy Azumarill or anything. However, when used correctly this set is perhaps one of the most rewarding of any set in OU. The EV spread allows Charizard to tank certain hits that would otherwise OHKO/2HKO. The Adamant nature allows Charizard to literally 2HKO any Pokemon residing in the OU S/A+ Viability Ranks at the very least. The fact that most of these Pokemon cannot OHKO or even 2HKO Mega Charizard X make it a difficult threat to take down. A +2 Atk Mega Charizard X guarantee OHKOs a standard Assault Vest Azumarill, which is a wall to most other Mega Charizard X sets. Use this set wisely and it is guaranteed to take out AT LEAST two of your opponents Pokemon, and if you're lucky, even their whole team. Mega Charizard X also has the ability to break through even the toughest of walls, and the fact that it cannot be burned makes it one of the best Pokemon to tackle Mega Sableye.

Good Teammates: Mega Charizard X loves a Choice Scarfed Excadrill to take care of Altaria and other troublesome fairies, and an added bonus is the fact that Excadrill can get rid of that pesky Stealth Rock. Excadrill's Earthquake also makes quick work of Heatran, which walls this Mega Charizard X set. Another fantastic teammate is a Healing Wish Latias, which will allow Mega Charizard X to set up and sweep yet again, decimating the enemy team. LO Earthquake Latios is also a great teammate, as it can potentially lure Heatran out, only to obliterate it with a single Earthquake.

What Counters it: Heatran is a big problem for this set as it is immune to one of your STABs and resists the other, meaning you'll need a Pokemon with a powerful Earthquake on your team. Mega Altaria also walls this set, and a strong offensive Steel type can help minimize this threat. It is advised you do not try to battle a Scarfed Landorus-T with this set, as it will outspend and OHKO you.

Any Additional Info: Adamant nature is superior to Jolly nature with this set, as the extra power is needed to OHKO most OU Pokemon. You're going to be at +2 with Tailwind anyway, so extra speed isn't needed. Assault Vest Azumarill does not wall this set. Fire/Dragon have great synergy with one another, and completely destroy the majority of the meta. This Mega Charizard X set has the ability to take on 95.45% of the OU meta (Yes, I did the math.) This is also a good Pokemon to completely wipe Mega Metagross from the battle, as any viable set is guaranteed to be OHKO'd with a single Flare Blitz.
Your set doesn't even include SD, which is what makes Double Dance what it is
Done <3

Flygon @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP / 16 Atk / 104 Def / 136 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Defog
- Roost
- Earthquake
- U-turn


What it Does:

While Flygon is often over looked due to its competition with Garchomp and Landorus-T as an offensive Ground type and Latios and Latias as an offensive Defogger, its medicore stats and strange typing, Flygon has been able to shine in the OU meta game in ORAS. Flygon has gained a new use as one of the best Defoggers in the tier, completing with Latios. Unlike Latios and Latias, Flygon can easily take on things like Bisharp with out having as much as of a fear of Pursuit and Knock Off. It also deals slightly better with Ferrothorn, so it doesn't have to waste a move slot for a Hidden Power. Flygon also resists Stealth Rocks and is flat out immune to Spikes. It also has U-Turn, giving it an advantage over Landorus as an offensive pivot since it can remove hazards and it has reliable recovery. Flygon is a very situation team mate, but it proves that it has many niches, that it certainly a worthy choice if you need a Defogger.

Good Teammates:
Magnezone and Thundurus have great synergy with Flygon. Magnezone is quad weak to Ground, which can obviously can be avoided with Flygon's Levitate. Thundurus is great for getting off Prankster Thunder Waves on things like Greninja, which otherwise beats Flygon 1 on 1. Things that deal well with Skarmory and Ferrothorn also work great, like Heatran and, once again, Magnezone.

What Counters it:
Pokémon like Greninja and Keldeo that outspeed Flygon and can hit it with an Ice Beam or Icy Wind really hinder Flygon, since a lot of Ice type moves with easily one shot Flygon due to that quad weakness. Physical walls like Skarmory, and to an extent Ferrothorn, pretty much wall Flygon to hell and back, being able to stall out any of its moves and possibly damage it with Iron Barbs and Rocky Helmet. Other Pokémon that are weak to Ground are also nice to have, since Flygon has Levitate.

