Do you feel like you're not skillful enough? Do your friends make fun of you for just how lacking in skill you are? Do you have a small penis? Well, worry not, because I, Infamy, have a solution to your problem!


You see, for many moons now, I have been one of the most skilled Little Cup players in all the world, and I'm here to show how YOU, yes, you, O player who is less skilled than I, how you can be UNBELIEVABLY SKILLFUL just like me with just this ONE EASY TRICK! Without further ado, allow me to formally present the one, the only, most skillful strategy in ALL of Little Cup:



Yes, you heard that right. The secret to becoming one of the most skilled players of all time can be neatly summed up in but a single move, just two words, only ten characters- how could it be, you must be wondering. Well, unlike humans, who are notoriously bad at passing their batons[1][2], Pokemon can Baton Pass so skillfully that they never have to worry about dropping them. In fact, Pokemon are so good at executing this technique that the OverUsed tier has banned teams from having more than one Pokemon that knows this move. Luckily for you, young Padowan, the Little Cup tier has not (yet) banned Baton Pass, so you can use this ONE EASY TRICK to become vastly more skilled at Little Cup.

Let me tell you the story of how I discovered this ONE EASY TRICK and became spectacularly skilled at Little Cup. Once upon a time, I was an un-skilled player just like you. My friends always laughed at me because I was so terrible at Little Cup. I had a 3" penis. I was very depressed, and one day a troll on Pokemon Showdown! made fun of me for being such an awful player. So I began thinking, "How can I get better at this game? I am so woefully lacking in skill, why do I keep playing this game?" And I sat there, and I thought for a while. Then, it hit me- OU had banned Baton Pass, but Little Cup doesn't follow the OU banlist. "Aha!" I thought to myself. If Baton Pass was banned in a metagame where Taunt and phazing are relatively common, how much better would it function in a metagame where those are not nearly as common? Very well, it turned out, and thus my penis grew 7 inches in just two days!!! I discovered my ONE EASY TRICK to become hugely more skilled.


The following will be a detailed account of my discovery of this ONE EASY TRICK to become more skilled. It is a must-read for all those who wish to become as skilled as I.


I began with Togepi, because it got Stored Power, Nasty Plot, and Baton Pass.


I added Torchic because I knew speed boosts would be useful.


Mienfoo was added to the team so that I could beat Pawniard, as well as being a reliable Calm Mind passer.


I put Natu on the team because it had Magic Bounce and would be a good Pokemon to pass all the boosts to, with STAB Stored Power and Dazzling Gleam to hit Dark types.


Mime Jr. was added due to its immunity to Roar and moves that bypass Substitute, as well as serving as a Calm Mind and Barrier passer.


Shelmet was put on the team to reliably pass Acid Armors, as a secondary Dark type check, and to give the team some sort of protection from critical hits.




Natu was changed out for Munna, because Magic Bounce wasn't being very useful and Munna had superior stats both offensively and defensively, better typing, and also being able to continue the Baton Pass chain.



Togepi @ Eviolite
Ability: Super Luck
Level: 5
EVs: 76 HP / 236 Def / 156 SpD / 36 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stored Power
- Nasty Plot
- Baton Pass
- Dazzling Gleam

Summary: Togepi was the first member of this team. Its purpose is to get up a Nasty Plot or two and get a KO with Stored Power, then Baton Pass out into a different team member. It is not meant to be my main sweeper, but to weaken the opposing team with a surprise KO here and there- most people don't know that Togepi gets Stored Power.

Moves: Stored Power was what initially drew me to Togepi. I realized it would be a good place to start for a Baton Pass team, so I added Nasty Plot because that is one of Togepi's only viable niches. I then put Baton Pass on to let me escape Dark types like Pawniard. Dazzling Gleam lets me hit the Dark types immune to Stored Power.

Set Details: The HP EVs give me an odd HP number, which is important on a Baton Pass team because these Pokemon will often be coming in on hazards two or three times, meaning that odd numbers can really make a difference. 236 EVs in Defense let me hit 16 Defense before Eviolite, and 156 EVs in Special Defense and a Calm Nature do the same for Togepi's Special Defense. The remaining EVs go into Speed because I feel it is more important than Special Attack.


