Most Generation PRNG Help / Information

are there any events that doesn't go through bank? like happy birthday charmander (quick attack), shiny beasts, genesect, hurricane mewtwo or my oak's letter shaymin.

then, i found an even spread with wondercard ivs, but since i start with frame 1, if I flip the journal pages, i can get just odd frame.. how can i get a +1 frame? chatot method work on doopt?
Pretty sure the 4th gen fly Pikachu event doesn't get through.
are there any events that doesn't go through bank? like happy birthday charmander (quick attack), shiny beasts, genesect, hurricane mewtwo or my oak's letter shaymin.

then, i found an even spread with wondercard ivs, but since i start with frame 1, if I flip the journal pages, i can get just odd frame.. how can i get a +1 frame? chatot method work on doopt?
Only Azure Flute Arceus doesn't get through. And yes Chatot works on DPPt.
And shiny jirachi(think it was wishmaker jirachi that could be shiny, not sure) iirc
I've only ever rnged in 3rd gen, so I understand the basics, but am running into trouble trying to rng for a specific id/sid in heartgold. I can't open pandora's box at all in rng reporter, it tells me I have to create a profile first. I don't understand about half of the things its asking for in the profile creation screen, and it's also asking for my id and sid, which I don't have yet, because I am trying to rng for them. Why is it doing this?
I've only ever rnged in 3rd gen, so I understand the basics, but am running into trouble trying to rng for a specific id/sid in heartgold. I can't open pandora's box at all in rng reporter, it tells me I have to create a profile first. I don't understand about half of the things its asking for in the profile creation screen, and it's also asking for my id and sid, which I don't have yet, because I am trying to rng for them. Why is it doing this?
I'm not sure about this one, would it be possible for you to get an older rng reporter by any chance? Also, the profile only arrived during gen 5 since it makes things easier for people, I still don't know why it was carried out on gen 4.
Hi guys, it's been a very long time since I've been on these forums so correct me if I'm posting in the wrong thread.

Anyway, I wanted to check the encounter slots for these shiny spreads I have but the site egg move will not show them to me. Any ideas on how I can find out the information I want?

I'm wanting to see if I can catch a shiny Dratini or Dragonair at Soul Silver's Safari Zone with the Naive spread.

PID: 7FADBA8A (Naive, ability 0) 29/30/31/31/29/31 (Seed: BC150258, Delay: 600, Method 1: 1753, K (synch): 1612, K (no synch): 1618) HP Dragon 49
PID: FFAD3A8A (Rash, ability 0) 29/30/31/31/29/31 (Seed: 3C150258, Delay: 600, Method 1: 1753, K (synch): 1660, K (no synch): 1734) HP Dragon 49

EDIT: Cheers Buckert, you're a legend :) . Thought all hope for previous gen wild pokemon RNG abuse was gone hahahaha :P
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Hi guys, it's been a very long time since I've been on these forums so correct me if I'm posting in the wrong thread.

Anyway, I wanted to check the encounter slots for these shiny spreads I have but the site egg move will not show them to me. Any ideas on how I can find out the information I want?

I'm wanting to see if I can catch a shiny Dratini or Dragonair at Soul Silver's Safari Zone with the Naive spread.

PID: 7FADBA8A (Naive, ability 0) 29/30/31/31/29/31 (Seed: BC150258, Delay: 600, Method 1: 1753, K (synch): 1612, K (no synch): 1618) HP Dragon 49
PID: FFAD3A8A (Rash, ability 0) 29/30/31/31/29/31 (Seed: 3C150258, Delay: 600, Method 1: 1753, K (synch): 1660, K (no synch): 1734) HP Dragon 49
Try this link. Good to see you back here. :)
Am I crazy if I attempt to hit a delay of 18,000? Are there any problem with it other than every try is gonna take a long time?

Cause I want to ID/SID abuse a new shiny spread on my SS but couldn't find any that matched my current SS ID, but I did find one that gave me my HG ID. So I figured I could RNG that, and then when I've RNGd all legends on HG I just RNG my old SS ID (with or without a nice shiny spread) on it and make my way til the name rater so I can nickname all my HGSS legends later..
What kind of spread are you looking for? A delay of 18.000 makes you have to wait for 6 minutes.. How many frame advancements do you need to do with this seed?
Its ID/SID abuse so dont need to do any frame advancement, just try to hit the seed! But the shiny spread I'm trying to get is jolly/naughty 31/30/30/31/31/31, but that one should only have a delay of around 1000 :)
Version: Heart Gold
Pokemon: Kyogre (stationary)
Initial seed search
Intended Nature: Modest, IV: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Target Seed: DD000242 2014-11-28 21.31.15.png?dl=0
as shown, the initial delay is set at 560
Irwin response: KEKPPPEK
search indicates that the seed is DD00023E and delay is 556. This result and Irwin response is repeatable.