Any Additional Info:
Be wary of Toxic, because although Flygon has reliable recovery, it has no way to remove status outside of Lum Berry or Rest.
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Double Dance Mega Charizard X


Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Blaze/Solar Power -> Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Tailwind

- Swords Dance

Role: Physical Sweeper & Wall Breaker

What it Does: Mega Charizard X is a monstrously powerful physical sweeper as a Dragon Dancer, yet many people seem to over look the less used, but just as viable "Double Dance set." It's preferred to utilize this set AFTER the few threats to Mega Charizard X are cleared as getting both Tailwind and Swords Dance up is already mildly difficult, you don't want to have to set up all over again. You don't want to send this Pokemon out against a team that still has a healthy Azumarill or anything. However, when used correctly this set is perhaps one of the most rewarding of any set in OU. The EV spread allows Charizard to tank certain hits that would otherwise OHKO/2HKO. The Adamant nature allows Charizard to literally 2HKO any Pokemon residing in the OU S/A+ Viability Ranks at the very least. The fact that most of these Pokemon cannot OHKO or even 2HKO Mega Charizard X make it a difficult threat to take down. A +2 Atk Mega Charizard X guarantee OHKOs a standard Assault Vest Azumarill, which is a wall to most other Mega Charizard X sets. Use this set wisely and it is guaranteed to take out AT LEAST two of your opponents Pokemon, and if you're lucky, even their whole team. Mega Charizard X also has the ability to break through even the toughest of walls, and the fact that it cannot be burned makes it one of the best Pokemon to tackle Mega Sableye.

Good Teammates: Mega Charizard X loves a Choice Scarfed Excadrill to take care of Altaria and other troublesome fairies, and an added bonus is the fact that Excadrill can get rid of that pesky Stealth Rock. Excadrill's Earthquake also makes quick work of Heatran, which walls this Mega Charizard X set. Another fantastic teammate is a Healing Wish Latias, which will allow Mega Charizard X to set up and sweep yet again, decimating the enemy team. LO Earthquake Latios is also a great teammate, as it can potentially lure Heatran out, only to obliterate it with a single Earthquake.

What Counters it: Heatran is a big problem for this set as it is immune to one of your STABs and resists the other, meaning you'll need a Pokemon with a powerful Earthquake on your team. Mega Altaria also walls this set, and a strong offensive Steel type can help minimize this threat. It is advised you do not try to battle a Scarfed Landorus-T with this set, as it will outspend and OHKO you.

Any Additional Info: Adamant nature is superior to Jolly nature with this set, as the extra power is needed to OHKO most OU Pokemon. You're going to be at +2 with Tailwind anyway, so extra speed isn't needed. Assault Vest Azumarill does not wall this set. Fire/Dragon have great synergy with one another, and completely destroy the majority of the meta. This Mega Charizard X set has the ability to take on 95.45% of the OU meta (Yes, I did the math.) This is also a good Pokemon to completely wipe Mega Metagross from the battle, as any viable set is guaranteed to be OHKO'd with a single Flare Blitz.
Looks pretty good. I wouldn't slash Solar Power in the abilities just because there's never a good reason to use it. I'd also mention in the What It Does Section that you may not always need to use both Tailwind and Swords Dance. For example, against Stall you may not need to get a Tailwind off because of the generally low speed of a lot of Stall threats, and against Offence late game you may be able to get away with just Tail Wind if everything left on the opposing team is battered and weakened.
Looks pretty good. I wouldn't slash Solar Power in the abilities just because there's never a good reason to use it. I'd also mention in the What It Does Section that you may not always need to use both Tailwind and Swords Dance. For example, against Stall you may not need to get a Tailwind off because of the generally low speed of a lot of Stall threats, and against Offence late game you may be able to get away with just Tail Wind if everything left on the opposing team is battered and weakened.
Tbh I feel that it should be a bit more concrete than that, as you basically only use SD versus defensive teams and tailwind is your main priority versus offensive teams, but getting up an SD isn't too hard.
Double Dance Mega Charizard X


Charizard @ Charizardite X
Ability: Tough Claws
Nature: Adamant
EVs: 56 HP / 252 Atk / 200 Spe
- Flare Blitz
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Tailwind

