Multi Gen The Next Best Thing - Ubers Edition

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you deserve so much more than this
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Approved by Sweep, Concept ~kind of~ stolen from LightningLuxray who allegedly stole it from Mazz
Shaian give me art sometime within the next decade or so

The Next Best Thing

I think that most of us have made an original set at some point in our competitive Pokemon careers. It's common practice for newer players to create new sets before someone refers them to Smogon, and certainly it's even common in high levels of play, such as SPL, where players will design new and interesting sets custom-made to beat their opponent for a designated week on a pretty regular basis. We might remember Hidden Power Fire Mega Gengar from last SPL, or Double Team Gothitelle from last Ubers Open. Creative and inspired sets like these, though they might be scoffed at and may even be deemed outright unviable by certain people at certain points in time, help shape the metagame. But these sets often don't get the exposure they deserve; they aren't always featured on analyses, and many sit in players' teambuilders for generations, only very occasionally seeing the light of day in archives or the rare "past generation" tournament settings. These sets deserve more love, which is why I created this thread.

So here's how it'll work. Each week, I'll nominate a Pokemon from any given generation (but with an emphasis on generations 4-6 because I don't know enough about earlier gens to tell what might make an interesting choice; if someone could shoot me ideas on PS!, IRC, or Smogon, that would be wonderful) and our wonderful community will post creative or interesting sets for it. The sets can't be featured in main slashes of any analyses of the Pokemon picked, even if they're only in the process of being put on-site. I'd prefer if you'd make the sets yourself, but I guess you can post things from AC/OO if you feel like they don't get enough exposure. If you feel that you're the original creator of a set that's put in an analysis/being put in an analysis and want to make a case for it here then, by all means, go ahead. Participants will be given five days to post sets, with discussion on them heavily encouraged throughout, and on the 6th and 7th day in a 7-day time period, we will all vote on whatever sets we like the most. Factors to keep in mind when voting are creativity, effectiveness, and splashability on a team (Splashability essentially means this: if someone nominates, say, Protect Heatran for BW, we'll know that it can't be slotted on an archetype like offense but that it has a niche on a decent number of balanced teams and is therefore splashable on a decent number of balanced teams). Once the votes are tallied and a winner is determined, we'll start on the eighth day with a new Pokemon and the process repeats. Bear in mind that consistently winning or posting well might certainly contribute to the acquisition of a reward down the road.

Now, please don't post outright gimmicks or attempt to troll in this thread. If I nominate Deoxys-A, for instance, I don't want anyone posting a set like Cosmic Power. It's not funny and it derails discussion of sets with legitimate niches. I don't mean to scare newer players out of posting, but please use common sense; if the set only has a niche on your one very specific team and probably won't find one on another team, please don't post it. And it's important to remember that there's a fine line between "creative" and "gimmicky"; I want to encourage the posting of creative, outside-the-box sets, not crazy lures that only handle an uncommon Pokemon some of the time or something random and useless like Wacan Berry Ho-Oh. To quote the original OP: "I am looking for sets that test what we think we know about checks or counters, so-called standards, and what it means to be viable. Maybe a particular option for a Pokemon looks inferior at first glance for that particular Pokemon, but dig deeper and try and find what it might mean in the big picture, for the entire team."

This week's Pokemon is:

ORAS Latias

Credit to whoever drew this and posted it on deviantart ^_^
Past weeks-

Latios (M) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe [Outspeeds max speed Palkia, but you can tailor it to your team]
Timid Nature
- Tailwind
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock / Defog / Roost / Filler
- Defog / Roost

Running Tailwind on Latios enables both it and other members of its team to outrun threats that would otherwise outspeed and potentially be a problem; Notable examples include Gengar-Mega, Salamence-Mega, and Scarf Zekrom, all of which would be able to put Latios in a bad position otherwise. Latios is great for this role because its natural special bulk and great defensive typing allow it to find opportunities to switch in, and once it's in it can find spare turns by exploiting its tremendous offensive presence. This set works best on bulky offense, especially in conjunction with slower nukes like Tank Ho-oh, Spec/Primal Kyogre, and MixQuaza. Where HO would normally be able to pressure you by outspeeding and threatening with powerful attacks, Tailwind enables your bulky offensive team to take them on with increased ease.

Tailwind Giratina-O
This Giratina-o set is just something i thought could be interesting and fun to try.

Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Shadow Sneak
- Tailwind
- Destiny Bond

The main focus of this set is for Giro to support the team and itself with Tailwind, with the added speed Destiny Bond can be an interesting and effective move to use, the other two moves are just dual stab, the speed EVs allow Giro to outspeed Timid/Jolly Base 100 scarfers, the attack is maxed for the best possible damage output and the rest is put into HP for extra bulk, (ik there are 4 EVs missing because as Problems said they can be added to Def or Spdef depending on what your team doesn't want Genesect gaining a Download boost)
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Tailwind Latios

Latios (M) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe [Outspeeds max speed Palkia, but you can tailor it to your team]
Timid Nature
- Tailwind
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock / Defog / Roost / Filler
- Defog / Roost

Running Tailwind on Latios enables both it and other members of its team to outrun threats that would otherwise outspeed and potentially be a problem; Notable examples include Gengar-Mega, Salamence-Mega, and Scarf Zekrom, all of which would be able to put Latios in a bad position otherwise. Latios is great for this role because its natural special bulk and great defensive typing allow it to find opportunities to switch in, and once it's in it can find spare turns by exploiting its tremendous offensive presence. This set works best on bulky offense, especially in conjunction with slower nukes like Tank Ho-oh, Spec/Primal Kyogre, and MixQuaza. Where HO would normally be able to pressure you by outspeeding and threatening with powerful attacks, Tailwind enables your bulky offensive team to take them on with increased ease.

Also inb4 Psych Up to take on CM Kyogre-Primal lol
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What's the point of using naive, you're not even using physical attacks 9.9

useless like Wacan Berry Ho-Oh

sigh my ideas are unappreciated in their time
Why would you do latios when you could have done latias which gets a super cool movepool? Oh well, I'll edit in a weird set tomorrow morning and hope not to get sniped.

Latios Pretending to be Wobbuffet
Whirlpool Memento Latios

Latios (M) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 80 HP / 252 SpA / 176 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Memento
- Whirlpool

Okay, this set is a little bit borderline gimmicky but I really couldn't think of that much cool stuff for Latios. Latias gets a lot of really cool moves, but I wanted to make sure that the set was specific to Latios, hence Memento. I was looking through Latios's moves and found Whirlpool, which I thought could work with that in a set unique to Latios, by allowing it to facilitate a sweep. The only other pokemon with access to Memento+Whirlpool are Shellos, Gastrodon, and Smeargle.

So the idea is, you use Whirlpool on a check or counter that Latios draws out. If it has Pursuit, you click Memento and your opponent has a -2 trapped bulky mon which you can set up on with Salamence, Primal Groudon, etc. If it lacks pursuit, you could either Memento or simply switch out to something that kills the threat in front of you, or Memento. Since you still have regular offensive moves in Draco Meteor and Psyshock, the first option can easily remove Latios's check on the opposing team allowing for Latios to wreak havoc.

In terms of a niche over Wobbuffet, Latios actually can do damage itself, so it is less matchup based, and Latios gives more free turns by virtue of Whirlpool lasting after the user switches.

Yeah so that's that, I actually haven't really tried it but in theory it seems kind of cool at least.
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The next best thing to latios is latias.... Or rather vice versa as I think Latias can fill into much more teams due to its superior bulk.
The next best thing to latios is latias.... Or rather vice versa as I think Latias can fill into much more teams due to its superior bulk.
care to explain what you meant? we expect sets that're unexplored yet good for the mentioned pokemon(Latios in this case), which i don't see a trace of in your post, so i dunno what you meant
The problem with Latios is that it only has 1 slot open, and none of its other moves, besides Tailwind, function very well on there own. All of its viable movesets besides Tailwind are mentioned elsewhere so I will have to go with jackm's submission. It is the only other option that truely makes sense on Latios that isn't outdone by his sister (or another mon) and is a 1 slot wonder.

Edit: I highly suggest that he change the set to no slash Psyshock and Roost / Defog last slot though.
Now you made me feel bad for being mean, so here you go

Latios (M) @ Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Psyshock
- Calm Mind
- Substitute

Sets up on Lava Plume Primal Groudon, and deftly avoids wisp Arceus's status, you can also Substitute on Sucker Punches and predicted sacrifices.
Only problem here is that the first paragraph of the OP sums up why this thread didnt pick up. SPL is right around the corner and many of our high level players are gonna be keeping their ideas to be successful, which sucks for those not playing in the tournament as many creative things (again, refer to 1st paragraph in the OP) will be held back until we see them with our own eyes but thats SPL for you, cant complain. Analyses are also not written yet so most sound ideas are still being implemented into there, meaning twists on "standard" sets arent really possible at the moment. The thread idea is sound, the timing is whats holding it back. Personally i dont have any viable ideas so i cant contribute, but thats my thoughts.
Well if I can still post a set, Dual Screens Latios is pretty cool.