Since intended frame was 22 and all 3 roamers were up. I need to advance frames 18 times, so i called Irwin 18 times. The Kygore received was Modest (with synchronizer) with the following IV spread

I have also used the roamer check but have not been able to get a single result using it. I do have all 3 boxed checked.
If you need more information from me, please just let me know. Thank you.
Did you check if all 18 calls were right? And have you checked where your obtained seed showed up?

Sorry about the late reply.
I checked and 17 calls were correct, after the 17th call it starts wrapping around

The seed I wanted to show up was DD000242 and I am getting anywhere between DD000243 and DD000245 based on the calls I have received.
Sorry about the late reply.
I checked and 17 calls were correct, after the 17th call it starts wrapping around

The seed I wanted to show up was DD000242 and I am getting anywhere between DD000243 and DD000245 based on the calls I have received.
You're hitting the odd delays, when you need to be hitting the even ones. There's a couple of ways to quickly rectify this (keeping everything else exactly as you're doing it);
  • Change the year on your DS by ±1.
  • Insert a game into the GBA slot of the DS (if it's a DS with such functionality).
  • On the main menu (in-game, where the "Continue", etc. is), scroll down to the lower menu, and then back up to "Continue" before pressing [A] (still at the appropriate time)*.
* Checking the seed you're going for, the delay is too low for this to be viable, however just noting it for future reference.
You're hitting the odd delays, when you need to be hitting the even ones. There's a couple of ways to quickly rectify this (keeping everything else exactly as you're doing it);
  • Change the year on your DS by ±1.
  • Insert a game into the GBA slot of the DS (if it's a DS with such functionality).
  • On the main menu (in-game, where the "Continue", etc. is), scroll down to the lower menu, and then back up to "Continue" before pressing [A] (still at the appropriate time)*.
* Checking the seed you're going for, the delay is too low for this to be viable, however just noting it for future reference.

Thanks for the quick reply. Just want to confirm one thing.
If I change the DS year, do I need to change the year on the initial "year" window in seed to time window? You mention to keep everything else the same but I just want to make sure whether I should or should not change all other places where "year" is applicable. Thanks
Thanks for the quick reply. Just want to confirm one thing.
If I change the DS year, do I need to change the year on the initial "year" window in seed to time window? You mention to keep everything else the same but I just want to make sure whether I should or should not change all other places where "year" is applicable. Thanks
You can do, but since you're hitting very close results anyways, it'll give the same time/date, etc. that you're already using.
As long as you're still able to confirm you hit the appropriate seed (you have a list of calls for the desired seed) it's not a problem either way.
You can do, but since you're hitting very close results anyways, it'll give the same time/date, etc. that you're already using.
As long as you're still able to confirm you hit the appropriate seed (you have a list of calls for the desired seed) it's not a problem either way.

Thank you for your help. This has successfully worked this time. Just to double check that I didn't land on blind luck
My intended frame was 22, I called Irwin 18 times, and since i have all 3 Roamers up I needed to advance by 3 frames, so 22-18-3=1= good.

Now to get soul silver and actually get a Groudon....

After swapping over to searching for Adamant, I realized that there is actually no seed in the game that allows me to get a perfect IV spread (all 31) while getting Adamant even with a Synchronizer, and that the list of seeds is predominantly Modest/Calm/Timid if I am going for a perfect IV spread. While I know this isn't necessary since I am not going for a mixed attacker, I can't help but wonder if this is normal?
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After swapping over to searching for Adamant, I realized that there is actually no seed in the game that allows me to get a perfect IV spread (all 31) while getting Adamant even with a Synchronizer, and that the list of seeds is predominantly Modest/Calm/Timid if I am going for a perfect IV spread. While I know this isn't necessary since I am not going for a mixed attacker, I can't help but wonder if this is normal?

Yes it's normal. Gen III-IV PID spreads are a bit more restricted than Gen V-VI
I was trying to breed again on my plat cart but when going for shininess I've hit my seed 3 times now and not only the egg doesn't come shiny, it has the wrong nature. I've chosen a seed without additional flips because fuck that (0 flips) and checked off on the happiness app. Do you have to do frame advances too? I don't know what's wrong. I've checked my seed and the two natures I've gotten are a frame off from my shiny one. Dunno how that is even controllable since i have to bike for egg generation anyways (252 times X = frame advancements?)

Any help?