Torchic @ Berry Juice
Ability: Speed Boost
Level: 5
EVs: 76 Def / 196 SpD / 236 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Curse --> Will-O-Wisp

Summary: Torchic made the team because of its excellent niche in passing Speed to the rest of the team. It is my lead nine times out of ten, so that the team can immediately begin acquiring the Speed necessary for it to function properly. Torchic is probably one of, if not the most important Pokemon on this team, and the team would be very different were it not for this little chicken.

Moves: Protect lets me outspeed everything bar Scarfed leads like Mienfoo. Combined with Substitute, this usually means I will be able to get at least +4 in Speed, which is almost always enough. Baton Pass is, of course, integral to the entire theme of the team, while Curse allows it to boost its Defense and acquire two boosts each turn it is used. Curse is used because it boosts Defense, I don't have anything that benefits from the Attack boosts in and of themselves but they are useful for my two Stored Power users. Curse was switched out for Will-O-Wisp because it allowed me to cripple many of the physical attacking leads in the current metagame.

Set Details: The first thing I did was max out Torchic's Speed in order for it to be able to Substitute up on the majority of the metagame after only a +1 boost. The rest of the EVs went to the Defenses to allow it to take hits a little better.


Mienfoo @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 36 Def / 196 SpD / 236 Spe --> 116 Def / 196 SpD / 156 Spe
Timid Nature --> Impish Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Calm Mind --> Bulk Up
- Aura Sphere --> Drain Punch

Summary: Mienfoo was chosen due to the combination of it learning Calm Mind Bulk Up and Baton Pass, having an excellent ability for a Baton Pass team, and being able to beat Pawniard. Please note that this is the team's primary Pawniard check, and that if you do not keep it alive you will have a great deal of trouble with it.

Moves: Substitute is excellent in combination with Regenerator. Baton Pass and Calm Mind Bulk Up let me give the rest of the team boosts, while Aura Sphere Drain Punch lets me KO Pawniard and other Steel types, which can be quite a nuisance.

Set Details: 236 Speed EVs and a Timid Nature ensure that I reach maximum speed, while 36 Defense and 196 Special Defense EVs let me hit Eviolite numbers. I find that it's better to run Specially Defensive, because it lets Mienfoo Calm Mind more easily on special attackers. Mienfoo was given 116 Defense EVs and an Impish nature in order to let it hit 14 Defense; 196 Special Defense EVs do the same. The remaining EVs went to Speed, as always.


Munna @ Eviolite
Ability: Forewarn
Level: 5
EVs: 68 HP / 156 Def / 156 SpD / 84 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Baton Pass
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Dazzling Gleam / Moonlight

Summary: Munna replaced Natu on this team because Magic Bounce was not being very useful, and Munna is better than Natu in every manner except for its ability. Munna has very nice bulk, and passing into it is not the ultimatum that it was with Natu.

Moves: Baton Pass is, of course, obligatory. Calm Mind lets Munna pass bulk to the rest of the team, and Stored Power is extremely strong after just a few boosts. Dazzling Gleam can be used to hit Dark types, or Moonlight can be used to keep Munna healthy.

Set Details: 68 EVs in HP let Munna hit an odd HP number, which is, as always, very useful due to the inherent nature of Baton Pass teams. 156 Defense EVs and a Bold nature hit 14 Defense, an Eviolite number, while 156 Special Defense EVs do the same for Special Defense. The remaining EVs are put into Speed because that is the single most important stat in any tier in my opinion.


Mime Jr. @ Berry Juice
Ability: Soundproof
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 236 Def / 196 SpD / 36 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Barrier
- Substitute --> Encore
- Baton Pass
- Calm Mind

Summary: Mime Jr. is a very valuable member of this team, as it is the only one that can set up both Calm Minds and Barriers. It also blocks Roar and sound-based moves that bypass Substitute with its useful Soundproof ability.

Moves: Barrier and Calm Mind are both very useful for Mime Jr., as they allow it to set up on both physical and special threats. Substitute allows it to lower its HP to regain health from Berry Juice, while also not being bypassed by sound-based moves like Amaura's Hyper Voice due to Soundproof. Encore was put over Substitute because it let Mime Jr. turn many Pokemon into setup fodder. Baton Pass is, of course, obligatory on a Baton Pass team.