Latios @ Light Clay / Soul Dew
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe / 4 Def
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Draco Meteor
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Memento

This set is pretty interesting in OU so I figured it might have some use in Ubers as well. It might seem like its outclassed by Deoxys-Speed, but Memento is enough of a reason to use this set instead. The idea is to set up screens (not necessarily turn 1, btw), then use memento to force a switch from the opponent and provide setup for another Pokemon such as Mega Salamence, Primal Groudon, Primal Kyogre, CM or SD Arceus formes, and other setup sweepers. The choice between Soul Dew for extra power and Light Clay for screens longevity is dependent on what you think the team needs more. I prefer Soul Dew, since you will almost always provide a setup opportunity regardless of Light Clay due to Memento pretty much always forcing a switch. Draco Meteor can be used as a good Wall Breaking move as well, making it even easier for you to sweep. This obviously isn't the best set, but it's a cool one nonetheless.
Only problem here is that the first paragraph of the OP sums up why this thread didnt pick up. SPL is right around the corner and many of our high level players are gonna be keeping their ideas to be successful, which sucks for those not playing in the tournament as many creative things (again, refer to 1st paragraph in the OP) will be held back until we see them with our own eyes but thats SPL for you, cant complain. Analyses are also not written yet so most sound ideas are still being implemented into there, meaning twists on "standard" sets arent really possible at the moment. The thread idea is sound, the timing is whats holding it back. Personally i dont have any viable ideas so i cant contribute, but thats my thoughts.
The thread's not a week old yet, it's way too soon to make any judgment as to whether it's being "held back" in the long run or not. I included old gens particularly because of SPL, and rest assured that we'll be doing a lot of them in the future and I expect people to post more as there's very little to be gained competitively from keeping sets from BW, DPP, or any other "old gen" to yourself. The fact that there's very few analyses out right now actually helps the project more than harming it; it lets us get away with posting cool things that might be in an analysis in the future but aren't currently, like Roar Latios (I'm surprised nobody mentioned this).
The problem with Latios is that it only has 1 slot open, and none of its other moves, besides Tailwind, function very well on there own. All of its viable movesets besides Tailwind are mentioned elsewhere...
I chose a "linear" option like Latios for the first Pokemon because I wanted to see just how creative people were willing to get for this. The analysis wasn't even finished (it still technically isn't) when I started this topic so there were a few interesting things people could have posted but didn't for whatever reason. There should be a few more options for the next one, assuming you're familiar with the gen.

Anyone can vote on anything that's been posted thus far (and I'll still accept submissions) until tomorrow night, when I'll announce the next Pokemon after counting up votes.
I am voting for Pistolero's submission, i have always been a fan of Calm Mind Latios and his set only gives me a new fun move to play with that i see can work out (Substitute) :].
Alright, with pistolero having 3 votes and jackm having 4, jackm is this week's winner. Congrats! Our next Pokemon is BW Giratina-O. Feel free to suggest sets that might be unconventional, as I know it has a pretty versatile movepool and the analysis is outdated. In terms of spreads, I know several users have several different preferences and there isn't anything really standard on it, so posting interesting EVs is cool too. Have fun oo
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The Gira-O set I use on rain obviously tail and switch for EQ, best set in BW for Gira-O and honestly my favorite type of set in BW which was invented by Kyle years ago when he slapped Donkey, innovation at its finest. Best abuse of spikes stack.

Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Substitute
- Dragon Tail
- Aqua Tail
- Shadow Sneak

edit: can add 1 ev to specd or def depending on what your team doesnt want genesect gaining in +1

coz im a fren and bumped ur thread
This Giratina-o set is just something i thought could be interesting and fun to try.

Giratina-Origin @ Griseous Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 128 HP / 252 Atk / 124 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Claw / Outrage
- Shadow Sneak
- Tailwind
- Destiny Bond

The main focus of this set is for Giro to support the team and itself with Tailwind, with the added speed Destiny Bond can be an interesting and effective move to use, the other two moves are just dual stab, the speed EVs allow Giro to outspeed Timid/Jolly Base 100 scarfers, the attack is maxed for the best possible damage output and the rest is put into HP for extra bulk, (ik there are 4 EVs missing because as Problems said they can be added to Def or Spdef depending on what your team doesn't want Genesect gaining a Download boost). (come back steel n_N)
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