- Swords Dance

Role: Physical Sweeper & Wall Breaker

What it Does: Mega Charizard X is a monstrously powerful physical sweeper as a Dragon Dancer, yet many people seem to over look the less used, but just as viable "Double Dance set." It's preferred to utilize this set AFTER the few threats to Mega Charizard X are cleared as getting both Tailwind and Swords Dance up is already mildly difficult, you don't want to have to set up all over again. You don't want to send this Pokemon out against a team that still has a healthy Azumarill or anything. However, when used correctly this set is perhaps one of the most rewarding of any set in OU. The EV spread allows Charizard to tank certain hits that would otherwise OHKO/2HKO. The Adamant nature allows Charizard to literally 2HKO any Pokemon residing in the OU S/A+ Viability Ranks at the very least. The fact that most of these Pokemon cannot OHKO or even 2HKO Mega Charizard X make it a difficult threat to take down. A +2 Atk Mega Charizard X guarantee OHKOs a standard Assault Vest Azumarill, which is a wall to most other Mega Charizard X sets. Use this set wisely and it is guaranteed to take out AT LEAST two of your opponents Pokemon, and if you're lucky, even their whole team. Mega Charizard X also has the ability to break through even the toughest of walls, and the fact that it cannot be burned makes it one of the best Pokemon to tackle Mega Sableye. In fact, whilst facing Stall teams you may not even need to get a Tailwind off due to them generally being much slower, albeit bulkier. If Mega Charizard X is sent out late game you may just need to get a Tailwind off if there isn't a fear of Charizard being OHKO'd and the team is weakened to the point where you can OHKO everything regardless of Swords Dance.

Good Teammates: Mega Charizard X loves a Choice Scarfed Excadrill to take care of Altaria and other troublesome fairies, and an added bonus is the fact that Excadrill can get rid of that pesky Stealth Rock. Excadrill's Earthquake also makes quick work of Heatran, which walls this Mega Charizard X set. Another fantastic teammate is a Healing Wish Latias, which will allow Mega Charizard X to set up and sweep yet again, decimating the enemy team. LO Earthquake Latios is also a great teammate, as it can potentially lure Heatran out, only to obliterate it with a single Earthquake.

What Counters it: Heatran is a big problem for this set as it is immune to one of your STABs and resists the other, meaning you'll need a Pokemon with a powerful Earthquake on your team. Mega Altaria also walls this set, and a strong offensive Steel type can help minimize this threat. It is advised you do not try to battle a Scarfed Landorus-T with this set, as it will outspend and OHKO you.

Any Additional Info: Adamant nature is superior to Jolly nature with this set, as the extra power is needed to OHKO most OU Pokemon. You're going to be at +2 with Tailwind anyway, so extra speed isn't needed. Assault Vest Azumarill does not wall this set. Fire/Dragon have great synergy with one another, and completely destroy the majority of the meta. This Mega Charizard X set has the ability to take on 95.45% of the OU meta (Yes, I did the math.) This is also a good Pokemon to completely wipe Mega Metagross from the battle, as any viable set is guaranteed to be OHKO'd with a single Flare Blitz.
I like that our sets have a lot in common, but for different reasons.
I like that our sets have a lot in common, but for different reasons.
Yeah it's unique as it can pull off a variety of sets and each one is used in a different way, but accomplishes the same overall goal; destroy much of the opposing team. It's why Mega Charizard X is one of the greatest OU Pokemon.
DONE, and added some short points to make it easier to read.


Sharpedo @ Sharpedoite
Ability: Speed Boost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Crunch
- Waterfall / Hydro Pump
- Ice Fang / Poison Jab / Poison Fang

Physical Sweeper / Late Game Sweer

What It Does:
-Looks absolutely stupid and uncreative
-Incredible Crunch power
-Great dual stabs
-Decent coverage
-Outspeeds a lot with Speed Boost
-Looses Speed Boost apon mega
-Some what frail
-Medicore stats
-Arguably not worth a mega slot since Life Orb Sharpedo hits harder and doesn't need mega

Mega Sharpedo is arguably not worth your Mega Slot. Life Orb Sharpedo hits harder and keeps Speed Boost. Upon Mega Evolving, Sharpedo looses its great ability of Speed Boost. This makes it hard to sweep if the opponent can forces you out, and you loose your +1 speed and can't replace it. It gains Strong Jaw as the substitute, which gives it one of, if not the strongest, STAB Crunches in the game. It's dual STABS are pretty good, being resisted by only a few typings. It has all the coverage it could want with Waterfall / Crunch / Poison Jab. It's stats are pretty mediocre as a Mega Evolution, but it gains a lot more defense after the Mega Evolution, making it harder to KO. Sharpedo also has no way to recover health or cure status conditions, making it very easy to wear down through out the battle. Sharpedo needs a lot of team support to be anywhere near effective. If Sharpedo has the right team support and a competent player can play him right, it's easy to get sweeps across the ladder.