Set Details: 36 HP EVs give it an odd HP number, as always. 236 EVs in Defense and a Bold Nature max out Mime Jr.'s Defense, while the rest goes into its Special Defense. The leftover EVs are put into Speed because, in my humble opinion, that is always the first place leftover EVs should go.


Shelmet @ Eviolite
Ability: Shell Armor
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Def / 36 SpA / 156 SpD / 76 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Acid Armor
- Baton Pass
- Bug Buzz --> Spikes
- Recover

Summary: Shelmet is this team's safeguard against critical hits due to the beautiful ability known as Shell Armor. This lets it pass Acid Armors without having to worry about a critical hit ruining its day. It also is a last resort check to Dark types.

Moves: Acid Armor allows Shelmet to boost up, and after a +4 (i.e. 2 turns) it's nearly untouchable. Baton Pass is, as always, obligatory. Bug Buzz allows it to hit Dark types, and can hit reasonably hard after other members acquire some Special Attack boosts. Spikes was put on the set because it gave he team a way to break Focus Sashes and Sturdies, which are often annoying to deal with. Recover lets it, well, recover without the fear of critical hits, which is very useful for this team.

Set Details: Shelmet already has an odd HP stat, so there is no reason to invest in that. 236 EVs in Defense let it hit 18 Defense, which is an Eviolite number. 156 EVs and a Careful Nature boost its Special Defense to an Eviolite number. 76 Speed EVs were left over, and then the remaining EVs went into the Special Attack to let Bug Buzz hit a little bit harder.

Togepi @ Eviolite
Ability: Super Luck
Level: 5
EVs: 76 HP / 236 Def / 156 SpD / 36 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stored Power
- Nasty Plot
- Baton Pass
- Dazzling Gleam

Torchic @ Berry Juice
Ability: Speed Boost
Level: 5
EVs: 76 Def / 196 SpD / 236 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Protect
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Will-O-Wisp

Mienfoo @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 116 Def / 196 SpD / 156 Spe
Impish Nature
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch

Munna @ Eviolite
Ability: Forewarn
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 68 HP / 156 Def / 156 SpD / 84 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Baton Pass
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Dazzling Gleam

Mime Jr. @ Berry Juice
Ability: Soundproof
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 236 Def / 196 SpD / 36 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Barrier
- Encore
- Baton Pass
- Calm Mind

Shelmet @ Eviolite
Ability: Shell Armor
Level: 5
EVs: 236 Def / 36 SpA / 156 SpD / 76 Spe
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Acid Armor
- Baton Pass
- Spikes
- Recover
This area is for members that are no longer on the team. They may be gone, but they are not forgotten.


Natu @ Eviolite
Ability: Magic Bounce / Synchronize
Level: 5
EVs: 36 HP / 236 Def / 236 SpD
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind / Baton Pass
- Roost
- Stored Power
- Dazzling Gleam

Summary: Natu is a great Pokemon on Baton Pass teams, since it's the only Pokemon in Little Cup with access to Magic Bounce. Unfortunately, Baton Pass and Magic Bounce are incompatible since Natu only got Baton Pass from a special event in Generation 3 and Magic Bounce is its Dream World ability, released in Generation 5. If you want to, you can run Baton Pass on Natu and Synchronize instead of Magic Bounce, this doesn't usually affect you too much.

Moves: Calm Mind lets Natu set up and make Stored Power even stronger (it's affected by the Special Attack modifier outside of counting the boosts), but Baton Pass is an option if you so choose. Roost allows Natu to recover HP, which means that it can set up more easily. However, it should be noted that the more times Natu is hit, the more likely it is to be hit by a critical hit. Stored Power is hugely powerful once Natu has acquired a few boosts, and it's most of what makes Baton Pass successful. Dazzling Gleam is, once again, for Dark types.

Set Details: 36 HP EVs allow Natu to reach an odd HP number, which is especially important given its weakness to Stealth Rock. 236 EVs in Defense and Special Defense hit Eviolite numbers. A Timid Nature is used because there wasn't much point putting it anywhere else, so it ought to go in Speed because that is the single most important stat in Little Cup.

This team is probably the greatest team ever built, and everyone should use it. That being said, even as brilliant a mind as mine couldn't have built this team without support from my friends. Firstly, I'd like to thank the academy. Thanks to Aerow for being a Wiking nerd and banning Diglett, TheFenderStory for being a teambuilding buddy, Pancham for being bae and beating me at LC UU every time we play, Yagura for being cool guy and reviving LC UU, gangsterish for being a cool guy and having a koala for an avatar, QuoteCS for following me on Twitter and starting the LC Swiss Tour, Goddess Briyella for giving me voice in the LC Room, Splashyship for being my new favorite person, Archem for being cool new guy, Rowan for finally dropping Fletchling to A+, Mambo for having a drummer avatar and generally being a cool guy (also TFS and him are bros so I couldn't just have TFS in here), Aaron's Aron for being really nice to noobs and making the Speed Tiers thread, boo836 for being an awful person and (ab)using trapping teams, Melonz for being a melon and being generally cool guy, all the fgts who hang out in the Little Cup Room on PS!, and anyone I forgot you can just post below and I'll add you in here.



I hope you enjoyed reading this and you enjoy your new-found skill based on my ONE EASY TRICK! Just use this team, and you'll literally never lose and your penis will grow 7 inches in just two days!*
*This is not a legally binding statement but it is based upon scientifical evidence, I have played many times with this team and never lost.
Sidenote: if you took this team seriously, you may need to have your noggin examined.
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Hi there, Infamy!

This is an interesting team you have here; I actually made one very similar to this a while back, and because I used a Baton Pass in LC extensively, I am familiar with the weak points of it. The first thing I want to say is that Baton Pass in Little Cup auto-loses to Haze Surskit, Taunt Mienfoo, or Swords Dance Fletchling, and there isn't much you can do about that if you want to keep the team a Baton Pass team. I know that this team is kind of a joke, but there are a few things you can do with it to make it better as long as you don't run into the things highlighted in red (problems that cannot be fixed without totally changing virtually the entire team).


Munna @ Eviolite
Ability: Forewarn
Level: 5
EVs: 68 HP / 156 Def / 156 SpD / 84 Spe
Bold Nature
- Baton Pass
- Substitute
- Stored Power
- Dazzling Gleam

Because Magic Bounce is incompatible with Baton Pass on Natu, I'd like to suggest replacing Natu with Munna. There's no reason to run a Stored Power user on a Baton Pass team with less bulk and unnecessary weaknesses when this alternative exists. The only issue Munna would have with this moveset that Natu has less of an issue with is taking Bug Buzz, but nothing in Little Cup is a threat with this move, so it's not a very relevant flaw.

Even if you use Magic Bounce on Natu and plan to use it as your final recipient, it's still ruined if you have to pass to Natu to block a status move like Taunt or Whirlwind, because your chain will end and you'd have to hard switch or lose Natu to start it over.


Mienfoo @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 76 Atk / 36 Def / 196 SpD / 236 Spe -> 156 Spe
Timid Nature -> Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Calm Mind -> Bulk Up
- Aura Sphere -> Drain Punch

I'd like to suggest these changes to your Mienfoo set. There's no reason to not run Bulk Up and Drain Punch here. Mienfoo's Attack is higher than its Special Attack is, Drain Punch restores health whereas Aura Sphere does not, and your team already has plenty of special boosters. Only 16 Speed is necessary here because of the boosts you'll get from Torchic's Speed Boost, so I moved some Speed into Attack in the EV spread as well.

This concludes my rate! I hope I made your gimmick better you found my suggestions useful and I wish you continued luck with your team unless you face Surskit or Fletchling lol!
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Hi there, Infamy!

This is an interesting team you have here; I actually made one very similar to this a while back, and because I used a Baton Pass in LC extensively, I am familiar with the weak points of it. The first thing I want to say is that Baton Pass in Little Cup auto-loses to Haze Surskit, Taunt Mienfoo, or Swords Dance Fletchling, and there isn't much you can do about that if you want to keep the team a Baton Pass team. I know that this team is kind of a joke, but there are a few things you can do with it to make it better as long as you don't run into the things highlighted in red (problems that cannot be fixed without totally changing virtually the entire team).