Good Teammates:
-Entry hazard users
-Spin blockers

Team mates who can take care of entry hazards help immensely. Sharpedo hates switching in to Spikes and Stealth Rocks. Spin blockers like Gengar can prevent hazards for being layed in the first place. Sharpedo also appreciates a cleric, since, once again, it has no way to recover health or heal status. Magnezone works to trap Skarmory and Ferrothorn, two of its best counters. Sharpedo also appreciated the use of fast priority like Talonflame, since it is more vulnerable to priority than anything else.

What Counters It:
-SpD Skarmory

Specially Defensive Skarmory walls Sharpedo to hell and back, since even Hydro Pump will not be doing much. Ferrothorn also walls Sharpedo and can wear it down with the combination of Rocky Helmet and Iron Barbs. Pretty much anything that can tank a single hit and retaliate with a strong attack will make Sharpedo fall.

Any Additional Info:
Still looks stupid
252+ Atk Life Orb Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 351-416 (86.8 - 102.9%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 456-536 (112.8 - 132.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Just wanted to change some things about your post here, as mega sharpedo does in fact hit harder than LO sharpedo with crunch. I know that is just with one move, but that is the only move that matters because that is his main move, the only time he would use anything else is if he wanted to hit something SE with his other moves. So I dont think it is quite fair to say that sharpedo with LO hits harder because while it is true in some cases, it isnt true most of the time.

In the teammates section I would argue that he doesnt need a cleric on his team because he is a late game cleaner, typically he only comes in to sweep. You also say its easy to wear him down, but again he is a late game cleaner by definition. He shouldnt be used until it is time for him to clean the late game.

I will say that sharpedo does need ALOT of team support, but he doesnt need roles filled like cleric/mixed wall/etc... he needs lures to take out mons that threaten him a good partner would be something like aerial ace/psycho cut bisharp because the two best mons that handle sharpedo are keldeo and chesnaught and they both take a hefty chunk from bisharp with that lure set. Luring his counters out is a much more effective way to teambuild. He does appreciate good hazard control thoughout the match as with rocks up the 2 counters you mentioned are not counters at all.

Here are some calcs that show that while they may be able to switchin once, they can not be considered reliable counters throughout a match:
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 16+ Def Skarmory: 153-181 (45.8 - 54.1%) -- 96.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 129-153 (38.6 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 88+ Def Ferrothorn: 153-181 (43.4 - 51.4%) -- 8.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Also keep in mind that their is a def drop chance from crunch making these even shakier counters, and skarmory can do nothing back to sharpedo except roost stall waiting for the def drop. I would argue that the only real counter to sharpedo is chesnaught as he can even take ice fangs with ease. Keldeo is another good answer although she is not as reliable as chesnaught. So yeah maybe change the list of counters to either just chesnaught, or you could change it to a list of checks that way skarm ferro and keldeo could easily join that group. I would say keldeo and azumaril are counters but he really has some freedom with his final slot and could run poison jab or zen headbutt to handle each of them respectively. I dont think zen heabutt is a good move on him, but I just think its worth noting that basically his only true counter is chesnaught while he has several other shakier counters like azu, keldeo, ferro, skarm, alomomola.

But yeah I think you mentioning constantly that LO sharpedo is much better is just not true and unfair to mega sharpedo. Mega sharpedo is able to take an extremespeed from dragonite and then knock it out in return and he isnt constantly getting worn down by LO recoil which would stop his sweep especially if there was priority users. He is also much better against stall, because like I said mega sharpedo does hit harder than Lo sharpedo, and he isnt getting worn down by LO recoil, which against stall is basically suicide. This is a great mega and definitely has a worthy place in OU as countering him is damn near impossible and while he does need a substantial amount of team support, which is holding him down in the viability rankings, he is a monster that cant be switched into and has the ability to outspeed the entire metagame at no risk to hisself as he can safely gather speedboosts with protect, like he could come in force a switch and then protect the second turn to be at a crispy +2 speed.