Munna @ Eviolite
Ability: Forewarn
Level: 5
EVs: 68 HP / 156 Def / 156 SpD / 84 Spe
Bold Nature
- Baton Pass
- Substitute
- Stored Power
- Dazzling Gleam

Because Magic Bounce is incompatible with Baton Pass on Natu, I'd like to suggest replacing Natu with Munna. There's no reason to run a Stored Power user on a Baton Pass team with less bulk and unnecessary weaknesses when this alternative exists. The only issue Munna would have with this moveset that Natu has less of an issue with is taking Bug Buzz, but nothing in Little Cup is a threat with this move, so it's not a very relevant flaw.

Even if you use Magic Bounce on Natu and plan to use it as your final recipient, it's still ruined if you have to pass to Natu to block a status move like Taunt or Whirlwind, because your chain will end and you'd have to hard switch or lose Natu to start it over.


Mienfoo @ Eviolite
Ability: Regenerator
Level: 5
EVs: 76 Atk / 36 Def / 196 SpD / 236 Spe -> 156 Spe
Timid Nature -> Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Baton Pass
- Calm Mind -> Bulk Up
- Aura Sphere -> Drain Punch

I'd like to suggest these changes to your Mienfoo set. There's no reason to not run Bulk Up and Drain Punch here. Mienfoo's Attack is higher than its Special Attack is, Drain Punch restores health whereas Aura Sphere does not, and your team already has plenty of special boosters. Only 16 Speed is necessary here because of the boosts you'll get from Torchic's Speed Boost, so I moved some Speed into Attack in the EV spread as well.

This concludes my rate! I hope I made your gimmick better you found my suggestions useful and I wish you continued luck with your team unless you face Surskit or Fletchling lol!
Munna definitely seems like it fits better on this team, I'll make TFS remind me to put it on there later. As for Foo, Bulk Up is definitely an option that I'll consider, but I think that if I do I'm going to go with 116 Def / 196 SpD / 156 Spe with an Impish nature instead. However, that leaves me with only one Calm Mind user, which makes the team significantly weaker to special attackers, especially seeing as I'm switching out Natu for Munna. I might go with CM over Sub on Munna if I do use BU Foo. Thanks for the suggestions!
Natu can't have baton pass at level 5, it only gets it from being purified in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, and to have it, it must be lvl 22 or higher.
Ah, my bad. Definitely switching to Munna then.
^ they're right. Get rid of pass altogether.

Also excuse you, I might be awful but I don't abuse trapping that much.
You do it more than anybody else tbh
yeah zf go already :U
The better Munna set is cm/stored power/moonlight/bp. And Encore on Mime Jr. Is really good.
im ashamed that a tutee of mine is using bp ;_;

also mienfoo is a lot better bulk up passing because it can actually do damage
im ashamed that a tutee of mine is using bp ;_;

also mienfoo is a lot better bulk up passing because it can actually do damage
youre prolly just angry you have a small dick that youre so bad

mienfoo isnt supposed to do damage tho its there for pawn and other darks, but ill prolly use it anyway lol
rockblast onix with roar. ggwp
wtf is this trash smfh

Anyway, I have made some modifications to the team, and I'll edit the OP with them tomorrow. They are as follows:


Natu isn't very useful, and Munna is both more bulky and hits harder. It also has the ability to continue the Baton Pass chain. This change has really helped the team out, so thanks to Goddess Briyella for suggesting it!


CM Foo wasn't doing a lot for the team, but the change to Bulk Up has really done the team some good- most members really appreciate the extra bulk. Once again, thanks Goddess Briyella for the idea!

Curse really wasn't very useful, and Will-O-Wisp lets Torchic cripple the opposing lead, which is very nice. Credit to Tahu for coming up with the idea and letting me steal it.

Bug Buzz really wasn't very useful, and Spikes are very useful for breaking Sturdies on Pokemon like Magnemite and Tirtouga. Tahu came up with the idea, and I hope he doesn't mind me putting this here.

Substitute hasn't been very useful, but Encore lets me turn a lot of Pokemon into setup fodder. Once again, Tahu is the man behind the curtain.


The team would really like a Pokemon that's immune to Spore and Leech Seed- i.e. a Grass type. Sewaddle is arguably the best candidate for this role, as well as having access to Calm Mind, Iron Defense, Agility, and Baton Pass. The problem with Shelmet was that you can't predict critical hits, so its ability really wasn't as useful as I initially anticipated. Sewaddle also gives the team a secondary Speed-passer, which is nice in case Torchic is critted or I misplay. I came up with this idea with Tahu who is a really awesome guy for coming up with all these ideas.

This is another Pokemon that I could switch out for Shelmet, my awesome friend and cool new user Archem came up with this idea. Deerling can be Passed into, and instead of just being immune to Spore/Sleep Powder/Leech Seed, it grabs a boost. It can also boost with Work Up, which lets it boost for both the physical and special members of the team.

This idea was once again that of Archem. He originally suggested Buneary in this slot, but because 1) I'm not a wannabe Tricking and 2) Aipom is a better "Fletch check" that can do pretty much everything Buneary does better. It's actually bulkier, and Fake Out is nice to break Sturdies. In the event that I did change this, I'd go with Ice Punch / Fake Out / Work Up or Agility or Nasty Plot (depends which I feel like lol) / Baton Pass.

Stuff I'm not sure about and I'd like to see a bit more discussion of:

I'm really not sure which to go with here, since both are very useful, but I'm leaning towards Moonlight right now because it lets Munna stay healthy throughout multiple passes and I have enough ways to deal with Dark types anyway in my opinion.

Also, here are some of the replays Archem saved from when he was playing with the team.
Hax-y battle vs. gangsterish http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-195220259
Not so hax-y battle vs. gangsterish http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-195223299
Mienfoo doing more than its fair share vs. "CanadianCuckold" http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-195230986
Will-O-Wisp proving its worth vs. "AJNoyr" http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-195232220
Good guy Archem sacks a boosted mon late-game so his opponent doesn't feel quite so bad and still wins vs. "supremedragoon" http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-195233458
Deerling has no mercy vs. "Ipektus" http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/lc-195243005

Here's his copy of the team he sent me with his changes: http://pastebin.com/imJaNSVt

Thanks to a lot of really helpful friends, this team has been significantly improved. Special thanks goes out to Goddess Briyella for suggesting BU Foo and Munna, Tahu for optimizing a ton of things for this team, and Archem for being an awesome guy and testing a lot with this team. I'll have the OP updated with the changes sometime tomorrow. Thanks for reading!
baton pass clause?

Doesn't exist in LC.

So this post actually has some substance, I've found that replacing Shelmet with Focus Sash Abra works well. The team currently is weak to things like SD Fletchling, SD Drilbur, Taunt Mienfoo, and Poison-types in general. Abra happens to deal with all of these extremely well. It's also a great recipient of Speed and Special Attack boosts. With regards to Shelmet, I've found that using Mime Jr. to boost Defense works just fine, and Mienfoo deals with Sturdy mons very well.
Doesn't exist in LC.

So this post actually has some substance, I've found that replacing Shelmet with Focus Sash Abra works well. The team currently is weak to things like SD Fletchling, SD Drilbur, Taunt Mienfoo, and Poison-types in general. Abra happens to deal with all of these extremely well. It's also a great recipient of Speed and Special Attack boosts. With regards to Shelmet, I've found that using Mime Jr. to boost Defense works just fine, and Mienfoo deals with Sturdy mons very well.
That sounds like a really good idea, but what moves would you suggest for the moves on SashBra? I remember you used Knock Off once, but what do you think is the best?
I switched Knock Off for Energy Ball because of Drilbur and Smashers. Otherwise, standard Psychic/Energy Ball/HP Fighting.
I'm necrobumping this for people who want to try playing BP before they make an opinion about it because of all the recent discussion of the playstyle.
That, and the title fits way better now :^)
I've also started working on a threatlist, check back later for that! :)