But yeah if there are any mistakes I made please dont hesitate to point them out, im just trying to help give an honest overview sharpedo. I know it may seem like I am a fanboy but I have just really seen him put in a lot of work, hes helped me climb the ladder many times and win small tournies. He earned my respect through his actions not his looks(because lets be honest he looks kinda retarded :P)
252+ Atk Life Orb Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 351-416 (86.8 - 102.9%) -- 18.8% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Mew: 456-536 (112.8 - 132.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Just wanted to change some things about your post here, as mega sharpedo does in fact hit harder than LO sharpedo with crunch. I know that is just with one move, but that is the only move that matters because that is his main move, the only time he would use anything else is if he wanted to hit something SE with his other moves. So I dont think it is quite fair to say that sharpedo with LO hits harder because while it is true in some cases, it isnt true most of the time.

In the teammates section I would argue that he doesnt need a cleric on his team because he is a late game cleaner, typically he only comes in to sweep. You also say its easy to wear him down, but again he is a late game cleaner by definition. He shouldnt be used until it is time for him to clean the late game.

I will say that sharpedo does need ALOT of team support, but he doesnt need roles filled like cleric/mixed wall/etc... he needs lures to take out mons that threaten him a good partner would be something like aerial ace/psycho cut bisharp because the two best mons that handle sharpedo are keldeo and chesnaught and they both take a hefty chunk from bisharp with that lure set. Luring his counters out is a much more effective way to teambuild. He does appreciate good hazard control thoughout the match as with rocks up the 2 counters you mentioned are not counters at all.

Here are some calcs that show that while they may be able to switchin once, they can not be considered reliable counters throughout a match:
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 16+ Def Skarmory: 153-181 (45.8 - 54.1%) -- 96.9% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 129-153 (38.6 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Strong Jaw Sharpedo Crunch vs. 252 HP / 88+ Def Ferrothorn: 153-181 (43.4 - 51.4%) -- 8.2% chance to 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

Also keep in mind that their is a def drop chance from crunch making these even shakier counters, and skarmory can do nothing back to sharpedo except roost stall waiting for the def drop. I would argue that the only real counter to sharpedo is chesnaught as he can even take ice fangs with ease. Keldeo is another good answer although she is not as reliable as chesnaught. So yeah maybe change the list of counters to either just chesnaught, or you could change it to a list of checks that way skarm ferro and keldeo could easily join that group. I would say keldeo and azumaril are counters but he really has some freedom with his final slot and could run poison jab or zen headbutt to handle each of them respectively. I dont think zen heabutt is a good move on him, but I just think its worth noting that basically his only true counter is chesnaught while he has several other shakier counters like azu, keldeo, ferro, skarm, alomomola.

But yeah I think you mentioning constantly that LO sharpedo is much better is just not true and unfair to mega sharpedo. Mega sharpedo is able to take an extremespeed from dragonite and then knock it out in return and he isnt constantly getting worn down by LO recoil which would stop his sweep especially if there was priority users. He is also much better against stall, because like I said mega sharpedo does hit harder than Lo sharpedo, and he isnt getting worn down by LO recoil, which against stall is basically suicide. This is a great mega and definitely has a worthy place in OU as countering him is damn near impossible and while he does need a substantial amount of team support, which is holding him down in the viability rankings, he is a monster that cant be switched into and has the ability to outspeed the entire metagame at no risk to hisself as he can safely gather speedboosts with protect, like he could come in force a switch and then protect the second turn to be at a crispy +2 speed.

But yeah if there are any mistakes I made please dont hesitate to point them out, im just trying to help give an honest overview sharpedo. I know it may seem like I am a fanboy but I have just really seen him put in a lot of work, hes helped me climb the ladder many times and win small tournies. He earned my respect through his actions not his looks(because lets be honest he looks kinda retarded :P)
Oops! I meant to say 'in some cases' it hits harder, mainly just with Waterfall. That one was my bad!
However, the reason I say LO Sharp is usually better is, you have to think of this: Would you rather you use a Mega Sharpedo and get nearly the same effect, or do you want to use regular Sharpedo AND a Mega? The competition for a Mega Slot are very tight now a days, and Sharpedo's medicore stats even as a mega make it hard to use properly.
I should have made that a little bit more clear, sorry, it was a little late at night.
Thank you for all the advice, I appreciate that. I'll make sure to add Chesnaught as a counter.

Tyranitar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive / Rash Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast / Thunderbolt / Superpower

Role: Hazard User, Lure

What It Does: Thanks to its Focus Sash and great coverage, this Tyranitar variant excels against balanced and offensive teams.Tyranitar has a deceptively wide movepool and has the tools and the stats to pull off a Focus Sash Lead variant. The premise is simple : lay down Stealth Rock and nab a few KOs here and there with it's surprise moves. For example, Ice Beam is great for KOing Landorus-T and Garchomp, common switch ins on Tyranitar while Fire Blast can KO Skarmory and Ferrothorn easily while Thunderbolt provides Tyranitar with a similar means of handling Skarmory but also has the added benefit of being able to hit Water-types super effectively. Superpower can be thrown into the mix so that Tyranitar can deal with Pokemon such as Terrakion and other Tyranitar.

Good Teammates: Pokemon that enjoy the surprise KOs that Tyranitar can grab make good teammates. For example, Swords Dance Diggersby synergizes well with Tyranitar because of its ability to KO Diggersby's counters and checks. It also appreciates the Stealth Rock support from Tyranitar as well. Generally speaking, Pokemon that enjoy the removal of threats such as Landorus-T, Gliscor, Ferrothorn, Latios, Gengar, Terrakion, Tyranitar and Breloom pair up well with Sash Tyranitar.

What Counters It: Keldeo can take any hit from this Tyranitar variant, bar Thunderbolt, and retaliate with a super effective Secret Sword. Greninja resists all of Tyranitar's moves, bar Superpower, and can KO with either Low Kick or Hydro Pump. Mega Venusaur has no issues with any of Tyranitar's moves and can KO with Giga Drain, while Mega Altaria's massive bulk allows Tyranitar to become setup fodder in some cases. Calm Mind Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye fall into a similar category as well.

Any Additional Info: The EV Spread can altered so that Tyranitar opts for more Attack investment. This way, Crunch and Superpower can hit harder against certain Pokemon.

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Working on Swords Dance Breloom
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Tyranitar @ Focus Sash
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive / Rash Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Crunch
- Ice Beam
- Fire Blast / Superpower

Role: Hazard User, Lure

What It Does: Thanks to its Focus Sash and great coverage, this Tyranitar variant excels against balanced and offensive teams.Tyranitar has a deceptively wide movepool and has the tools and the stats to pull off a Focus Sash Lead variant. The premise is simple : lay down Stealth Rock and nab a few KOs here and there with it's surprise moves. For example, Ice Beam is great for KOing Landorus-T and Garchomp, common switch ins on Tyranitar while Fire Blast can KO Skarmory and Ferrothorn easily. Superpower can be thrown into the mix so that Tyranitar can deal with Pokemon such as Terrakion and other Tyranitar.

Good Teammates: Pokemon that enjoy the surprise KOs that Tyranitar can grab make good teammates. For example, Swords Dance Diggersby synergizes well with Tyranitar because of its ability to KO Diggersby's counters and checks. It also appreciates the Stealth Rock support from Tyranitar as well. Generally speaking, Pokemon that enjoy the removal of threats such as Landorus-T, Gliscor, Ferrothorn, Latios, Gengar, Terrakion, Tyranitar and Breloom pair up well with Sash Tyranitar.

What Counters It: Keldeo can take any hit from this Tyranitar variant and retaliate with a super effective Secret Sword. Greninja resists all of Tyranitar's moves, bar Superpower, and can KO with either Low Kick or Hydro Pump. Mega Venusaur has no issues with any of Tyranitar's moves and can KO with Giga Drain, while Mega Altaria's massive bulk allows Tyranitar to become setup fodder in some cases. Calm Mind Mega Slowbro and Mega Sableye fall into a similar category as well.

Any Additional Info: The EV Spread can altered so that Tyranitar opts for more Attack investment. This way, Crunch and Superpower can hit harder against certain Pokemon.

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Working on Swords Dance Breloom
You should slash thunderbolt after fire blast to lure incoming skarmory and other waters that normally come in on tartar.
252 SpA Tyranitar Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Skarmory: 212-250 (63.4 - 74.8%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Tyranitar Thunderbolt vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Gyarados: 228-272 (58 - 69.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage and Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Tyranitar Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 4 SpD Keldeo: 172-204 (53.2 - 63.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after sandstorm damage
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